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Saturday (25-04-2020) - S. 200/P.296 

Reflection prepared by Fr. Thomson Pazhayachirapeedikayil

Mother enjoyed a life full of bliss and freedom without fear and restriction because she
was completely away from the worldly motives and filled with Holy Spirit. Apart from the
commandments Mother was deeply affected by the words of Jesus that is “Blessed are the
poor in spirit; blessed are those who are persecuted; blessed are those who hunger and thirst
for righteousness… the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” Mother is delighted with the warmth
of this love for the poor and suffering
Mother explains what the kingdom of God is. Mother says “the kingdom of God, the
one family in Christ. He addresses us all. It is his wish that his word should live in man, that
his spirit may prevail in wonderful freedom, and that his preaching and life may bear fruit and
kindle the fire of love. If you do not take His life seriously, you refrain from serving the
fellow-being.” Mother then strikingly explains what the blessed poverty means. It means a life
full of love without possessions.
Mother explains every human being, whether rich or poor have a role or a vocation for
the realm of God, owing to the redemption in Christ. But it can be realised by only one who is
in poor in spirit. Truly great is the one who confesses to his smallness and insignificance and
lives accordingly. Mother insists here a life of humility. Mother says “Someone who sees his
election as a special grace, undeserved and yet accepted, will choose to go this way through
humbleness in order to make evident who Christ is and what kind of love becomes visible in
Him.” When we lead a life of humility there dissolves all the barriers of distinctions. It is
really the kingdom of God, God really wishes. Mother says “The kingdom of God, founded
by Christ amidst this world, is full of love and knows no distinctions. In Him all men are
equal, regardless of rank or social standing. It is the realm of truth, in which love thrives and
prospers. It is to permeate everything and in its splendid radiance to call attention to Christ
who becomes visible in it. We are to benefit from the life of Christ. His longing cry is:
“Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened...” (Mt 11:28) No, there will be no
new fettering commandments, no “you shall”, but love. The truth is right before our eyes:
Who are you? What is man?”
Mother urges everyone to be free from fear, personality cult and self-love. Mother
ends this chapter with a beautiful exhortation. She writes “Christ is standing before me; he is
full of understanding, mentor of my life. He is standing before me as the one who unites
everything in love. He is standing before me as the one who desires Communio, and perfects
everything in Communio. He is standing before me as the one who can see through
everything, speaking so clearly to me that I can only wonder in awe and amazement: “What
exactly are You and what have You accomplished, who loves me so undeservedly?” That is
the truth and the fulfilment of the Communio in Christo. The belief in our Saviour wants to
conquer the world. Christ promises the victory, saying that no-one will be able to deprive us
of this joy.
The prayer at the end of this chapter is a Holy adoration of Jesus Christ

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