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Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan CLICK ON 1 Test Booklet Photocopiable Material Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan lao Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RGI9 GHW Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fox: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: © Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan, 2000 Design and ilustration © Express Publishing, 2000 Colour Ilstrations: Chris, Nathon, Pan ISBN 1-84216-685-9 First published 2000 Second impression 2001 Al rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any rmeons, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission ofthe publishers Photocopying ‘The publishers grant permission forthe photocopying ofthe tests for clossroom use only. School purchasers can make copies for use for ther stoff and students only Individual teachers can make copies for their own or for use by the students they teach, Under no circumstances ‘may ony port of his book be photocopied for resale. Note The Exit Test at the back of the book covers all the material learnt ot this level ond con be used as an offecive assessment test for those planning to move on to the next level. A student who scores above 50% in the test can be considered to have the language skills necestary to cope competently a the preintarmadiote level TEST 1A 1B TEST 2A 28 TEST 3A 3B TEST 4A 4B TEST 5A 5B Exit Test (Units 1, 2) (Units 1, 2) (Units 3, 4) (Units 3, 4) (Units 5, 6) scceeenenen (Units 5, 6) (Units 7, 8) (Unis 7, 8).. (Units 9, 10) (Units 9, 10) (Units 1 - 10) Contents p. 12 p. 16 p. 20 p. 24 p. 28 p. 32 . ps 36 p. 40 p. 44 1 A nis 1, 2) (Time: 50 minutes) Vocabulary A. Choose the correct item. e.g. "How ......B...... are you?" “12.” 6 you are. A ice B old C fovourte A Sue B Hore C Over 1 ifs s 2 7 Carlos is Spain A for Bio C on A by Be © tom 2 Gan | 56%, a7 8 Pavlov? That's on name, A repeat B help @ Kaw A outdoors B unusuel —-C-open 3 “What is he?" “Spanish.” 9 What's your Mr White? A oddiess —B name C rationality A job B lriend © month 4, What's your number? 10 You can me Tim A name B telephone C. friend A see B cal © meet 5. “Where's Pam? * there.” ides A From B On C Over (‘sr 1) B. Write, as in the example. e.g. Anna is German. u She's a teacher. He's a She's o 13. Selim is He's 15. Bob is He'sa C. Write the words for the numbers. e.g. 19th 16 2nd 17 20th nineteenth D. Circle the correct word(s). e.g.Lin is from Japan, She's Chinese, 21 Hasan’s school is in the ouldoors/open ai 22 My posteode/address is 8, State Sireet, Leeds Grammar E, Choose the correct item. e.g. This is .....C...... penell A he B he's C his 26 Whats postcode? A your B you C you're D7 Thisis schoolbag, A I'm B my cl F. Fill in the correct form of the verb ‘to be’. 2.9.A: Is he your fiend? B: No, he isn't 31 A Albert from Poland? B: No, he 32 A you a teacher? B: Yes, | 18 11th 19 29th 20 6th 23. Rome is in the cenke/central of Italy 24 Sony/Excuse me. Are there any letters for me? 25 Con | know/open an account, please? Marks: ( xl =] 28 isa clown A She's B Her C She 29 This is a table is 0 big table, A its B i's ch 30 Paul and Mary are friends. A ov B we're C we Marks: | ( Sxl >) 33 A liz and Sally here? B: No, they 34 A you in class 3? B: No, we 35 A Frank your friend? B: Yes, he Marks: — ( 5x1 =) G. What can you see? 2.9.0 table 36 37 38 39 40 Marks: ( Sxl =) H. Write the correct question words. e.g.A: What's your name? 43 A ate you from? B: My name's Bl 8: I'm from England “a cher | 44 A do you do? * B: I'm a teacher. B: He's my friend, Tom. ase a 42 A old are you? ; Pere ; B: I's in the southwest of Russia B: I'm thiny years old Marks: ——! be ( Sxl cr ) Communication |. Fill in the correct sentences. © Whats your Test name again * Not bad # What's your telephone number © Whose is this rabbit * Can you spell that, please © How's everything e.g.A: How are you? 48 A 2 B: Not bad. B: P- O- double T-E-R 4 2 ? = ee B: Ws 0191 2325706. s raat 2 A7B: Hil I'm john Richards, 50) Good mem Bob: . | 8: OK, thanks A: Richards. Marks: ——] ( Sxl =) Reading J. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). My Best Friend Ill Robinson is my best friend, She is twelve years old ond her birthday is J on 20th Sepiember. Jill is English. She is from York, in the nomteast of England Jill is a student at Oak Street School. There are thirty students in her class and her teacher is Mrs Briggs. Her favourite subject is Art. Her favourite sport icehockey. Her favourite doy is Saturday. Jill is a great friend. | like her becouse we can play together and have lots } of fun. e.g. Jill is twenty years old, F. 53 There are thirty students in her school, 51 Jills birthday is in Seplembey 54 Jill's teacher is Mrs Robinson 32 jil tv! Eres 55 fills favourite spor is icerhockey. (mie) Weiting K. Write a short article about your best friend for the school magazine (60-80 words). Write your article d's talking about your * full name * nationality * number of students in class * fovourite sport * teacher * favouie day * age © home town + why you like bim/her * binhday nome of school __* favouite subject Use the article in Ex. J as a model. (mx) Sis) ee DATE: .. MARK: 80 (Time: 50 minutes) Vocabulary A. Choose the correct item. 2.9. HOW ....B,..... ore you?” “12.” 6 What's your | Mr Green? A nice B old nationality A sport B job C doy What oo. cesen is Maria?" “Portuguese.” | 7 This is John. A name B nationality C address Ato B on C for ZNEE an ta 8 You con me Rick A mest B write C listen A cae Bansal C call 3 Patricio is Canada 9 What's Alon's hombert Aer ries ets A address B nome C telephone a mee 10 Can you that, please? Aish fier keck eee A know B help C repeat 5. Whats his doy? hicates A nationality B country C favourite ie 10 ) B. Write, as in the example. e.g.Anna is German 11 Jim is 12. Andié is She's a teacher. He's a He's a 13 Mario is 14. Marek is 15 Maria is He's o He's a She's o ‘Marks: —— ( ox 5 ) C. Write the words for the numbers. e.g. 19th nineteenth 16 Bih 17 16th D. Circle the correct word. «8.9, Lin is from Jopan, She's Chinese, 21. Where exactly/certainly is Tokyo? 