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Islamic University - Gaza

Faculty of commerce
Business Administration Department

Business Principles 2
(Final Exam)
Academic Year 2014/2015
Professor: Faris Abu Mouamer
Teacher Assistant: Mr. Ahmed Y. Zaqout , Miss Haya Agha Time: 2 Hours

------------------------------------------ :Student’s Name: --------------------------------------------------- Student’s No

This section is for the use of the professor, Please Do Not write here.
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh TOTAL/ 60

First Question: Answer the following questions by “True” or “False:- (15 Marks)
1 ( Lateral communication keeps managers aware of how employees feel about
- their jobs, workmates, and the organization in general.
2 ) ( Effective communication connects employees to the business, reinforces the
- organization’s vision, foster process improvement, and drives business results
by changing employee behavior.
3 ) ( To be more thoughtful in your communication, it is highly recommended to
- observe the words you use. For instance, saying “Visually” is better than saying
4 ) ( People care so much about how you say your words and the tone you use more
- than what you say, this is called the “verbal intonation”, and it usually carries
the greatest impact on the message receiver.
5 ) ( Jargon cannot at all facilitate understanding even if it is used within a group
- that knows what it means.
6 ) ( In controlling, most work activities can be expressed in quantifiable terms, but
- when they cannot, objective measures should be used.
7 ) ( Quality assurance, Employee’s Training and checking raw materials before
- being used in production process are examples of the concurrent controlling.
8 ) ( Activity Ratios as financial control measures test the organization’s ability to meet its
- short-term obligations.
9 ) ( Internal benchmarking is used to discover the best practices inside the organization,
- identifying specific performance gaps, and punishing the employees with bad
1 ) ( Taking a preventive action requires managers to analyze deviations, justify benefits,
0 and take time to pinpoint and correct the causes of variance.
1 ) ( Henry Fayol is the father of the scientific management, and he defined through his
1 theory one best way to do a job.
1 ) ( Qualitative Approach focuses on improving managerial decision making by studying
2 the actions of people at work, and investing in them.
1 ) ( The systems approach recognizes that organizations are not self- contained. They rely
3 on their environment for essential inputs and as outlets to absorb their outputs.
1 ) ( The primary value of the contingency approach is that it stresses that there are no
4 simplistic or universal rules for managers to follow.
1 ) ( Unity of Command means that organization should have a single plan of action to
5 guide managers and workers.

1 ) ( The democratic style of leadership described a leader who let the group make
6 decisions and complete work in whatever way it saw fit.
1 ) ( One criticism regarding Fiedler’s Model of leadership is that it does not consider the
7 impact of power that a leader may have over factors such as salary increase, or
- disciplinary actions.
1 ) ( Credibility is the degree to which followers perceive someone as honest, competent,
8 and able to inspire.
1 ) ( Leadership may not always be important; follower characteristics such as experience,
9 professional orientation and need for independence can naturalize the effect of
- leadership.
2 ) ( Visionary leader is an enthusiastic, self-confident leader whose personality and
0 actions influence people to behave in certain ways.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Second Question: Choose the correct answers for the following questions:- ( 10 Marks )
1- Which of the following is not a reason Smith claimed enhanced productivity
from division of labor?
A- increasing worker skill and dexterity
B- saving time lost in changing tasks
C- creating labor-saving inventions
D- strict management control over worker time and motion

2- Which of the following is not one of Henry Fayol’s principles of management?

A- Division of Work B- Discipline
C- Unity of Command D- Equality

3- Bureaucracy is defined as a form of organization characterized by:

A- Division of Labor B- Detailed Rules and Regulations
C- Clearly Defined Hierarchy D- All of Above

4- Which of the following describes the leadership style in which a leader tends
to centralize authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral decisions, and
limit employee participation?
A- Cultural Style B- Autocratic Style
C- Democratic Style D- Laissez- Fair Style

5- A leader who sets challenging goals and expects very high performance levels
from subordinates is classified as what type of leader, according to path-goal
A- Supportive B- Achievement Oriented
C- Participative D- Democratic

6- The accumulated end results of all the organization’s work activities are
A- Organizational Performance B- Organizational Planning
C- Environmental Scanning D- Scenario Planning

7- -------------------------------- is a measure of how appropriate organizational goals
are and how well an organization is achieving those goals.
A- Situational Effectiveness B- Competitor Analysis
C- Organizational Effectiveness D- Environmental Scanning

8- Information overload occurs when -----------------------------------.

A- there is too much information to work with
B- the information we’ve been given is too detailed
C- the information we’ve been given exceeds our capacity to process it
D- too much information is provided on a subject search when using a search engine
9- ------------------------------ is the deliberate manipulation of information to make
it appear more favorable to the receiver.
A- Spin
B- Encoding
C- Fabricating
D- Filtering

10-Communication encourages ---------------------- by clarifying to employees what

is to be done, how well they’re doing, and what can be done to improve
performance if it’s not up to par.
A- Control
B- emotional expression
C- motivation
D- the sharing of information

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

Third Question:-Mention the following in points:- ( 6 Marks )

1- 5 Traits associated with leadership:

2- Benefits of Written Reports:

3- Active listening behaviors:

Fourth Question:- Explain in not more than two lines what each of the following
statements mean in relation to the subject mentioned between “ “. (6 Marks)

“Actions speak louder than words” “Communication




“Controlling never ends” “Controlling




“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”



Fifth Question: Compare between the following concepts:- (8 Marks)

Legitimate Power of Leader Coercive Power of Leader


Message Encoding Message Decoding


Immediate Corrective Action Basic Corrective Action


Closed System Open System


Sixth Question:- Match between the column “A” and column “B”. (7 Marks)
1 Management Information ( ) Being able to trust others and give up
System (MIS) authority, and understanding when to

The ability to create and articulate a realistic,
2 A range of variation ) ( credible and attractive vision of the future that
improves on the present situation.
The acceptable parameters of variance between
3 Visionary Leadership ) (
actual performance and a standard.
Is a system used to provide managers with
4 Filtering ) (
needed information on a regular basis.
A term used to describe a manager being out in
5 Management by walking around ) ( the work area, interacting directly with
The deliberate manipulation of information to
6 Team Leadership ( )
make it appear more favorable to the receiver.
Can communicators be reasonably sure their
7 Confidentiality ( ) messages are received only by the intended

Seventh Question: Answer only three questions from the following questions, the first must
be one of them:- ( 9 Marks)

1- The Variance between the desired and actual performance occurs due to
different reasons, identify the main reasons that cause the performance
variance, and how can managers reduce the level and possibility of performance
variations occurrence?

2- What is the organizational behavior (OB) theory of leadership?, talk about the
early advocates of OB and the contributions of two of them to OB theory.

3- Explain how technology affects managerial communication, and give an example?

4- Talk about Fredrik Taylor’s contribution to scientific management and explain his
scientific management principles.


:.Student’s Name: ---------------------------------------------------

-------- -------------------------------- Student’s No
This exam part is designed for the students who have not been examined in mid-term
exam. You are required to answer all the following questions. (30 Marks)
‫ جميع األسئلة مطلوبة‬.‫هذا الجزء من اإلمتحان مخصص للطالب الذين لم يتقدموا لإلمتحان النصفي‬.

First Question:- Define the following concepts:-

1- Figurehead Leader

2- Sustainability

3- Certainty

4- Means-Ends Chain

5- Competitive Intelligence

Second Question:-
A- What are the eight steps of making an effective decision?

B- What does “SMART” objective mean?

C- What is MBO and what are the key components of MBO, and what are the
potential problems with MBO?

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