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Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Introduction Letter Zaw Ye Htike

My name is Zaw, and I have been born in Burma/Myanmar on June 14 th 2002
with the family’s two diverse ethnic groups; the Arrakan from the father’s side
and the Shan from the mother’s side.

I had a very bitter childhood since my developmental years, having been faced
by abuse, neglect and violence by the family as well as the stressful laborious
moments in my times of schooling. I had been bullied, being often told by the
classmates that I was different (from being put into a garbage dump in pre-
school) and was often put in punishments for things I didn’t do.

But consequentially, these two events had been the major moments that had
shaped my life for I had Iearned that these problems can be solved and I
decided to dedicate my purpose in life; to the solve both, the education system
by creating a new one, as well as to create a new family of my own.
(*In addition, I soon found out that I wasn’t just the only one and that there are many more who
suffered the same as I am, and they also have wishes about having an education alternative path
that fulfills their life purpose which I wanted to help.)

Now, I am attending in AEC after I had finished IGCSE, dropping out of school in
a search to find what is right for me for my education in whether I should
follow the path that is laid out or just create a new path instead.

I also am doing research about education in my free time with how it can be
resolved, and also take trips around the country to learn more about new
alternative educational workplaces in which I recently attended one of the
Food and Beverage company popularly known as Mr. Cook to understand how
it runs its short courses that provides skills and helps them to get into
workplace regardless of the individual’s age.

For family issues, I am writing a decalogy (a story made out of 10 pieces) which
tells about of a boy who is adopted in an abusive family, working there as a
servant until his friendship with a slave helped him get free from the
constraining family ties. It explores about internal and social change, taking
place in an alternative timeline of Burma in which it is still ruled by the kings
and are free from the occupation of the British Empire.

These are my personal hobbies that I do in my spare time and they do help me
keep my personality alive. Of course, there are other things like listening to
ancient music, epic battle themes and mythological chants that causes
excitement to oneself to yearn for adventure.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Introduction Letter Zaw Ye Htike

So, if anyone is reeling to find about me, this is essentially my life to be put
simply in a nutshell. An individual who had been unable to save himself or
others from the problems of familial and educational issues that had gone past
through; but in the current, working on to full it in his dreams so that he could
save not just himself but also others who are in the same situations for the

I am willing to look forward to learn in AEC with hopes that I could be

helped/guided to fulfill my life purpose in there.

With best regards,

Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Introduction Letter Zaw Ye Htike

This page contains a collection of images that visually shows about what I have been doing so far,
added to help bring the readers to understand more about me.

Gallery 1



Gallery 1 contains a list of photos about my works that I have been doing for my education system dream; with my visual
drafts about how my organization would run and manage (Image A & C) as well as its logo (Image B). I have been building
these drafts based on my study on the Education Systems that began in January 2015 out of my own curiosity which I still
kept using till this day; all stored in a green folder (Image D).
These works mainly consist of theoretical findings that may help me in my dream, but my desire to find an organization that
practically does these ideas led me to a vocational cooking company known as MR. COOK (Image F), opened by my mom’s old
academic instructor who used to work with her during her university years; who left his job soon to fulfill his dreams and that
is to help individuals learn how to cook and how to make it an living by showing their abilities as evidences to get them
qualified in the workplace. I personally attended his course on 25th November 2019 and he inspired me/gave ideas about
continuing for my dreams like he did and I also learned how to cook food for the first time! (Image E).
*This was a recent opening in the time, and already; I heard from the employees that the top restaurants from Burma actually also attend his course for they
are grounding breaking, effective and is very flexible in meeting demands in the modern workplace.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Introduction Letter Zaw Ye Htike

Gallery 2



Presented by:

Gallery 2 is about an collection of photographs that shows my works for my story especially from behind the scenes.
Before I had wrote my story, I have been travelling around the country across areas such as Mandalay (Image B),
and Shan (Image F) which are the actual historical sites that has been preserving the following remains country’s
lost culture heritage. There is also an museum in Kayah (Image D) in which I have been given permission to capture
these works, for the exhibitionist was really glad that I have been doing so far; writing an story that brings lost
cultures back and was also guided by her advice about how the local people live-an tip to make the characters and
their settings in the story more believable.
And so far, for my story; I have been writing an introductory book (Image A) that would explain the entire story
behind it and also have been experimenting with new ethic groups, the Summans (Image C) who will be the main
protagonists of the story lead by an power-hungry king who calls himself “the emperor of Earth”. For my future
plans, I have been deciding to make an movie if possible (Image E) in collaboration with the animator Mr. Htut, who
with me, together had created an movie studio called EPIC FILMS. We are planning to possibly release it after we
completed in animating a medieval trailer which is a tribute to one of my very found teachers from the UK.

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