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A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School Department
San Pedro College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research I


Bernice Arabelle Casane Elesterio

Hannah Lorraine Lamanilao de Vera
Rhyme Marie Sim Cabangbang
Peter Andre Casiano
Marianne Ebero Edar
Denise Marie Songahid Manit
Lisa Marie Caberte Mesiona
Mechaella Tugade Pabo
Percephone Rabia Razonable
Heart Ken Bitancor Tranquilan

March, 2020

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 4

Literature Review ...................................................................................................... 6

Intent of the Study ...................................................................................................10

Theoretical Lens ......................................................................................................10

Significance of the Study ........................................................................................ 11

Scope and Delimitations .........................................................................................12

METHODS ....................................................................................................................13

Research Design ......................................................................................................13

Sampling ..................................................................................................................14

Participants of the Study .........................................................................................14

Research Instruments .............................................................................................15

Data Gathering Procedure .......................................................................................15

Analysis of Data .......................................................................................................17

Ethical Considerations ............................................................................................18

REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................19

APPENDICES ...............................................................................................................21

Appendix A (Interview guide) ..................................................................................21

Appendix B (Consent Forms)..................................................................................22

Appendix C (Time Table) .........................................................................................29

Appendix D (Curriculum Vitae) ...............................................................................30

Federalism is significantly a globally-implemented government feature in recent

community of politics, this system divides power between the national government and

local government units (What is a Federal Government? - Definition, Powers & Benefits,

2015). According to the 2019 statistical data provided by the Forum of federations, 25

federal countries of about 40% of the total population are living among these areas

(Forum of Federations, 2019).

Most states within unitary countries face unethical situations relating to their

national government’s tyranny gaining authoritative control over their economic

resources which also leads to them violating the rights and freedom of their citizens

(Gaille, 2018). On the contrary, a federal country divides state power and promotes self-

rule (Nivola, 2005) which gives more advantage to regions that aim to develop

independently. However, this may also be an impediment to developing states to actually

make progress without the central governments’ assistance, hence, hypercentralized

states. Do people reflect on how federalism enables a stable or diverse relationship

within states while preserving internal growth or will it only be a hindrance to regions in

their dependency to the national government?

Before President Rodrigo Duterte’s term in presidency, the Duterte Administration has

already eyed for Federalism. President Duterte’s campaign forces a change in political

system as he believes that charter change may be the best means to address situations

and problems present in the country (Alipon, 2014). According to a survey, 37% of the

Filipinos support President Duterte’s campaign, 29% object, while 34% are still

undecided. Although most government workers believe that due to lack of knowledge the
Perceptions of the…5

Filipinos possess, federalism would only separate each LGUs completely and not

grouped as federal states (Mangahas, 2018).

President Duterte stated that the current unitary form of government is not the

solution towards the ethno-religious conflicts which the Mindanao people face

particularly in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. Multi-ethnicity has been the

primary reason as to why people from Mindanao think implementing federalism may

achieve a peace agreement in the country. President Duterte called on lawmakers to

support and carry out this move, especially in order to maximize the potential for regional

development and for Mindanao to overcome decades of unrest (Mateo, n.d.).

The issue of Unitary-Presidential form of government in the Philippines has been

controversial for years. Our educational system cannot set standards than that

compared to other federal states because we cannot mandate standardized tests and

supervise college and universities’ funding from the national government. Socio-ethnic

conflicts, poverty, corruption, illegal drugs and the rising number of the outlaws are some

of the major issues that the country still faces. The disadvantages of applying the said

government system is the provision of exclusivity to the locals nonetheless encouraging

ethnicity rather than developing national character. Secondly, despite the fact that

centralized power disrupts the monetary state in each region, federalism may not be the

solution to individual state-development because, economically, there are currently only

three regions in the Philippines that can survive on its own (Ma and Montemayor, 2018).

Giving unlimited presidential power is the common cause of coercive and

tyrannical leadership in most countries. There are about 150 countries including Japan,

China and France that are still under an authoritative type of government according to
Perceptions of the…6

Chegg statistical data. Japan has seen the reforms of local governance which includes

Comprehensive Decentralization Law, but has not yet succeeded these reforms. They

have experienced worse economic stagnation for more than a decade, this was

characterized by low inflation, underemployment of university graduates, and fiscal loss

(Hallen, 2019). Addressing the dismantling of centralized power, allowing reforms to be

applied at prefecture levels can possibly be the answer to the country’s economic

stagnation. This scheme enables each region the freedom to follow their own strategies

without interference by the national government.

