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Saint Paul School of Professional Studies a learning institution that maintain

its good name in being an eco-friendly school, with its “no plastic policy” has
proven not only effective but also an efficient strategy of tackling the plastic
waste that is being produce by the school. In this correlation the Paulinian
Student Government (PSG) and the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountancy
– SPSPS Chapter (JPIA-SPSPS) are collaborating its first time in having the
“Paulinian Water Vending Machine” in furtherance of the school as an eco-
friendly, clean and sustainable learning institution.

Based on our visual observation inside the school almost all students are
using/buying disposable plastic bottle to drink, because of this bottle that they
are using are disposable it tantamount to the increase plastic waste of school.
In line with this unrecognized small but serious issue, we come up with the
plan of having a “Paulinian Water Vending Machine” or PWVM. Our aim is to
create a sustainable solution to the growing plastic waste menace.


 To promote the furtherance of being an eco-friendly school.

 To raise Paulinian awareness of protecting the environment through the
act of reducing the consumption of disposable plastic bottle.
 To lessen the plastic waste material of the school.
 To encourage the Paulinian to bring their own water container to refill
when buying a drink.
 To help minimize their daily expenses upon lessening the purchase of
costly disposable plastic bottle.
 To celebrate the continuous development of every Paulinian.
 To improve fellowship and cooperation of the two organization namely;

In order to attain its objectives, this project needs the following resources:
1. Human Resources
 Canteen Staff
2. Monetary Resources
 School fund
 JPIA fund

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