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Student booklet Course 7 - Chapter 10 - Sections A, B, C and D

Page 2

Goal: Ask for suggestions............................................................................................................................. 3

Vocabulary and expressions. “Spending money”.....................................................................4

Grammar. Comparative adjectives: Review.................................................................................6

Grammar. Superlative adjectives..........................................................................................................6

Goal: Discuss how to get a better price............................................................................................. 10

Grammar. Too and enough..................................................................................................................10

Vocabulary. How to bargain.......................................................................................................................12

Goal: Talk about tipping customs........................................................................................................... 13

Goal: Find the best places to buy.......................................................................................................... 16

Vocabulary. How to describe good and bad deals..................................................................16

Chapter 10, Section A

Goal: Ask for suggestions.


Do you travel to other countries or cities?

How do you pay for things when you travel?
Do you use a credit card?
Do you use the country’s currency?
How do you exchange your money for the country’s currency?
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Vocabulary and expressions. “Spending money”.

bank I’m almost out of cash.

an exchange rate I’m not good at bargaining.

cash foreign currency You can get a better price.

an ATM It can’t hurt to ask.

a check Let me show you something more affordable.

a fee How much do you want to spend?

an account We have some coffee makers in your price range.

a checking account Do you accept credit cards?

a saving account

a checkbook


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Practice. Answer the questions.

1. Do you have a credit card?

2. What are some advantages of credit cards?

3. What are some disadvantages of credit cards?

4. What are some advantages of cash?

5. What are some disadvantages of cash?

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Grammar. Comparative adjectives: Review

We use comparative adjectives to compare two people, places, things, or ideas.

Adjective Comparative form

cheap cheaper
tall taller
nice nicer
easy easier
big bigger
comfortable more comfortable
portable more portable
difficult more difficult

A DVD is easier to use than a camcorder.

A laptop is more portable than a desktop.

Grammar. Superlative adjectives

Use superlative adjectives to compare more than two people, places, things, or ideas.

The Amazon River The Nile River The Yangtze River

The Nile River is the longest river in the world.

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Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

Superlative Adjectives : spelling rules

1. Add -est to one-syllable adjectives. If the adjective ends in -e, add -st.
cheap - the cheapest loose - the loosest
tall - the tallest nice - the nicest

2. If an adjective ends in (or is) a consonant + vowel + consonant sequence,

double the final consonant and add -est.
hot - the hottest fat - the fattest
sad - the saddest thin - the thinnest

3. For most adjectives that end in a consonant + -y change the y to i and add -est.
pretty - the prettiest busy - the busiest

4. To form the superlative of most adjectives of two or more syllables, use

the most.
relaxing - the most relaxing comfortable - the most comfortable

5. Irregular adjectives
good - the best
bad - the worst
far - the farthest

Note: to form the superlative form of an adjective we must use the before the
superlative adjective.
big - the biggest
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Practice. Complete the sentences using superlative adjectives.

1. I’m not (tall) person in my family.

2. Jupiter is (big) planet in our solar system.

3. Elephants are (large) land animals on earth.

4. We bought (expensive) TV in the store.

5. Which sports do you think is (dangerous) ?

6. My cat is (lazy) animal I know.

7. This restaurant serves (good) food in town.

8. I think math is (difficult) subject.

9. What is (long) word in English that you know?

10. He is (strange) man in the story.

11. Last week, I had (bad) time of my life!

12. Which place is (hot) place on earth?

13. I think it is (funny) show on television.

14. My friend is (interesting) person I know.

15. Who is (famous) person in your country?

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Practice. Answer the questions.

In your opinion:
1. Which is the most expensive electronic product you have?

2. Which is the easiest electronic product to use?

3. Which is the most convenient electronic product?

4. Which is the most difficult electronic product to use?

5. Which is the smallest electronic product you have?

Conversation. Ask for a recommendation.

A: I’m looking for a coffee maker? Which is the smallest and the
most practical?
B: The Cupset 5200. But it’s not the best. How much do you want
to spend?
A: No more than $100.
B: Let me see! We have some good ones in your price range.
A: Perfect! Could I have a look?
Chapter 10, Section B

Goal: Discuss how to get a better price.

Grammar. Too and enough.

too + adjective adjective + enough

( when something is satisfactory)

This tea is too hot. I can’t drink it. He is very tall. He is tall enough to reach the top shelf.

too + adverb not adjective + enough

( when something is not satisfactory)

I can’t wear these shoes.