22 May is the fih month of the week/year. Grammar E. Choose the correct item. e.g. This is .....C..... pencil A he B he's C his 26 This is ice cream Alm BI C my 27 This is Ann, is from England. A She B She's C Her F. Fill in the correct form of the verb ‘to be’. e.g.A: Is he your friend? B: No, he isn’t 31 A she Tims sister? B: Yes, she 32 A you Chris? B: No, | 18 24th 19 30th 20 Ist 23. ‘Who/Whose is this cat?" ‘Mary’s.” 24 My nice/best friend is Billy 25 ‘Whats the capital/country of Italy?" "Rome." Marks: —| ( Sxl x} 28 Paul and John are friends A them B their C they 29 What's phone number? A you're you C your 30 This is a gorden is a beautiful garden, A it's B iis ch Marks: ( Sxl 7) 33 A Mi Todd your teacher? B: Yes, he 34 A they your friends? B: Yes, they 35.4 Paul from America? B: No, he G. What can you see? H. Write the correct question words. e.g.A: What's your nome? B: My name's Bill. ALA nationality are you? B: I'm German 42 A ‘s Petr from? B: He's from the USA. Communication |. Fill in the correct sentences. 43 £ eg. 36 38 36 3 a ; 38 = 39 40 Marks: —— ( Sxl ) A is her bithday? B: On 2nd August A ate you? B: Fine, thanks. A 's she? B: She's my teacher, Miss Brown. Marks: ( 5x] 7) © Not bad © What's your address See you on Monday Can you spell your last name, please What's your postcode Can't open an account, please e.g.A: How are you? B; Not bad. 46 A B: Sure. G-R- double E-N 47 B: I's FY6 7PN. 10 48 49 50 A 2 B: I's 5, High Street. A; Goodbye. B: See you. A: 2 B: Certainly, sir Marks: —— ( Sxl x) J. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Reading My Best Friend Ben Stubbs is my best friend. He is eleven years old and his birthday 1s on 25th June. He is English. He is from London, in the south-east of England. Ben is o student a Si George’s School. There are twenty-four students in his class ond his teacher is Mr Woods. His fovourito subject is Maths. His favourite sport is football. His favourite day is Friday. Ben is my best friend. | like him because we can play together and have lols of fun Ben is ten years old F. 54. Ben's favourite subject is Science. 55. Ben's favourite sport is basketball 51. Ben's birthday is in June. 52 London is in England 53 There ore twenty-four students in Ben's school (wots = 5x4 Writing K. Write a short article about your best friend for the school magazi (60-80 words). Write your article talking about your friend’ ... * full nome * nationality * number of students in closs * fovoutie sport * ogo * home town * teacher * fovourite day * bithdoy nome of school _* favourite subject * why you lke him/her Use the article in Ex. J as a model. {Time: 50 minutes) Vocabulary A. Fill in the correct word: height, curly, city centre, nickname, beard, upstairs, sale, bookcase, cupboards, proud, garden e.g. There are many shops in the city centre 6 Mi White has got a ind a moustache. 1 My bed oe ay 1 ae Ren 7. Josh isn't very tall, He's of medium 2 There ore o lot of in their kitchen, 8 Sarah has got long fair hoi 9 Mouse isn't Ann’s real name. It's her 3 There is 0 flat for on the second floor. . 4 The Dyck om vary. SF Madurcden 10 There are a lot of flowers in our 5 There are a lot of books in the i \ Marks: —— } { Miox1 107 B. Underline the correct word. e.g. There are two cars in the altic/ garage. 14 Mrs Green is forty-five years old. She’s young/ middle-aged. UeMene int mapieds: Shes single only. 1S°Vu"con buy KISS ai the chemists baker's, 12. Thete's o wardiobe/cupboard in my bedroom 18 John is a good student. He's very lazy/clever { Marks: (Gare) C. look at Ann’s family tree and complete the sentences. Joe Mary ¢.g.Joe is Ann’s grandfather. 16 Bill is Ann's 17 Carla is Mary's Nino____ Steve Carla Pete 18 Bill is Carla and Pete's 19 Nina and Steve are John’s 20 Steve is Carla's aes Bill Ann John { Marks: \sx1 9 / 12 D. Match column A to column B. You con buy a doll «lin the living room your block of fats? at the toyshop. in front of the house is on the first floor. [21 T] there's a huge fireplace here's a garden is full of hfe Marks: — Grammar Cros) E. Choose the correct item. ...B..... wrinkles. 28 Mark © new bike. Ais B has got con Aas got Bhavegoi Cis DB fenyihamtnan brothers or sisters, | 27 These ate the bicycles. tryst pig li A childien —B childrens Child A some B ony C his o eeu 27 Have you got pets? uss, Some books on the table. A There is B Thereare Are there A some B your C ony Mark (seas?) F. Look at the picture, then fill in the correct preposition. behind, next fo, on, under, in There's a duck in the pond. There are some children the park. A boy is . his bike There is a dog the bike There are Wo Childten sss ssn the Hee There's a bag the gil on the bench Marks? — (3 > ) G. Write sentences, as in the examples. TZ wT e.g. This is on armchair. Those are boots. 13 H. Ci this schoolbag your /@uts)? 42. These are my / mine toys le the correct word. 44 Mary is our / outs sister. 45 This is their / theirs ball 14 43 The red box is her / hers Hei ) Communication I. Fill in the correct sentences. © What is he Tike * Sue © Who's Jane * Which one * What does he look like * Excuse me €.g.A: Can | see your room? 48 A 2 B: Sur. B: He's tall and thin with short brown hai 494 ” ‘ 2 46 7 Who's that woman bs Shot eed Wh 50 A Is there a bank near here? B: He's kind and friendly. B: Yes, I's next to the hotel ( Marks: 5x2 10 J. Read the house advertisements and mark the sentences Yes or No. Reading This fourth floor flat has o beautiful view of the {|B}. This fourth floor flat is in the city centre. There Take. There is o huge living room with a fireplace |) 1s 0 cosy living room with o fireplace and TY. The and o big bookcase. The kitchen is quite modem |} kitchen is small with wooden cupboards, a with nice wooden cupboards and o cooker. There |) cooker and a fridge. There is-one big’ bedroom ate two bedtooms with big wardrobes. The flat || with @ wardrobe. has also got a big balcony. Call 777 8687 for more information. Call 778 7690 for more information. e.g. The flats are on the fourth floor. Yes | 54 There is a fridge in flat A. 51 Flot has o viewof the:river 55 There is a bedroom in flat B. 52 There is o TV in flat A. 53 There are wooden cupboards in the flats’ Mertanbes- kitchens, ( ) Writing K. Use the notes to write a house advertisement in 50-60 words. Use the advertisements in Ex. J as models. beautiful house / great view of / countryside large living room / fireplace / big window kitchen / huge / wooden cupboards / cooker / fridge four bedrooms / two bathrooms lorge garden / at the front of house gorage call 732 9863 / information ' ( Morks: 5 ) 15 16 Vocabulary A the correct word: {Time: 50 minutes) height, wavy, lazy, life, moustache, downstais, sole, dreams, cupboards, proud, chance e.g. The French are very proud of the Eiffel Tower, 1 The dining room is next to the kitchen. 