Federalism is beneficial especially to government employees (Philippine

Federalism and Its Effect on Your Employment, 2018). There would be more job

openings without the government assigning you to a specific area, social needs will be

tailored, and there would be a fair share of division of taxes to Local Government Units

(LGUs); However, there would still be disadvantages because of the possibility of lower


The researchers would like to know what government workers from Davao region

think about shifting to another form of government, would their insights focus on the

positive effects despite the system’s costly reform? Or would they reflect on the

consequences and disregard this campaign?

Literature Review

The University of the Philippines proposed that strengthening local communities

underlies why federalism is important to some political officials in the country, specifically

from those which struggles to develop economically. Most leaders see a shift in federal

form as the only solution to suffice their local needs especially in monetary situations
Perceptions of the…7

and sociocultural conflicts.

In the article Does Federalism make sense for the Philippines, the campaign of

President Rodrigo Duterte to reform the form of government in the country has sparked

a backlash from parts of the communities ranging from the media, church and including

the business sector. President Duterte further noted that if made, a federal form of

government would probably cause the country severe distress.

The book Advantages and Disadvantages of Federalism presented several

advantages of a federal government such as protection from tyranny, increasing

participation of citizens, and increase in effectiveness; however, it also has its

disadvantages, such as protecting segregation and slavery, inequality between states,

less implementation of national policies, etc. He believes that there are more advantages

than disadvantages. He supports the system of federalism and agrees with the benefits.

He thinks that the system is surpasses even to the parliamentary, cabinet, and

confederation system found in various countries.

In the book Federalism and Decentralization by Hofmeister and Tayao,

LOGODEF and the Konrad Adanauer Foundation both organized an international event

in 2015 that looks up to various kinds of federal systems in countries specifically in Asia

and Europe to determine what would be the most ideal and applicable form to implement

in the Philippines and one of their subjects is decentralization in the government and

pursuing federalism in the Philippines, the context of state and democratization. The

book suggests that reforms should be understood clearly not just by political leaders, but

also by the citizens. Shifting to another form of government is risky, the better option is to

look for another opportunity to push for reform.

Perceptions of the…8

Doguiles stated in his article, The Concept of Federalism, the inclusion of how

prospective drawbacks will impact the country. Commissioner Dr. J Prospero E. De Vera

explains that the pattern of development in the country is uneven across regions and

that is why federalism is the solution; however, there are only three states in the country

that can survive on its own in terms of economic resources.

Jakobsen looks into what gives federations better abilities to survive challenges.

He used a case study approach as an information gathering tool and process to analyze

the information provided. Most countries see risk in political reforms such as federalism

to address numerous situations in a country like corruption, poverty, etc. Results show

that economics can be an important factor in keeping the processes in a federal country


The study of Casing aimed to provide policy recommendations to serve as

guidance for allocating national government revenues and obligations to the LGU's

agenda of moving to a form of federal government. He also used the case study

approach and the case study had government workers as participants. Results and

Implications showed that the LGU in the Philippines are ready for any positive changes

in the system. They have waited 26 years since the implementation of the Local

Government Code. Defects in the current system of finance and function assignment

have been around since the Local Government Code of 1991. The current system has

clearly shown the need for improvement.

Castañeda explained objectives included in the current form of government and

compared it to President Duterte’s proposed federal government to identify if the current

system has been effective and efficient and understand why President Duterte pushes
Perceptions of the…9

for a federal form of government. She used phenomenology as an approach. Results

have shown that federalism can help solve the conflict in the ARMM between the

militants and government and will enable citizens to take part in the state of government

to help address problems and eradicate criminality.

Eclevia, et al. (2018), determined the extent of knowledge of Senior High School

students regarding Federalism, and to know their views about it. They used a

Descriptive method as their approach. Their participants are 10 students per section of

grade 12 SHS students; ages 16-18 yrs. old, a total of 340 respondents. The

researchers conclude that, except for the students under the HUMSS strand, the present

grade 12 XUSHS student population does not have sufficient knowledge about the basic

concepts of federalism. Most of them were neutral regarding the issue because they

lacked information and knowledge about it. However, those who do have ample grasp of

the concepts of federalism viewed it positively, supporting its legalization in the country.

Miral elaborated the prospective of federalism through providing objectives,

which are the following:

1. This seeks to recognize the possible gains of federalism to the Philippines in the light

of its limitations to development.

2. Its goal is to present the institutional principles and governance of Philippine

development constraints.

