Giovanni Urso: Firmato Digitalmente Da

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Firmato digitalmente da

Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione

degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa SpA
Data e ora della firma:
09/01/2020 11:56:51

“RESOLUTION NO. 148/2019
The undersigned, in his capacity as Head of Competitività, Infrastutture e Territori Department,
- Article 55-bis, paragraph 2-bis, of the Legislative Decree no. 1/2012, converted into Law no.
- Article 38 of Legislative Decree 18 April 2016 no. 50 (hereinafter, the "Code of Contracts");
- Articles 77, 78 and 216, paragraph 12, of the Code of Contracts;
- The Code of Ethics of the National Agency for the attraction of investments and business
development S.p.A. (hereinafter, "INVITALIA");
- The AG-CECOMSTAZ Organizational Procedure”Gestione dei servizi di Committenza"
dated March 8, 2019, of which INVITALIA is equipped;
- The internal Policy of INVITALIA, GR-COMGIU "Regolamento per la nomina delle
Commissioni Giudicatrici", as last amended on 8 February 2018, adopted pending the full
operation of the Register of Race Commissioners established at the National Anti-Corruption
Authority (hereinafter, "ANAC");
- The organizational provision no. 7/2017 of May 15, 2017 relating to the new organization of
the Competitività, Infrastutture e Territori Dept. of INVITALIA;
- The ANAC Resolution no. 1190 of 16 November 2016, updated to Legislative Decree 56 of
19 April 2017 with resolution of the Council no. 4 of 10 January 2018 - Guidelines no. 5, for
the implementation of the Code of Contracts, containing "Criteria for the selection of tender
commissioners and the registration of experts in the compulsory national register of
members of selection boards";
- The Framework Convention stipulated, on August 3, 2018, between the General Section
Commissariat for Italian participation in EXPO 2020 Dubai (hereinafter, "Commissioner"),
established by Prime Ministerial Decree of March 29, 2018, and INVITALIA accompanied by
the relative annexes;
- The Addendum to the aforementioned framework agreement signed between the
Commissioner and INVITALIA on October 12-17, 2018;
- Law no. 205 of December 27, 2017 on the "Budget for the State for the 2018 financial year
and multi-year balance for the three-year period 2018-2020", the so-called 2018 budget law
and, in particular, the related art. 1, paragraph 258, which authorizes the expenditure of 3
million euros for the year 2018 to start the Italian participation in EXPO 2020 Dubai;

Via Calabria, 46 00187 Roma Azionista unico Ministero dell’Economia Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Roma
T +39 06 421 601 F +39 06 421 606 16 e delle Finanze P.IVA e C.F. 05678721001 – Capitale sociale € 836.383.864,02
Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione
degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa SpA

- The Collaborative Supervisory Protocol concluded on October 12, 2018 between ANAC, the
National Anti-Corruption Agency, and the Commissioner;
- The Activation Act concerning the contract in question and more precisely for the awarding
of the works for the realization of the Italian Pavilion and its optional dismantling at the end
of EXPO DUBAI 2020 transmitted by the Section General Commissariat for Italian
participation in EXPO 2020 Dubai, acquired under the INVITALIA protocol on July 19, 2019
with the number 0091934;
- The indications received with the aforementioned Activation Act, with which the
Commissioner requested the support of INVITALIA in its capacity as Central Purchasing
Body, specifying among other things the following:
✓ Object of the contract: Works for the realization of the Italian Pavilion and its optional
dismantling at the end of the EXPO: preparation of the technical documentation
necessary for the call for tender procedures and activities for the stipulation of
contracts and the related execution;
✓ Financial coverage: Chapter of the State budget no. 2762 of the Budget of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation;
✓ Process Manager of the Commissariat: Mr. Andrea Marin
- Acceptance of the aforementioned Activation Act and the simultaneous indication of Ing.
Giovanni Urso as the sole manager of the procedure (just nomination prot. 0093404 of 23
July 2019) for the intervention in question for the central purchasing body, communicated to
the commissioner with a note dated August 6, 2019 prot no. 0100546;
- The Executive Project - Final Design;
- The Act of validation signed by the procurement procedure manager (Responsabile Unico
del Procedimento- RUP), Ing. Enrico Fusco, dated August 5, 2019;
- The sending by INVITALIA to the Commissioner of the tender documents drawn up for the
call for tenders, for subsequent forwarding to ANAC pursuant to the aforementioned
Collaborative Supervision Protocol;
- The positive opinion received from ANAC on August 12, 2019 (prot. n ° 65558);
- The Resolution to enter into a contract as a consequence of the call for tender (Prot. no.
COMEXPO2020 / 00329), dated August 12, 2019, taken by the GENERAL
which hereby is understood to be fully referred hereto and with which the Commissariat has
ordered the tender procedure to be called;
- The approval of the tender documents in English with the procurement procedure manager
of the Commissariat, Mr. Andrea Marin, on August 12, 2019;
- The report of the INVITALIA procurement procedure manager, Ing. Giovanni Urso, of August
12, 2019;
Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione
degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa SpA

