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2010 16

T, S

Julia Ma & Steven Zhu
Al geb ra
t h roug h
Michael Nagel
C a l cul u s
Dean Schaffer & Sophy Lee

Daniel Berdichevsky

the World
Scholar’s Cup ®
I. WHAT IS A POWER GUIDE?........................................................ 2
II. CURRICULUM OVERVIEW............................................................3
III. GENERAL MATH..............................................................................4
IV. ALGEBRA…........................................................................................ 7
V. GEOMETRY………….......................................................................... 37
VI. TRIGONOMETRY.............................................................................46
VII. POWER LISTS................................................................................... 54
VIII. POWER TABLE..................................................................................59
IX. POWER STRATEGIES…………………………………………………………60
X. ABOUT THE AUTHORS..................................................................61




© 2010 DEMIDEC

DemiDec, The World Scholar’s Cup, Power Guide, and Cram Kit are registered trademarks of the DemiDec Corporation.
Academic Decathlon and USAD are registered trademarks of the United States Academic Decathlon Association.
DemiDec is not affiliated with the United States Academic Decathlon.
Shorter Se
elections Powerr Guide | 2

ulations, Deccathlete.

Why conngratulations?? If you weree brave enou

ugh to pick uup this Poweer Guide, theen you're alrready well
on your way
w to conqu uering the Accademic Decaathlon.

Let me exxplain.

Last yearr, at the DemiDec summ mit in Atlan nta, Georgia , I was conttinuously asked to discllose "The
Secret" behind
b scorin
ng well on the objectivee exams. Deecathletes m must master ssuch a largee body of
informatiion that the task
t often ap ppears impossible and inttimidating. F
For years, I d
denied the existence of
any sort of "Secret" to
t success in
n Decathlon. No universsal rule existeed, or so I cclaimed, andd the only
mantra thhat Decathlettes needed too hear was, "SStudy Hard.""

I was wroong.

The Studdy-Hard app proach workss if you've sp pent very litttle time withh the curricu
ulum because, at that
point, any exposure too the inform mation will im
mprove your sscore. But wh
what happens when you'vee read the
Resource Guides and d DemiDec Resources, reread r The GGrapes of Wrrath forwards and backw wards and
upside-doown, taken dozens
d of DemiDec
D praactice quizzes and examss, plowed th hrough the DDemiDec
Workboooks, spent more
m time witth your teammmates than the family ddog... and su uddenly hit a plateau?
What's The
T Secret th hen? How does d a Decathlete go from m good to ggreat, great to extraordinnary, and
nary to a rareely realized personal
p best??

Ready forr The Secret??

Take it one
o fact at a time.

This Powwer Guide wiill help you dod just that. With
W it, youu'll be able too break past yyour plateau, whether
that plateeau happenss to sit at a score of 64 40 or 940. P Power Guiddes disassembble the entirre USAD
curriculum. Piece by piece, our authors—all
a of whom haave scored abbove 8,000 iin competitioon—then
reassemblle the facts one-by-one
o in
n an easy-to--digest and eeasy-to-undeerstand formaat. Take solaace in the
knowledgge that every piece of infoormation youu need for com mpetition caan be found iin this Powerr Guide.

You may have noticed d that this Poower Guide seems

s longerr than the Reesource Guid
de itself. Not to worry!
The bulleet format, sp
pacious marggins, and plentiful illusttrations in D
DemiDec Poower Guides naturally
stretch th
he Power Guiide page coun nt.

In your hands
h lies on
ne of the besst study toolss available, bbuilt on the pphilosophy oof The Secreet. Maybe
you'll color in bullets that need revview. Take notes
n in the mmargins. As I said, it's in yyour hands.

Best of lu

Sophy Leee

Why trusst me? I scored above 9,000 at a every level off competition dduring my senioor year of Acad
demic Decathloon, peaking
with a scoree of 9,304 at Nationals.
N – Sop
h Power Guide | 3

The breakkdown of exam questions will be as follows:
fo generral math, 10%
%; algebra, 330%; geomettry, 30%;
metry, 20%; and
a differentiial calculus, 10%.
1 This is shown in thhe pie chart bbelow.