2 My uncle has got a black beard and 3. Danny has short brown hoi 4 London is a city full of 5 There is « house for in my street B. Underline the correct word. 2.9.1 keep my clothes in a big wardrobe sink. 11 There ate some pillows/cushions on the sofa 12 The castle has got thick/middleaged walls © Visit Madurodam and make your come ive 7 Paul isn't a good student. He's very 8 Don't miss the to visit Lumley Castle 9 There are a lot of in the kitchen Paul is not short. He's of medium \ (ori C. Look at Ben’s family tree and complete the sentences. William, Beth John __lovise. Mark Teresa oe Sarah Ben Julia 13. You can buy peats al the greengrocer’s/baker's 14 Tom's motorbike is in the atie/gorage 15. Brains is Loura’s real name nickname Marks: ep Si e.g. Lovise is Beth's daughter 16 Lovise ond John are Sarah's 17 Ben is Sarah's 18 Julia is Ben's 19 Ben is John and Louise's 20 William is Ben's Marks: \ (351 5) D. Match column A to column B. E91] You can buy magazines ‘o} downstairs next to the dining room. b) on the second floor. 221] inside the castle 4 Rifles Tee My fot i ) in the dining room 41] There's a huge table with six chairs of Hegre ae aly Sor BET The kichen s A} with short blonde hair Kelly is short and slim Marks: Grammar 5x0.525 E. Choose the correct item. e.g-Mattin ...uB.... beard 28 Hos Sve got... brothers oF sisters? Ais B hos got con A some B her C any in hi 26 There aren't biscuits inthe cupboard, | 29 oh has go pooks in school any B some C her A your B some © any 30 That is dog. 2 Tim blue eyes. He's got green eyes. Pole ies eas A hasn't got B have got © has got { Marks: a5) \5x0.525 F. Look at the picture, then fill in the correct preposi behind, on, between, nex! fo, in e.g. There is a gil in the room 31. There's o lamp the table 32 There's a chair the bed 33. The bed is sass the table ond the chair, 34 The gitl is the room the curtain 35 There are some clothes the bed Marks: ==} Cs aol re G. Write sentences, as in the examples. Ts TZ 6.9 This is on armchair. Those are books. 7 36 38 40 H. Circle the correct word. e.g. 1s this schoolbag your /Gours)? A2 The blue pencil is her / hers. 43. Tony is their / theirs brother. Communication |. Fill in the correct sentences. 4d This is my / mine bedroom A5 Those books are our / ours. ‘© She's clever and kind * Is there o hotel near have * How many rooms are there in] © Who's that man © Sure your flat © Who's Ann e.g-A: Can | see your oom? 48. A: What's she like? B. Sure. 8 er , | & anf ? B: Which son ees i 47 A 2 aa B: Yes. I's next to the bank. sie : { Marks: —— | \sx2 '0 } 18 Reading J. Read the house advertisements and mark the sentences Yes or No. = \TES This beautiful house has great view of the |)B5 This beautiful house bas a beautiful view of the river. There is a large living room with two big }} lake. There is a small living room anda nice windows. The kitchen is huge with big) fireplace. The kitchen is modem with big cupboards cupboards, a cooker and a fridge. There are |) and a cooker. There ore two bedrooms and one three bedrooms ond two bathrooms. The house |) bathroom. The house has small front garden and has a small garden ond a garage at the front. |} a big back garden but it hasn't got a garage. j Call 732 9863 for more information. Cell 663 9752 for more information. e.g. The houses have a great view of the No | 53. There are two bedicoms in house B mountains 54. The houses have got gardens. use Bh ¢ 51. House A hasn't got a small living room po. Howse Bhat gor oi garage 52 There is a fridge in the kitchen of house B. ( nie ) 5x4 Writing K. Use the notes to write a house advertisement in 50-60 words. Use the advertisements in Ex. J as models. * third-floor flat / great view of / sea * laige living room / balcony * kitchen / modem / new cupboards / cooker / fridge * three large bedrooms / big wardrobes * small garden/garage * call 683 2947 / information ( Mats: 19) Vocabulary A. Fill in the correct word: (Time: 50 minutes) * transport # science-fiction * crowded * comfortable ® bumpy ® shopping * catch ® instruments ® brilliant * shower ® passengers .g.lll goes shopping every Friday. 1 John always has before he goes to bed. 2 Elephant taxis ore not very to travel on 3 Going to the U2 concert is o idea! They'e my favourite group, 4 | can't stand eating ot thot restaurant; its always very 5. Kate. leaves home al 7:30, every. morning. 10 the 7:45 bus to work B. What's the time? It's {a} quarter past eight. 12 W's 20 6 The guitar, the electric bass and the violin cre all string 7 Elephant rides are not very comfortable. In fact they can be very 8 Elephants can cory safely from one place to another. 9 "Star Wars" is not a comedy. i's a film 10 Dogsledges and cyclerickshaws ore unusual means of Marks: (Ners To ) 13 I's 14 I's 15 i's (Marks: —— \sxo52> C. Write what Bob does every Saturday. Bob .| wakes up at 7 o'clock every Saturday. He hos breakfast then he 16 shopping at the supermarket. When he comes back home, he 7 the house, then he 18 lunch. He has lunch at about 1 o'clock, then he In the eveni i he “et the plants, then he the dog. Sometimes, he Bay 23 his f of cond they to the cinema or have dinner together: Bob to bed at about half past eleven ‘Marks ee 1g! 8, ) D. Choose the correct item. 2.9. She's .....C...... about Sting, She likes him a lot. | 28 Celtic music is music A terible —B great crazy A traditional B modein > © classical 2 26 Bill can’t techno music. He hates #, | 29 Do you going Joe closing A meet B. fancy C. manage A stond B mind C love 30 This isa of Celtic and pop music, 27 She hates fishing, She finds it very A hobs aa - A exciting B_boring brilliont Y 9 orks: (: fos ) Grammar E. