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Transgender Teen Survival Guide

Lee says:

The word “transgender” is an umbrella term that is inclusive of (but not forced upon) anyone
who identifies as a gender that they were not assigned at birth. 

 Both binary people and non-binary people are equally transgender.

 Being trans without dysphoria is possible.
 Gender expression ≠ gender identity, as shown on the genderbread person
 More info: Trans resources masterpost or Ally resources for cis people

Again, if you don’t fully identify as the gender you were assigned at birth 100% of the time, you
can call yourself trans. That’s it, there’s no other criteria you need to meet to be trans.

[Image description:

A large rainbow umbrella labeled “Transgender,” under which fall two other umbrellas. The left
one is labeled “Binary,” and underneath it fall “trans man” and “Trans woman.” The right one is
labeled “Non-Binary,” and underneath that fall identities like “Genderqueer, Genderfluid,
Demiboy, Demigirl, Bigender, Agender, Neutrois,” “And more!” /end image description.]

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