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Worksheet The Present Perfect Simple and Continuous

1. Complete with <for> and <since>:

1. I have this coat ……………………….Christmas.
2. We have been queuing ……………………………….four o`clock.
3. He`s been waiting …………………………….three hours.
4. They`ve been married …………………………………2011.
5. I`ve known him ………………….a long period of time.
6. She`s been in London…………………..a couple of weeks.
7. The cat has been sleeping ………………….noon.
8. It`s been raining ……………………..Tuesday.

2. Translate into Romanian :

1. O astept de doua minute.
2. Invat limba engleza de sapte ani.
3. Noi citim de cand a intrat profesorul in clasa.
4. Copiii se joaca in parc de mult timp.
5. Ne uitam la emisiunea asta de mai bine de o ora.
6. Bunicul e pensionar din 2001.
7. De cat timp spala ea vasele?
8. Reporterul ii ia un interviu presedintelui de zece minute

3. Ask questions to these sentences:

Model She`s talking to the manager .

How long has she been talking to him?

1. They are doing their homework.
2. He`s very ill.
3. I am trying to find a job.
4. We are decorating our house.
5. She is studying in England.
6. We are playing chess.
7. The students are writing a test.
8. The wind is blowing.
9. The band is playing a sad song.
10. The animals are sleeping.

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