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oe ‘ ye = aor Fel beaded 7 Dw Fhe wie tase 01 soot Seren | Ct : REAL ANALYSIS 4 Cr Ci ‘Roll Number: Tie: 90 Minutes 7 CWT- 01. Maximum Manxs:92.5 & INSTRUCTIONS: a é ‘AL GENERAL € 4. Thlo booklet te your Question Paper containing 25 questions. - 2: The Test iDigiprinted on the right hand top coriier of thisibooklet, This ehould be E efitered on the OMR sheet. : %. Blank papers, clipboarde, log tables, slide, rules, calciyatste,” cellular phones, a “ pagers, andielectronic gadgets in any form areinct allowed to be carried inoide ‘the examination hall. ; 4. The answer sheet, @ machine-readable Optical mark recognition sheet (OMR Shaet),te provided separately. 5. DONOT TAMPER WITH / MUTILATE THE OMR.OF THE BOOKLET. + ©. Dont break the seats of the question paper boolet before being instructed to € PPMP 13 i ne a & at +. fo fa. in a“ 4 ind (A), yr for i ¥ carter a & A dn fe GE) ana (a), For feo anower, oe ero % yy t = C Pica ear een eesti ne ares ow ee cred eee ie eer eae bubble correspondina to the correct anewat and zero mark if no bubble is Q darkened, In case of bubbling of incorrect. anewer, 11 mark will be awarded. 411. For each question i PART-C, you will be awarded 4.75 marks if you darken the bubbie(s) corresponding to the correct choice(e) far the answer, sind zero mark if no bubbieis darkened. There ia no negative marking for in the Section. o ANISO 90012008 COMPANY DUBEY'S INFORMATION POOL & SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. eeoe & 27-3, (Ground Floor) Jia Sarai, Houz Khas, Near LLT., New Delhi-i6, (011)-26537527, 26525686; Cell: 9999183434 & 9899161734 ie ail: Website: www € Ss ean PART-B G gle Answer Correct) This section contains 15 (1-15) Multiple Choice Questions, Each question hag 4 choices (a.), (b.), (c.) and (d.) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct. w 2 oe om (4 im 6) ALS Ove Cue and eghers|$ - a is a recurring decimal numbers} S-fack Pathan: b= [2 or some ase pine q p&q}then (a) siscountable but Tis not (b) Ts countable but is not $2.1 both are countable sets (d) 58 Tare uncountable sets La Ye het of nes psig oh he 6) exigin and slopes integral multiple of 7. Then ai pes integra (a) Aissimitarto R — intable infinite Pe ation! weet ply imilar to the set of months ina year & (d.)_ Ais similar to the power set of ” _ Consider the following statements. 1. every subset of a set is countable then set is countable. is go If every proper subset of a set is countable then set is countable / Then, i (2) 2eotrect 2 may oF may not correct ‘5 (b) 2correct 1 may or may not correct (€)_Both may or may not correct Aone s 8) Both correct Consider the following statements: Assertion (A): There exists a bijection between the set Nof natural number and the set Z of integers Reason (R): Nis proper subset of Z Of these statements (2) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A “yfb” Both A and R are true but Ris not a correct, explanation of A (c) Ais true but Ris false (4) Ristrue but Ais false Consider the following statements: 27 ceil 2 | 2) L_ Every infinite set is equivalent to one of its proper subset 2. Ifa set is equivalent to one of its proper subset then itis infinite set 1is correct and 2s incorrect fa) (b) 21s correct and 1s incorrect Both are correct (4) Both incorrect Let A&B are two finite sets with cardianality 2, 4 4. Then the number of subsets ie, IAL Bh of Ax 8 with carianalty> 2is Nf a7 > (b) 255 256 {d)_ None of these Let &B are infinite sets Let J isa map fom A to such that the collection of pre images of any non-empty subset of 8 is non empty. Then + Choose the tjcorrect FIFA cojntable tenis countable \ (Hh at aun i fas if (eee Ae Pale 5 not ‘countable | let 4 be the subset of Euclidean plane R? defined by 4={(x,y);05x,9¢51} = Ces) B={(x,»):08x<1y=0} a Oden (1 4&2 are not equivalent as there is no 7 Loni O94. ‘one-one function from A&B a ale and (b) 4&B are not equivalent as there is no onto function from A & 2 fe) 48.8 are not equislent set as there is nether one-one nr onto function \UST None ofthese itthere ae inlections f:4->C and g:C-+ 4 then (a) 4&C both are uncountable (Ground Floor) jis Sarai, Hauz Khas, Near L1-7., New Dethi-110016,Ph(011)-26537527, 26525686: 9999183434 & 9899161734: E-mail:; Website: o> f € (0) 4&C bothare countable (c) 4&C both are finite sets (Jt) 48 € have the same catdinaliy (30) If there is no one-one map from set of natural ¢ umber N to A where