Calculus questions ten

nd to be simple (and, thu us, mastered with limitedd studying), bbut not manyy of them
appear on
o the test. The same goes with the general math portiion. Algebraa and geom metry will
undoubteedly form thee core of the test, so know
wing these arreas is key to scoring well..

For mathh, it’s especiallly important to remember that manyy concepts wwill appear in other section
ns. While
“general math” is tecchnically onlyy supposed to
t be tested in five quesstions, generaal math concepts can
(and defin
nitely will) apppear in prob
blems from the
t other cateegories, suchh as algebra an
nd trig.


Math Power Guidee | 4

The topiccs covered in general
g math are relevant in our daily  Accordding to the USAD outlline, 3-4
lives, thou n don’t realizze it. Whether you are
ugh we often questioons (10% of th
he test) will coome from
figuring out how much h to tip a waiter or trying too decide on this secction
matching socks, math h lurks in th he corner off countless  Generaal math is nott covered in th
activities. math bbasic guide

Integerss, Fraction
ns, Percentts, Decimalls
 In
 An integer is a whole number,
n inclluding 0
 -1, 4, and 934 are integers
 -2/3, 4/5,
4 and 0.2 are not integgers
 Fraction
F arith
 To add an nd subtract frractions, findd a common denominatorr
 Multip ply each fraction by a fracction form of n/n to makke all the den nominators eqqual
1 2 1 7 2 3 7 6 13
 Ex xample: + = × + × = + =
3 7 3 7 7 3 21 221 21
 Re emember too abide byy the ordeer of operrations: pareentheses, exxponents,
multiplication and division n, addition annd subtractioon
 To remem mber the ord der of operattions, try thhis mnemoniic: Please Exxcuse My
Dear Auntt Sally
 Multiplyin ng fractions isi done “straiight across”
 Nume erators are multiplied togeether, and deenominators are multiplieed together
1 2 1× 2 2
 Examp ple: × = =
3 7 3 × 7 21
 To divide fractions, multiply
m by th
he reciprocal oof the divideend
 The “d dividend” is the second fraction
fr (the oone that is beeing divided into the firstt)
 To fin nd the reciproocal of a fraction, simply flip it over
1 2 1 7 7
 Examp ple: ÷ = × =
3 7 3 2 6
 Commonlly, fractions come into pllay when pro oblems describe how fast two people w work and
the time itt takes for th
hem to finish a job if theyy work togethher
 Examp ple: Joe can paint a fencee in 3 hours,, and Sally caan paint 2 feences in 5 hoours; how
long will
w it take them to paint four f fences toogether?
 Joe’s rate of wo ork is 1 fencee every 3 houurs or fencce per hour
 Sa ally’s rate of work
w is 2 fences every 5 hhours or fe fence per houur
h Power Guide | 5

 Thhe formula foor work is woork = rate × tiime

 Since we’ree trying to fin
nd time, let’ss divide rate ffrom both sides
 = tim
4 fences
 Too answer the problem, the set-up is =t
1 fence 2 feences
3 hours 5 hours
 We’re dividing the totaal work (4 feences) by thee total rate off work (the ccombined
speeds of Joe and Sally)) to find the time t that itt takes for th
hem to finish
4 fen
nces 15 hoours 60 hours
 t= = 4 feences × = = 5.45 hoours 2
11 fences 11 fennces 11
15 hoours
 Percentages
 1% represeents of the
t whole
 Conve erting a perceentage to a decimal
d involvves dividing bby 100
 Ex xample: 12% % equals = 0.12
 Conve erting a decimmal to a perccentage involvves multiplyiing by 100
 Ex xample: 0.73 equals 0.73 × 100% = 733%
 Percentagges are generaally applied to
t problems ddealing with sales (discou unts and saless taxes)
 A typiical problem asks about an item with a discount off x%
 Th he discounted ual to (1 -
d price is equ )(original pprice )
 Ex xample: A $2 20 shirt with a 30% discoount sells for (1 – .30)(20) = (.70)(20)) = $14
 The to n item with a tax of x% eequals (1 +
otal cost of an )(original p
 Ex xample: A $1 10 hat with 6%6 tax is soldd at (1.06)($10) = $10.600
selling priice
 The discount
d receiived, given th
he original annd selling priices, equals 1 -
original prrice
 Ex xample: Som meone who bu uys a watch aat $20 when the original p price was $25 receives
a discount
d of 1 - = 0.20 = 20%
 The order of multiiple discountts does not afffect the end price
 Ex xample: A $20$ book on n sale at 20% % off that iis bought w with a coupoon for an
dditional 25% % discount will
w cost the ssame as a $220 book on ssale at 25% ooff that is
boought with a coupon for an a additionall 20% discouunt
 Both would cost ($20)((0.80)(0.75) = $12
 The original price will not affec ct the percenntage discoun nt

