Phase 3 - 216006 - 3

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GRUPO: 216006_3



JUNIO, 2020
The activity consists of:
⇒ At individual level:

Select a food or beverage that can be packaged using the packaging material
selected collaboratively in Phase 2:
1. Fresh, cut or processed fruits and vegetables
2. Meat or meat products (Beef, pork, chicken, fish, seafood, others)
3. Milk and dairy products
4. Fats or oils
5. Nuts or cereals
6. Carbonated or alcoholic drinks
From the selected product set:
2. Traditional, active, intelligent and / or biodegradable packaging available in the
market for the selected product.
Types of packaging for this product on the market



Fig1. can of tuna

(Álvarez .2010)

Figure 2. glass jars

(Tamorlan. 2010)

Plastic laminates

Fig3. Whole fresh fish packaging in flow pack


containers PET: These containers of polyethylene terephthalate are called

polyesters, they are light, resistant, transparent and shiny. They retain the flavor
and aroma of food and are an effective barrier against gases. They are totally
Fig5. PET trays for meat, fish, fruit.

 Active packaging:
materiales barrera a oxígeno

Fig4. Barrier materials to prevent deterioration


Smart packaging

Package with a label that contains an additive with colorimetric properties that
is capable of changing color in the presence of the aforementioned amines,
substances that, when decomposing fish, even minimally, produce nitrogenous
compounds that can trigger major allergic reactions in individuals sensitive to
severe general intoxication.
_ Freshness indicators
(Énfasis Packaging.2013)

_ Time-temperature indicators


_ Humidity indicator

(Interpack. 2011)
Biodegradable packaging


Biodegradable materials based on soy proteins and montmorillonites


3. Physicochemical, nutritional and sensory characteristics of food or drink

Physicochemical characteristics:
Chemical composition of different fish per 100 g

Nutritional properties

fish are an excellent source of protein of high quality and digestibility. Fish is rich in

lysine and methionine, making it highly valuable in the human diet. Vitamins of

group B and vitamins A and D stand out in the case of fatty fish. They are a good
source of minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, and selenium. Along

with shellfish, they are the foods that contribute the most iodine to the diet.

They have a low content of saturated fat and a high content of unsaturated fat,

being the main source of long chain omega 3 fatty acids. Seafood is very

perishable (especially seafood) due to the intrinsic characteristics of these products

(composition, availability of water, pH, etc.).

The alteration is due to the combined action of autolytic processes (action of

endogenous or species-specific enzymes), microbial activity, and lipid oxidation...

[ CITATION Mab20 \l 9226 ]

4. Conservation requirements (Temperature, Humidity, Oxygen,

Preservatives, Stiffness / Resistance of the packaging, Controlled or
modified atmospheres)

Fish preservation requirements

These perishable products are usually preserved by combining various processes,

including vacuum packaging and in a modified atmosphere. The physico-chemical
characteristics of the fish, such as the high water activity and a neutral PH, the lipid
composition and the existence of autolytic enzymes and microorganisms on the
body surface limit its life span considerably. Both the growth of the microflora and
the enzymatic degradation reactions depend on the storage temperature;
therefore, strict control of this parameter must be taken. One of the causes of the
deterioration of these products is the microbial proliferation. The muscle of the fish
is contaminated with microorganisms from the gills, intestines and skin during the
evisceration and filleting stages, which is why good hygienic practices in the
elaboration of this product lengthen its life time.
Packaged in a protective atmosphere of fishery products
The modified atmosphere.

The void "second skin"

It is a very simple system, which only involves the evacuation of the air contained

in the package. If the process is carried out

suitably the amount of residual oxygen is less than 1%.

Vacuum-based systems inhibit the growth of aerobic microorganisms and oxidation

reactions thanks to the small proportion of oxygen left in the container. In addition,

they prevent cold burns, the formation of ice crystals and the superficial

dehydration of these products.

