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Giving a look on what experts say on, India has become the digital capabilities hub of
the world with around 75 percent of global digital talent present in the country. Did you read that
right? SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT ie three fourth of the whole world’s tech industrial talent is
contributed only by INDIA! And obviously in the coming few years, while India is overtaking
China to become the world’s largest population, this number of digital talents is gonna boom up.
So where is everyone going to be accomodated?

Let us analyse this with a straight and direct approach. For everyone to be easily
accommodated we need the country to have that many job opportunities, and for that we need
that many vacancies, which in turn basically means that we need that many companies and
organizations in the tech industry. Now for India to have that many players in the industry
providing employment to everyone, is a little difficult but let’s look on the bright side. After the
USA, India has the highest rate of startups coming up. So even if we get the numbers close to
building that many tech companies, that just doesn't wrap up the picture right? We need it to be
effective, profitable and at the same time charming to the environment and country. With our
proud showcase of unity in diversity we need people to be loving the work they do and not being
forced or pressurized to be doing those jobs. We don't want another developed YET depressed
country like the United States of America right? We don’t want a country with such a
tremendous mixed cultures and traditions to be sleeping on pills every night yeah?

There is one and only one solution for that, for people to love what to do and do it only because
they purely intend to do that. For that, the youth should be given the required training and skill
development from that very young age, nurturing them into their adulthood and giving them a
chance to pursue whatever they want. Have an identity of their own and not a forced stamp of a
doctor or engineer on their heads.

That vision and mission is exactly what Edunomics has been started upon. That is our deep
philosophy behind everything we are doing at Edunomics. Atleast, that is what we want our
roots to grow from and spread the fruits of true success to everyone who requires it. A platform
to connect between academics and industry. Because we at edunomics believe that academics
is the first and most important to lay your basic foundations strong. Though we consider it to be
only 30% and the remaining 70% is the practical knowledge and training that one needs to
become complete. Or you can say to find their best fit place in the world where they want to
reach and appoint themselves to pursue their dreams of happiness. That's exactly why we give
importance to CAREERS and not JOBS. We want to drive innovation in you after we give you a
touch of learning by finding your hidden talents. We provide the most adaptable and insightful
virtual mentor who will help you hunt for your deep desires and surface them in such a way that
you can easily explore and find contentment in it. Last but not the least, our extemporized and
improvised team finds and intakes 50 aspiring and exceptional students to give a world class
training and real world experience by supervising them on live projects of the current
technological world.

That's what we want to incorporate into the youth by our ideology behind this startup. Do what
you like even if you have to hunt it down, do what it takes, go deeper and deeper into yourself
until you find it. Why do you have to worry when you have people with first hand experiences,
there for you always, helping and mentoring you with the best initiatives and methods to dig it
out! Because only then can you taste the actual sweetness behind success. Then when you
finish your day’s work and see the positive impact and difference you have made, that feeling of
success can't be described in words, nor be found elsewhere.

The current strategy to develop applicants on their need of talent as well as their love to the
respective fields should be focused upon more and more. On the website there should be a
section representing blogs or articles or even comments from the users which have gone
through the services and loved it. Their reviews and insights on how actually this will help in the
real life world is what will motivate and make it effective for other users and visitors to use the
services. Even other references from recognized colleges and companies, or CEO’s, professors
and other trusted and reliable personnels and platforms should be a great attractor.

Another focus should be to reach the right audience and gain their respect as well as trust to
take up the services and social media is the best platform for this! With the COVID19 lockdowns
in place all over the world this should be the right time to put it up efficiently with a thought out
plan and strategy to pull the right people in need of such services.

With the right SEO and SEM on the blogs, articles and contents of the products it can easily be
used to reach out with a bigger picture of this platform. Especially the values and the unique
vision with which this platform has been laid upon should be stressed on.

Not to forget an instant query chat box to give users the answers to their doubts instantly
without losing time and the customer.
Lastly, a very user friendly application on the IOS and Android will easily hit the right spot for
First and foremost, the philosophy behind edunomics is one of a kind. This unique idea behind
this platform is something exceptional and different from the norms of other educational and
training websites in the market. What strikes the most about its features is the initiative to
provide 50 students the required level of training and mentorship, similar to that of SUPER 30
and so, this being online and easily accessible can gain a lot of recognition and reputation once
batches after batches start showcasing their talent in the society. This is what I feel can touch
great heights of that which the online educational industry has not seen yet!

Apart from this finding the right talent and then helping student pursue what they want is a
strategy which can be very effective because student and even professionals will love to hunt
themselves down to the core with their will power telling them to do it as they have shown
interest to do what they actually aspire and love from the bottom of their hearts to do in their

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