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Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 64:195-199 (1997)

Strains of Actinobacillus spp. from diseases of

animals and ostriches in Zimbabwe


Department of Paraclinical Veterinary Studies

University of Zimbabwe, PO. Box MP167, Harare

MOHAN, K., MUVAVARIRWA, P. & PAWANDIWA, A. 1997. Strains of Actinobacillus spp. from dis-
eases of animals and ostriches in Zimbabwe. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 64:
Among the Actinobacillus spp. only A. lignieresii represents a homogenous and well studied taxon.
However, haemolytic and non-haemolytic strains of A. equuli and A. suis are also isolated from a
wide range of diseases in a variety of hosts. These isolates often pose problems in definitive iden-
tification . Consequently, several studies have been published, emphasizing the need for detailed
studies to reclassify various members of this genus and also to assess their disease significance .
We isolated 48 strains of Actinobacillus from clinical cases in horses, cattle, sheep, cat, pigs and
ostrich. In order to investigate the association of various taxa of Actinobacillus in different pathologi-
cal conditions in these hosts, the Zimbabwean isolates were characterized in detail and assigned
to the recently described taxa of Actinobacillus. Representative strains of different taxa were also
confirmed at the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Frederiksburg C, Denmark. Of the 48 iso-
lates, 22 were identified as A. lignieresii, 13 as A. equuli; 8 as A. suis, four as belonging to Taxon 11
and one as belonging to Taxon 9. These two taxa were recently described. Details of pathological
conditions in the respective hosts and the significance of isolation, are discussed. We have reported
for the first time isolation of A. lignieresiifrom a post-operative wound in a cat and there is also a first
report of isolation from an ostrich. We considered A. equulito be the primary cause of equine abor-
tion and septicaemia, and Taxon 9 as causing "sleepy foal" disease. We did not encounter any case
of "wooden tongue", but isolated A. lignieresii from cases of superficial lymphadenitis in cattle and
This appears to be a first report of detailed descriptions of Zimbabwean strains of Actinobacillus spp.
Keywords: Abortion, Actinobacillus, equuli, lignieresii, septicaemia, suis

INTRODUCTION them to either of the two taxa with the use of routine
diagnostic tests. Since all these three species are fre-
A. liqnieresii is a homogenous species of Actinoba- quently encountered in diseases in different hosts,
cillus and its strains are identified with relative ease. investigators have emphasized the need for in-depth
But the members of the other two potentially patho- studies in order to reclassify Actinobacillus-like or-
genic species, A. equuli and A. suis, represent clus- ganisms and also to ascertain their disease signifi-
ters, the former of both haemolytic and non-haemo- cance (Anonymous 1993; Bisgaard, Piechulla, Ying ,
lytic varieties which could not easily be identified . It Frederiksen & Mannheim 1984; Blackall, Bisgaard &
appears that such strains represent a biotypic con- McKenzie 1997; Jang, Biberstein & Hirsh 1987; Pie-
tinuum with no dependable marker to help assign chulla, Bisgaard, Gerlach & Mannheim 1985).
We often isolate Actinobacillus spp. from various
Accepted for publication 9 July1997-Editor disease syndromes in animals. We therefore decided

Strains of Actinobacillus spp. from diseases of animals

TABLE 1 Disease syndromes in the hosts and Actinobacillus spp. isolated

Hosts Abortion Septicaemia Pneumonia/ Polyarthritis/ Lympha- Surface Conjunctivitis

bronchitis serositis den it is wounds

Horse AE(6) AE(2) AE(1) - - - AE(2)

T 1 (1) Tg(W T 1(1)

Pigs - - AE(1) AS(6) - AE(1)

Cattle - - AL(8) - AL(9) -


Sheep - - - - AL(4): T1 (1) AS(1)

Cat - - - - - AL(1)b

Ostrich - - T 2 (1) - - -

AE: A equu/i: 13 isolates

AL: A. /ignieresii: 22
AS: A. suis: 8
T 1 : Taxon 11 biovar 1:3 isolates
T 2 : Taxon 11 biovar 2: one isolate
a T 9 : Taxon 9: From "sleepy foal" disease; cultured from joints, heart blood,spleen and lungs
b Post-surgical sutured skin wound
Figures in parenthesis indicate number of isolate

