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Honourable guests, respected teachers and my dear colleagues,

Assalam.O.Alaikom and good morning.

Today the topic given to me is “Education System of Pakistan”.
How important is education for us? Importance of education can be imagined by Nelson
Mandela’s saying,
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
A nation cannot progress without improving its education. It’s education, to grooming the
human mind. A groomed person means, is full of ideas and having much more knowledge as
is the saying,
"When you know better you do better".
Resplendent Guests,
In Pakistan, education is being provided in six main levels:
Pre-primary, primary, middle, secondary, higher secondary and university education.
There are some flaws in the education system of Pakistan like Lack of budgets, lack of facilities,
trend of ratta system, inefficient teachers, no uniform syllabus, political interference, no proper
policy and many others.

‫حیرت ہے ک تعلیم و ترقی میں ہے پیچھے‬

- ‫جس قوم کا آغازہ ہی “اقرا ”سے ہوا تھا‬
My dear friends,
Apart from flaws there are some very good aspects of our educational system too. The most
interesting thing is that our system is progressing and getting successful to educate the people
of Pakistan, which is clear by the increasing literacy rate.
The great Aristotle says:
“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet”.
It is not only government's responsibility to improve the educational system of Pakistan it is
our responsibility too to make the educational system of Pakistan more efficient and more
I would like to end my speech on these words of Iqbal:

‫جس قوم نے اس زندہ حقیقت کو نہ پایا‬

‫اس قوم کا خورشید بہت جلد ہوا زرد‬
Thank you, all.

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