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. 2.9. Chris never gets up (get up} early on Sundays. | 34 Sarch (leach) Maths. 31 Stuart fyi cotopldnes. | 2 = ; {go} to the gym twice 32 Peter (enjoy) going to the gym oe 33 Rachel (start) school at 8:30 Marks: —— (Was > ) 21 F. Fill in: do, does, don’t or doesn’t. e.g. We don't like horror films. We think they are terrible. 36 What time the show stant? 7 they study French at school? 38 She work in a baker's. She works ina bonk, G. Choose the correct item. 39 40 you fancy going out tonight? Bob and Lindo mind documentaries They think they're OK. a 2.9. Mary is ...C..... than her sister. 45. Father always has o cup of coffee .... the morning A shor B the sho! © shorter A on Bat Cin re? wn wants 10 5 AI John goes 10 the cinema because | 4 Ann here? Mis Brown wants 10 see he doesa't ike it very much a et Ate cies , 47 Sheila is beautiful than Becky. A ofien B seldom C vsuolly 425) FEE, Maccanciswonas: Gee erect! | really tke |, 0 panos © had, one u AB Look at the children. Look at FES § key wan A thoir B them C they 49 Her bishday is Augus 43 | always finish work 3:30 on Fridays. A in Bon Cat 5. ee eB 50 John has got mney than Jean 44 Kate tite than yr Bhs Fas po can women ec A fost B faster C the fast re oe i (Marks: ——) Moxos > / Communication H. Fill in the correct sentences. © How often do you exercise © Not much © How long does it take you to get to work © That's @ good idea © How about going shopping on Thursday © I'm oftaid | con't e.9.A: Would you like to go to the theatre tonight? | 53. A: 2 B: I'm afraid | can't B: Sotty | can’t. I've got a lot of homework to do : ? 51 A: What do you think of Indian music? Pe Roce B: About ten minutes B: I hate traditional music 55K: 2 52 A: le's meet outside the cinema ; : 8: Well, I go jogging every morning { Marks: —— | \sn2 © 22 Reading |. Read the letter and put a tick (V’) next to the things Laura does in Edinburgh and a cross (x) next to the things she doesn’t do, Dear Susan, \ like it here in Edinburgh very much. I's @ very beautiful place Every morning | have a big breakfast with my family in the holel restaurant. After that we usually go for a wolk in the city centre, Thete are lots of interesting things to see, like the famous Edinburgh Castle. In the afternoons we usually have lunch ot a restaurant in the city, Then, we go shopping. In the evenings we sometimes go to the theatre or to a traditional show. Scottish dancing is great fun! Tha's all from me, See you soon love, lavre Writing J. Use the notes to complete John’s letter to Steve (60 - 80 words). Use the letter in exercise | as a model. e.g. laura has o big breakfast ievepanoialial I 56. She has breakfast with friends. 57 Alter breaklast they go to the cly centre 58 They have lunch at the hotel 59 In the evenings they go to the cinema 60 Laure likes Scotish dancing Marks: 2) Pi Milan Moming: have breakfast with my family — café near the hotel 0 for a walk in the city cenire — exciting places, e.g. Jewellery Museum Afiemoon: have lunch at the hotel — visit museums Evening: go to the opera or eat at a restaurant — Italian food/delicious Dear Steve, I Tike it here very much, Every morning In the afternoons we In the evenings we sometimes SS That's all from me. See you soon. love, Jobnss. Htalian food is delicious! AHA, Serer vee ge (Time: 50 minutes) Vocabulary A. Fill in the correct word: © daily © awful action ® lectures * crazy ® break * wind * practice * unusual ® crowded * collecting @.g. The harmonica and the trumpet ore wind instruments. | 6 Peter has football once a waek Tt con SP Sain ARE 7 Julie Peters, the fomous TV a st @ very busy ea cites cant in the megings., 1] 4g My sister wants to see Ricky Martin in concert 3. Jackie has at university because she’s about him from 9:00 to 12:00 every weekday. ' 9 Ithink stamps is @ boring 4 Kate loves westerns because they're full of hobby Sate ne cheascch 10. We have a «at 1:30 for lunch means of anspor {Nets io ) tox1 10) B. What's the time? eg It's (a) quarter past eight. n Ws ¥ Ws 12 Ws 2 Me ‘Marks: (toto) 24 C. Write what Becky does every Saturday. Becky wakes up at 7 o'clock every Saturday. She puts on her Tshirt ond tracksuit and a 16 jogging. When she comes home she AS 7 «a shower, then she sa 18 breakfast. After that she 2 a 19 fo the supermarket to do the shopping, then she €2 20 her fiend ond they have coffee together. At noon she ay 21 ~~ lunch with her grandmother. Becky goes bock home ot 5 oclock. She tS e 22 her bed, then she > 23 fe mio 24 2 book. Inthe evening she goes out with her fiends, Sometimes they go to the cinema or have dinner together. Becky 4 25 to bed late on Saturdays {iat 7) D. Choose the correct item. 10x1 e.g.tcan’t .....C...... Maths. W's very boring 28. The Bold ond the Beautiful is her favourite soap A like B help C stond A opera B film © show 26 Tom Cwise is 6 corte him a. | 29 kes ca mpm aae A boring B brilliant C terrible ass Poms iene ‘ 30 Elephants can passengers safely. 27 | don't senses Watching TY. a Ee ae A love B mind C help a i SONY. Marks: —— ( x0525 ) Grammar E. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. e.g. Chris never gets up (get up} early on Sundays. 33. Tony and Brian always = take) pictures when they're on holiday. % ee fre 34. Mork __ study) lalion ot school eee 35 He (think) Jennifer Lopez is in the afternoons «©. good singer. Marks: —— (ies 3 ) F. Fill in: do, does, don’t or doesn’t. €.9. We don't ike horror films. We think they are terible, | 38. What time Steve wake up? 39 they work in a supermarke!? 36 He lke travelling by car. He likes | Yo Wg Te hia Welle trains more, ts 37 Sheila wake up at 7 o'clock. She wakes up at 6 o'clock, Marks: ——), ext x } G. Choose the correct item. e.g. Mary is ......C...... thon her sister. 