TABLE 2 Differential properties of various taxa of Zimbabwean isolates of Actinobacillus

Tests for AE(13) AL(22) AS(8) T9 (1) T 1 (3) T 2 (1)

Beta-haemolysis - - + - + +
Catalase + + + + + +
Oxidase +0 + + + + +
Motility at 22 °C - - - - - -
0 /F glucose F F F F F F
Phosphatase + + + + + +
Urease + + + + + +
Indole - - - - - -
H2S in TSI - - v +..J - -
Aesculin hydrolysis - - + +..J - -
ONPG + + + + + +
Arginine dihydrolase - - - - - -
Lysine decarboxylase - - - - - -
Ornithine decarboxylase - - - - - -
Nitrate~ Nitrite + + + + + +
Acid in PW sugars: I
L-Arabinose v v + + - -
Cellobiose - - + - + +
Dulcitol - - - - - -
Glucose + + + + + +
Inositol - - - - - -
Mannitol + + - + - +
Salicin - - + - + +
Sucrose + + + + + +
Trehalose + - + - + +
Xylose + + + + + +

A. equu/i. Total number of isolates indicated in parenthesis

A. lignieresii
A. suis
Taxon 9
Taxon 11 biovar 1
Taxon 11 biovar 2
The isolate from the outbreak of conjunctivitis was oxidase-negative
Expected to be negative
Tested negative in our laboratory but positive in Denmark


to study the phenotypes of the Zimbabwean strains sheep (6) , cat (1) and ostrich (1 ). Details of disease
in detail, with a view to obtaining information on syndromes in those hosts and the isolates cultured
whether the Zimbabwean strains are similar to those are shown in Table 1. Results of important tests for
reported from other countries and also to determine identification were as expected and conformed to the
their disease potential. Results of this retrospective characteristics of the Actinobacillus spp. (Phillips
study are presented in this paper. 1984) except for the following aberrant results . Two
isolates of A. suis and the isolate identified as Taxon
9 produced H2 S in TSI and the latter also produced
MATERIALS AND METHODS acid in arabinose and hydrolysed aesculin . Also the
strain from conjunctivitis tested oxidase-negative.
Actinobacillus spp. were cultured from horses, cat- Differential characters of various taxa are shown in
tle, pigs, sheep, cat and ostrich showing various dis- Table 2. Stickiness of the colonies was consistent
ease syndromes. Clinical specimens for routine bac- with isolates of A. lignieresii, but all 48 isolates dis-
teriological culture comprised swabs, in Stuart's cerned "Morse code" appearance in Gram-stained
transport medium, from cases of conjunctivitis, su- smears, although typical bi-polar staining reaction in
perficial lymphadenitis and skin-surface wounds; a large proportion of cells ofTaxon 9 and the A. equuli
foetal organs/uterine exudate from abortion; syno- strain from cases of conjunctivitis was observed. The
vial aspirate from polyarthritis/serositis; and tracheal Taxon 9 strain was also a rapid grower and discerned
wash from bronchitis. Isolation from cases of septi- mucoid surface growth on BA similar to Klebsiella
caemia was post mortem from heart blood, spleen, spp. Several isolates of A. equuli split urea, on initial
joint aspirate and lungs, while from the ostrich it was isolation, within hours, but on repeated subcultures
from the choanal swabs. Cultures from several cases and after storage, the urease reaction got delayed
of pneumonia were obtained post mortem from pneu- from few hours to one day. Actinobacillus spp. were
monic lungs. Specimens were cultured within 1 h after isolated in pure culture from cases of lymphadenitis
they had been received. Methods used for isolation and septicaemia, including "sleepy foal" disease; but
have previously been described (Mohan, Sadza, from cases of pneumonia in different hosts, a mixed
Madsen, Hill & Pawandiwa 1994). These included the infection was often recorded, such as Rhodococcus
use of of 10% sheep blood (BA) and chocolate agar equi in horses, while mostly Streptococcus and or
(CA) prepared with Blood Agar Base no. 2, and coryneform bacteria was recorded in other animals.
MacConkey agar (MA), both from Oxoid Company, Mycoplasma could be cu ltured from only two cases
incubated in candle jar for elevated C0 2 at 37'C. of polyarthritis in pigs. Foetal organs from equine
Specimens from pneumonia, abortion, conjunctivitis abortion yielded pure culture but cultures from uter-
and polyarthritis were also cultured for mycoplasma, ine exudate yielded Actinobacillus mixed with both
and the techniques described earlier were employed Gram-positive and -negative pyogenic bacteria.
(Mohan, Foggin, Muvavarirwa, Honywill & Pawan- From a mild outbreak of conjunctivitis in foals, oxi-
diwa 1995). Suspected colonies of Actinobacillus dase-negative A. equuli and beta-haemolytic group-
spp. and other potentially pathogenic bacteria were e Streptococcus were simultaneously isolated. The
picked up for purification onto BA/CA and incubated choanal culture from the ostrich consisted of Taxon
likewise. For detailed phenotypic characterization of 11 biovar 2 and Pasteurella multocida (sensu stricto).
different isolates, essentially methods described by
Barrow & Feltham in Cowan & Steel's Manual (1993)
were followed. Initial identification was based on DISCUSSION
haemolysis on BA, colonial characteristics and re- It has been reported that the strains considered as
sults of 0/F test; and tests for catalase, oxidase, the haemolytic variety of A. equuli and the strains
urease, indole, aesculin , H2 S in TSI, motility, nitrate, identified as A. suis but cultured from hosts other
arginine, lysine, ornithine and acid in Andrade's pep- than porcine, possess distinct characteristics and
tone water with arabinose, cellobiose, dulcitol, inosi- should be assigned to the proposed Taxon 11 (Bis-
tol, mannitol, salicin, sucrose, trehalose and xylose; gaard eta/. 1984; Jang eta/. 1987). Taxon 9 has been
ONPG and growth on MA. Representative strains proposed to accommodate certain non-haemolytic
were further characterized and confirmed in the De- strains of A. equuli (Biackall et at. 1997). Nonethe-
partment of Veterinary Microbiology, the Royal Vet- less, African isolates of Actinobacillus spp. do not
erinary and Agriculture University, Denmark, with the appear to have been studied in the context of these
use of a battery of tests described elsewhere (Bis- proposals. Our study, therefore, assumes signifi-
gaard et a/. 1984). cance.
We consider our two isolates of A. suis producing H2 S
RESULTS as aberrant strains, but similar strains have been
reported earlier (Wetmore, Theil, Herman & Harr
The isolates, respective number within parenthesis, 1963). Oxidase-negative A.equuli strains have also
were cultured from horses (14), cattle (18), pigs (8), been recorded (Biackall eta/. 1997). We do not know,

