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Shandy C.

Historillo BSBA- 1B

A. Review: The Family of Real Numbers. Give each definition.

Real Numbers
A real number is a number that can be found on the number line. These are the numbers that we
normally use and apply in real-world applications.

There are many types of real numbers.

•Real numbers are mainly classified into rational and irrational numbers.
•Rational numbers include all integers and fractions.
• negative integers and whole numbers make up the set of integers.
•Whole numbers comprise of all natural numbers and zero.

Natural numbers
A natural number is a counting number. It starts from 1 onwards. They are located at the right side of
the number line (after 0).

1 is the smallest natural number.

Examples of natural numbers are

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 68, 101, 422, 1024

Whole numbers
A whole number is either a counting number or zero (0). They are located at the right side of the
number line.

0 is the smallest whole number.

Examples of whole numbers are

0, 1, 2, 3, 16, 78, 904, 1556, 38617

An integer is either a whole number or its negative.Positive integers are integers starting from 1 and so
on. They are located at the right side of the number line (after 0). They are also natural or counting
numbers. Negative integers are integers starting from -1 and so on. They are located at the left side of
the number line (before 0). They are negative whole numbers.

Examples of integers are

-2015, -197, -44, -3, 0, 6, 28, 143
A fraction is a part of a whole. In the number line, they are
located between integers.

Examples of fractions are

-3 14 , -25 , -110 ,920 ,16 ,5 12

A fraction can be converted into decimal form.

The Rational Numbers

The rational numbers are those numbers which can be expressed as a ratio between two integers. For
example, the fractions 13 and −11118 are both rational numbers. All the integers are included in the
rational numbers, since any integer z can be written as the ratio z1. All decimals which terminate are
rational numbers (since 8.27 can be written as 827100.) Decimals which have a repeating pattern after
some point are also rationals: for example, 0.0833333....=112.

The set of rational numbers is closed under all four basic operations, that is, given any two rational
numbers, their sum, difference, product, and quotient is also a rational number (as long as we don't
divide by 0).

The Irrational Numbers

An irrational number is a number that cannot be written as a ratio (or fraction). In decimal form, it
never ends or repeats. The ancient Greeks discovered that not all numbers are rational; there are
equations that cannot be solved using ratios of integers.

Irrational numbers can be further subdivided into algebraic numbers, which are the solutions of some
polynomial equation (like 2√ and the golden ratio), and transcendental numbers, which are not the
solutions of any polynomial equation. π and e are both transcendental.

The Real Numbers

The real numbers is the set of numbers containing all of the rational numbers and all of the irrational
numbers. The real numbers are “all the numbers” on the number line. There are infinitely many real
numbers just as there are infinitely many numbers in each of the other sets of numbers. But, it can be
proved that the infinity of the real numbers is a bigger infinity.

The "smaller", or countable infinity of the integers and rationals is sometimes called ℵ0(alef-naught),
and the uncountable infinity of the reals is called ℵ1(alef-one). There are even "bigger" infinities, but
you should take a set theory class for that!

The Complex Numbers

The complex numbers are the set {a+bi | a and b are real numbers}, where i is the imaginary unit, −1−−
−√. (click here for more on imaginary numbers and operations with complex numbers).

The complex numbers include the set of real numbers. The real numbers, in the complex system, are
written in the form a+0i=a. a real number.

This set is sometimes written as C for short. The set of complex numbers is important because for any
polynomial p(x) with real number coefficients, all the solutions of p(x)=0 will be in C.

B.Search and Study the Mathematical language and symbols

Basic math symbols

Symbol Symbol Name Meaning / definition − minus sign subtraction

= equals sign equality ± plus - minus both plus and minus

≠ not equal sign inequality
± minus - plus both minus and plus
≈ approximately approximation operations
* asterisk multiplication
> strict greater than
inequality × times sign multiplication

< strict less than ⋅ multiplication multiplication

inequality dot

≥ inequality greater than or equal ÷ division sign / division

to obelus

≤ inequality less than or equal to / division slash division

() parentheses calculate expression — horizontal line division / fraction

inside first
mod modulo remainder
[] brackets calculate expression calculation
inside first
. period decimal point,
+ plus sign addition
decimal separator AB line segment line from point A to
point B
ab power exponent
ray line that start from
a^b caret exponent
point A
√a square root √a ⋅ √a = a
arc arc from point A to point B
3√a cube root 3√a ⋅ 3√a ⋅ 3√a = a
⊥ perpendicular perpendicular lines
4√a fourth root 4√a ⋅ 4√a ⋅ 4√a ⋅ 4√a (90° angle)
∥ parallel parallel lines
n√a n-th root
≅ congruent to equivalence of
geometric shapes and
% percent 1% = 1/100 size