6 Jim ahways has a sandwich the A short B the shot shorter ofternoon, . A ot Bon Cin 41 | think comedy films ore boring. | don’ lke | 47 1, jenny hore? My Groen wants lo see Ry os Esihey A her B she C she's 48 Look ot the bell. Look at 42 Michelle plays computer games | “° ot is oe, because she doesn't like them. “9 Seb | is eee etek A often B usually C seldom a ey eee 43 Timis than Michael re A mony B much © more A older B old C the old 50 She's got longer hair her sister. Ad Lessons stor! 8:30 every morning. er Bi ah Ain Boot C on = _ al AB. His birthday is 6th May. Aat Bon Cin ‘Marks | 10x0.5 / Communication H. Fill in the correct sentence. Not much © On foot © Which channel is "Miami 7" on * What's wrong * That's a shame ® I'd like to, but | can't 2.g.A: You don’ look well. What's wrong? B: | feel tied 51 A: How do you go to school? 8: ae 52 A: a meee B: I's on BBC2 53 A: Would you like to come fo my house after school? B 26 54 55 AA: Lwant to go shopping tomorrow but I'm too busy 8 ! A: What do you think of Frantic? 8: I don't like thrillers, Marks: —— (ee 10 } Reading |. Read the letter and put a tick (Y} next fo the things Jimmy does in Brighton and a cross (X] next to the things he doesn’t do. Dear Mark | like it here in Brighton very much. I's @ lovely place for @ holiday, Every morning | hove breoklost with my friends ot a café near the hotel. | usually have toast and colfee. After that, we usually go for o long walk on the beach. The beach is very beautiful, but there are a lat of tourisis there In the afternoons, we usually have lunch in one of the town’s many restaurants, Then, we go shopping. There are lols of lovely things to buy! In the evenings we sometimes go to the cinema or we go bowling. Bowling is great fun! See you when we get back! love, Jimmy e.g. Jimmy has breakfast at the hotel. 56 He has breakfast with his family. 57 Alter breaklast he goes for a walk with tourists. 58 He has lunch in restaurant. 59. He goes shopping afer lunch 60 Jimmy goes bowling in the afternoon Marks: (g eee ) J. Use the notes to complete Mary's letter to Angela (60 - 80 words). Use the letter in exercise | as a model. Writing Place: Paris Morning: have breakfast with my friends — hotel restourant go for a walk in the city centre — interesting places to see Aliemoon: have coffee — café — go shopping — lois of things to buy Evening: go fo the theatre or ea! at a restaurant — French food/delicious Dear Angela, Ike it here very much Every morning In the afternoons In the evenings we sometimes French food is delicious! See you when we get back! love, Mary 27 TEST 4A DATE: ...... DARK 80 (Time: 50 minutes) Vocabulary ‘A. Choose the correct item. €.g, The children are ...C... a snowman 5 I'm not keen fish A picking —_B-serving © building A on B for C with 1 W's really hot today. I'm 6 Ws a great place to go for a of A freezing Boiling © soaking Sein as 7 2. Mum is wearing o...... 1. tound her neck. ior foo course A skirt B scarf © cop 7 Fruit has mony which we need for a H a healthy body. 3 = Bibi shih een . A stems B additives C vitamins your jumper. A Put on B Take off © Choose from | 8 Carrots and router are 4 Policemen in America have a gold A grains roots © cereals €n their jackets : A radio B badge C cop (ars 7) B. Label the people's clothes and accessories. Jo he , 3 9 ocroct sapieg re La ha Marks: —— (% 7 6 ) C. Underline the correct word). e.g. We eat soup with a fork/spoon. 19 This hat is only £2.99. I's very expensive/cheap. 20 We have got thirty two teeth/toes in our mouth 21 Lettuce is o fuit/vegetable. 22. Would you like fruit salod for main course /desser!? (re ) 15. You are soaking/pouring wet. 16 Jone is serving/picking flowers in the garden 17 Can you buy me o loaf/packet of bread, please? 18 Policemen wear a suit/uniform. 28 D. What's the weather like? NA a = e.g. I's hot 23 W's 24 Ws 25 W's Grammar E, What can you see in the pictures? g 26 7 e.g. three bananas 26 two 27 three i 29 28 two of bread 29 two diirininaseriny 28 cee =) 4x05 F. Underline the correct word(s}. 2.9. Can | have a a/some banana, please? 32 Is there some/any milk in the fridge? 30 How much/How many sugar do you need? 33 How much/How many apples do you need? 31 Can | hove some/any coffee, please? 34. There isn't any/some butter leh. Marks: — (es 5 ) 29 G. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous, 30 e.g. Sometimes it snows (snow) in winter 35 Anne . - [wim in the sea at the momen, 36 Lucy is in the living 1oom. She (watch} TV. 37 Bob {not/go} out on Saturday evenings H. Fill in is, are, do or does. e.g. What ...are... the children doing now? 4 he speak French? 42 Lava sleeping now. 38 Mike and Bill ae in the park. They {ploy| football 39 Sarch (eat ice cream in the summer. 40 The sun {not/shine) today ( Marks: —— \ox1 ° 43 you go to the gym every week? 44 Sally and Jenny doing their homework now. { Marks: — 4x05 2? } I. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form, comparative or superlative. 2.9.John is ...the tallest 45: Selly hos got {expensive} cor of all 6 Bob is (ral) boy in his class. (shor!) than David Communication J. Fill in the correct sentence. 47 Wr Sanders is [good) teacher in our-school 4B My house is {big} than yours. 49 John is heavy) student of all { Marks: —— \sx1 9 ) ‘© How much is © That's quite expensive * Which one © The ble one © Would you Tike some chips * They're £3.99 e.g.A: This hat is lovely B: Yes it is. How much is it? 50 A: Excuse me. How much is this shirt? B. 51 A: B: Yes, please. 52 A: These shoes cost £50. B: Really? 