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For the Organizations that wish to apply for recognition, Sections 3 - 15 will suffice.
For Organizations that wish to apply for renewal:
As stated in the CCO - CBL, Article III: Membership

Section 2: Any organizations which exist in the university may apply for a
membership by gathering all the documents stated from section 3 to
section 17 of this article.
Section 3: Cover Page. ​This shows the name of the organization and the title of the
document. [Refer to Template No. 1.1]
Section 4: Table of Contents. ​This shows the sequence of the documents contain in
the compilation. [Refer to Template No. 1.2]
Section 5: Application of Recognition​. Written by the organization secretary and
noted by the organization head. The intention for recognition must be
stated in this letter. [Refer to Template No. 1.3]
Section 6: Vision and Mission Statement. This shall be the vision and mission
statement of the university [Refer to Template No. 1.4]
Section 7: Affidavit of the highest officer​. This document must be done by the
organization’s highest officer. It must be notarized by a lawyer [Refer to
Template No. 1.5]
Section 8: Resolution for the adviser. ​This shall be done by the organization’s
officers, appointing a faculty member to be their adviser. [Refer to
Template No. 1.6]
Section 9: Letter of Permission for the Advise​r. Written by the organization asking
a faculty to be their adviser. [Refer to Template No.1.7]
Section 10: Letter of Consent​. Written by the adviser stating his/her consent for the
advisory position towards the OSS Director. [Refer to Template No. 1.8]
Section 11: Action Plan. ​This must be the calendar of activities as well as the
financial budget of the organization planned for the whole academic year.
[Refer to Template No. 1.9]
Section 12: List of Officers. This shall be a list of officers for the certain academic
year, with 2x2 recent photos indicating the name, course and year,
position, and signature. [Refer to Template No. 1.10]
Section 13: List of members​. The minimum number of members required for the
academic organizations shall be fifty per centum (50%) plus one (1) of the
total course population; while for the non-organizations, the minimum
required number of members shall be fifteen (15) persons. The signatures
of each members shall be reflected on the list. [Refer to Template No.
Section 14: Constitution and Bylaws. ​This must be the constitution and bylaws of
the applying organization.
Section 15: Logo. ​This must be the official seal/logo of the applying organization. It
must be 3”x3” in size.
Section 16: Accomplishment Report Certificate of Completion. ​This must be the
certificate of completion released by the CCO for the Accomplishment
Report on a second semester of the previous academic year. This will be
required only for the renewal application of the organization.
Section 17: Financial Statement Certificate of Completion. ​This must be the
certificate of completion released by the CCO for the Financial Statement
on a second semester of the previous academic year. This will be required
only for the renewal application of the organization.

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