A note onn rounding: remmember that rou unding dependds on the place tto which you aare asked to rou und. Look only at the digit
after that one. Were we too round this number to an inteeger, it would bbe 5 because theere is a 4 in thee tenths place. SSomewhere,
some poor elementary maath teacher is coonfusing studen nts by telling thhem that the 5 in the hundred dths place woulld make the
4 in the tennths place roun
nd up to 5, whiich would thenn cause the 5 inn the ones placee to round up tto 6. This is NO OT how to
round, as 0.45
0 is obviouslyy less than halff and could onlyy round down tthe ones place.
Math Power Guidee | 6

 Exxample: Anyy item at 30% off w with a salees tax of 6% will allways be
(0.70) (1.06) = 0.742 = 74.2% of the original price
 Anoth
her typical prroblem asks about
a the origginal price off an item beffore a discoun
 Ex xample: Whaat is the pricce of a shirt that costs $$10.32 after a 20% disccount and
7.5% tax?
( )
 Here’s the set-up: p = 1 + 0.075 = $12
1 - 0.20
 Since tax iss included, we
w had to divvide it from thhe final pricee
 The order of division, however,
h doees not matterr, just as with
h multiple discounts
( )
 p = 1 - 0.20
2 = $12 as wellw
1 + 0.075
 ATTEENTION: Exxcise taxes (taaxes on speciific items) doo not compou und other taxxes
 Exxcise taxes aree based on th he item’s origginal price
 Exxample: A meal
m has an orriginal price of $10, an 88% sales tax, a 10% tip, aand a 4%
exxcise tax; whaat is its final price?
 With the sales tax and tip,t the cost is $10 × (1 + 00.08) × (1 + 00.10) = $11.888
 The excise tax is calculaated from thee original priice: $10 × 0.004 = $0.40
 The final cost
c is $11.88 8 + $0.40 = $$12.28
h Power Guide | 7

Algebra was
w brought froom ancient Baabylon, Egyptt, and India  Accordding to the U USAD outlin ne, 10-11
to Europe via the Arabss. The term deerives from thee Arabic al- questioons (30% of th
he test) will coome from
jabr or, litterally, “the reunion of brokken parts.” In addition to this secction
its mathem matical meaning, the word also refers to the t surgical  Covers pages 4-25 in the USA
AD math
treatment of fractures.3 basic guuide

mial Equattions
 In
 An equatiion is a math hematical stattement that ttwo expressioons are equal
 Examp ple: 4 + 1 = 5
 Examp ple: 2x + 2 = 10
 Linear
L and qu uadratic equ uations
 A linear equation is an n equation inn which the hhighest poweer of the variaables is 1
 y = x is
i a linear equuation
 Th he graph is a straight line
 y = x is not a linea ar equation because
b x hass a power of 2
 Th he graph is a parabola
 Often, a problem will w ask you to t solve for a variable
 To o do this, isoolate the varriable in quesstion by perfforming equ uivalent operations on
booth sides of thhe equation
 Ex xample: Solvee y = mx + b for m for m
 Subtract b from both siides: y – b = mx
y -b
 Then divid de both sides by x to get m =
 A linear equation is i graphed as a straight linne
 The sllope-intercep pt formula off a linear equuation is y = mx + b
 m is the slope of the line
y -y
 m = 1 2 for pointss (x1, y1) andd (x2, y2)
x1 - x 2
 Vertical lin
nes have no slope (or infinnite slope)
 Anotheer way to putt it is that thee slope is “unndefined”
 A vertical line lookss like an “I” (for “Infinitee slope”)
 A vertical line is also the first strroke of “N” (for “No sloppe”)
 Horizontall lines have 0 slope
 A horizzontal line is the first strooke of “Z” (foor “Zero slop
 Do not con nfuse 0 slopee with “no sloope”
 “No sloope” means thatt the slopee is nonexisteent
 Zero sllope has a vallue, which iss 0

