Problem Set 2 2S AY2018-2019

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Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
Problem Set 2 Second Sem 2018-2019

Prob. 1. A 0.2-kg toy car rests on top of a smooth surface. It is Prob. 3. Block A, attached to a spring with an undeformed
attached to a 2-m string and changes its speed at a rate of a t = length of 2m, slides up the inclined plane after being released
0.25(s-3/4), where s is in meters. If the car starts from rest at A, from rest. It then collides with a stationary block B which then
determine the tension at the string when the toy car is at B. moves up at a distance d before returning to rest. The
coefficient of restitution for the impact is e = 0.8. The friction
between the plane and block A is negligible but the coefficient
B of kinetic friction between block B and the inclined plane is μ k
= 0.4. Determine the maximum value of distance d.

1m d

B 3
5m 4

A `

A k = 100 N/m

Floor Ans: d = 10.83 m

Ans: T = 0.589 N Prob. 4. A 1.25-kg block was released from the rest position at
A by a compressed spring (k = 100N/m). The coefficient of
Prob. 2. Find the tension developed in the cord and the kinetic friction between the block and the floor is μk = 0.25.
acceleration of all blocks at the given instant. The coefficient of The uncompressed length of the spring is 1 m. The curved
kinetic friction between block A and the floor is 0.1. The ramp from B to C is frictionless and the block loses contact
masses of block A, B, and C are 2 kg, 8 kg, and 5 kg, respectively. with the ramp after passing point C. The path of the block is
represented by a broken line. Determine (a) the velocity of the
block at points B and C. Also, calculate (b) the normal force at
point C just before the block left the ramp.

Ans: vB = 0.308 m/s, vC = 3.404 m/s, N = 1.43 N

Ans: T = 16.2 N, aA = 7.1 m/s2, aB = 1.7 m/s2, aC = 0.091
Prob. 5. A 1-lb ball B hits an inclined plane and bounced Prob. 8. A 5-lb ball is thrown horizontally with a speed of 30
forward to a distance d. If the initial velocity of the ball is 10 ft/s, colliding with the 10-lb stationary block. After collision,
ft/s, determine the length of distance d. the block slides along the rough surface (μk = 0.1) until it is
stopped momentarily by the spring. Calculate the
compression of the spring when the block stopped. The
coefficient of restitution between the ball and the block is 0.3.
The spring is initially unstretched.

vB1 = 10 ft/s

3.28 ft 30º
Ans: s2 = 1.51 ft
Ans: d = 4.35 ft
Prob. 9. A ball at A is given a horizontal initial velocity, causing
Prob. 6. The 40-lb collar A, initially at rest, is subjected to a the ball to strike point B. The ball then bounces off to hit point
constant 50-lb downward force and slides along the C. Knowing that the coefficient of restitution between the ball
frictionless rod as shown. A 20-lb block B, on the other hand, and the floor is 0.65, determine (a) the magnitude of the ball’s
is dragged along the surface with coefficient of friction equal initial velocity; (b) the distance d.
to μ_k=0.15. Determine the (a) time it takes for block B to
travel s= 2 ft to the left; (b) corresponding tension on the cord;
and (c) velocities of the particles at this instant. Neglect the
mass of the pulleys.

Ans: v =3.836 m/s, d = 3.9 m

Prob. 10. The 5-kg 0.5-m-diameter sphere A, acting as a

pendulum bob, was released from its horizontal rest position.
Ans: t = 0.298 s, T = 31 lb, vA = 6.71 ft/s, vB = 13.4 ft/s Just as A reaches its lowest position, it is hit by an identical
sphere B with a velocity shown. Assuming that the coefficient
Prob. 7. A ball of mass m was released from rest at height h1. of restitution between the two spheres is 0.80, determine the
It strikes the ground and rebounds to a height h2 = 0.5h1 before
falling back. What is the coefficient of restitution (e) between final velocity of each sphere just after impact.
the ball and the ground?

