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Design of Concrete Structures-II

Course Teacher:

Md. Mahfujur Rahman


Department of Civil Engineering

Dhaka International University (DIU)
Lecture Goals
• Definitions of Columns.
• Types of Column.
• General Information.
• Design of columns: Axial load and Bending.

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 2

Analysis and Design of “Short” Columns
Column are defined as a member that carry
loads in compression.
Transmits axial compressive loads with or
without moment.
Transmit loads from the floor & roof to the

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 3

Analysis and Design of “Short” Columns

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 4

Analysis and Design of “Short” Columns

Reinforcement in Column

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 5

Analysis and Design of “Short” Columns
Types of Column:

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 6

Analysis and Design of “Short” Columns

Tied Columns 95% of all columns in buildings are tied

Tie spacing  h (except for

 Ties support long bars (reduce
 Ties provide negligible restraint to
lateral expose of core
 Tie provide confinement to the
core concrete
M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and
Design under concentric Axial loads

Examples of
lateral ties.

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 8

Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design
under concentric Axial loads
Reinforcement Requirements (Lateral Ties) ACI Code
size  # 3 bar if longitudinal bar  # 10 bar
 # 4 bar if longitudinal bar  # 11 bar
 # 4 bar if longitudinal bars are bundled
Reinforcement Requirements (Lateral Ties)
Vertical spacing: (ACI
s  16 db ( db for longitudinal bars )
s  48 db ( db for tie bar )
s  least lateral dimension of column 9
M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU
Analysis and Design of “Short”
Spiral Columns

Pitch = 1.0 in. to 3.0 in.

-Spiral restrains laterally (Poisson’s effect)
-Axial load: delays failure (ductile)
M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 10
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under
concentric Axial loads
1. Reinforcement Requirements (Spirals ) ACI Code7.10.4
- size  3/8 “ dia. (3/8” f smooth bar)
- clear spacing  1 in.
between spirals  3 in.
2. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio, rs
Volume of Spiral 4 Asp
rs  
Volume of Core Dc s
 Asp  Dc 
 from : rs  
 1 4  Dc s 

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 11

Behavior, Nominal Capacity and
Design under concentric Axial loads
Reinforcement Requirements (Spiral)
A   f 
   c
rs  0.45 *   1 *   ACI Eqn. 10-6

 
 Ac   f y 
Asp  cross - sectional area of spiral reinforcement

 Dc2
Ac  core area 
Dc  core diameter : outside edge to outside edge of spiral
s  spacing pitch of spiral steel (center to center)
f y  yield strength of spiral steel  60,000 psi 
M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 12
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under
concentric Axial loads
Ag = Gross Area = b*h Ast = area of long steel
fy = Steel Yield Strength
f c,  Concrete Compressiv e Strength

2. Maximum Nominal Capacity for Design  Pn (max)

Pn max   rP0
r = Reduction factor to account for accidents/bending
r = 0.80 ( Tied )
r = 0.85 ( Spiral ) M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 13
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under
concentric Axial loads
3. Reinforcement Requirements (Longitudinal Steel Ast)
Let rg 
- ACI Code 10.9.1 requires 0.01  r g  0.08

4. Reinforcement Requirements (Longitudinal Steel Ast)

- Minimum No. of Bars ACI Code 10.9.2
 Min. of 6 bars in circular arrangement w/min. spiral
 Min. of 4 bars in rectangular arrangement
M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU
M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 15
M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 16
M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 17
M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 18
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and
Design under concentric Axial loads
4. Design for Concentric Axial Loads
(a) Load Combination

Gravity: Pu  1.2 PDL  1.6 PLL

Gravity + Wind: Pu  0.75 * 1.2 PDL  1.6 PLL  1.6 Pw 
and Pu  0.9 PDL  1.3Pw Check for
Etc. tension

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 19

Behavior, Nominal Capacity and
Design under concentric Axial loads
1. Design for Concentric Axial Loads
(b) General Strength Requirement

f Pn  Pu
where, f = 0.65 for Tied columns
f = 0.70 for Spiral columns

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 20

Behavior, Nominal Capacity and
Design under concentric Axial loads
2. Design for Concentric Axial Loads
(c) Expression for Design
ACI Code 0.01  r g  0.08
rg 

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 21

Behavior, Nominal Capacity and
Design under concentric Axial loads

 
   
f Pn  f r  Ag 0.85 f c,  Ast f y  0.85 f c,   Pu
 
 concrete steel 

f Pn  f r Ag 0.85 f  r g  f y  0.85 f
  P

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 22

Behavior, Nominal Capacity and
Design under concentric Axial loads
* when rg is known or assumed:

Ag 
f r 0.85 f c,  r g  f y  0.85 f c, 
* when Ag is known or assumed:

 Pu , 
Ast 

, 
f y  0.85 f c  fr
 Ag 0.85 f c 
  

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 23
Design of columns:
Axial load and Small
Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 25

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 26

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 27

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 28

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 29

Design of columns: Axial load and Small


M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 30

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 31

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 32

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 33

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 34

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 35

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 36

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 37

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 38

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 39

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 40

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 41

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 42

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 43

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 44

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 45

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 46

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 47

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 48

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 49

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 50

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 51

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 52

Design of columns: Axial load and Small

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 53

Design of columns:
Axial load and Bending
Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 55

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 56

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 57

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 58

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 59

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 60

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 61

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 62

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 63

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 64

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 65

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 66

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 67

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 68

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 69

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 70

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 71

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 72

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 73

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 74

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 75

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 76

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 77

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 78

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 79

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 80

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 81

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 82

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 83

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 84

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 85

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 86

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 87

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 88

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 89

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 90

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 91

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 92

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 93

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 94

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 95

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 96

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 97

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 98

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 99

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 100

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 101

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 102

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 103

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 104

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 105

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 106

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 107

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 108

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 109

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 110

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 111

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 112

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 113

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 114

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 115

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 116

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 117

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 118

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 119

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 120

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 121

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 122

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 123

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 124

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 125

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 126

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 127

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 128

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 129

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 130

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 131

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 132

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 133

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 134

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 135

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 136

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 137

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 138

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 139

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 140

Design of columns: Axial load and Bending

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 141

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 142

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 143

Design of columns: Axial load and

M M Rahman, Lecturer, CE, DIU 144

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