Hopefullyy, surgical treatm
ment won’t be necessary when
n you’re done w
with this section
n. – Dean
Math Power Guidee | 8

 (0, b) is the y-iintercept of the

t line
 The y-intercept is the point
p where tthe line interrcepts the y-aaxis
 At the y-axxis, x = 0
 Ex xample: Find d the equation n of the line that passes thhrough (-4, 77) and (3, -22)
 As the nam me of the form mula implies , you must fi find the slopee first
7 - (-2) 9
 m= =
-4-3 -7
 Then we move
m on to thhe intercept
 We havve m, so to find
fi b, we neeed to plug in n a point for x and y
 You caan choose eiither of the points giveen, but we’lll use the seccond one
becausee it has smalller numbers
 Our eq quation lookss like this: - 2 = - (3) + b
 b=
 Now that we have the slope and thhe intercept, we can writte the equation of the
9 13
 y =- x+
7 7
 The point-slope foormula of a linear equatioon is y – y1 = m(x – x1)
 Inn this equatioon, (x1, y1) is any point onn the given line
 Juust as in slopee-intercept foorm, m is thee slope of thee line
 Ex xample: Whaat is the equaation of the perpendiculaar bisector oof a line segm ment with
ndpoints (2, -2)- and (4, 4))?
 First, we need to find th he slope of thhe line segmeent
-2-4 -6
 m= = =3
2-4 -2
 The slope of any perpeendicular lin ne will alwayss be the negaative reciprocal of the
original sloope
 m=
 The bisecttor will pass through the midpoint of the line seggment, so we need to
find those coordinates
 Remem mber that th he coordinattes of the m midpoint aree the averagees of the
2+4 -2+4
 At the midpoint, x = = 3 aand y = =1
2 2
 The midpoint
m is at (3, 1)
 Now, we can c plug the point
p and th e slope into tthe formula
 y – 1 = - ( x - 3)
 In sloppe-intercept form,
f the ansswer is y = - x + 2
 The sttandard form m of a line is written as axx + by = c
h Power Guide | 9

-aa c
 is the slopee and (0, ) is the y-inteercept
b b
 Inn the examplee above, the answer
a rewrittten in standdard form is x + 3y = 6
 A quadrattic equation is an equatio on in which tthe highest poower of the vvariables is 2
 Notice e that if the product of two expressiions is 0, theen one or booth of the exxpressions
must also
a be 0
 To sollve an equation, use facto oring: use thee distributivee property baackwards
 If the equation n’s form is Axx2 + Bx + C = 0, factor it out to (ax + b)(cx + d) = 0
 ac = A, bd = C, and (ad d + bc) = B
 If the form of the t equation is x2 + Bx + C = 0, factorr it out to (x + c)(x + d) = 0
 cd=C and (c + d)=B
 Once the equation n is factored, each factor ccan be set to 0 to solve for x
 Ex xample: If (x + a)(x – b) = 0, then (x + a) = 0 or (x – b) = 0
 This mean ns x = -a or x = b
 a and b are each callled roots of the quadratiic equation
 a also calleed zeros (beccause the equuation equalls zero when
They are n they are
plugged in for x) annd x-interceppts
 The quadratic
q mula4 can alsso be used too find roots
- b ± b 2 - (44ac)
 Giiven ax2 + bxx + c = 0, x =
 Exampple: Solve forr the roots off 12x – 7x – 10 = 0
 We
W can factor the equation n into (4x – 55) and (3x + 2)
 Then, we set
s each factoor equal to 0 to find the rroots
 4x – 5 = 0,, x =
 3x + 2 = 0,, x = -
 We
W can also usse the quadraatic formula tto get the sam me answer
- (-7) + (-7)2 - 4(12)(-10) 5
 x= =
2(12) 4
- (-7) - (-7)2 - 4(12
2)(-10) 2
 x= =-
2(12) 3
 To converrt a factored quadratic back to ax2 + b bx + c form, uuse the FOIL
L process
 FOIL stands for fir rst, outer, innner, last
 Start by
b multiplyin ng the first paarts of each tterm
 Next, multiply the e “outside” paarts of the faactored form
 Then, multiply the e “inside” paarts of the facctored form
 Next, multiple the e last parts off each term
 Finallyy, take the su
um of the prooducts and coombine like terms
 Example: convert (3x + 7)(x + 5) to o ax2 + bx + c form
 “First” 3 2
”: (3x)(x) = 3x