Ans: e = 0.5 Ans: vA = 3.293 m/s, 12.02° W of N, vB = 4.814 m/s, 41.99° S of W

Prob. 11. A thin curved rod is supported in a vertical plane by Prob. 13. Michael Jordan (mJ = 98kg) performs a fade away
a bracket at point 1. Attached to the bracket and loosely wound jump shot by jumping 80° backwards at a speed of v1 = 1 m/s.
around the rod is a spring of constant k1 = 1 kN/m and At the maximum height of the jump (2m), he shoots the ball
undeformed length equal to the arc 1-2-3. A 4-kg collar A at
(mB = 0.625kg) at an angle of 70° which propels him 15°
point 2 (not attached to the spring, can slide without friction
along the rod) is released from rest at an angle θ. It creates a downwards in the opposite direction. Determine the average
head on collision with the 6-kg collar B at point 4 fastened to force (F) exerted on the ball if Jordan touched it for 0.05 s
another spring with undeformed length of 0.15 m and stiffness while shooting (neglect external impulses). Also, if the ball
of k2 = 100 N/m. When the angle θ = 60o, determine the after- approaches the fixed board at a height of 3.5 m and angle (θ),
impact velocities (m/s) of collars A and B (take e = 0.6) and the determine the speed and angle (ϕ) at which it bounces off the
velocity of collar B at point 5. Neglect friction. board. The coefficient of restitution between the ball and the
board is e = 0.8.

Ans: vA = 0.32 m/s, vB = 5.11 m/s, vB’= 3.76 m/s

Prob. 12. When the constraints on the spring (k = 100 kN/m)

are removed, the launching mechanism of the cue is triggered, Ans: F = 109 N, vB’= 6.5 m/s, φ = 69o
and the 200-g circular plate, along with the 170-g cue ball A, is
launched forward. Ball A is separated from the plate when the Prob 14. The system shown is in equilibrium when θ = 0o. At
spring becomes fully unstretched. Ball A is launched at an the initial position when θ = 90o, block C is given a slight push.
angle α with the horizontal, making it rebound off the cushion Determine the velocity of the 5-kg block C when it passes
at an angle β. When the cue ball A hits the initially stationary through the equilibrium position (θ = 0o). Take k = 600 N/m
9-ball B (mB = 160 g), the latter goes snuggly into the lower left and neglect the weight of the rod.
pocket. Determine the amount of compression (s) on the
spring so that the speed of ball B is exactly 5 m/s (Ball B may
bounce off the table if its velocity is > 5 m/s and may not reach
the pocket if < 5 m/s). The coefficient of restitution between
ball A and the cushion is 0.6 while between balls A and B is 0.9.
Neglect the effect of friction and the size of the balls.

Ans: s = 12.3 mm
Ans: ,vB = 1.34 m/s ↑
Prob. 15. A 30-g bullet is fired with a horizontal velocity of Prob. 18. As a design engineer, you improvised a device to
450 m/s through 3-kg block B and becomes embedded in deliver shawarmas (m = 70 g) to its customers. When the
carrier C which has a mass of 30 kg. After the impact, block B spring (k = 50 N/m) in the device is compressed at maximum
slides 0.3 m on C before coming to rest relative to the carrier. deformation and then released, it will reach its unstretched
Knowing the coefficient of kinetic friction between B and C is length which is of the same length as the device. If the
0.2, determine (a) the velocity of the bullet (vb) immediately shawarma leaves the device at a speed of 5 m/s, solve for the
after passing through B, (b) the final velocity of the carrier. (vf) maximum height h attained by a shawarma. The coefficient of
kinetic friction between the shawarma and the device is 0.3.
Neglect air resistance.

Ans: vb = 306 m/s, vf = 0.4 m/s

Prob. 16. The 0.31-kg mass slides on a frictionless wire that

lies in the vertical plane. The ideal spring attached to the mass
has a free length of 80 mm and its stiffness is 500 N/m. The Ans: h = 0.41 m
mass is released from rest at A. What is the smallest value of
the distance x (mm) if the mass is to reach the end of the wire Prob. 19. At the instant shown, the speed of the 10-lb crate
at E after being released from rest at A? down the curved plane is 2 ft/s. Determine the magnitude of
the frictional force (lb) on the crate if the coefficient of kinetic
friction between the crate and the plane is 0.2. Also, calculate
the rate of change in speed of the crate (ft/s2) and the
magnitude of the acceleration of the crate (ft/s2). Take θ and ρ
equal to 15ᣞand 20 ft, respectively.

Ans: x = 94.9 mm

Prob 17. A 5-m long toy catapult is designed to throw a ball

when the arm of the catapult becomes vertical. If the catapult
launches the ball with a horizontal speed of 6.25 m/s,
Ans: f = 1.9 lb, at = 2.07 m/s2, a = 2.08 m/s2
determine the ball’s speed (m/s) after its impact with inclined
surface. Take e = 0.6. Prob. 20. A 180-lb man and a 120-lb woman stand side by
side at the same end of a 300-lb boat, ready to dive, each with
a 16-ft/s velocity relative to the boat. Determine the velocity
of the boat after they have both dived, if (a) the woman dives
first (v’), (b) the man dives first (v’’).

Ans: v = 7.1 m/s

Ans: v’= 9.2 ft/s, v’’ = 9.37 ft/s

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