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March 17, 2020

I. Objectives
EN8OL-IVa-3.11: Use the correct production of the sounds of English when
delivering a manuscript or memorized speech in an oration, in a declamation or
in a dramatic monologue

At the end of the session, the students must be able to:

A. use the correct production of the sounds of English when delivering a
manuscript speech
B. write a personal experience speech using Manuscript method;
C. deliver a personal experience speech.

III. Content
Subject Matter: Delivering a Manuscript Speech
Reference: Sipacio, P. & Balgos, A. (2016). Oral Communication in Context. Quezon
City, C & E Publishing Inc.
Fernandez, Edroslyn J. Ph.D (2016). Oral Comunication. Quezon City, C & E
Publishing Inc.

IV. Instructional Material

 PPT presentation and  Copy of Graduation Speech of
video Shamcey Supsup
 Scoring Rubric  Copy of Inaugural Speech of
Diosdado Macapagal
V. Procedures
A) Classroom Routine
The students should observe the following classroom routine:
 Opening Prayer  Arranging of Chairs
 Picking-up of trashes  Checking of Attendance
 Review/Recapitulation

B) Learning Stage
a) Exploration (Activity)
Group Activity:
 The students will watch a video of Miss Universe 2011 3 rd Runner
Shamcey Supsup as a Graduation Speaker at the University of
 For reference, watch the given link:

b) Firming-up (Analysis)
Questions related to the activity:
1. How did the speaker deliver her speech? Did she express her
ideas in clear appropriate language?
2. Did she encounter problems during her speech? Why?
3. Do you think it would have been better if she delivered the
speech on the spot? Why or why not?
c) Deepening (Abstraction)
1. What is Manuscript Speech?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Manuscript
3. What are the guidelines in Delivering a Manuscript Speech?

d) Transferring (Application)
Individual Activity:
 The teacher will pick nine (9) students from the class to deliver the
inaugural address of Diosdado Macapagal taken from the Official
Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.
 The transcript is divided into nine (9) parts. The students will deliver
to the class the part corresponding to their specific number. Make
sure to follow the guidelines for an effective speech delivery. They
have 5 minutes to prepare.
After the activity, the teacher will ask the following questions:
1. How did the speaker deliver his/her speech? Did they deliver
their speech effectively?
2. Did she encounter problems during his/her speech? Why?
3. How did he/she sustain the audience’s attention all throughout
her speech?

VI. Assessment

Individual Activity

Instructions: In 150 to 200 words, write a personal experience speech. Make sure you
have an introduction, body and conclusion. Be prepared to deliver your speech in class
by following the guidelines for an effective speech delivery. Please be guided with the
given rubric. (Please see the rubric on the next page)

The following topics are suggested:

1. My Greatest Accomplishment
2. My Favorite Teacher
3. My First Day at School
4. My Most Embarrassing Experience
5. My Unforgettable Summer Vacation

VII. Assignment

Instructions: In 200 to 250 words, write your commencement speech to your

classmates. Prepare a manuscript that will last 10 minutes and deliver the
speech in class. Please be guided with the given rubric. (Please see the rubric on
the next page)

Prepared by:


JHS – English Teacher Applicant

Approved by:

DepEd Ranking Committee
Use the rubric below in evaluating the Manuscript Speech

Criteria Descriptions Score

Ideas are arranged logically.
Organization Appropriate organizational pattern
(10 pts.) is observed.
Transitions are smooth.
Topic is relevant and well-
Purpose is well-defined and Main
points are stated clearly
Introduction captures listener’s
Content Speech ended effectively with a
(10 pts.) review of the main points.
The speaker exhibits appropriate
phrasing throughout the speech.
The speaker’s rate of speech is
appropriate; it is not too fast nor too
slow. Key phrases and statements
are stressed.
The speaker reads the manuscript
clearly without mispronouncing
Reading The speaker modulates his/her
Delivery voice while reading
And Voice The speaker’s voice is audible and
Quality pleasant
(20 pts.) The speaker establishes and
maintains rapport with the audience
The speaker maintains eye contact
with the audience
Rapport with The speaker engages the audience
Audience with his/her gestures and
(10 pts.) movements.

TOTAL: _______/50 points

Learning Plan in English 11 & 12

I. Outcomes
At the end of the session, the students must be able to write and deliver an effective
memorized speech

II. Content
Subject Matter: Types of Speech: Memorized Speech
Reference: Sipacio, P. & Balgos, A. (2016). Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High
School. Types of Speech: Memorized Speech. pp. 109

III. Instructional Material

 PPT presentation and video

IV. Procedures
A) Classroom Routine
i. Opening prayer
ii. Greetings
iii. Start the lesson
iv. Closing Prayer

B) Learning Stage
a) Exploration (Activity)
Individual Activity:
 Think of a song that you have memorized by heart. This song may
have created a great impact on your life. Choose a stanza, chorus,
or refrain- whatever is most important to you.
 Deliver the lines in class as if they were part of a speech. Focus on
appropriate facial expressions and gestures during the delivery.

b) Firming-up (Analysis)
Questions related to the activity:
 Did you encounter problems during your speech?
 What are the causes of distractions during speech?
 During your speech, how did you connect/interact with your audience?

c) Deepening (Abstraction)
 What is Memorized Speech?
 What are the advantages of Memorized Speech?
 What are the disadvantages of Memorized Speech?
*The teacher will discuss the strategies or tips in delivering the
Memorized Speech.

d) Transferring (Application)
Group Activity:
 Work in groups of five. Watch three videos of different acceptance
speeches during various awarding ceremonies. (see pp. 113) Choose
the best acceptance speech among the three and discuss the reasons
for your decision
 Group representative will share their group’s insight and justification to
their decision.

