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1)If in a month 12th falls on the day which is two days after
Wednesday,then which day will fall on the 28th of the same
 Saturday
 Thrusday
 Friday
 Monday
 Sunday
2)Six friends P,Q,R,S,T and U are standing in a row .Q is exactly
in between U and S .T is standing in between P and R .Pis not a
neighbour of S and U.R is not a neighbour of S.
 U is standing in between which of the following pair?
 Q and R
 Q and S
 Q and P
 R and P
 None
 R is standing in between which of the following?
 S and U
 T and Q
 T and U
 P and T
 None
3) If A is coded as +,B is coded as -,C is coded as * and D is
coded as / then evaluate 2 A 4 B 7 C 4 D 2 C 2 ?
 -21
 -20
 -12
 -22

4) In a class of 90 students , where girls are twice that of boys,

Shridar ranked fourteenth from the top .If there are 10 girls
ahead of Shridar, how many boys are after him in rank?
 23
 26
 25
 22
 None

5)In a certain code,MONKED is written as OQPMGF,how could

TIGER be written in that code?

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