Many alggebra students become
b familiaar with this forrmula by singinng it to the tunne of “Pop Gooes the Weasel.” It goes: x
equals negaative b/ plus or minus the squaare root/ of b sq
quared minus 44ac/ all over 2a. – Steven
Matth Power Guide | 10

“Outeer”: (3x)(5) = 15x

“Innerr”: (7)(x) = 7x
 “Last” ”: (7)(5) = 35
2 2
 3x + 15x + 7x + 35 = 3x + 22x x + 35
 Higher
H orderr equations
 Higher orrder equation ns are equatiions in whicch the highesst power of tthe variables is greater
than 2
 Sometimees, with a suittable substitu ution, we cann solve a highher order equ
uation like a quadratic
 When n we looked at a quadratic equations, thhe first term had a powerr of 2, and th he second
term had
h a power of o 1
 Likew wise, we can solve
s higher order
o equatioons if the power of the fiirst term is d
double the
powerr of the secon nd term
 Examp ple: Find thee roots of x6 + 2x3 + 1 = 0
 Th he power of thet first termm is 6, and thhe power of thhe second terrm is 3
 To o change the equation intto a quadratiic equation, w we want the second term to have a
poower of 1 and d the first terrm to have a power of 2
 Th hus, we will substitute
s f x3
u for
 Th he equation turns
t into u2 + 2u + 1 = 0
 Fa actoring givess us (u + 1)2 = 0
 u = –1
 Re emember, though, we aree looking for x, not u
 Be ecause u = –1 1 and u = x3, we know thaat x3 = –1
 x= -1
 x = –1
 The sum of cubes and d differencess of cubes foormulas can also be used d to solve soome cubic
equations (equations in n which the highest poweer of the variiables is 3)
 Su um of cubes formula:
f (x3 + y3) = (x + yy)(x2 – xy + y2)
 Difference of cubesc formulla: (x3 – y3) = (x – y)(x2 + xy + y2)
 Factors
F and roots
 The rema ainder theoreem and factor theorem arre used to deetermine the remainders oor factors,
respectivelly, of a polyn nomial
 Remaiinder theore em: if f(x) iss a polynom mial, then f(cc) is the rem mainder wheen f(x) is
divideed by (x – c)
 Examp ple: Find thee remainder when x6 – 33x5 + 7x4 – 2x3 – 12x2 + x – 5 is divided by
(x + 3))
 Here, c = –3 because the diivisor is (x – (–3))
 Now, we plug c into the diividend
 (– –3)6 – 3(–3)5 + 7(–3)4 – 2(–3)3 – 12(–33)2 + (–3) – 5 = 1963
 Make suree you use the parenthesees when youu punch this expression iinto your

Remembeer, when divisioon is written as a fraction, the dividend is on the top, and thhe divisor is on the bottom.
h Power Guide | 11

