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Project #: 6

Project Title: Implementing an Inventory Stock Take and Reporting system

Spares4U Corp, a leading company in car spare parts retail has over 10,000 items in stock. They are
currently using an integrated Point of Sale system with a comprehensive Inventory Management
System to manage their massive stock. Because there are so many inventories to be taken care of,
Spares4U has a hard time stock taking that entire inventory. As a result their stock take process
usually takes weeks to 1 or 2 months. To escalate problems they run stock take two times a year.
However unlike in situations where during stock take period, the organizations normally are close for
business, Spares4U cannot afford to close their doors for the time the stock taking takes place without
losing considerable business. This means, while inventory is being counted; sales and sales returns of
the same items are done, and new items are purchased.
Spares4U has approached you to design an intelligent system that they can use to allow stock take to
happen without affecting the normal day to day usage of the system and produce stock take
short/surplus reports at various levels (to name a few):
1. Aggregated for all stock in the company (overall short/surplus report)
2. Short/surplus report by individual stock.
3. Short/surplus report by brand.
4. Short/surplus report by branch.

This new functionality will mainly be used by the inventory controller hence will be an application.
The reports are to be accessible in the application as well, but it is desirable they be made available
on the company web site for senior managers. Of course proper access and login credentials are to
be used.

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