53 A; Excuse me. How much are these gloves? B 54 A: Which dress do you like? 8 ( Morks: 70) \5x2 K. Read the text and answer the questions in one to four words. Reading } e.g.Where's Castello? Castella is o new ltalian restaurant in Duke Street. It's in Duke Street open every day from 6:30 pm fo. 11:30 pm, Castella serves traditional tolian food. There is a { 55 Whot does it serve? variety of stories to choose from. Try the garlic bread, i's delicious. Choose from pizzas, pasta dishes and salads { 56 What can you have as a starter? for your main course, For dessert, iry the wonderful Italian ice creams 57 What can you have for desser!? A meal for two costs about £35. The waiters are always friendly and the service is excellent 58 How much does © meal for two cost? Castella is a small but popular restaurant. Make sure you book o fable because it gets very bus tel. 01346-699462) é 59 What are the waiters like? Writing L._ Use the information to complete the review of Miguel’s Restaurant. Use the text in Ex. K as @ model. {50-80 words) Miguet" & Restaurant == © Mexican ] ———- Starters = © Meal for p © Frie e Excel (7pm = 1pm Migue'’s is I's open Miguel's serves A meal for wo Migue''s is « popular restautont. Make sure you book a ‘able because it gels very busy. {tel. ) (tee az) 31 (Time: 50 minutes) Vocabulary A. Choose the correct item. €.g, The children are ...C... a snowman. 4. We need vitamins for a body A picking serving © building A healthy natural € fancy 1s very cold. lucy is weoring on} 5 1'm no} in the for something spicy. harkens A order B mess © mood A gloves B troiners_ socks 6 liso is pointing 0 picture « look 2 Are you yourself, Pat? ts, Cony Bi loke © Wate ‘A having fun B enjoying Crying 7 Policemen wear 3 in foods ore very bad for our | A uniforms B scarves sondals health. 8 There are five ‘on each foot, A Stems B Groins © Additives A toes B ingers C knees Marks: = sx1 & } B. Label the people's clothes and accessories. e.g. shit uN e y fe \ +14 ® Je 12 Marks: — ) 6x1 } C. Underline the correct word(s). e.g. There's a carton/ packet of flour in the cupboard 15 We wear socks on our feet/hands. 16 I'd like the sparkling/spicy chicken, please. 17 It's pouring/blowing down today. 18 I's freezing/soaking cold today. 32 19 Can you buy me a carton/botile of Coke, please? 20 We ect pasta with a fork/knife. 21. Can {take your order/meal, sir? 22 | want pizza for main course/dessert ( Marks: = | \8x1 } D. What's the weather like? SS e.g i's windy. 23 I's 24 It's 25 I's Marks: —— (ie 3 ) Grammar E, What can you see in the pictures? 7 ( e.g, four bananas aes 27 inves aS 28 two of water 29 two Marks: ——| (s x05? ) F. Underline the correct word|s). there any/some milk left? 32 How much/How many coffee is there? 30 How much/How many tomatoes do you need? | 33. There isn't some/any milk in the carton 31 Do we need a/any potatoes? 34 Can | have some/any Coke, please? Marks; —— (ie Z ) 33 G. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 0.9: Its snowing [snow) now. 38 | usvolly {not/play) football on Saturdays 0 loy? 35 What yo {wear odoy? | 9g cy, 36 Itusually (rain in autumn. | 40 pe, {wash] the lakes nex 37 Gary... x 7 He eee (not/listen) 10 music at the moment Marks: =— (ss re) H. Fill in is, are, do or does. e.g. Whal ...are... the children doing now? 43 Bob wtiting a letler to his fiend 41 Mary eating dinner now. ee fae 42 he work ino bank? fA youl cting fst Marks: — ee 2 ) 1. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form, comparative or superlative. .g.John is .. the tallest... [tll] boy in his cless 47 Josh is ~ funny] ctor of oll AS Steve is {thin} than Bob. ae ai. (expensive) oy Baty tatractive) 1 49 He is {g00d) student in his class Marks: —— oe (se 5 ) Communication J. Fill in the correct sentence. = Kre you ready to order, sir * Which ones * How much are these boots * That's very cheap * Gan | have o Coke, please * No, sorry €.9.A: Do you like those shoes? 8: Which ones? 50 A: This hat is £10. B: SIA B: They're £35 34 52. A: I'm hungry. Ate there ony biscuits let? 8 53 A: ? B: Yes, of couse. Here you ae ? 54 A: + B: Yes. I'd like the grilled fish with vegetables, please. { Morks: —— \Soex 1 ) K. Read the article and answer the questions in one to four words. Reading e.g. Where's Marcel's? ‘Marcel's is o. new French restaurant in Queen Sites. in Queen Street Ws open every day from 5:30 pm to 11:30 pm 55. What time does it open? Morcel’s serves traditional French food, Marcel’ offers some great starters such os onion soup and fish } 56 What con you have as a main course? soup. Choose from beef or chicken dishes for your main course. For dessert, ty the chocolate cake. I's delicious. | 57 What can you have for dessert? A meal for two cos's around £50. The service is excellent and the walters are friendly. 58 How much does a ihedl Torta Coa? Marcel’s is an excellent place to go for a taste of France. Itis very popular, so be sure to book o table. ¢ {tel. 01291 674342) 59 What is the service like? dL —— Marks: w) 20 Writing (3 x L._ Use the information to complete the review of Mary's Restaurant. Use the text in Ex. K as a model. (50-80 words) Mary's is -N's-open Mary's serves A meal for two Mary's is & popular restauront so be sure to book a table. (tel. | (es rr ) 35 Vocabulary A. Fill in the correct word from the list. ES (Time: 50 minutes} # runs # trunk * reward * picking * alford ¢ join ® bulbs * locked * oplician’s # extinct # suits e.g. Why don't you join us? 1 People didn’t have electric light 150 years ago 2 We aren't going on holiday this year. We can't it. behind the ranch, you. 3. The river 4. That Tshirt reclly 5 John wos delighted to receive « for finding the easure B. How they feel? 6 Dinosaurs are ..... . There aren't any alive today, 7 A woolly mammoth had a long like an elephant 8 Sve is going to the to buy a pair of glasses 9 Dad is ime up from school today. 10 He couldn't open the doo. It was ( ‘Marks: lox1 10 } G¢ e.g, They're happy. 11 He's C. Label the parts of the body. e.g.small_ ear 14 big 15. short 36 { Marks: —— en & ) D. What's wrong with each person? # a ee EX & 2.9. He's go! toothache. 18 He's got 19 She's got s / Marks: iy z ( x1 4 ) 20 He's got 21 Hels got E. Underline the correct word. 2.9. Woolly mammaths used their tusks to dig/cut for| 24 In the chest there were a lot of extinct/ancient gross under the snow. silver coins. 22 Dodos were clive/models about 350 years ago. | 2% “Help me, pleasel”, he shouted loudly/quity. 23. Sheep, cows and horses are insects/mammals (nes ) 4x1 Grammar F. Use the prompts to write sentences as in the example. ‘© wash the car ® rain ® eat an apple 26] Z| @.g. He is going to wash the car. 26 27 28 29 28 Marks: —— a 4 ) 37 rc ltl G. Choose the correct item. e.g.John ..aiA.... Stella tomorrow. 