 If your calculator allow ws you to stoore variables, storing –3 aas a variable may help
you avoid mistakes an nd speed upp your typin ng because tthen you woon’t need
 Th he remainderr is 1963
 Factor r theorem: iff you use the remainder thheorem, andd the remaind der equals 0, then (x –
c) is a factor of f(x))
 The ratio onal roots theorem
t is used
u to dettermine all the possiblee rational rooots of a
 We ap pply the ratioonal roots theeorem to polyynomials in the form of A Axn + Bxn-1 +…C
 In n this form, A is the leadiing coefficiennt—the num mber in frontt of the termm with the
highest power— —and C is th he constant
 Both A and d C must be integers
 We W must first find f all the factors
fa of A aand all the facctors of C
 We’ll
W use q to represent all the factors oof C, and we’’ll use p to reepresent all th he factors
off A
 Ac ccording to the theorem m, all of thee rational reeal roots can n be found with the
exxpression ±
 To find alll the possiblee roots, plug tthe various fa factors into th
he above expression
 Ex xample: Find d the possiblee rational rooots of 36 + 2xx3 + x4 – 11x2 – 12x
 First, we make
m sure thaat we spot thee correct coeffficient for A
 The highesst power is 4, and the coeefficient for tthat term is 1
 Thus, A = 1
 The constaant C is 36
 Now, we liist all the factors of C oveer all the facttors of A
1 2 3 4 6 9 12 1 18 36
 The possibble rational rooots are ± , ± , ± , ± , ± , ± , ± , ± , ±
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 Luckilyy, A was 1 in n this case
 Had A been 6, we would’ve
w hadd to list all thhe factors of C over 1, 2, 3, and 6,
ng in four tim mes as many possible ratioonal roots
 Affter listing all the possible e rational rooots, we can uuse the factoor theorem too find the
actual roots
 Somettimes you will w need to find f the sum m or producct of the rooots, but not the roots
 Th he formula to t find the su um of the rooots is - ffor all polynoomials, wherre a is the
leaading coefficient, and b iss the coefficieent of the seccond-highestt degree term m
 Example: Find
F the sum m of the rootss of 4x – 7x + 5
 We willl use -
 a=4
 b = –7
-7 7
 The suum of the rooots is – =
4 4
 Example: Find
F the sum m of the rootss of x3 + 3x2 – 4x – 12
Matth Power Guide | 12

 We willl use -
 a=1
 b=3
 The su
um of the rooots is =3
 Th t find the product of thhe roots is -
he formula to for odd-nu
umbered pollynomials
nd for eveen-numbered d polynomialls, where a iis the leadingg coefficient,, and c is
the constant
 Example: Find
F the prodduct of the rooots of 5x2 + 8x – 2
 a=5
 c = –2
 The prroduct of thee roots is -

Solvingg Inequalitiies
 In
nequality: a definition
 An inequa ality states th
hat two expreessions are noot equal
 Examp ple: 4 + 5 < 121
 Examp ple: 4x + 2 > 3y – 4
 Linear
L and quuadratic
 To solve a linear inequ uality, treat th
he inequalityy as an equatiion and isolaate the variabble
 Be car reful to flip th
he sign if youu multiply orr divide by a negative num mber
 Examp ple: –3x + 7 > 5
 WeW subtract 7 from both siides to get thhe term with x by itself
 –3 3x > –2
 Th hen we divid de both sides by -3 and fliip the sign
 x<
h Power Guide | 13

 In the abovve graph, thee inequality is true in thee shaded areaa, which is the region
to the left of,
o but not in
ncluding, x =
 Th
he answer maay also appeaar in the form
m of a numbeer line

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

 The open circle
c means that the valuue is not included in th
he solution
 If the inequ
uality were x ≤ , then tthe number lline would loook like this:

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

 The darken
ned circle meeans that the solution inccludes
 Linearr inequalities can have moore than one variable
 Ex xample: y ≤ x + 2
 To graph this
t inequalitty, we must plot the linee and then sh
hade the regiion above
 At the line, y is equal too the functioon
Matth Power Guide | 14

 We shade above
a the lin
ne because y ccan also be ggreater than the function

 Exxample: y < –2x

– +1
 Now, we shade below the
t line becauuse y is less tthan the funcction

 Usually inn graphs, “less than” loooks the samee as “less than or equal to,” and
“greater than” looks thee same as “grreater than orr equal to”
 Sometiimes when y is not equaal to the fun nction, the liine of the fu
unction is
dotted rather than solid
 But reaally, the shad
ding is the im
mportant partt
h Power Guide | 15

 To solve a quadratic in
nequality, treeat it like an eequation andd solve for th
he roots
 After finding
f the roots, place thhem on a num mber line
 The rooots will parttition the nummber line intto different rregions
 Test numbers
n in eaach region
 Th he ones that make the ineequality true will be part of the solutioon
 Examp ple: x2 + 6x – 7 < 0
 First, we factor r
 (x + 7)(x – 1) < 0
 Our roots are -7 - and 1
 WeW will place these
t roots on a number lline
-7 1

