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Feliza Jazz Bldg. Mc Arthur Highway Sumapang
Matanda, 3000 Malolos, Bulacan


“The Popularity of Milk Tea Its

Fascination Among Urbanites in

SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Jann Mark Marcelino


Avendano, Joyce
Espiritu, Herlyn
Fabian, Victor
Reyes, Nicole Rose S.
Ronquillo, Renzo





“Life is like a cup of tea. It’s all in how you make it”. Filipinos especially the younger
ones used to drink “Samalamig” as the answer for their thirst especially when it is
partnered with the Filipino’s delicacies and snacks. As the years go by there are new
things that is being discovered and adopted from other countries. When people travel
they learn new things from the place they went and as for this people adopts the
culture of this city, province or country. From the food they eat, the way they dress
and many more. As we all know Philippines was conquered by the Spaniards,
Japanese and lastly the Americans. Have you joined the milk tea bandwagon? You're
not alone. “Tea sooths the soul” A lot of people now a days feel boring and unexcited
to their everyday life the more we drink Milk Tea the more people get interesting. So
let’s talk about why people found of drinking tea in different flavors or variety is
enjoying. People really love of being adventurous and experimenting of something
new in terms of drinking beverages and adapting the different culture of a different
country. The growth of tea in the Philippines growing in a higher level , it’s because of
being popular in terms of a Milk Tea organization all over the world that is why it is
become famous here in our country maybe because of their flavors variation that’s
why a lot of people enjoying drinking it. And also because of the social media a lot of
people being aware of knowing what is the latest or popular beverage now a days
that’s why a lot of people get inform about the Milk Tea production. Because of being
famous of the Milk Tea here in the Philippines a lot of Filipino created their own
variety or flavor and sometimes because of being so fun of something Filipino adding
different ingredients on it , to make it a trade mark in the Philippines .The online
famous Milk Tea brand make the purchase and consumption of Milk Tea become a
daily activity in their everyday life. Because of it the fashionable of drinking Milk Tea
has gradually. According to Mike (2017), Milk Tea has been a common staple in
many countries, and if you ask for ‘tea’ pretty much anywhere in Asia and many other
countries it’ll come served with milk. Milk Tea is simply what it sounds like- tea with
milk added. This combination creates a smoothness and slight sweetness to normal
bitter teas such as black tea. Milk tea can be made into anything, such as bubble tea
or masala chai tea. Many students in Bulacan were obsessed with this Milk Tea
madness. Some do not want the taste of the Milk Tea because of the tea it contains.
As stated on the Health Exchange, The original bubble tea, also called pearl milk tea,
is basically brewed black tea or green tea mixed with milk, sugar and chewy tapioca
pearls, and usually served cold with ice.

