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Lymphatic and Vascular Metastasis

-May explain why 30% of women with the disease has
- presence and growth of the glands and stroma of the lymph node implants as well as in the thighs, forearms
lining of the uterus in an aberrant or heterotopic and the lungs
(Adenomyosis - the growth of endometrial glands and 4. Iatrogenic Dissemination
stroma into the uterine myometrium to a depth of at -Implants in the anterior abdominal wall noted in post
least 2.5 mm from the basalis layer of the CS women, sometimes in episiotomy sites
endometrium) 5. Immunologic Factors
- Benign but in many women, a progressive and -Not all women with retrograde menstruation develop
aggressive disease. endometriosis
-Disease may develop as result of reduced immunologic
TYPICAL PATIENT clearance of viable endometrial cells from the pelvic
- Mid 30’s cavity
- Nulliparous -Higher basal activation status of peritoneal
- Involuntarily infertile macrophages impair fertility by decreasing sperm
- Symptoms of secondary dysmenorrhea and motility, increasing sperm phagocytosis, increased
- Pelvic pain (Classic symptom) secretion of cytokines and growth factors which may
(30 NIPS) facilitate pelvic implantation of ectopic endometrium
1. Retrograde Menstruation
-Most popular theory
-Implantation of endometrial cells shed during
menstruation and attach to the pelvic peritoneum
under hormonal influences and grow as homologous
-Usually found near the tubal ostia and dependent areas
-Common in women with outflow obstruction of the
genital tract

6. Genetic Factors
-Incidence is 7% greater if a first degree-relative has
been affected by endometriosis
-Multifactorial inheritance
-Associated with high incidence in mother-sister
2. Metaplasia occurrences, as well as in monozygotic twins
-The condition arises from metaplasia of the coelomic -Also related to auto-immune diseases (Lupus
epithelium or proliferation of embryonic rests Erythematosus)
-Mullerian ducts and nearby mesenchymal tissue has
multipotential ability
-Suggested by the fact that the condition can be seen in -Majority are located in the dependent portions of the
prepubertal girls, women with congenital absence of pelvis
the uterus and very rarely in men -Most common site: ovaries, mostly bilateral
-Peritoneum over the uterus, anterior and posterior cul-
de-sac, uterosacral, round and broad ligaments
-Advanced disease affect rectosigmoid areas
- Usually cyclical and chronic
- Secondary dysmenorrhea or dyspareunia
- Approx. absent in 1/3 of cases
-Visual manifestation is variable
- Paradoxically, pain is more often encountered in
-Color may range from black to red to pink depending
smaller lesions compared to those with large, fixed
on the blood supply and amount of fibrosis and
adnexal masses
hemorrhage as well the size, degree of edema
- Prostaglandins are the chemical mediators
-Size range from small, bleb-like implants powder burn
areas < 1 mm diameter (new lesions) to chocolate cysts
> 8 cm in diameter
-tubo-ovarian blockage due to adhesions and ovarian
-increased resistance to the sperm (immunologic)
-increased incidence of abortion

-Premenstrual spotting
- Usually not associated with an anovulatory pattern but
15 % of cases may be associated with anovulatory cycles