 Notice that thee roots dividee the line intto three regioons: x < –7, ––7 < x < 1, an
nd x > 1
 We
W will choosee a number in each regionn to test the inequality
 Leet’s use -8, 0 and 2
 Rule of thu umb6: wheneever you can choose 0 as a test value,, do so, as it is usually
very easy too plug into thhe inequalityy
 When
W we plugg -8 into the inequality,
i w
we get 9 < 0, wwhich is falsee
 When
W we plugg 0 into the in nequality, wee get –7 < 0, which is true
 When
W we plugg 2 into the in nequality, wee get 9 < 0, w
which is false
 On the numb ber line, we will
w place ann x where thhe inequalityy is false and d a check
whhere the ineq quality is truee

-7 1

 Thhus, the solution to the quadratic

q ineqquality is –7 < x < 1
 Quadrratic inequaliities may havve an x and a y

e seen The Boondock
If you’ve ever B Saints, the line at thee beginning aboout “rule of thumb” is most exxcellent. – Steveen
Matth Power Guide | 16

 Exxample: y ≤ x 2 + 2
 We can reppresent this inequality graaphically

 Since y is less than or equal to the function, w

we shade the area below tthe curve,
and the areea includes th
he curve itsellf
 Absolute
A valu
 A numberr’s absolute value
v is essentially its distaance from 0 on a numberr line
 It is allways non-ne
 Examp ple: - 45 = 45
 Examp ple: 0 = 45
 When thee expression inside
i the ab
bsolute valuee signs is a fuunction, we sset the functtion equal
to two opp
posite values
 Examp ple: x - 3 = 2
 x–3=2
 x – 3 = –2
 x = 1 or x = 5
 When we have inequaalities with ab
bsolute valuees, we have tto be careful with the dirrection of
the inequaality symbol
 Examp ple: x + 6 ≥ 7
 Foor the first in
nequality, we just remove the absolutee value signs
 x+6 ≥ 7
 d inequality, however, wee have to flipp the symbol of inequalityy because
Foor the second
wee change the sign of the value
v to the rright of the syymbol
 x + 6 ≥ –7
 The value to the right of the inequuality is now negative 7, aand the symbbol is now
less than orr equal to
h Power Guide | 17

 Th
hus, x ≥ 1 or x ≤ 3 – 13
 ple: 2x - 7 < –3
 Sinnce an absollute value caan never maake an expresssion negativve, the inequ
uality can
neever be true
 Watch
W out for trick questioons like this oone

ons: Ration
nal, Expon
nential, and
d Logarith
 Functions
 For each possible
p valu
ue of a given independennt variable, xx, of a functioon, there can
n be only
one value of the depen ndent variablee, y
 If you u plug in a value for x, you u should get one value for y
 Ex xample: y = f(x)
f =x
 When x = 2, f(2) = (2)2 = 4
 f(x) denotees that y is a function
f of x
 More than one vallue of x may have the sam me value for y
 Ex xample: y = f(x)
f =x
 f(2) = 4
 f(–2) = 4
 In this casee, y was 4 whhen x was 2 aand when x wwas -2
 No va alue of x, howwever, may have more thaan one value for y
 Ex xample: y = f(x)
f = x
 f(9) = 9 = 3
 f(9) = 9 = –3
 In this casee, y may not equal both 3 and -3
 For an equ uation to be a function, it must pass tthe vertical liine test
 A verttical line plac ced anywherre on the graaph of a funcction can crooss the functtion in at
most one
o point
 If the line intersectts the graph ata more thann one point, tthen it isn’t a function

 We
W can place a vertical linne anywhere on the grapph above, and it would oonly cross
the graph at on
ne point, whiich means thhat the graphh represents a function
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A vertical line will

w cross thee graph abovve at two placces when x > 0
 This graphh, therefore, does
d NOT reepresent a function
 The doma ain of a functtion is all posssible values of x (the inddependent vaariable)
 Any value
v of x thaat causes a mathematical
m error in the function is N
NOT includ ded in the
 Possibble limitationns on domain n include diviiding by 0, taaking the squuare root of a negative
number, and takin ng the logarithm of a nonn-positive num mber
 The rangee of a functioon is all possible values off y (the depenndent variablle)
 There are several liimitations on n range
 Sq quare roots an nd exponential functions only give noon-negative vvalues, for exxample
 As symptotes caan graphicallyy illustrate raange limitatioons