Pursuant to an Article on Culture Trip by Ciaran Mceneaney (2019), Drinking tea

is a Taiwanese pastime that verges on obsession. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner
there’s a variety of tea to perfectly complement any food and suit any palate. But
when it comes to an afternoon drink or something to sip on while wandering through
the local night market, nothing beats a pearl milk tea, Taiwan’s (unofficial) official
drink. Although there are several tea vendors that claim to have been the first to
create this now world-famous drink, the most credible is Liu Han-Chieh of Chun
Shui Tang Teahouse in Taichung. In the early 80s, he noted that Japanese people
enjoyed drinking cold coffee and so he tried out the idea with tea. His cold teas were
so popular that his business expanded and he opened several new branches
throughout the city. The bubbles or pearls arrived on the scene in 1988 when during
a meeting Liu poured some tapioca balls into his iced teas. Everyone loved it, and so
the well-loved drink was born. Another popular theory is that Tu Tsong-he of the
Hanlin Teahouse invented the drink on a whim. He used white tapioca balls which
resembled pearls which is allegedly where the name originated. Wherever it started,
there’s no doubt that it took the Taiwanese tea industry by storm and forced many
traditional vendors to adapt their menus to include this new and popular drink. As
stated on Yummy.Ph The tiny tea shop in Little Baguio, San Juan, opened in
December 2008, after Peter Chen, a graduate of the College of St. Benilde, came back
from a trip to Taiwan where milk tea was all the rage. "I saw in China, na dati mas tea
drinkers sila, now nagiging coffee drinkers sila. So naisip ko, baka may possibility na
dito sa atin, magka-switch naman from coffee to tea." He was also encouraged by the
success of C2, the line of bottled iced tea drinks that was readily embraced by the
Philippine market. With these indicators, Peter thought it could be the right time to
bring in milk tea. Peter and his then-girlfriend and now-wife, Juliet Herrera,
borrowed capital from their dads, initially planning to use it to run a little milk tea
cart in a mall. They realized though that they might not get enough attention and
customers since they were not yet a known brand. They decided to put up their own
shop, but it took them a while to find the space on J. Abad Santos Street. Once the
doors were open, it also took a while for the long lines of customers to find its way
there. They never lose their hope and their Store pops up and began to be a new
Trend in the Philippines. When Milk Tea rose in the Philippines way back 2011, it
never dies. The milk tea madness becomes more obsession.

According to Anri Ichimura(2019), As of December 2018, GrabFood’s bubble tea

network encompasses over 1,500 brands with 4,000 outlets throughout Southeast
Asia. Proving bubble tea’s growing popularity, GrabFood estimated that Southeast
Asians drink four cups of bubble tea per person per month. Thailand landed at the
top of the list followed closely by Filipino consumers who reportedly drink five cups
of bubble tea per person per month. In connection with Ichimura’s article this has
proven guided by the facts that this craze goes by as the days pass.

The researchers’ quantitative research was entitled as “The Popularity of Milk Tea
and its Fascination among Students in Bulacan, wants to emphasize how Milk Tea
affects an individual specifically on students who are nowadays being obsessed with
Milk Teas, secondly the research wants to share, and tell what are the advantages and
dis-advantages of consuming Milk Tea. Everything that is too much is bad so this
research aim is to inform others and give a basic knowledge about Milk Tea.

The study will focus on how does Milk Tea affects students’ health. As the article
by Ichimura stated that Filipino’s rank was closely to Thailand which the Milk Tea
was originated, the researchers will find what Milk Tea can do to the drinkers of it. In
additional, the researchers will also find how was students, and workers became a big
part in the having many Milk Tea shops in Bulacan. There are lots of Milk Tea shops
growing in Bulacan. The researchers will try to ask them on why they establish Milk
Tea shops.

The study wants to target to emphasize on how Milk Tea craze going. The study aims
to inform the Milk Tea drinkers on what they can have on drinking Milk Tea and also
what are the risk they have if they drink too much of it. The study will be an eye
opener for everyone to have an additional knowledge about Milk Tea

1. Participant’s Identity
1.1 Name
1.2 Age
1.3 Student/ Worker

These questions are given to know the Background of the

Interviewee. The personal background of the respondents is needed in a what to
fulfill the limit and to know if they are a respondent in Bulacan.

2. How can Milk Tea affects Everyone’s Health?

2.1 Advantages
2.2 Dis-advantages

The question will help the study to fulfill the objectives and to answer the
questions that are being asked on the study.

3. Who were mostly get attracted to Milk Tea

3.1 Students
3.2 Workers

The questions are given to know on who is mostly get attracted to Milk Tea If
it was the Workers or Students. In this study, the researchers aim to educate
the public about the health benefits of Milk Tea whether it be good or bad.
The study also wants to deliver broader explanations about the ingredients of
Milk Tea and how they can affect one's health. The research also targets the
fast growing Milk Tea businesses around Bulacan and how residents on
Bulacan take a part in helping these businesses spread and grow rapidly.

III. Scope and Delimitation

The study will mainly focus on the residents of Bulacan as their respondents. The
study will show on who were mostly get fascinated by Milk Tea. The study will
provide the Result and use it as guide throughout the Research.