Packed in a modified atmosphere

Product Examples temperature (ºC) Useful life
White fish Bacalao, -1 a 2 6-12 days
lenguado, rape,
rodaballo, platija,
Blue Fish Atún, sardina, -1 a 2 5-12 days
trucha, salmón,
arenque, caballa,
Farmed fish Trucha, dorada, -1 a 2 12-16 days
lubina, salmón
Frozen fish / -18 6-12 months
Smoked fish Trucha, salmón, 0a4 3-5
arenque weeks
Salted meats Bacalao 0a4 12-18 meses
Table 2. Shelf life of some fishery products packaged in a modified
atmosphere. (García.2006)

Shelf life of various fishery products packed in air and in a protective

Shelf life (days)
Composition Storage Protective
Product of the temperature (ºc) Air atmosphere
Caballa 40 CO2/ 60 2-4 3 5
Salmón 40 CO2/ 60 2-4 5 7
Pescadilla 40 CO2/ 30 2-4 3 5
N2/ 30 O2
Sardina Vacío 4 3 9
Sardina 60 CO2/ 40 4 3 12

Table3. Comparison between the shelf life of various fishery products packed in air
and in a protective atmosphere. (García.2006)

5. Sanitary requirements at national and international level

National and international requirements for the conservation and marketing

of fish

By Resolution number 776 of 2008, the then Ministry of Social Protection

established the technical regulation on the physicochemical and microbiological
requirements that must be met by fishery products, in particular fish, molluscs and
crustaceans for human consumption.
Table 4. Physicochemical Requirements
Requisito Productos Limites Máximos
Histamina, Atún, bonito y pescados Se tomarán nueve (9)
mg/kg (1) de las familias: muestras de cada lote:
Scombridae, • Su valor medio debe
Clupeidae, ser inferior a 100 mg/kg;
Engraulidae, • En dos (2) de las
Ccnyfenidae, muestras podrán tener
Pomatonidae y un valor superior a 100
Scombresosidae mg/kg e inferior a 200
• Ninguna muestra podrá
tener un valor superior a
200 mg/kg
Bases Volátiles Totales Pescados frescos y 70 mg/l00g
(mg/l00g) (1) congelados,

The metal container is suitable for packaging fish as it guarantees the retention of
the "aroma, vitamins, antioxidants and essential nutrients inside the metallic
container, leaving impurities out of it."
Furthermore, these containers are extremely resistant and act as food
warehouses, capable of storing crops for future use, in all logistical and climatic
Canning is one of the best ways to preserve food, being the metal container, with
its outstanding contribution to key challenges such as food waste, recycling and
healthy eating, an actor that respects the environment and future generations.
Tin containers are harmless, that is, they are quite safe because they have a
strong resistance to corrosion and total protection from air and light, which is ideal
for the preservation of products, since it does not modify any it forms its properties,
such as smell, taste, color ... and maintains its nutritional value.
Choose a food or beverage of the individual selected and feed it back. In turn
resolve the following questions:

1. Why the material selected in the previous phase (phase 2), can be
used in the packaging or container of food or drink?
Plastic offers a good functional barrier to migration: Integral layer of an
object, container or equipment, which is normally in contact with food and
which, under normal or foreseeable conditions of use, reduces all possible
transfers to the food of substances present in any pre-barrier layer
(generally contaminants or other compounds not intentionally added to such
layers), at toxicologically safe, sensory insignificant, and technologically
unavoidable levels. (MINSALUD,2012)

2. What are the main reactions or processes of physicochemical,

microbiological and sensory deterioration of the selected food or

Table 8.1 Quality assessment scheme used to identify the quality index by
demerits (Larsen et al., 1992)

Quality parameter Characteristic Score (ice / seawater)

General appearance Skin 0 Bright, resplendent
1 Bright
2 opaque
Blood stains (redness) on operculum 0 None
1 Small, 10-30%
2 Large, 30-50%
3 Very large, 50-100%
Hardness 0 Hard, strictly speaking mortis
1 Elastic
2 Firm
3 Soft
Belly 0 Firm
1 soft
2 Belly Burst
Odor 0 Fresh, seaweed / metallic
1 Neutral
2 Moisture / Moldy / Acid

3 Past / stale meat

Eyes Clarity 0 Clear
1 opaque
Shape 0 Normal
1 Plans
2 sunk
Gills Colour 0 Characteristic red
1 Pale, discolored
Odor 0 Fresh, seaweed / metallic
1 Neutral
2 Sweet / slightly stale
3 Stink Sour / Past, Rancid
Sum of the score (Minimum 0 and maximum 20)

Table 8.3 Fish Freshness Test using Enzymatic Technology

Analysis Beginning Advantage Disadvantages Reference

Hx · enzymes · Quick • semiquantitative Jahns et al. (1976)
(xanthine oxidase, · simple to use • can only measure
XO) immobilized outside the Hx (end states of
on a simple to use laboratory deterioration)
test strip