3. Examine the country's introduction of decentralization.

4. Remember how federalism concepts and functionality can logically overcome the

same restriction.
Perceptions of the…10

He used case study approach. Decentralization has been conducted largely by

transferring spending roles to local governments, without the revenue increasing powers

proportionately. The principles and design of federalism is generally accustomed to the

provision of the organic act of ARMM and the local powers to state governments.

Intent of the Study

The purpose of this descriptive research is to describe the perceptions of

government workers from Davao region and insights about federalism as a result of

charter change.

Theoretical Lens

The human perspective is complex, it changes from time to time because of

social factors (Kiecolt, 1994), especially in perception to political reforms. Various

reasons can be associated with the formation of human perception regarding politics

such as social influence, civic engagement, personal experiences, media, etc.

In Huseyin Cinoglu’s article about identity formation, Cinoglu presented three

different theories on mind perception particularly how people form different perspectives

on numerous phenomena. The social identity theory suggests that the mind is influenced

by engaging in group activities, an individual may associate his or her actions and way of

thinking to that group. This can be related to how people see political reforms in one or

more perspective, the society that a person engages in is his or her primary basis for

outlook-formation, whether the group approves of a particular government system or not,

this affects the person’s perspective to develop a sense of belongingness.

The second theory is personal identity theory which states that human

perspective is formed by adaptation of personal characteristics, this emphasizes a sense

Perceptions of the…11

of self-built personality or autonomy rather than of social influence (Baumeister, 1986). In

formation of views for political reforms, for example, an individual may support political

reforms because his values encourage him to promote a shift in government system. In

other words, personal traits, characteristics or values will pave the way of perception-


The last theory is self-identity theory, the formation starts with self-categorization

where an individual reflects on his assigned role, then the person develops his

perception and at the same time develops relationship to others (by self-merging) with

the same point-of-views (McCall and Simons, 1987). In other words, an individual will

adapt the nature of those interactives in which molds the person’s perspective.

Therefore, the self-identity theory is influenced by a person’s self-internalization and

interaction between other identities. Opinions and perspective of people regarding

charter change is possibly developed through self-reflection and influence by other


Therefore, these theories will help the researchers in knowing the factors that

affects the opinions and perspective of the participants towards charter change.

Significance of the Study

Federalism started around late 1700’s created by the advocates of the federal

system as this would separate national and local government along with divided power

and authority, unfortunately, the knowledge of the people in the matter of federalism is

poor, the results of the study will be beneficial to the government workers, for this study

will enlighten them of the possible advantages and disadvantages of federalism,

moreover, it will make them aware of how various government workers perceive charter
Perceptions of the…12

change and federalism. The public, it will serve as a source for them to gain insights and

build up knowledge about charter change and federalism. Government Officials and

Legislators, it will enable them to recognize their actions towards their position in the

government furthermore be informed of the effects of charter change and federalism to

their people and government lastly future researchers, the study will also be in use as a

source or reference for future researchers who will also conduct the same study in order

to distinguish what has been done and what needs to be done.

Scope and Delimitations

The general intent of this study is to know the perceptions toward charter change

with the focus on workers of the government. It mainly identifies issues that surround the

adoption of federalism and a shift towards charter change.

This study will be conducted within Davao region with limited participants. The

participants who will be interviewed will come from Davao region, particularly the

government workers. There will be data gathering such as interviews and observation but

with a limited time allotted only. The study is expected to be done in 1 to 2 months.
Research Design

The research design aims to provide a fitting structure for the analysis. The

decision of choosing a research design is very significant because it defines how

relevant information is gathered; however, the process includes very complex decisions

(Sileyew, 2019). The research design discusses the data collection procedure and

sampling techniques to be used.

The method to be used for this study will be descriptive qualitative design. This

design using interviews is appropriate to discover the different perceptions of

government workers from Davao region. Government workers shall be the chosen

participants of the study through purposive sampling based on their involvement and

knowledge with Federalism. The researchers will be conducting interviews to every

chosen samples from every local government departments (City administrator, City

Accounting, Budget Office, Treasurer's Office, Engineer's Office, Social Welfare

Development Office, City Assessor's Office, etc.) and also other government employees

(public teachers, soldiers, police, etc.) to represent the various perspectives and insights

of the employees brought to this topic.

The primary modes of data collection to be used will be open-ended interviews

and field notes. These provide the data to develop a deeper understanding of

perceptions among government workers towards charter change and will enable

thorough results to help answer the study’s research questions.

