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5G Technology

Nowadays, we depend more on the internet. This means that a slow speed internet connection
may cause problems when spending time to load the data. The 5G is the evolution of the 4 th
Generation of mobile cellular devices. It is faster and more efficient. With the new technology
we can connect more devices at the same time with less delay, which means it has greater

Imagine that you want to play a video using 4G connection on your smartphone and it is on 8k
resolution. That video will probably take from six to ten minutes to download. This new
technology would allow you to play the same video by loading it in thirty seconds (Pierucci,
2015). With a blink of an eye, you can have your video downloaded on your phone. That seems
like a great upgrade for people who spend time with technology.

The possibility of this technology being faster means it would improve the use of smartphones.
One day maybe sensors, temp-meters, vehicles, robots and other forms of technology will
connect to 5G as well (Wubben et al., 2014). However, they would need a transmitter on high
frequency. The bad thing about this frequency is it can’t go over walls or windows. As a result,
companies would have to install a lot of devices on the streets, buildings, and houses to make it

Although 5G technology may be an improvement, it also brings a negative impact. This new
technology may affect our health. Some research shows that more exposure to electromagnetic
radiation may increase cancer risks (Hewings-Martin, 2019). 5G technology also increases the
amount of cell towers in a neighborhood, which may increase exposure to people (Russell,
2018). However, there are no long-term studies published that can support these findings yet.

In conclusion, 5G technology is a positive advancement for our society. It helps facilitate

communication with better quality. Less time will be spent waiting for the internet to load any
content. We will be able to connect to the internet at a faster speed wherever we go. The time
spent using this new form of technology will be more efficient for people.

Joe Morel

Hewings-Martin, Y. (2019). Is 5G technology bad for our health? Medical News Today. Retrieved


Pierucci, L. (2015). The quality of experience perspective toward 5G technology. IEEE Wireless
Communications, 22(4), 10-16.

Russell, C. L. (2018). 5G wireless telecommunications expansion: Public health and

environmental implications. Environmental research, 165, 484-495.

Wubben, D., Rost, P., Bartelt, J. S., Lalam, M., Savin, V., Gorgoglione, M., ... & Fettweis, G.
(2014). Benefits and impact of cloud computing on 5G signal processing: Flexible centralization
through cloud-RAN. IEEE signal processing magazine, 31(6), 35-44.

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