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The first strategy is ‘from stock to flow’. This indicates the move from stock and the

second is from push to pull. The way organizations manage their resources has changed. Push

reflects traditional, hierarchal organizational structures with clearly defined job roles and

outputs. Forecasting was straightforward and reliable while budgets were allocated and positions

filled based on accurate predictions of work to be completed over a period. Conversely, ‘pull’

refers to the fluid, project-based work that is increasingly common. COVID-19 has thrown these

shifts into sharper relief. The old status quo dictated that strategy was set by people at the top of

an organization’s hierarchy to determine what needed to be done. Managers would then

determine how it would happen and, finally, operations would execute the plan. For

pharmaceutical companies this gap between top-level strategy and ground-level execution has

caused significant challenges as decision-makers are out of touch with clients, customers and

other end-users who typically only interact with operations. During a crisis, strategy needs to be

revised and implemented quickly and executives who need to first understand the existing

customer experience are at a significant disadvantage. By highlighting this and other

shortcomings of traditional structures, COVID-19 is accelerating the pace of necessary change.

Pharmaceutical Companies have been forced to modernize, for example by embracing a move to

remote working. Those with less rigid structures have been able to adapt faster and take

advantages of new opportunities as they arise.

During the pandemic, drugs may be in late delivery and short supply due to logistics

interruption and production disruptions for various reasons. To conquer these problems the

pharmacy department have carried out four practices :( 1)establishing drug supply schemes based
on treatment guidelines, (2)Implementing online drug procurement,(3)managing donated

medicine,(4)managing environment

Affected by the epidemic, a shortage of drugs and protective materials has drawn public

attention. Pharmacies received a great many of donations, such as masks, protective clothing and

medicine. Therefore, the management of donations is a new task.

Safe working environment is an important condition to ensure the progress of diagnosis

and treatment. In order to reduce the spread of the virus through person-to-person transmission

during the coronavirus epidemic, outpatient pharmacy disinfected 4 times every day. Pharmacists

of outpatient pharmacy also designed safety transfer devices to avoid contacting patients in drugs

dispensing. Otherwise, pharmacists adjusted the route and time of drug transportation in the

hospital and used designated elevators and vehicles for drug delivery.

Pharmacists used “Prescription Approval & Prospective Audit and Feedback System” to carry

out online prescription reviewing.. Pharmacists publicize the prevention and control of COVID-

19 to the public free of charge online. These practices of online pharmacy services provide

accessible pharmaceutical care and help to reduce the risk of cross-infection during unnecessary

hospital visits.

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