Perceptions of the…14


Due to limited financial resources, there is still a need to sample participants for

the interview (Saunders et al., 2007). There is no need to collect data from the whole

population as this consumes time. The sampling method that will be used is purposive

sampling. Purposive sampling allows the researchers to freely choose their participants

based on their own judgements, this will attain to the collection of enough data which

helps answer the research questions (Foley, 2018). The sample size will be 40

government workers wherein each participant who will be representing each government

department (City Administrator, City Accounting, Budget Office, Treasurer's Office,

Engineer's Office, Social Welfare Development Office, City Assessor's Office, Planning

Development Coordinator's Office, Health Office, Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Office, Local Civil Registrar and Sangguniang Bayan) shall be interviewed. The

researchers will also be including employees working in public administrations such as

teachers, nurses, etc.

Participants of the Study

The participants in our study will be regular government workers which are the

employees or any person appointed to any civil service of the local agency of any state

that have a work contract between June, 30, 2016 to June 30, 2020. Our participants will

only be limited to government workers because people who work for the government

have a wider view on the issue, which means the exclusion of individuals working in

business agencies, the self-employed, students, etc.

Perceptions of the…15

Research Instruments

In conducting this qualitative study, the researchers will have semi-structured

interviews, face-to-face, with the chosen participants. The researchers will be using an

interview guide. The participants will be asked a series of open-ended questions

personally made by the researchers, which will be communicated orally. The information

that will be gathered will be recorded using a smartphone audio recorder and by taking

down keyword notes to keep track of the whole interview. The data of the audio will be

stored into a compact disk, which will be used for the validation of the interviews

conducted. The data will be disposed by reformatting the disk or by physically destroying

the hard disk and the written notes.

Data Gathering Procedure

To conduct this study the researchers will follow certain steps to gather the

necessary data from the chosen participants.

First of all, the researchers shall seek approval from the authorized personnel to

conduct the study. Before the researchers can have their interview, they first need to

write a formal letter addressing the program head of the Senior High School department.

They also need to compose a letter to each of the department heads of the City

Government of Davao to permit them to conduct the interview in the premises.

The second step is to create the guide questions. The guide questions will be

composed using the English language. The researchers will use open-ended questions.

Thus, allowing the participants to freely answer with more information. This will allow

researchers to probe even deeper and have better access to the participants’ true

feelings and thoughts.

Perceptions of the…16

The third step will be to present the study to the panelists. The researchers will

revise the study according to their recommendations and confirm the set of questions

that will be used in the interview.

The fourth step of the researchers is to submit a manuscript to the Research

Ethics Committee (REC) for the ethical review of the proposal. After securing REC

certificate the researchers can start the recruitment of the participants.

The fifth step will be the recruitment of the participants and asking their

permission to be a part of the study. The sample size will be 40 government workers, the

researchers will select 1 participant each from different government divisions and they

will also include government workers such as public teachers, nurses etc. The

participants will be chosen using the purposive sampling technique. Before collecting the

data, the researchers must secure informed consents after orienting the participants

about the study.

The sixth step shall be identifying the area/s where the interviews will be


The seventh step is to conduct the interviews.

After gathering all the needed information, the researchers will express their

gratitude towards the participants. The eighth step will be transcribing the audio

recordings of the interviews.

Lastly, the researchers will organize and analyze the gathered data using the

chosen analytical approach. The researchers will discuss, analyze and clarify the results

until they come up with the conclusion.

Perceptions of the…17

Analysis of Data

Data analysis in qualitative research organizes the information collected through

finding similarities and differences to create meaning and results to present it clearly to

others (Wong, 2008). This research follows a descriptive approach which generally

collects qualitative information to be used for analysis of the sample. The analysis of this

study may include transcription of interviews and data display wherein arrangement of

ideas is intended to produce a relevant analysis.

The analysis to be used in this research will be thematic analysis wherein the

researchers interpret and examine the data to present results based on the topic and

patterns. Thematic analysis draws on interpretation of results using systematic and

rigorous methods (Guest et al., 2012). Using this method in analyzing the output from

the participants shall thoroughly identify and analyze explanations of the different

perceptions presented by the participants. Thematic analysis shall also arrange the data

to report findings and summarize explanations according to the standpoint of every

interviewee with accordance to the goals and objectives of the study.

Perceptions of the…18

Ethical Considerations

By partaking in this study, the respondent will be able to voice out his/her opinion

on the subject matter. He/she may also learn more data regarding the topic.