He drives too slowly.
They aren’t big enough for me.

too much + (uncountable) noun enough + noun

He has enough money to buy a new toy.

This food has too much sugar. She has enough books to read.

too many + (countable) noun

The class has too many students.

big heavy small
cheap light bad
expensive quiet old
fast slow young
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Practice. Complete the sentences with too or enough.

1. My mom can’t buy that coffeemaker. It’s expensive.

2. I want to buy a new printer. This one isn’t fast to print my homework.

3. That rug is expensive. It’s not cheap . I only have $10.

4. I’m old to travel alone. I’m going to Spain next year.

5. Those pants aren’t big . They’re very uncomfortable.

Practice. Choose the correct answer.

1. The tea was to drink so I couldn’t drink it.

a) hot enough
b) too hot

2. I didn’t buy the T-shirt because it was .

a) big enough
b) too big

3. The boots were so I didn’t buy them.

a) expensive enough
b) too expensive

4. I bought that tablet because it was . I like it.

a) small enough
b) too small

5. She isn’t to start driving a car.

a) too old
b) old enough
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Conversation. Bargain for a lower price.

A: How much do you want for that vase?

B: This one?
A: No. That one’s not colorful enough.
The other one.
B: 150
A: That’s a lot more than I want to spend.
I can give you 100.
B: How about 125.
A: OK. That sounds fair.

Vocabulary. How to bargain.

How much do you want for that scarf? How much do you want to spend?
 That’s more than I want to spend. I could go as low as fifty.
  I can give you thirty for it. 
 I can’t go lower than forty.
  Would you take twenty?  You can have it for thirty.

 All I have is twenty-five. How about fifty-five.
  It’s a deal.   It’s a deal.
Chapter 10, Section C

Goal: Talk about tipping customs.

Tipping in Guatemala
Tipping customs vary from country to country. Guatemalans tend to tip very lightly. Sometimes
tipping is a great idea when the service you receive is good. It’s a way of showing appreciation for
a good service.


In some restaurants the tip is not included; if you think the service was good just leave
some coins on the table for the waiters. In other restaurants they say the tip is optional
and they add it to your bill just if you want. In fast food restaurants it’s not customary to
leave a tip. But in more expensive restaurants the tip is included in the bill, at least 10% of
the total. So it’s a good idea to look carefully at your check before you pay it !
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In Guatemala you negotiate the price before you take a taxi and it’s not customary to tip
the taxi driver. When there’s a lot of traffic, just if you want to, you can round off the fare
and say “keep the change”.


Hotel staff always expect a good tip. If the bell boy helps you with your luggage, you
should give him about $1 - 2 a bag. You should also tip the maid $ 1 - 2 a day.
Don’t forget to check the internet for information on tipping customs before you travel.
And remember: You never have to tip if the service is terrible.
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Practice. Answer the following questions about Tipping in Guatemala.

1. When is tipping a good idea?

2. Is it customary to tip taxi drivers?

3. Do you leave a tip in fast food restaurants?

4. How much do you have to tip in expensive restaurants?

5. Should you tip hotel staff?

6. How much should you tip bell boys and maids?

7. Do you have to leave a tip if the service is bad?

8. Where can you find information about tipping customs?

Chapter 10, Section D

Goal: Find the best places to buy.

Vocabulary. How to describe good and bad deals.

She got a great deal. He got a bad deal.

She saved a lot of money. He paid too much money.
It was a real bargain. It was a total rip-off.
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Read about a shopping experience.

When I was on vacation in Guatemala City, I went shopping to The Central Market. I found
a lot of beautiful handicrafts. I decided to buy a handmade bag. It was gorgeous, but it was
too expensive. Q. 350. So, I bargained with the salesperson about the price and she went
as low as Q. 250. But that was more than I wanted to spend, so I told the saleswoman “All
I have is Q.225.”. And finally she agreed. I think I got a great deal because I saved Q. 125. A
friend told me that it was a rip-off but I don’t think so.

I love my new Guatemalan bag!

Practice. Write about a shopping experience you had.

Practice. Describe where to get the best deals in your country.

the best restaurants? the best fruits and vegetables?

the nicest hotels? the coolest electronic products?

the most expensive department stores? the least expensive clothes?

the most unusual markets? the most unusual gifts?

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