Proverbs 15-8-2

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ENGAGED 1.9.2011
...In Prayer

The sacrifice of Luke 19:13

the wicked
is an abomination
to the Lord,
but the prayer of
the upright is
His delight.
Proverbs 15:8 Day 1
Sacrifice is not too popular of a word nowadays. It has a negative Personal
connotation to it. We think of deprivation, self-control and even high-cost
Prayer is powerful! We know this stakes. That makes this a tough verse. The comparison is clear between the
because of our Scripture reading. wicked (rasha`= guilty) and the upright (yashar = correct/straight). If we are
We long for our prayers to not careful we will forget to evaluate which we truly are. No sane one wishes to classify
themselves as wicked, but indeed we are guilty. The only way we qualify as upright is
effectively turn God’s ear and to because of Jesus’ finished work. Today, simply focus on who you are with and without
be satisfied. Unfortunately, most Christ. Honestly, the result of our mediation should drive us to our knees.
Christ Followers are dissatisfied
with their prayer lives. As we Relational
study Scripture though, we realize This week’s verse is about removing barriers to prayer in your heart and
that our discontent comes from conduct. Can you honestly say that there is nothing standing between you
misunderstanding the depth, and someone else that will prevent your prayers from being accepted by
height, width and purpose of God?
prayer. We have become
disillusioned to believe that God’s
chief end in our lives is for us to Generational
be happy. Through this study you Parents have a lot of “right and wrong” conversations with their children, no
will be equipped to understand matter what age. One of the ways that we can tell that children are growing up
the real nature of is when they begin making the right decision for the right reasons. As this verse
prayer and implies, you can make a sacrifice (right thing) for the wrong reasons
(Solomon calls them wicked) and God is not under obligation to hear the
incorporate ways prayer. But anyone who prays with the right motives (righteousness)
your prayers can be When we pray to pleases the Father.
God we must be
effectual and seeking nothing -
fervent… To believe nothing. In what ways can the family work, not just on right or wrong issues, but on
praying makes a ~ Francis of Assisi good, better and best issues? What are the “doing right with the
difference, we must right motive” things that the family can do this week?
24/7 Relational Faith
faith Generational Faith

A 24/7 faith is the only faith that is authentic. It Relationships define who we are. God has God expects us to pass on our faith to the
is unselfish and God-centered. This type of placed us in community with others with whom next generation. Scripture is full of commands
faith is personal and real. It is not produced by we must relate. Whether it is marriage, to leave a legacy of faith. However, it is not for
community, but community enhances it. This employment, social, civic, worship, etc., we must the faint of heart. This section will provide
section is for the individual believer. learn to relate to others as Christ. fodder for you to talk about faith at home...
Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Personal Personal
In this verse we see the Personal On the other hand, the upright
Read Romans 7:18: There is finds not only acceptance but
vanity and worthlessness of
nothing good in any of us apart religious exercises: the best even delight with the Lord,
from Jesus and yet, we still try to impress though he make no sacrifice, but only
efforts are still hateful in prays. The Bible cuts all ground for self-
Him with our sacrifices. Try to journal God’s sight because they flow trust from under man’s feet. This does not
the following things: List the things we from a heart in rebellion against the mean that sacrifice is not important. It is.
Lord. How can that be? Isn’t religious Sacrifice teaches us that God is in control.
do trying to make God happy; List the It teaches us that He is our provider. It
duty/obligation a good thing? A reminds us that right priorities in this life
things we sacrifice because we are resounding “NO”! are important. So you see… sacrifice
supposed to. causes us to love Him more. Sacrifice
You can do good things without an never causes Him to love us more. He
loves us unconditionally and perfectly. It is
Do you think that God is pleased when engaged heart. God does not want our impossible for God to love you more than
stuff. He wants our hearts. This is why He already does!
our hope is that He will love us because human works can never bring about
of the things we do rather than trusting salvation, though they may be done How does the current sacrifices of your
that Christ is enough? life show that you are developing a deeper
sacrificially; they are wicked and an love for God?
abomination to God because they are
Are you truly trusting only Christ or do done as a substitute for, and in
contempt of, the work of Christ, being
you trust Him and the good things, even Relational
an evidence that one thinks he can Read Mark 11:25. The
the sacrificial things, you do? serve God acceptably in his own evidence is piling up. If
wisdom and strength, and for other you do not have a heart
reasons. clear of all animosity, grudges,
and unresolved conflicts, you are
asking for trouble in your prayer life.
Relational Take time to search your heart today.
This verse seems almost old Relational
fashioned to some; that God Read I Peter 3:7-8, as a
would actually consider our prayers an corollary to this week’s verse. Generational
As a family:
affront if our relationships (with God or What does a strained relationship What are you sacrificing?
others) are out of tune. Place this verse in your marriage do to your spiritual life Time, money, trips, recreation,
back in your belief system as you relate and prayers? Make the removal of this service to others. These things
kind of prayer barrier today’s goal. can really help you invest in eternity
to others, and God, this week.
rather than in the day to day rat race.
Today, talk about what sacrifice might
look like in your family. You might be
Horace Bushnell, Trouble and perplexity drive me to
from Christian Nurture - 1847 Prayer does not change
prayer and prayer drives away
The house…should become the God, but it changes him who
church of childhood, the table and prays. ~Søren Kierkegaard perplexity and trouble.
hearth; a holy rite. ~Philip Melanchthen
Who is Philip Melanchthen?

Day 5 So, what does it take for us to please God? Well, it seems, to please God we need to only be
upright. Since we are not upright on our own, we must be in Christ. He makes us upright. It is
only then we truly bring pleasure to God and He hears our prayer. Trusting in good works is an
abomination to God, simply because it removes the need for Jesus. As I process the truth of verses like
that I cannot help but feel vulnerable and very fragile. I am reminded of my desperation to trust Christ and
my complete dependancy upon Him. Are you trusting anything other than Christ? If you are, remove
these abominations from your life. This truth should set us free and drive us to a satisfied prayer life.
Take a moment and ask yourself these questions. Have I ever, REALLY, had a prayer life unfettered by
relational conflict? Do I really know what a heart connected to God is like? Does God take delight in
my prayers? Do not misread this verse. Do not downplay its significance to your spiritual life. Do not
disbelieve this week’s verse. Make things right with others, so that you may be right with God.
Communion with God is closely tied to communion with others.

How are you teaching the next generation that only Jesus counts? We teach them to be good, kind,
considerate, polite, mannerly, proper and generous but do we teach them that these only count when
done in/for Christ’s name. We can only do them for God’s glory and pleasure when we are in Christ.
Otherwise, we may be liked in this world but be practicing abomination in the next.
No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than
the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it.
NEXT WEEK: Romans 8:26

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