Strains of Actinobacillus spp. from diseases of animals

however, whether the aberrant results recorded (Ta- Pigs suffer a variety of diseases mostly due to A. suis
ble 2) are of any taxonomic significance. infection (Odin & Helie 1993; Pederson 1977). Sig-
nificantly, we isolated only A. suis from the joint as-
Actinobacillus spp. have been incriminated in dis- pirate in cases of polyarthritis/serositis and consider
eases of a variety of hosts; most of the reports re- them to be the isolations of disease potentials. The
lated to diseases in horses, cattle and pigs (Biackall other isolates from pigs could be the secondary in-
eta/. 1997; Carman & Hodges 1982; Carter, Marshall vaders in respective diseases.
& Jolly 1971; Goliard, Hodgson, Hodgson, Brownlow,
Hutchins , Rawlinson, Collins, McClintock & Raisis
1994; Hebeler, Linton & Osborne 1961; Jang et
a/., 1987; Odin & Helie 1993; Varshney & Uppal ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
1993). We did not come across any reported isola- We thank Prof. M. Bisgaard for confirming the phe-
tion from cat. Our isolation of A. /ignieresiifrom a su - notypes of our strains at The Royal Veterinary and
tured wound following fracture in a cat, was probably Agriculture University, Denmark and Miss Sharon
a post-surgical contamination. It appears to be a first Mazenge for secretarial assistance.
report of isolation from a cat, but corroborates a re-
port of isolation of A. lignieresii by De Kruif, Mitjen,
Haesebrouck, Hoorens & Devriese (1992) from post- REFERENCES
surgical, contaminated wounds after caesarian sec-
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BARROW, G.l. & FELTHAM , R.K.A. 1993. In Cowan and Steel's
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