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18th August 2017 #1

Bulk creation ISOs

Branch Member
Klauzer's Avatar

Join Date: Jul 2016

I have about 40 iso drawings to create in isodraft. Is it possible to
create iso drawing in pdf with one button click? Right now I need to
Location: Sweden
do it manually 40 times. This takes about 1h with corrections.
Posts: 14

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18th August 2017 #2

Site Level


!pipeListFile = object FILE('C:\temp\ISO\PIPE-LIST.MAC')

Join Date: May 2007 !arrPipeList = !pipeListFile.readfile()
Posts: 205
!CMDpathFile1 = 'C:\temp\ISO\BATCH-ISO\'
SYSCOM 'DEL $!CMDpathFile1*.* /Q'

do !pipes values !arrPipeList


!pipName = name of ce
!filename = !pipName.replace('"','')
!filename = !filename.replace('/','')
!PDMSpathFile = 'C:/temp/ISO/BATCH-ISO/' + '$!filename'
!CMDpathFile2 = 'C:\temp\ISO\BATCH-ISO\' + '$!filename'
!PDFfile = '$!CMDpathFile2' + '001.pdf'
!newPDFfile = '$!filename' + '.pdf'


File SET PDF View Comp Colourplus Bindpages
DETAIL $!pipes

SYSCOM 'REN "$!PDFfile" "$!newPDFfile" '

enddo 08-08-2018
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hope this helps

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18th August 2017 #3

Thanks I will check it out.

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Klauzer's Avatar

Join Date: Jul 2016

Location: Sweden
Posts: 14

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