‰ per-mille 1‰ = 1/1000 = 0.1% ~ similarity same shapes, not

same size
ppm per-million 1ppm = 1/1000000
Δ triangle triangle shape
ppb per-billion 1ppb =
1/1000000000 |x- distance distance between
y| points x and y
ppt per-trillion 1ppt = 10-12
π pi constant π =
the ratio between the
Geometry symbols
circumference and
Symbol Symbol Name Meaning / definition diameter of a circle

∠ angle formed by two rays rad radians radians angle unit

measured c radians
angle radians angle
angle grad gradians / gons grads angle
∟ right angle = 90°
g gradians / gons grads angle unit
° degree 1 turn = 360°
Algebra symbols
deg degree 1 turn = 360deg
Symbol Symbol Name Meaning /
′ prime arcminute, 1° = 60′
″ double prime arcsecond, 1′ = 60″
x x variable unknown value to
line infinite line find
≡ equivalence identical to composition

≜ equal by equal by (a,b) open interval (a,b) = {x | a < x <

definition definition b}

:= equal by equal by [a,b] closed interval [a,b] = {x | a ≤ x ≤

definition definition b}

~ approximately weak ∆ delta

equal approximation change /
≈ approximately approximation
equal ∆ discriminant Δ = b2 -
∝ proportional to proportional to
∑ sigma
∞ lemniscate infinity symbol
summation -
≪ much less than much less than sum of all values
in range of
≫ much greater much greater series
than than
∑∑ sigma
() parentheses calculate double summation
expression inside
first ∏ capital pi product -
product of all
[] brackets calculate values in range of
expression inside series
e e constant / e = 2.718281828...
{} braces set Euler's number
⌊x⌋ floor brackets rounds number γ Euler- γ=
to lower integer Mascheroni 0.5772156649...
⌈x⌉ ceiling brackets rounds number to constant
upper integer φ golden ratio golden
x! exclamation factorial ratio constant
mark π pi constant π=
|x| single vertical absolute value 3.141592654... is
bar the ratio between
the circumference
f (x) function of x maps and diameter of a
values of x to f(x) circle
(f ∘ g) function (f ∘ g) (x) = f (g(x))
combination _{n}C_{k}=\binom{n} (A)
A=B equality both sets have
Set theory symbols the same
Symbol Symbol Meaning /
Name definition Ac complemen all the objects
t that do not
{} set a collection of belong to set A
A\B relative objects that
A∩B intersection objects that complemen belong to A and
belong to set A t not to B
and set B
A-B relative objects that
A∪B union objects that complemen belong to A and
belong to set A t not to B
or set B
A∆B symmetric objects that
A⊆B subset A is a subset of difference belong to A or B
B. set A is but not to their
included in set intersection
A⊖B symmetric objects that
A⊂B proper A is a subset of difference belong to A or B
subset / B, but A is not but not to their
strict subset equal to B. intersection
A⊄B not subset set A is not a a∈A element of,
subset of set B
belongs to set
A⊇B superset A is a superset membershi
of B. set A p
includes set B
x∉A not element no set
A⊃B proper A is a superset of membership
superset / of B, but B is not
strict equal to A. (a,b) ordered collection of 2
superset pair elements

A⊅B not set A is not a A×B cartesian set of all

superset superset of set product ordered pairs
B from A and B

2A power set all subsets of A |A| cardinality the number of

elements of set
\mathcal{P} power set all subsets of A
A zero)

#A cardinality the number of \mathbb{N}1 natural \mathbb{N}1 =

elements of set numbers / {1,2,3,4,5,...}
A whole
aleph-null infinite
set (without
cardinality of
natural numbers
set \mathbb{Z} integer \mathbb{Z} =
numbers set {...-3,-2,-
aleph-one cardinality of
ordinal numbers \mathbb{Q} rational \mathbb{Q} = {x
set numbers set | x=a/b,
Ø empty set Ø={}
\mathbb{U} universal set of all
\mathbb{R} real \mathbb{R} = {x
set possible values
numbers set | -∞ < x <∞}
\mathbb{N}0 natural \mathbb{N}0 =
\mathbb{C} complex \mathbb{C} = {z
numbers / {0,1,2,3,4,...}
numbers set | z=a+bi,
set (with
Logic symbols

Symbol Symbol Name Meaning / definition

⋅ and and negation

^ caret / circumflex and ¬ not not -

& ampersand and
! exclamation mark not -
+ plus or
∨ reversed caret
⊕ circled plus / oplus
exclusive or - xor
| vertical line or
~ tilde
x' single quote not - negation
⇒ implies
x bar not -
⇔ equivalent if and
only if (iff) seventeen 17 XVII ‫יז‬