All participants in this study shall be treated as autonomous. No one shall be

forced to partake in this study. Partakers have the freedom to withdraw their participation

in the study and shall not be forced to change their decision. Vulnerable participants

(e.g. minors, persons with disability, mentally incapacitated individuals) will only be

included under specific circumstances. Researchers shall provide full and accurate

information about the topic.


Every participant shall be treated with equality and fairness. Researchers are

only allowed to ask questions related to the study. Vulnerable participants (e.g. people

with mental health issues, persons with disability) shall be overseen by a professional.


This study shall not impose harm on the participants. Questions should be

designed in a way that it does not intentionally hurt participants.


Araneta, G. (2018, July 19). Federalism in our past. Manila Bulletin.

Baumeister, R. F. (1986). Identity, Cultural Change, and the Struggle for Self. Oxford
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Cervantes, F. (2018, March 2). Federalism 101: Things we need to know. Philippine
News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1027202
De La Cruz, H. (2019). Federalism in Philippines, explained. KAMI.
Eclevia, A.R., Garcia, S., Gualberto, H.I., Marquez, K., Orio, C.L., Salaan, N.,
Sumampong, E.M., … Velasco, S.R.A. (2018) Knowledge and Perceptions of
Grade 12 Xavier University Senior High School Students Regarding President
Rodrigo Duterte’s Quest for Federalism. [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Xavier
University – Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de oro, Philippines.
Esterberg, K. (2001). Qualitative Methods in Social Research.
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Guest, G., Macqueen, K., & Namey, E. (2012). Applied Thematic Analysis.
Countries Archive. (n.d.). Forum of Federations. Retrieved March 28, 2020, from
Gaille, B. (2018). 17 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Unitary Government.
Guest, G., Macqueen, K., Namey, E. (2011). Applied Thematic Analysis.
Hallen, J (2014). Federalism is the Key to Japan's Economic Doldrums. Forbes.
Holdstedt, M. (2006). Federalism: History and Current Issues.
Kiecolt, K. J. (1994). Stress and the decision to change oneself: A theoretical model.
Social Psychology Quarterly, 57, 49-6
Perceptions of the…20

Lantion (2018). Federalism will bring Mindanao peace. Manila Standard.

Ma, & Montemayor, T. (2018). Federalism is key to responsive higher education: CHED
chief. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1055621
Mangahas, M. (n.d.). Federalism fuzzy to Filipinos. Inquirer.Net. Retrieved March 26,
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Mateo, K. M. (n.d.). All systems go for systemic shift to Federalism in Mindanao –
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McCall, G. J. and Simmons, J. L. (1978). Identities and interactions. Free Press
Alipon, J. (2014). Duterte wants Cha-cha for federalism. ABS-CBN News.
Nivola, P. S. (2005, October). Why Federalism Matters. Brookings; Brookings.
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Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2007) Research Methods for Business Students.
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Sileyew, K. J. (2019). Research Design and Methodology. Text Mining - Analysis,
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Wiseman, R. (n.d.). Advantages & Disadvantages of Federalism. Bloomp.
Wong, L. (2008). Data analysis in qualitative research: a brief guide to using nvivo.
Malaysian Family Physician: The Official Journal of the Academy of Family
Physicians of Malaysia, 3(1), 14–20.
Perceptions of the…21


Appendix A (Interview guide)

Question 1:

What is your personal view about President Rodrigo Duterte’s proposal on Federalism in

the Philippines?

Sub-question 1:

Will Federalism be the solution to the Mindanao socio-ethnic conflict? Why?

Sub-question 2:

Knowing that only about three states could survive independently, how do you

think can shifting into another form of government shall help economic

stagnation, corruption, and poverty in the country?

Question 2:

How would you define the socio-ethnic conflict in Mindanao?

Question 3:

Could Federalism be the solution to corruption, poverty, and illegal drugs?

Question 4:

How do you think this region will thrive independently without the national government’s

Perceptions of the…22

Appendix B (Consent Forms)


[Informed Consent Form for _________________________]

This informed consent form is for the student leaders specifically Sandigan, the

student council in San Pedro College and to those who we are inviting to participate in

our research titled “Perceptions of the Government Workers towards Charter Change”.

Part 1: Information Sheet


We, the group 1 research group from Grade 11 – A1, are doing a research on the

perspective of government workers on Federalism which is a political issue that the

country faces. We will be providing you information and invite you to be a part of our

study. You do not have to decide today whether or not you will participate in the

research. Before you decide, you can talk to anyone you feel comfortable with about the

research. This consent form may contain words that you do not understand. Please ask

us to stop as we go through the information and we will take time to explain. If you have

questions later, you can ask me or another researcher.


