Micro Teching Final Exam

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NIM :2017011024044/ OFFERING B


1. how do you define MT (micro teaching)

2. why do you have to learn it ?
3. what do you learn generally in the MT course?
4. What are the differences between or among the curricula that you know?
5. Which one do you think much better and why?
6. What does a good/complete lesson plan contain?
7. What are the characteristics of a professional teacher?
8. What are the differences between dood teaching and eff ective teaching?
9. What does a teacher do in opening and closing the class?
10. How do you teach: A.reading B.structure C.vocabulary?
11. What are the 4 foundamental areas in a communicative language teaching?


1. Micro Teaching can be interpreted as a way of training teacher skills or teaching practices in
a small/ limited scope. According to Mc. Knight (1979) Micro Teaching has been described
as scaled down teaching encounter desingned to develop new skills a nd refine old ones.
From the above understanding it can be understood that Micro learning is a minimized
teaching nodule or also called real teaching.
2. because by learning it we can:
 developing and fostering certain skills of prospective teachers in teaching.
 get controlled teaching skills and can be practiced.
 we will get better training and teaching. (etc)

it is intended that we prospective teacher student can preare themselves as prospective

teachers who have the kknowledge , skill and attitude as professional and skilled
teachers in field of teacher training.

3. What I learned is :
 Develop teaching skill and having good attitude and behavior as a teacher.
The following are differences in the 2013 curriculum and KTSP:
 2013 Curriculum

SKL (Graduates Competency Standards) are determined in advance, through Permendikbud

No 54 of 2013. After that the Content Standards are determined, which are determined by the
Basic Curriculum Framework, as outlined in Permendikbud No 67, 68, 69, and 70 of 2013


The content standards are determined in advance through Permendiknas No. 22 of 2006. After
that SKL (Graduates Competency Standards) are determined through Permendiknas No. 23 of

 . 2013 curriculum

The targeted competency aspect is the balance of soft and hard skills given competency, skills
and knowledge


put more emphasis on aspects of knowledge

 2013 curriculum

at the Integrated Thematic Elementary School for classes I-VI


at the Integrated Thematic Elementary School for classes I-III

 2013 Curriculum

The number of hours of study per week is greater and the number of subjects more than KTSP


There are fewer hours of study and more subjects than the 2013 Curriculum

 2013 curriculum

The learning process of each theme at the elementary level and all subjects at the junior /
senior / vocational level is carried out with scientific learning (scientific approach), which is a
standard process in learning consisting of Observing, Asking, Processing, Presenting,
Presenting, and Creating.


The standard process in learning consists of Exploration, Elaboration, and Confirmation

 2013 Curriculum

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is not a subject, it is recommended as a

learning medium


ICT as a subject

 2013 curriculum

Assessment Standards use assessment, which measures all competency attitudes, skills, and
knowledge about the process and results.


His assessment is more dominant in the knowledge aspect

 2013 curriculum

Scouts become extracurricular mandatory


Scouting is not a mandatory extracurricular

 2013 Curriculum

Pemintan (Majors) starting from class X for high school / MA levels


Majors starting class XI

 2013 Curriculum

BK is more serious about developing students' potential


BK is more on solving students' problems

5. From the comparison of the two curricula, I agree to use KTSP 2006.
 This relates to KTSP 2006 students are more easily facilitated in receiving material
that is permitted by the teacher. For consideration students who are taught with
specific material will find it easier to digest material that is combined and approved.
Requiring for K-13 students more need extra tutoring lessons for their knowledge
needs using KTSP 2006.
6. A good lesson plan contain of
 Necessary materials
 Clear objectives.
 Background knowledge
 Direct instruction
 Student practice
 Closure
 Demonstration of learning .
7. Character of professional teachers is :
 have knowledge of scientific disciplines as a source of study material.
 mastery of the field of study as a learning object
 knowledge of the characteristics of the development of students.
 knowledge and mastery of various general and special learning processes.
 mastering the technique of observing the learning process
 mastery of various teaching methods and models.
 mastering the techniques of planning and developing learning programs.
 have knowledge about the dynamics of the interaction between humans in
 9 has knowledge of the education system
 have mastery of techniques to obtain information needed for the benefit of the
learning process.
8. The different is

Effective teaching

 is the ability to develop relationships with their students.

 Knowledge of learners
 Patient ,caring and ,kind personality
 Dedication to teaching
 Engaging students in learning

Good teaching is

 Meaningful assesment
 differentation
 Literacy
 Technology
 creavity

9. In opening
 The teacher must prepare the student’s mentality to be ready to enter the issues to be
discussed , and arouse students’ interest and attantion to what will be discussed in the
learning activities

In clossing the class

Summarize or summarize the main points of the lesson.
Consolliate student’s attantiom on the main issue of discussion so that the
information recieved can arouse interest and ability towards the nesxt lesson.
 Orgnizing all the lessons that have been learned so that it requires meaningful needs
in understanding the subject matter.
 Provide follow-up in the form of suggestion as well as invitations so that new
material is studied.
10. Reading :
 Teach th aphabet
 Teach sounds
 Teach short , one syllable words
 Teach sight words
 Build vocabulary
 Build fluency
 Test reading comprehension

Speaking :

 Transfering L 1 strategies
 Formal/informal language
 Vague language
 Different spoken text types
 Inteactive listening
 Real interaction patterns
 Understanding spokenn English
 Prepation and rehearsal
 Real-life tasks.

Vocabulary :

 Noticing and understanding new words

-introducing noun ,thing ,object ,animal , etc
-introduction adjective
-introduction abstract
 Recognizing news words
-fill in the blanks (with option)
 Producing vocabulary
-fill in the blank (no options)
-mind maps or brainstroming
-Guess what I’m thinking
11. 4 fundamental is
 The information processing family
 The personal family
 The social family
 Behavioral models of teaching
 Subject material to be taught
 The goal to be achieved.
 Use method that i considered most approppriate and also use the appropriate tools.
 The relationship between methods and facilities , time ,and place.

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