Less Common Symptoms

-Cyclic abdominal pain
-Intermittent constipation
-Urinary frequency
-Catamenial hemothorax
1. Ectopic endometrial glands
2. Ectopic endometrial stroma
3. Hemorrhage into the adjacent tissues (previous - Classic pelvic finding: retroverted uterus with scarring
hemorrhages evidenced by large macrophages filled and tenderness posterior to the uterus
with hemosiderin near the periphery of the lesion) -Nodular uterosacral ligaments and pouch of Douglas
-Enlarged and tender adnexal organs
- may be helpful in differentiating solid from cystic
lesions and may help distinguish an endometrioma from
other adnexal abnormalities.
-lesions are vascular, increased Doppler flow may be
demonstrated in endometriosis
-Fair sensitivity from 49% to 91%, with high specificity
93% to 100%
MRI -Leuprolide acetate (Leuprolex,injectable) – given
-Provides the best overall diagnostic tool for 1.88mg-7.5 mg IM/month (3.75mg or 11.25 mg depot) –
endometriosis but is not always a practical modality for -Nafarelin acetate (Synarel, intranasal) – 200ug bid in
its diagnosis. bilateral nostrils
-sensitivity and specificity of approximately 91% to 95%. -Goserelin acetate (Zoladex, subcutaneous implant) -
-detection ratio and specificity of around 78% for 3.6 mg every 28 days, biodegradable
-characteristic hyperintensity on T1-weighted images 3. Oral Contraceptives
-hypointensity on T2-weighted images -Low-dose monophasic combination oral contraceptive
to induce amenorrhea or “pseudopregnancy”
DIAGNOSTIC LAPAROSCOPY -1 pill/day x 6-12 months
- it is important to describe systematically the extent of -Any low dose combination OCP with 30-35μg of ethinyl
the pathology. estradiol (+progestins)
-The American Society for Reproductive Medicine -Reduces dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain
developed a point-scoring system in 1996, designed -SE: weight gain, breast tenderness
primarily to record the extent of the disease in fertility
patients. (ASRM, 1997) 4. NSAIDs
-More recently, a proposed scoring system by Adamson -Beneficial for Pain relief
focuses on the fertility potential of patients with
endometriosis, the Endometriosis Fertility Index and it 5. Other Hormonal Treatments
has been shown in prospective evaluation to correlate For older women who have completed child bearing:
with pregnancy rates. (Adamson, 2010). -Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera) 20- 30mg
TREATMENT -Depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DepoProvera)
MEDICAL THERAPY 150 (-200) mg IM/3 months
-Gestrinone 2.5-7.5 mg/week orally
1. Danazol
-produce a high-androgen, low-estrogen environment EFFICACY
(simulating follicular phase to postmenopausal range) Pain
that does not support growth of endometriosis, and - all previously mentioned medications have similar
preventing amenorrhea and seeding of implants efficacy in reducing pain associated with endometriosis
-“pseudomenopausal effect” Subfertility
-Direct inhibition of steroidogenesis - Conception is contraindicated or impossible
-Increased metabolic clearance of estradiol and -There is no evidence that medical treatment of minimal
progesterone to mild endometriosis leads to better changes of
-Initialized as 200mg BID orally (up to 800 mg/daily) pregnancy than expectant management
with the absence of menses as a better indicator of Post-op medical treatment required in patients with
response incomplete surgical resection
Adverse Side effects: weight gain, fluid retention, acne, Disadvantages over surgical treatment
oily skin, hirsutism, hot flashes, atrophic vaginitis, -High prevalence of side-effects
reduced breast size, reduced libido, fatigue, nausea, -High cost of hormone preparations
muscle cramps, and emotional instability -Higher recurrence rates
Contraindicated in the following cases: SURGICAL THERAPY
-liver disease (largely metabolized in the liver -Depends on patient’s age, symptomatology and
-Hypertension reproductive desire
-CHF -If preservation of reproductive function is desired, the
-impaired renal function (fluid retention) least invasive and least expensive approach that is
-Pregnancy (androgenic effects in fetus) effective should be used
-Removal of all macroscopic visible areas of
2. GnRH Agonists endometriosis with preservation of ovarian function
-Bind to the pituitary GnRH receptors and stimulate FSH -Laparoscopy: bipolar coagulation, CO2 laser,
and LH synthesis but have a longer biological half-life  potassium-titany-phosphate laser, argon laser
down regulation of GnRH agonist activity  low FSH -Laparotomy – reserved for patients with advanced
and LH levels stage illness and for those in whom fertility is no longer
-Medically induced and reversible state of necessary
pseudopregnancy or pseudomenopause without • CSEL – conservative surgery for endometriosis at
androgenic effects laparotomy
-Produces “medical oophorectomy” • PSN – presacral neurectomy
-Side effects similar to menopause: hot flushes, vaginal • TAH/BSO
dryness, insomnia, osteopenia/porosis ENDOMETRIOMAS AT OTHER SITES
1. GI Tract
-Ovarian function returns to normal in 6-12 weeks after 2. Urinary Tract
6 months of GnRH agonist therapy 3. Extrapelvic

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