A be any set. Then st A isfinte set (b.) A is infinite set (c) A issimitar toN - (4) None of these Theset 4 and B are defined as cae 7 {o syed 7 B= (xy): y= -a x R} the cardinality of Anes - ar 3 odo} 0 as (ce) 2 < (1 ay (that of ND au (12) Let As {all real numbers that are not integers} Be {all integers that are multiplies of 3) Then a) Theres an 1-1 function from A fo Bbut not from BoA. - ‘There is an 1-1 function from B to Abut not from AtoB ieo) (c) oy Consider the following statements, There is an 1-1 function from A to 8 and also from Bto A ‘There-is an 1-1 function neither from A ta B nor from B to A. a O vay ao 1. S be set of all straight line in a plane each of which passes through at least two different rational co-ordinate c reams ree: Cm Vesialty (Ane=% ay sa ula an 4) ys Ve . oo ree si y-4ek > BL 2M Sefesxbe a rational point of 2} (@ point x=(3, x) A? called rational point if each 5,20) Then JAY and 2 both countable. {b} countable and 2 uncountable (6) 2countable and 1 uncountable (4) and 2 both uncountable Which set/sets are countable 1. Numbers of the form 5-2 where 9, =0 2. Numbers of the formy"%. where 5 =0 ort 3. Set of all maps from 2* to A where A={8,3 Select the codes (2) Only a and 2 (8) Only (c) ata, 2ana3 Aa) Nether of 1,203 Which of the'following is/are true? tay Treset lex; rah)» ica countable set f fo Yokes 98} LE rarounaies A ve) jtsin 4 ideiobxs ccd is aenitate et S JH The set of solution ofall the eation 2M 21n=1,2,... forzcompler, isa countable set. PART-C (Multiple Answer Correct) ‘This section contains 10 (16-25) Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (a.), (b-), (86 Which one of the following is/are correct? & Ja.) Cardinatity of [0,1)}x[0.1} is the same as . «cardinality of € (c.) and (d.) for its answer, out which ONE OR MORE is/are correct. Cardinality of R Is the same as the cardinality of irationals Cardinality of Eis the same as the cardinality of rationals Jo) ) 27-J. (Ground Floor) Jia Sarai, Haut Khas, Near 1.1.1, New Delhi (Cell: 9999183434 & 9899161734: E-mail: Websi 10016,Ph(011)-26537527. 26525686: wy ee 6: Fo ue t acres 4 Countabie Fb mutt hare count ———— Quotes sd fd) Cardinality of R is the same as the cardinality of C (27) Let Abe an uncountable subset of R and # be countable a proper infinite subset of. Define f:B-> A such that f is one-one, then the correct statement(s) finite A and A~B are similor y At \ ber er 4 and 4. (3) aresimitar o \ Jer Rand R £(B) are similar af6.) A=]']A is uncountable where each 4, is Ae” Aa[TA te cob where exch 4 TIA ts uncountable where each 4 is countable such that [4]22 Vi=1,2,3, (d) None of these FHT A is uncountable where each 4, is ta) Let S be an uncountable set and 7 be a set of “ La countably & Cfrert those real umber x St (x-8,x+8)nS is 2.) Which ofthe following is uncountable uncountable then which of the statement ware me 7 \ Aa The set of all functions from the set of correct (a) iscountable natural numbers to the set {0,1} V8) ST is countable ~ {b.) The set of all ordered paits of natural. Se) T~S is uncountable _umbers M8 SAT is uncountable + J. Quotient set of uncountable set 7 (G.)_ Every closed interval « 9) tet A=(0, 1) & B is the sets of all disjoint - subintervals of A. them (23.) ~ If these is no cheone map from set 6f naturel suber N to 4 where 4 beanyset. Then © (3) A&B are simitar : (2) A iguncountable set (b) There is no onto roap from A to B hence ee A &B are not similar. (fe) A tsiarto N J mete emto map fom Bo 4 eee Ay oti 7 ther ae not simi F any’ “ube A vefnebe tema wot of ne Wd) tere i 90 oneane mp fom 4108, fj, feliohingarces hence they are not similar. va io\onto map fom [a,b] to Z s)he (20) Which set is un-countable ABT The. set of all polynomials with real sto There's bijection between [a, 6] and coefficients WE) Thereisno 1-1 map from Z10)[a, 6} The set of all subsets of a countably infinite set \ Jen The set A-B where Ais uncountable but Bis, 2)" Let X'=[x.e Rss? is rational} en countable Aa} Theres 1-1 map trom [a, Bio Z (o) X=R ) The set of all finite subsets of N; the set of (d) The set of all finite subsets of N; the set of ol) natural number Xisa countable subset of X #0 (.) xis aan uncountable subset of X +R st yer e 21) Select which of the following is are correct 4 | 274. (Ground Floor Jia Sarai, Wau Khas, Near 11-7., New Dethi-110016,Ph(011)-26537527, 26525686: Cell: 9999183434 & 9899161734: E-mail:; Website:

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