Federalism has become controversial over the years as President Duterte

proposed this new form of government due to the fact that the Unitary-Presidential form

is not helping the economic state of our country. We want to know what the Filipino

people, specifically the Davaoeños, think about the implementation of this system. We

believe that your opinions of this issue will help us broaden our view and perspectives.
Perceptions of the…23

We want to learn about the advantages and disadvantages that this system shall bring in

our country, if it shall be beneficial or not.

Research Intervention

This research shall involve your participation in an interview that will take about

30-60 minutes of your time.

Participant Selection

You are being invited to take part in this research because we feel that your

knowledge regarding this issue as a government employee might contribute much to our

understanding of Federalism.

Voluntary Participation

Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. You have the choice

whether to participate or not. If you choose not to participate all the services you receive

will continue and nothing will change.

The choice that you make will have no effect towards your job or on any work-

related activity. You may change your mind later and stop participating.


A. We are asking you to help us understand more about Federalism. If you accept

our invite for you to take part in our research, you will be asked to answer

specific questions that we will be providing.

B. During the interview, I or another interviewer will sit down with you in a specific

place at the venue. If you do not wish to answer any of the questions during the
Perceptions of the…24

interview, you may say so and the interviewer will move on to the next question.

No one else but the interviewer will be present unless you would like someone

else to be there. The information recorded is confidential, and no one else except

the researchers will access to the information documented during your interview.

The entire interview will be audio recorded but no one will be identified by name

on the audio. The recorded audio will be kept in a safe compartment. The

information recorded is confidential and no one else except the researchers will

have access to the audio. The audio will be erased after weeks of gathering



The research takes place over 60 days, a total of three months. During that time,

we will visit you twice for interviewing you and the interview will last for about 30-60



There is a risk that you may share some personal or confidential information by

chance or that you may feel uncomfortable talking about some of the topics. However,

we do not wish for this to happen. You do not have to answer any question or take part

in the discussion if you feel that the question(s) are too personal or if it makes you feel



There will be no direct benefit to you, but your participation is likely to help us find

out more about how Federalism will enable a stable community or not in the future.
Perceptions of the…25


You will be provided snacks as token of appreciation for taking part in the



The research being done in the government establishment may draw attention

and if you participate you may be asked questions by other people in the community. We

will not be sharing information about you to anyone outside of the research group. The

information that we collect from this research project will be kept private. Any information

about you will have a letter on it instead of your name. Only the researchers will know

what your letter is and we will lock that information up.

Sharing your Results

Nothing that you tell us today will be shared with anybody outside the research

team, and nothing will be attributed to you by name. The knowledge that we get from this

research will be shared with you and your community. Each participant will receive a

summary of the results.

Right to Refuse or Withdraw

You do not have to take part in this research if you do not wish to do so, and

choosing to participate will not affect your job or job-related evaluations in any way. You

may stop participating in the [discussion/interview] at any time that you wish without your

job being affected. We will give you an opportunity at the end of the interview/discussion

to review your remarks, and you can ask to modify or remove portions of those, if you do

not agree with our notes or if we did not understand you correctly.
Perceptions of the…26

Who to Contact?

If you have any questions, you can ask them now or later. If you wish to ask

questions later, you may contact any of the following:

• Bernice Arabelle Elesterio – 09474996124 –


• Percephone Razonable – 09454713425 - percyrazonable@gmail.com

• Heart Ken Tranquilan - bitancorsugar@gmail.com

• Denise Marie Manit – 09392750263 - Manitmarie@gmail.com

• Hannah Lorraine de Vera – 09291665895 - deverahennuh@gmail.com

• Rhyme Marie Cabangbang – 09204782920 - rhymemariesc@gmail.com

• Peter Casiano – 09672009870 - Peterndre.casiano@icloud.com

• Marianne Edar – 09982555439 - edarmarianne21@gmail.com

• Mechaella Pabo – Mechaellapabo@gmail.com

• Lisa Mesiona – 09338521463 - lisamesiona@gmail.com

Perceptions of the…27

Part 2: Certificate of Consent

I have been invited to participate in a research about Federalism in the country. I

have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I have had the

opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions I have been asked have been

answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this study.

Print Name of Participant:

Signature of Participant:

If illiterate 1

I have witnessed the accurate reading of the consent form to the potential

participant, and the individual has had the opportunity to ask questions. I confirm that the

individual has given consent freely.