↔ equivalent if and eighteen 18 XVIII ‫יח‬

only if (iff)
nineteen 19 XIX ‫יט‬
∀ for all
twenty 20 XX ‫כ‬
∃ there exists
thirty 30 XXX ‫ל‬
∄ there does not exists
forty 40 XL ‫מ‬
∴ therefore
fifty 50 L ‫נ‬
∵ because / since
sixty 60 LX ‫ס‬
Numeral symbols
seventy 70 LXX ‫ע‬
Name Western Arabic Roman Hebrew
eighty 80 LXXX ‫פ‬
zero 0
ninety 90 XC ‫צ‬
one 1 I ‫א‬
one hundred 100 C ‫ק‬
two 2 II ‫ב‬

three 3 III ‫ג‬

four 4 IV ‫ד‬
Greek alphabet letters
five 5 V ‫ה‬
Upper Case Letter Lower Case Letter
six 6 VI ‫ו‬ Greek Letter Name Letter Name
seven 7 VII ‫ז‬
Α α Alpha al-fa
eight 8 VIII ‫ח‬
Β β Beta be-ta
nine 9 IX ‫ט‬
Γ γ Gammaga-ma
ten 10 X ‫י‬
Δ δ Delta del-ta
eleven 11 XI ‫יא‬
Ε ε Epsilon ep-si-lon
twelve 12 XII ‫יב‬
Ζ ζ Zeta ze-ta
thirteen 13 XIII ‫יג‬
Η η Eta eh-ta
fourteen 14 XIV ‫יד‬
Θ θ Theta te-ta
fifteen 15 XV ‫טו‬
Ι ι Iota io-ta
sixteen 16 XVI ‫טז‬
Κ κ Kappa ka-pa
10 X

Λ λ Lambdalam-da 11 XI

Μ μ Mu m-yoo 12 XII

Ν ν Nu noo 13 XIII

Ξ ξ Xi x-ee 14 XIV

Ο ο Omicron o-mee-c-ron 15 XV

Π π Pi pa-yee 16 XVI

Ρ ρ Rho row 17 XVII

Σ σ Sigma sig-ma 18 XVIII

Τ τ Tau ta-oo 19 XIX

Υ υ Upsilon oo-psi-lon 20 XX

Φ φ Phi f-ee 30 XXX

Χ χ Chi kh-ee 40 XL

Ψ ψ Psi p-see 50 L

Ω ω Omega o-me-ga 60 LX

Roman numerals 70 LXX

Number Roman numeral 80 LXXX

0 not defined 90 XC

1 I 100 C

2 II 200 CC

3 III 300 CCC

4 IV 400 CD

5 V 500 D

6 VI 600 DC

7 VII 700 DCC


9 IX 900 CM
1000 M 100000 C

5000 V 500000 D

10000 X 1000000 M

50000 L

C. define: Mathematical Expression and Mathematical Sentence

Mathematical Expression
mathematics, an expression or mathematical expression is a finite combination of symbols that is well-
formed according to rules that depend on the context. Mathematical symbols can designate numbers
(constants), variables, operations, functions, brackets, punctuation, and grouping to help determine
order of operations, and other aspects of logical syntax.

Our first introduction to mathematical expressions began with arithmetic. A problem as simple as 12 + 2
is a mathematical expression. We could change the (+) to make different mathematical expressions: 12 -
2, 12 * 2, or 12 / 2. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are called operations. There are
many more operations that can be used in a mathematical expression.

An expression is a sentence with a minimum of two numbers and at least one math operation. This math
operation can be addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The structure of an expression is
Expression = (Number, Math Operator, Number)

For example,
= 23 × 4
= 37 – 6
= 25 + 9 – 4 ÷ 2

In all the given expressions, a math operator is used between the two numbers.

A math expression is different from a math equation. An equation will always use an equivalent (=)
operator between two math expressions.

For example

= 25 + 7 = 64 ÷ 2
= 20 × 5 = 102

The structure of defining math expression advances in different grades. In early grades, children are
expected to write math expressions using numbers and operators. Later on, words help students to
form a math expression.
Mathematical Sentence
mathematical sentence, also called mathematical statement, statement, or proposal, is a sentence that
can be identified as either true or false.

More examples of mathematical sentences or statements

6 + 8 = 2 × 7 ( This is a true statement )
9 + 1 = 0 + 11 ( This is a false statement )

mathematical sentence combines two expressions with a comparison operator to create a fact that may
be either true or false. Possible comparison operators are "equal," "not equal," "greater than," "less
than," "greater than or equal to" and "less than or equal to." Mathematical expressions containing the
"equal" sign are considered equations; those containing the "inequality" symbol are considered
inequalities. A mathematical sentence makes a statement about the relationship between two
expressions. An expression is composed of numbers, variables or a combination of both and are
sometimes joined by operators such as "+," "-," "/" or "*."

Examples of equations are:

4x + 3 = 12
6y - 50 = 100
10 + 1 = c + 6

Examples of inequalities are:

15 - 6 <= 3y
18 >= 16.5
3 <> c

10 > 5

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