- The Resolution to start the tender procedure, prot. n ° 0103789, signed by the INVITALIA
Head of Competitività, Infrastutture e Territori Department on August 12, 2019, following
which the procedure with the aforementioned characteristics was started;
- The publication of the call for tenders on the Commissioner's institutional website
[], on the website of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and International Cooperation [https: // www / mae / en / services / businesses
/ calls-and-tenders.html], on the INVITALIA website, on the e-procurement website of the
"Market Place Online" Organizer, accessible after registering on [https:
//], in the Official Journal of the European Union and on the
Telematic Platform [];
- The call for tenders with deadline for the receipt of tenders on September 16, 2019, 11:59
- The option exercised by INVITALIA, pursuant to Article 4.5 of the aforementioned Framework
Convention, pursuant to which the Commissioner was orally requested to designate, if he
wanted, any member of the evaluating Committee;
- The refuse expressed by the Commissioner;
- The proposal of September 16, 2019, prot. n ° 0113307 signed by the INVITALIA Head of
Competitività, Infrastutture e Territori Department, in compliance with the AG-CECOMSTAZ
Organizational Procedure “Gestione dei Servizi di Committenza” and the GR-COMGIU
internal Policy “Regolamento per la nomina delle Commissioni Giudicatrici”, containing the
names of the internal experts of INVITALIA with the appropriate competences to carry out
the bids evaluating activities as a member of the evaluating Committee;
- The communication (prot. No. COMEXPO2020/00378), pursuant to the aforementioned
Collaborative Supervision Protocol, sent on September 17, 2019 to ANAC, by the
Commissioner, together with the curricula vitae of the possible members of the evaluating
- The approval of ANAC, dated September 19, 2019, on the possible members of the
evaluating Committee;
To appoint, pursuant to the combined provisions of articles 77, 78 and 216, paragraph 12, of the
Code of Contracts and in compliance with the GR-COMGIU internal Policy, he following people
as a member of the Committee for the evaluation, on the basis of the best quality / price ratio, of
the bids received on time by the tenders participating to the tender procedure, both from a
technical (technical offer) and an economic (economic offer) point of view, as well as, where
applicable, for the possible evaluation, in support of the procurement procedure manager, of the
adequacy of the bids pursuant to article 97 of the Code of Contracts:
President: Ing. Fabrizio Bellezza
Effective Member and Minute Secretary: Ing. Giancarlo Mastinu
Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione
degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa SpA

Effective Member: Arch. Bruna Rubichi

Alternate Member: Arch. Annalisa Di Mase
If any cause, including potential cause, of incompatibility, abstention or conflict of interest, were
detectable by the Commissioner with reference of any of the above appointed members during
the tender procedure, following the opening of technical and economic bids, the Commissioner
himself shall immediately suspend the evaluating or secretarial activities, giving prompt
information to the central purchasing body, so that the latter can proceed with the necessary steps
to continue such activities.
Committee’s activities will start on the day and at the place that will be communicated in advance
to the tenderers by a written notice.
The evaluating sessions may be suspended and updated at another hour or later.
Any Committee’s members belonging to the INVITALIA staff will not receive any compensation
for the performance of his/her evaluating duties.
Kindest Regards,

Invitalia S.p.A.
Head of Competitività, Infrastutture e Territori Department
Giovanni Portaluri

Document digitally signed by GIOVANNI PORTALURI, pursuant to the Legislative Decree of

March, 7, 2005, no. 82 and to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of Febbruary
22, 2013 as eventually amended and/or added.”

Invitalia S.p.A.
Procurement Procedure Manager
Giovanni Urso

Document digitally signed by GIOVANNI URSO, pursuant to the Legislative Decree of March, 7,
2005, no. 82 and to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of Febbruary 22, 2013
as eventually amended and/or added.”

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