Print name of witness: ____________ Thumb print of participant

Signature of witness: _____________
Date: ________________________

Statement by the researcher/person taking consent

I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and

to the best of my ability made sure that the participant understands that the following will

be done:
Perceptions of the…28

I confirm that the participant was given an opportunity to ask questions about the

study, and all the questions asked by the participant have been answered correctly and

to the best of my ability. I confirm that the individual has not been coerced into giving

consent, and the consent has been given freely and voluntarily.

A copy of this ICF has been provided to the participant.

Print Name of Researcher/person taking the consent: ________________________

Signature of Researcher /person taking the consent: __________________________

Date: ___________________________
Perceptions of the…29

Appendix C (Time Table)



(days/weeks) (further explanation on
the task protocol)
Data gathering will be
done in 3 government
Interview/Data Gathering 3 weeks – 3rd week of establishments within
April, 2020 Davao Region only.
Procedure is
Analysis/Interpretation of 2 weeks- 5th week of April,
applicable only to those
Data 2020
who are willing to
volunteer in the study.

Task Name: Due Date:

Planning Research Topic February 10, 2020 _________

Planning Research Proposal February 29, 2020 _________
Literature Review and Writing
Proposal March 7, 2020 _________
Planning Project Checklist March 8, 2020 _________
Write up a full Proposal March 8, 2020 _________
Revised Outline March 12, 2020 _________
Topic Approval March 19, 2020 _________
Rough Draft and Working Thesis March 27, 2020 _________
Interview April 19, 2020 _________
Revised Thesis and Working
Outline April 29, 2020 _________
Complete Draft May 15, 2020 _________
Final Report May 20, 2020 _________
Perceptions of the…30

Appendix D (Curriculum Vitae)


Personal Data:

Name : Bernice Arabelle C. Elesterio

Age : 18
Address : 1507 Magsaysay Street, Brgy. Sto. Nino, Panabo City 8105
Birthdate : March 27, 2002
Birthplace : San Pedro Hospital, Davao City
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Geoffrey P. Elesterio
Mother’s Name : Betsy C. Elesterio

Educational Background:

High School : San Pedro College (Senior High School)

July, 2019 – Present
Maryknoll College of Panabo, Incorporated
June, 2015 – March, 2019
Elementary : Maryknoll College of Panabo, Incorporated
Perceptions of the…31

June, 2009 – March, 2015


Personal Data:

Name : Denise Marie S. Manit

Age : 16
Address : 45-A Carnation Street, Buhangin, Davao City
Birthdate : March 26, 2003
Birthplace : Brokenshire Integrated Hospital, Davao City
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Aldo Dennis E. Manit
Mother’s Name : Mercidita P. Manit

Educational Background:

High School : San Pedro College (Senior High School)

July, 2019 – Present
The Lamb of God (SPED) Academy
June, 2015 – March, 2019
Elementary : The Lamb of God (SPED) Academy
June, 2009 – March, 2015
Perceptions of the…32


Personal Data:

Name : Lisa Marie C. Mesiona

Age : 17
Address : Robinsons Highlands, Buhangin, Davao City 8000
Birthdate : July 01, 2002
Birthplace : San Pedro Hospital, Davao City
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Saturnino V. Mesiona
Mother’s Name : Jinky C. Mesiona

Educational Background:

High School : San Pedro College (Senior High School)

July, 2019 – Present
Holy Child College of Davao
June, 2015 – March, 2019
Elementary : Holy Child College of Davao
June, 2009 – March, 2015
Perceptions of the…33


Personal Data:

Name : Peter Andre Casiano

Age : 17
Address : Block 3 lot 11 Illumina Estates, Brgy. Communal, Davao City
Birthdate : October 22, 2002
Birthplace : Kidapawan City Doctors Hospital
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name :
Mother’s Name : Charlotte Diane Estabillo

Educational Background:

High School : San Pedro College (Senior High School)

July, 2019 – Present
ABC Educational development center
June, 2015 – March, 2019
Elementary : 2009-2011 Notre dame of Kidapawan City (Grade 1 – Grade 2)
June, 2009 – March, 2011
ABC Educational development center (Grade 3 – Grade 6)
June, 2011 – March 2015
Perceptions of the…34


Personal Data:

