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Riphah International University

Department of Management sciences

BBA-Spring Semester 2020

Final Examination in Statistics for Business

Maximum marks: 40 Time: 3hr

Q1 : Short Question Answers (10)

i. Find the number of ways in which 6 teachers can be assigned to 4 sections of an

introductory psychology course if no teacher is assigned to more than one section.
ii. Three lottery tickets are drawn from 40 for first, second, and third prizes. Find the
number of sample points in S for awarding the three prizes if no contestant can win
more than one prize.
iii. If an experiment consists of throwing a die and then drawing a letter at random from
the English alphabet, how many points are in the sample space?
iv. An experiment involves tossing a pair of dice,1 green and 1 red, and recording the
number that come up. If x equals the outcomes on the red die and y the outcome on
the green die, describe the sample space S
a) By listing the elements (x,y)
b) By using the set builder method.
v. The following scores represent the final grades for an elementary statistics course:

36 8 70 52 74 57 32 79 23 60
76 5 85 92 65 41 95 81 80 77
67 8 98 80 25 78 75 64 52 10
43 7 62 88 72 64 54 83 41 71
79 1 90 84 48 84 76 89 60 78
61 8 80 63 74 69 82 17 34 67
Using 9 intervals with the lowest starting at 10.
a) Set up a frequency distribution
b) Construct a cumulative frequency distribution.
vi. A taxi company tested a random sample of 10 steel-belted radial tires of a certain
brand and recorded the following tread wear: 54000, 53000, 49000, 63000, 56000,
59000, 61000, 45000, 53000, and 48000 kilometers. Find the standard deviation of
this set of data by first dividing each observation by 1000 and then subtracting 55.
vii. In how many ways can the letters of your Name _________ be arranged?
viii. On a vacation trip to Canada, a family travels 500km each day. If the trip lasts 3 days
the family average 80km per hour the first day, 93km per hour the second day, and
87km per hour the third day, find the average speed for the entire trip.
ix. The IQs of 5 members of a family are 108, 112, 127, 118, and 113. Find the range.
x. The average IQ of 10 students in a mathematics course is 114. If 9 of the students
have IQs of 109,118,99,115,106,128,118,125,and 101. What must be the other IQ?

Q2: (a) A six faced die is rolled. Show that the event “Face is even” and the event “Face is more
than 4” are independent. (2)

(b) Create a reduced sample space and find the requested probabilities. One card is selected from
a deck of cards find the probability that: (Write your answer as a reduced fraction.) (8)

a) The card is heart given that it is not black

b) The card is a spade given that it is red

c) The card is a four given that it is black

d) The card is a queen given that it is a face card

e) The card is not a seven given that it is between 3 and 8 inclusive

f) The card is not a seven given that it is between 3 and 8 exclusive

g) The card is not red given that it is a queen

h) The card is not black given that it is a two

Q3: (a) From a bag containing 10 red, 30 white, 20 blue and 15 orange balls, a ball is drawn at
random. What is the probability of drawing (i) Orange or red ball? (ii) Not red or blue ball?
(iii) Not a blue ball? (iv) White ball (v) red, white or blue ball. (4+2+4)

(b) Two dice are rolled. Find the probability that the total on the two dice is less than 6 given that
both the faces of dice are similar
(c) A lady buys a dozen eggs, of which two turn out to be bad. She chose four eggs to scramble
for breakfast. Find the chances that she chooses (a) all good eggs (b) three good and one bad
eggs (c) two good and two bad eggs (d) at least one bad egg.
Q4: Create a reduced sample space and find the requested probabilities. A pair of dice is rolled
and the sum of the dice is recorded, determine the probability that: (Write your answer as a
reduced fraction.) (10)

a) The sum is greater than 5 given that the first dice is a 4.

b) The sum is greater than 9 given that the second dice is a 6.

c) The sum is even given that the second dice is a 4

d) The sum is odd given that the first dice is a 3

e) A double is rolled given that the other dice is a 4

f) A double is rolled given that the sum is greater than 10

g) The sum is less than 3 given that the first dice is a 2

h) The sum is greater than 10 given that the first dice is a 3


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