Hx, Ino · strip test with · Quick • semiquantitative Ehira et, al. (1986)
immobilized · simple to use • low reproducibility
enzymes outside the • limited to Hx and Ino
laboratory (final stages of

IMP, Ino, Hx · enzyme covered · Quick • more complicated Karube et, al. (1984)
with oxygen · exact and time consuming
electrode than strip test

Índice-K · coupled enzyme · Quick • enzymes and · commercially

assay "KV-101 · results reagents must be available from
Freshness Meter" comparable to purchased Orienta Electric,
CLAP • cost? Niiza Saitama 352,
Índice-K · enzyme covered · Quick · Cost? · commercially
with oxygen · results available from
electrode comparable to Pegasus
"Microfresh" CLAP Instruments,
Agincourt, ON,

3. What properties of the material can preserve the food or beverage


The properties of the material that can preserve fish are:

If long-lasting plastic boxes, such as polypropylene, are made, they are
nestable and self-stacking, making storage easier. They usually have a
drainage system so that the water can flow out and fall on those below.
They are used in conjunction with ice, usually insulated to maintain the cold
chain. There are different capacities. The most used are between 50 and
100 liters. They serve both sea, land and air transport. Materiales de
embalaje 14 de enero de 2020

If you make packaging boxes in expanded polystyrene (EPS):

These are lightweight and offer excellent thermal insulation. High capacity of
mechanical resistance and high capacity of shock absorption. The
absorption of water is low, as well as its chemical resistance. Therefore,
they are very suitable for transporting frozen or ice fish.
All these characteristics make them ideal for transporting food at controlled
temperatures. They are only used to transport fresh fish. Materiales de
embalaje 14 de enero de 2020

Pre-formed polyethylene (PET) bags:

They are used for packaging before or after freezing. They can be used for
transport and to reach the final consumer. It can also be used with form-seal
machines. They have numerous advantages: Maintaining the quality of the
product, since PET creates an excellent barrier to aroma, oxygen and water
vapor. Perfect liquid tightness and good elasticity. Materiales de embalaje
14 de enero de 2020

Laminated pre-formed bags (PE-PVDC, PE / PVOH or PE / PA)

They are used for vacuum packaging, before freezing the fish. Very
frequently used to reach the final customer, in addition to transportation.
They provide a good barrier to odors, light, moisture, and oxygen.
They allow more creativity when it comes to design, such as transparent
finishes, colors, matt or gloss finishes.
There are numerous variants and innovations of laminated plastics. Also, we
can find others that do not serve to make a vacuum, but rather for heat
sealing and with extraordinary strengths and brightness, ideal for frozen
packaging. Materiales de embalaje 14 de enero de 2020

Araneda, M. (24 de Enero de 2020). PESCADOS Y MARISCOS. COMPOSICIÓN
Y PROPIEDADES. Obtenido de
Echeverria, Ignacio. (2012). Materiales biodegradables en base a proteínas de
soja y montmorillonitas. Recuperado de
%20reducida%20(4).pdf. (s.f.).
Énfasis Packaging. (2013). Envase para pescado con un sensor. Recuperado de
sensor-. (s.f.).
García, Esther. (2006). Tecnologías de envasado en atmósfera. (s.f.).
Huss, H. H. (1998). Evaluación de la calidad del pescado. El pescado fresco: su
calidad y cambios de calidad”. Colección FAO Pesca, 131-154. (s.f.).
Laboratorio María D’uol. (2015). Los beneficios del envase metálico. Recuperado
20150615150226.html. (s.f.).
Liébanas, Patricia. (2013). Envases inteligentes que determinan la frescura del
pescado. Recuperado de (s.f.).
MINSALUD, RESOLUCIÓN 683 DEL 30 DE MARZO DEL 2012. Recuperado de:
solucion-0683-de-2012.pdf. (s.f.).
Tamorlan. (2010). Atún en conserva. Recuperado de
%C3%BAn_(Tarros_de_cristal).jpg. (s.f.).
VelSid. (2016). Envase alimentario comestible fabricado con una proteína de la
leche. Recuperado de
comestible-fabricado-con-una-proteina-de-la-leche/. (s.f.).
Materiales de embalaje 14 de enero de 2020. Recuperado de

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