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Akash A and Akshay K Nair

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Muralee Krishnan C
Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore


The awareness of consumers towards environmental concern has been increasing
To determine the purchase intention of in the recent years. Due to the same, the demand and purchase intention of
consumers towards purchasing green products customers towards green products has got increased. The main objective of the
study is that to evaluate the perception of respondents towards green products and
to find out the impact of consumer guilt, self-monitoring and perceived consumer
effectiveness towards green purchase intention..
INTRODUCTION The data collected through convenience sampling and online survey
using Google forms that had been spread throughout Coimbatore region
Growing consumer sensitivity to social and
particularly in Coimbatore city and captured 120 responses from people of
environmental problems and its great
different age groups mainly from working professionals and married people as
pressure on marketers and public policy
students don’t have the purchasing power and are not willing to pay a premium for
makers can be seen from the early 1970s.
a product where cheaper substitute products are available.
Consumer’s belief in that their personal
consumption decisions can help maintain the METHODOLOGY
environment or induce its deterioration and
consequently improve quality of life in The research was done based on the collection of Primary data. A
society change the way many goods and RESULTS structured questionnaire was designed close-ended. The
services are marketed. Moreover, marketing questionnaire includes certain multiple choice as well as
and consumer behavior researchers also Most of the consumers who are purchasing green products are female. Majority of checkbox type of questions. The data collected through
focus on understanding the dynamics of the the respondents purchasing green products are more than 40 years of age. Most of convenience sampling and online survey using Google forms
consumption described as socially the consumers who are purchasing green products are working as professionals. from 120 respondents living in Coimbatore city. The research
conscious, sustainable, pro-environmental or Male respondents have higher impact towards Consumer Guilt and female mostly included working professionals and married people.
green. While early works mainly focus on respondents have higher level of acceptance towards Perceived Consumer
identifying the characteristics of socially Effectiveness and Green Purchase Intention
conscious consumers more recent works FINDINGS & CONCLUSION
have centred on the identification of While taking decision on purchase intention of consumers towards
consumer motivation underlying pro- SUGGESTIONS
green products the factors consumer guilt towards purchasing green
environmental behaviors and the explication products and self-monitoring of green products by the consumers can
of the relationship between cognitive or The awareness towards purchase of green products can be given more be taken in to decision making process as the two factors are directly
motivational factors and environmentally importance as all the age groups have a less intention and acceptance towards proportional to purchase intention of consumers
conscious behaviour. The problems related consuming green products.
to unsustainable consumption are growing
day by day. This research focuses on
understanding the “green consumption” LIMITATIONS
which is a subset of sustainable consumption • The study has been concentrated to the geographic area of
and refers to willingness to buy ecologically 1) Aysel Boztepe “Green Marketing and Its Impact on Consumer Buying Coimbatore City.
friendly products or services that have least Behavior” • The sample size was limited to120 only which is too low for a
damage to the environment 2) Ebru Tümer Kabadayıa, İnci Dursunb , Alev Koçak Alana and Ahmet study of purchase intention among consumers.
Tugrul Tugera “Green purchase intention of young Turkish consumers” • Bias may be there towards primary data collected from the
3) Yatish Joshi, Zillur Rahman “Factors Affecting Green Purchase Behaviour” respondents.

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