35. Chris ond Joon on holiday next week A is seeing _B sees C saw A went B are going C go 30 Alan swim when he was seven. | 36 They 10 the top of the hill yesterday A was B con © could A are walking B walk C walked 31 liz her homework at the moment. | 37 John lives in USA. A isdoing — B does ¢ did A the Bon c 32 The woolly mammoth @ big animal. | 38 Nile is @ very long river. A wos B hod © could AA B The C Some 33 He in France when he was o child, | 39. Sheilo shopping yesterday, A isliving.B lived C lives A goes B went C is going 34 She break the vase A wosn't —B doesn't C-didn't H. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, present simple or present continuous. (ore = \ 10x05? } 2.9. She often watches [watch) TY in the evenings. 43 She Itidy) her bedroom now. a — ice (| 44 Where f ie ae (they/stay] on their holidays last winter? 4l We (see) 45 She ... (spend) her summer Here fe pay fost nigh. holidays with her grandparen's every year 42 [you/buy) vs gee v¥s a new jacket yesterday? Morks: = ox ° ‘Communication 1 the correct sentence. © What shall we do tomorrow © Were you al work yeslorday You musin? cal ice cream * How about going to the zoo That would be great ‘+ Whats wrong, Bob e.g.A: What shall we do tomorrow? 48 A: What shall we do tomorrow? B: Let's go to the park. B 2 49 A 2 46 A 2 B: No, | wasn't. | was at home. 47 A: I've got 0 cold B: B: I've got toothache. B: 38 50 A: We're going out lonight. Why don’t you join us? ‘Marks: 5x2 J. Read the biographies and mark the statements T (true) or F (false). Reading ‘A Agatha Christie was a famous British detective mous British actor cond Evtory writer. She wos born in 1890 and died in 1976. Beep” Charlie Chaplin soa 389 ond died in A977. he was a very popular author who wrote more than film director. He wos "OT Ay, greatest seem seventy-six novels. She begon writing in he 1920s andif Echatle created 07° OF "TL Tramp, The Kids Ci is most famous for her novels Murder on the Orient ‘clowns. His best hs es “hopin spent many he it Express, Death on the Nile and The Mousetap. Lights and Moder se USA in 19 Many of her books ore now also successful films a | Switzerland before Ne VF yay and TV series. His films are stil pope on, ie @.g. Agatha Christie was a film director F 53 Charlie Chaplin died a year after Agatha Civ ihe wistie harli li Sea eee 54° Some of Chaplin filns'ore successful novels, econ es ee 55. Agatha Christie wrote The Mousetrap ‘Marks: —— (¥ ib wo ) Use the notes to write a short biography about Walt Disney for your school magazine (60 - 80 words). Use the texts in Ex. J as model © Walt Disney / be / famous American film animator and producer (1901 - 1966) © -he / be the first / to make animated cartoons - most famous character be Mickey Mouse / Mickey frst appear in Steamboat Willie /1928 he / make his frst cartoon film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs / 1937 he / open the first Disneyland amusement park / California / 1955 * Disney films / be sill popular today Walt Disney was. (Ms wa) 39 Vocabulary A. Fill in the correct word from the list. 80 Gime: 50 mines) * information ® join ® prizes ® popular # miss # theme * fabulous ® suit ® extinc! * aquarium * tight e.g. Why don't you join us? 1 Those trousers really you 2 Dodos aie There aren't any alive today. 3. We're going to the to see the dolphins 4 Don't the chance fo visit Australia Ws @ great country, 5 can't wear this dress. ls too 6 There are four Disney porks in the world 7 In the evenings you can enjoy yourself at pottios. 8 Summer Splash Villages ore very so you must book early 9 The winners take home wonderful 10 For more. call 7762978 (Mors: (tox) B, How does each person feel?” 7 / jf UL e.g. She's happy. 1 He's 12. Mir Smith is 13 He's (Marks: \3x1 C. Label the parts of the body. e.g. huge body 16 big 14 big 15 long 17 short (Marks: —— \ax1 4 ) 40 D. What's wrong with each person? % te e.g. He's got toothache. 18 He's got 19 She's got ss ‘Marks: (v x1 ot ) 20 He's got 21 She's got E. Underline the correct word. e.g. Woolly mammoths used their tusks to dig/cut for] 24 The teams work together fo" find the Queen's grass under the snow. missing teasute/ prize 22 We con swim in the Indoor/water swimming pool: 25 '2ts-have dinner by theanch/eamp fire 23 Snakes ore mammals/reptiles Marks: (iat 4 ) Grammar F. Use the prompts to write sentences, as in the example. * read bock @ play tennis # take o picture 26] A 27) oS 19: Theyre going to play They are playing tennis, tennis. 26 27 28 29 ‘Marks: —— (va 4 ) G. Choose the correct item. e.g.lohn .....A..... Stella tomorrow. A is seeing B sees C sow 30 The woolly mammoth long brown hai A could B was hod 31: They basketball every day last summer. A are playing B play C played 32 John plays harp very well A some B the Con 33 Andrew ....... @ meeting with the boss tomorrow. A hod B have C is having 34 Joanne @ book at the moment. A reads Bis recoding C tead H. Put the verbs in brackets ino the past simple, present simple or present continuous. 2.g. She often watches (watch) TV in the evenings 40. Where {you/go] on holiday last July? fi Mag (move) house next week. Communication L. Fill in the correct sentence. 35 They for @ walk in the patk yeslerday A are going B go C went 36 He watch TV yesterday A wasn't B didn't C doesn't 37 Paul ride a bicycle when he was six A could B con C was 38 Professor Smith is visting the museum lomorrow. AA 8 C The 39 Did you go to the party night? A last B next C every ‘Marks: ——\ 10x0.5 > / 42 (the sun/shine) in the summer? A3 They [buy] o new car last Monday. 44 Sally {do} her homework now. 45 Kate (visi) Poland last yeor ‘Marks: —— (er a } ‘© What shall we do tomorrow * Whats wrong, Bill You tnusi see a doctor ¢ Were you with Jane yesterday * How about going to the park * What are you doing on Monday| @.g.A: What shall we do tomorrow? B: les go fo the park 46 A 2 B: That would be great 47 &: 2 B: No, wasn’. | was at work, 42 48 A: B: I'm visiting my uncle 49 A 2 B: I've got a headache. 50 A: I've got earache. 