Name : Rhyme Marie Sim Cabangbang

Age : 18
Address : Prk. Tambis, Brgy. Sto. Niño, Gavina Subdivision, Panabo City,
Birthdate : September 11, 2001
Birthplace : Tagum City
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Col. Randolph G. Cabangbang
Mother’s Name : Mrs. Sisa S. Cabangbang

Educational Background:

High School : San Pedro College (Senior High School)

July, 2019 – Present
Maryknoll College of Panabo Inc. (Junior High School)
June, 2015 – March, 2019
Elementary : Maryknoll College of Panabo Inc. (Grade 1 – Grade 5)
June, 2007 – March, 2013
Arawang Primary School of Australia (Grade 6)
Perceptions of the…35


Personal Data:

Name : Percephone R. Razonable

Age : 17
Address : Prk. 4, Del Pilar, Mabini, Davao De Oro
Birthdate : April 30, 2002
Birthplace : Bishop Joseph Regan Memorial Hospital, Tagum City
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Primitivo A. Razonable
Mother’s Name : Mila R. Razonable

Educational Background:

High School : San Pedro Collge (Senior High School)

July, 2019 – Present
Cor Jesu High School of Mabini, Inc. (Junior High School)
June, 2015 – March, 2019
Elementary : Maco Heights Central Elementary School
June, 2009 – March, 2015
Perceptions of the…36


Personal Data:

Name : Hannah Lorraine L. de Vera

Age : 17
Address : Blk. 9, Lot 1, Kanari Homes, New Visayas, Panabo City
Birthdate : May 28, 2002
Birthplace : Brokenshire Hospital, Davao City
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Elbert S. de Vera
Mother’s Name : Grace Vicenta L. de Vera

Educational Background:

High School : San Pedro College (Senior High School)

July, 2019 – Present
Maryknoll College of Panabo Inc. (Junior High School)
June, 2015 – March, 2019
Elementary : Rizal Elementary School
June, 2009 – March, 2015
Perceptions of the…37


Personal Data:

Name : Marianne E. Edar

Age : 17
Address : # 11 Padre Gomez St. Brgy. 32-D Davao City
Birthdate : September 7, 2002
Birthplace : Davao City
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Anthony C. Edar
Mother’s Name : Marita S. Ebero

Educational Background:

High School : San Pedro College (Senior High School)

July, 2019 – Present
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao Inc. (Junior High School)
June, 2014 – March, 2019

Elementary : Holy Child College of Davao

June, 2007 – March, 2014
Perceptions of the…38


Personal Data:

Name : Heart Ken B. Tranquilan

Age : 17
Address : Block 17 lot 16 Luzville, Panacan, Davao City
Birthdate : February 4, 2003
Birthplace : Tibungco, Davao City
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil status : Single
Fathers name : Herbert B. Tranquilan
Mothers name : Sugar Lee B. Tranquilan

Educational background:

Highschool : San Pedro College (Senior High School)

July, 2019 – Present
Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai International School (Junior High
June, 2016 – March, 2019
Elementary : AFPLC Elementary school
June, 2011 – March, 2015
Perceptions of the…39


Personal Data:

Name : Mechalla T. Pabo

Age : 17
Address : Bo. Pampanga Hizon Road, Davao City
Birthdate : February 13, 2003
Birthplace : Davao City
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Cornelio Pabo Jr.
Mother’s Name : An-an Pabo

Educational Background:

High School : San Pedro College (Senior High School)

July, 2019 – Present
Holy Cross College of Sasa (Junior High School)
June, 2014 – March, 2019
Elementary : Notre Dame Siena College of Tacurong
June, 2006 – March, 2010
Dona Asuncion Hizon Elementary school
June, 2010 – March, 2014
Perceptions of the…40


Name: Ilwyn F. Gascal
Address: 101 Aurora Quezon Street,
Davao City Contact No.: +63 9257448248 / +63 9177113476
Email address: ilwyn_gascal@spcdavao.edu.ph
Nationality: Filipino

Institution Date Major
Graduated (If applicable)
Elementary: Davao City Special March 2002
Secondary: Ateneo de Davao March 2006
College: San Pedro College March 2006 BS Commerce –

Graduate: Ateneo de Davao April 2017 Master of Business

University Administration
Perceptions of the…41


Presenter, ADDU-SBG Week Research Celebration (’18)
Summa Cum Laude (’10)
Department Service
Awardee (’10)
Award for Outstanding Involvement in Extra and Co-curricular Activities (’10)

July 17, 2017 – present Full-time Instructor

San Pedro College – Senior High

School Department November 2015 – present Part-time

San Pedro College – Accountancy and Business

Management Department

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