V. Assessment
Individual Activity
Instructions: Write a speech for special occasions. Choose any of the following given
occasions in the book (see pp. 113) and write a five-sentence speech that you will
deliver in class.

VI. Assignment
Instructions: In 80-100, write your own speech and make sure you have an
introduction, body and conclusion. Memorized your speech and present it next

Learning Plan in English 11 & 12

I. Outcomes
At the end of the session, the students must be able to:
a. write topics appropriate for an impromptu speech
b. deliver an effective impromptu speech

II. Content
Subject Matter: Types of Speech: Impromptu Speech
Reference: Sipacio, P. & Balgos, A. (2016). Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High
School. Types of Speech: Impromptu Speech. pp. 94

III. Instructional Material

 PPT presentation and video

IV. Procedures
A) Classroom Routine
i. Opening prayer
ii. Greetings
iii. Start the lesson
iv. Closing Prayer
B) Learning Stage
a) Exploration (Activity)
 Think of one thing that makes you happy. Write it on a ¼ sheet of
 Your teacher will collect the papers and place them in a box.
 Your teacher will call a volunteer to pick a piece of paper. He/she
will be given one minute to say something about the word or phrase
on that paper.
 Everyone will have an opportunity to speak in front.

b) Firming-up (Analysis)
Questions related to the activity:
 Did you encounter problems during your speech? If yes, why?
 Why do you feel nervous during your speech?
 In your opinion, why is nonverbal skills important in speech

c) Deepening (Abstraction)
 What is Impromptu Speech?
 What are the advantages of an Impromptu Speech?
 What are the disadvantages of an Impromptu Speech?
*The teacher will discuss the strategies or tips in delivering the
Impromptu Speech.

d) Transferring (Application)
Pair Activity:
 After watching the promotional video of the Department of Tourism,
each pair will choose only one famous Philippine destination.
 The teacher will prepare a box of destination. The teacher will
choose one pair to stand in front and let them pick a destination
inside the box.
 After choosing a famous destination, each pair will have one minute
to prepare for their speech and one minute to speak in front of the

V. Assessment
Individual Activity Instructions: Think of at least five impromptu speech situations and
list the preparations you should make to succeed. (For example, see pp. 121 in the

VI. Assignment
Instructions: Choose a topic appropriate for impromptu speech and write it in a ¼
sheet of paper.

Learning Plan in English 11 & 12

I. Outcomes
At the end of the session, the students must be able to write and deliver an effective
Extemporaneous Speech.

II. Content
Subject Matter: Types of Speech: Extemporaneous Speech
Reference: Sipacio, P. & Balgos, A. (2016). Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High
School. Types of Speech: Extemporaneus Speech. pp. 94

III. Instructional Material

 PPT presentation

IV. Procedures
C) Classroom Routine
i. Opening prayer
ii. Greetings
iii. Start the lesson
iv. Closing Prayer
D) Learning Stage
a) Exploration (Activity)
Pair Activity:
 On a ¼ sheet of paper, each pair will write a problematic situation that
people may encounter on any day.
 Your teacher will ask you to put these pieces of paper in a box.
 Each pair will pick a piece of paper, read the problem and outline their
ideas. The content of their speech is about how the problem can be
possibly handled or solved. They will have eight minutes to finish their
 After the preparation, they will deliver a two-three minutes speech in
front of the class.

b) Firming-up (Analysis)
Questions related to the activity:
 How will you grab the attention of your audience during your speech?
 Is it important to know your audience needs and interests when you’re
making a speech?

c) Deepening (Abstraction)
 What is Extemporaneous Speech?
 What are the advantages of Extemporaneous Speech?
 What are the disadvantages of Extemporaneous Speech?
*The teacher will discuss the strategies or tips in delivering the
Extemporaneous Speech.

d) Transferring (Application)
Group Activity:
 Work in Groups of five. Read the scenario found in the book (see pp.
131) and follow the given instructions.

V. Assessment
Individual Activity
Instructions: Think of a social issue that you can discuss in a four-minute
extemporaneous speech. After your teacher approves your topic, prepare an outline
for your speech. Make sure you have an introduction, body and conclusion. Prepare to
deliver your speech in class.

VI. Assignment
Instructions: Think of a topic for your extemporaneous speech. In 100-150 words,
make an outline about your topic.

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