Only 6 respondents will be used for the study. The study limits the Observation
for this study to Bulacan Residents only. The main purpose of this is for them to
clearly state their own stand with connection with the certain topic which is Milk
Tea’s Popularity.

The result of this study will not be biased. All of the answers and results will be
discuss or explained at the end of this study.

The Respondents will have their own freedom on stating their own stand or own
opinion for this certain topic. The researchers accept all the answers equally. The
team will not just stand on one’s answers but will also give rights to other’s opinion.

As the study go by, the researchers will find on what benefits and risk factors a
drinker of it can have and who were mostly love drinking the New Trend drink in the


The study will focus on Milk Tea’s Popularity and how does it get caught the
attention of every persons. The Study will be Beneficial to the Following:

Retail Industry. The result of this study will be help for the retail industry for them
to know if they meet the satisfaction of the consumers . It can also help for them to
know what people like and for them to have an idea in Planning a business such as
Milk Tea Shops.

Milk Tea Shops Owner. The owner can have an idea on who was the persons that
are attracted to Milk Tea. The study can serve as their own plan to where they can put
up the Business.

Milk Tea Drinkers. The drinkers of Milk Tea will be inform if they read the study.
The study will be a guide for them to know behind what they are drinking.

Graduating Students. The result of this study will help all the Graduating
Students because Milk Tea is a drink that designed for young and adults. This study
will give a lot of information about Milk Tea’s popularity among students and how
the researchers will answer the question why is Milk Tea popular?

Future Researchers. The study will be benefecial to the future researchers in a

way that if they have a relevance topic with the study they can get some and
information and they will cite it only. The study will be a guide for them having their
own research.

ACLC Malolos Admin and Staff. The result of this study will help all the admin
and staff of ACLC Malolos for them to know or to be aware of what is the trend that is
happening nowadays particularly in the students in terms of drinking beverages such
as Milk Tea. They will be inform about it so that they can guide the students in terms
of it.

V. Definition of Terms

Fascination is the state of being greatly interested in or delighted by something.

It is something that fascinates people.
Milk Tea or Bubble Tea is a sweet drink of Taiwanese origin that in its basic form
consists of tea mixed typically with milk or fruit syrup and small balls of tapioca.
Bubble tea originated in Taiwan and in the past decade has become a favorite
Chinese treat. Imagine a spoonful of pea-sized round tapioca “pearls” mixed with tea,
milk, or juice in many delicious combinations

Tea is a beverage produced by steeping in freshly boiled water the young leaves and
leaf buds of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis. Two principal varieties are used, the
small-leaved China plant (C. sinensis sinensis) and the large-leaved Assam plant (C.
sinensis assamica). Hybrids of these two varieties are also grown. The leaves may be
fermented or left unfermented.

Samalamig or Palamig, from the root word lamig meaning cold, are prepared
beverages that contain sago (tapioca pearls) and gulaman (gelatin), and are usually
flavored with syrup from a wide variety of fruit extracts. As the name suggests, it is
used to refresh and nourish everyone's thirst, especially during the hot Summer

VI. Notes

Jhalan I. (2015). Retrieved from:


What is Milk Tea.

Bubble Tea: Healthy or Not? . Retrieved from:


Castro J. (2019). Retrieved from:

Ichimura A. (2019). Filipinos rank second highest bubble tea drinkers in Southeast
Asia. Retrived from:
bubble-tea- drinkers-in-southeast-asia-anrii-20190502/

Collins Dictionary. Definition of Fascination Retrieved from:

Bubble Tea(2016). In Merriam-Webster’s dictionary (11th ed). Springfiled, MA:


Fredenheim , E. (2006).Queens: What To Do, Where To Go (And How Not To Get

Lost) In New York's Undiscovered Borough. Retrieved from: https://www.merriam-

Licudine, M. Pinterest. Retrieved from:

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