8: (2 7) Reading J. Read the biographies and mark the statements T (true) or F (false). FA Joka Tether Se SRO SET ind composer. He was born in 1940 and died in, 1980. lennon formed the Beatles with Paul McCartney, ‘George Harrison and Ringo Starr in liverpool in 1960. Fhe group was the most successful in pop history. The: ‘group's most famous songs are love Me Do, Penny lane and Strawberry Fields Forever. lennon married Yoko Ono in 1969. The Beatles broke up in1970, lennon wrote Imagine in 1971. That was his ‘ast album, Aer so mony years people sill listen to his music Nae €.g. Bob Marley ond John Lennon were actors. F 53 Lennon played pop music 51. Lennon died a yeor afer Marley be Mare Tamel an ler al the age of 20 52. Marley formed the Beatles ee ee Marks: — i x A? oO ) K. Use the notes to write a short biography about Clark Gable for your school magazine (60 - 80 words). Use the texts in Ex. J as models, * Clark Gable / be / famous US actor |1901 - 1960) ¢ -he / be / handsome man / talented actor he / appear in / gangster films / then / get / role of Rhett Buller in Gone with the Wind (1939) = the film / make him / very popular best film role / be / The Misfits this film / be / his lost * after / many years / people sill enjoy watching / films (ol (Time: 50 minutes} Vocabulary A. Choose the correct item. 1 Policemen wear 11 London is @ city of life. A tracksuits B suits © uniforms A traditional B_ modern C full 2 | like comedies, but | can't thrillers. | 12 We need for a healthy body. A mind B help © stand A additives B vitamins C forests: 3. I's cold. Take your and scarf with you. | 13 A ride on an elephant is very A gloves B socks C trainers A fast B crowded C bumpy 4. Andrea has got short black hair 14. You can buy stamps at the A tall B fat © straight A post office B greengrocer’s C_ butcher's 5. The hotel has got an swimming pool.” | 15. Sally isn’t single. She's A outside —B inside C indoor A married —B only € alone © I'dllike o of bread, please. 16 Chris isn’t keen burgers. A loaf B packet © con A in B for Con 7 |have a for coffee at 11 o'élock 17 He can't that jacket. I's too expensive. A break B lunch C cup A poy B receive C afford 8 Dodos are They don't live any longer. | 18 | brush my twice a day. A old B extinct C alive A teeth B fingers C feet 9 Don’t miss the to visit Alion Towers. | 19 John is going to the dentis's. He's got A chance B dream C time A stomachache B toothache C headache 10 Wha’'s your telephone 2 20 I's very cold today. I'm A job B number C name A soaking —_B boiling C hreezing ‘Matks: (sor ee ) Grammar B. Choose the correct item. 21 Anne a new bicycle. 23 The bus is than the train A has got Bis ¢ can A slowest B slow C slower 22: Chis play the guitar when he was | 24 What's name? seven years old A he B his C him A was B could C con 44 25 sugar do you need for the cake? 33 liz «@ book at the moment A How B How mony © How much A twod B steading C reads 26 Andrew to the supermarket yesterday. | 34 Ron has got money than Paul A is going goes C went A litle B less C least 2 These are some boys the classroom. | 35. That is dog A in Bon Cat A they B theirs C their 28 Paul and John from Spain? 36 He e's bananas because fe doesn’t A Ke Bis C Wos like them. 29 Ave there 2995 in the fridge? AAU gty ok SPB ow Sasece A much B some C ony 37 James is the footballer in the school 30. We always have milk the evening Bees Bem Boca A ot Bin C on 38 | .. ¢0t the cake. Stella aie it 4 tomes Ease re A didnt B-wasn't C don't 39 ‘ore you from? AS Svan ¢ its A How B When C Where 32 is your job? 40 she live in London? A When B What C Who ike on re Marks: <— Communication ( 0x1 20 ) . Choose the correct phrase from the list to complete the dialogues below. © Bre you ready to order, sir © Wht time fst © That would be great © What's your phone number, please © Which one © What shall we do tomorrow © Whose is this book * What's wrong © Sory, | ean © What does she look like ALA 1 | A6°A: Excuse me. 2 B: Ws 2596347. B: W's half past eight aa 1. | 47 A: Why don't you come to our barbecue? 8: I's Joanne’s 8 43 4 721) 48 A: t 8: She's tall with blonde hair and green eyes B: How about going to the funfair? 44 8 2.| 49 A: Shall we go to the cinema tonight? 8: Yes, Id like the roast beef, please. 8: V've got lots of 5 A: Excuse me. How much is this car? things to do. 8: 2] 50 A: You look terrible. 2 B: I've got « headache ‘Marks: és peel ) 45 Reading D. Read the letter and answer T (true) or F (false). Hil How are you? | had a fantastic time while on holiday. = = y went to Wales with my parents. We travelled there by train, We stayed in a lovely hotel by the sea. We spent every morning on the beach. The sea was very warm, so we all went swimmingt We had a picnic: Fon the beach at lunch time and in the afternoons we walked around the town. | bought lats of mice seen sl on Wednesday evening we went to the theatre. My parents enjoyed the play, but | found it a bit boring, + oon saturday, we visited the 200. There were lots of animals there. | took some photographs of the monkeys and the lions, We returned home on Sunday morning. | enjoyed my holiday very much. That's all about me. Where did you go on holiday? Did you like it? Write soon. 1 ill is on holiday now. 56 Jill didn't buy anyhhing, 52 ill went to Wales with her parents 57 [ill enjoyed the ploy, 53 They trovelled by cat 5B They went lo the zoo 5A They went to the beach every day 59 Jill took photos of the elephants SSF Theses Bll 60 They went home on Sunday, ‘Marks: w) 20 Writing (i Lae E. Use the notes to complete Emmo’s letter to Kate. (80 - 100 words) Use the letter in Ex. D as a model. * Scotland - friends * travel/car ~ siay/hotel ~ near/lake ‘every motning - shopping © lunch — hotel afternoon ~ at/lake - waier/cold ~ no swim Friday evening ~ go/cinema — film/exciting Soturday - visit/museum ~ very interesting Sunday - go home Dear Kate, Hil How are you? | had a wondertul time last week, | went We spent On Saturday | enjoyed my holiday very much. Thats al obout me. Whats your news? Write son, és Hxpress Publishing uM

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