 In the abovve graph, y = –1 is a horizzontal asympptote

 The cu urves approaach the line y = –1 wheen x stretchees out to inffinity and
negativve infinity
 The fuunction will never
n actuallyy reach y = –11
 Thus, -1
- is not in thhe range of tthe function
 In additionn, the line x = 0 is a verticcal asymptotee
 The cuurves will appproach, but nnever touch, tthe line x = 0
 A compossite function is the result of combinin ng two or moore functions at once
 f(g(x))), sometimes denoted (f  g)(x), is a typ pical example of a compoosite function
 Th he above is reead as “f of g of x”
 The co omposite fun nctions f(g(x))) and g(f(x))) are not neceessarily the saame
Math Power Guide | 19

 Exxample: Giveen f(x) = 3x + 2 and g(x) =
 f(g(x)) = 3(( ) + 2
 g(f(x)) =
3x + 2
 The only time the abovve two composite functioons are equal is when x = ––1
 In
 An inversse is the “un ndo” of a fun nction: it takkes the outpput of a funcction and reeturns the
 The inversse of the function f(x) is denoted
d as f-1(x)
 f(f (x)) = (f  f )(x) = x
–1 –1

 The domaain of a functtion is the ran nge of its invverse

 The rangee of a functio on is the dom
main of its invverse
 Not all invverses are funnctions
 The graph of an in nverse is the mirror
m imagee of the functtion across y = x (see grap
ph below)

 If the function f is one-to-one, then its inveerse is a funcction

 One-to-one means that no values in the e function’s rrange appearr more than oonce
 Ex xample: the inverse of f(x) = x is a ffunction beccause f only maps to eacch y-value
 The inverse of f(x) is f-11(x) = x
 A onee-to-one funcction (which h, as a functtion, must byy definition pass the verrtical line
test) passes
p the hoorizontal linee test—any hhorizontal line placed on n the graph intersects
the function in at most
m one point
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x) = x2, which
 The abovee graph is f(x h is a functionn because it ppasses the veertical-line tesst
It does not, howevver, pass the horizontal-lin
 h ne test, so itss inverse is noot a function
 Yo ou could alsoo say that its inverse
i does not pass the vertical-line test
 To find th he inverse of a function, let y = f(x), chhange all x’s to y’s and alll y’s to x’s
 Examp ple: f(x) = x3
 Le et y = x3
 To o find the invverse, we swiitch the variaables
 x = y3
 Solving forr y, we get th he inverse funnction y = 3 x
 Thus, f-1(x)) = 3 x
 Somettimes we do not n need to actually
a find the inverse eequation
 Examp ple: Given th hat f(x) is a one-to-one ffunction, if ff(3) = 7, whaat is f(3) = 77, what is
 Th he answer is simply 3, sin nce all we do in an inversee is switch th he x and the y
 Rational
R funcction
 The domaain of a functtion includess all of its posssible x-valuees
 To de etermine thee domain of a function, find the x-vvalues at wh hich the den nominator
equalss 0
 Th hese values will
w be the on nly ones excluuded from thee domain
 Division by zer ro causes a mathematical
m error
 An ny division byb zero produ uces either a rremovable orr a non-remoovable discon ntinuity
 Removablee discontinuiities are “holees” in the graaph
 If a facctor (x – c) iss in both thee numerator and denomiinator, the tw wo cancel
each otther out, producing a “hoole” at x = c
 Non-removable discontinuities are asymptotes
 If a facctor (x – c) is only in the ddenominatorr, an asymptoote exists at x = c
 In n both cases, c must be a real r number
h Power Guide | 21

x 2 - x - 12
 Examp
ple: What is the domain of
o y= ?
x2 + x - 6
W must factoor the denom minator
 x2 + x – 6 = (x – 2)(x + 3)
 The denom minator has twot roots, 2 aand -3
 Thus, the domain
d inclu
udes all valuees of x exceptt 2 and -3
 If we factor the e numerator,, we can findd out more deetails about tthe graph
( x - 4)((x + 3)
 y=
( x - 2)((x + 3)
 Both the numerator
n an
nd the denom minator have a factor of (xx + 3)
 Thus, -3 - is the locaation of a rem
movable discoontinuity
 At x = –3, a hole exxists in the grraph
 The other root, x = 2, is i the locationn of a verticaal asymptote
 We can nnot cancel (x( – 2) out off the expressiion
 The rangee of a functio on includes alll of its possibble y-values
 The ra ange of ration nal functionss can be limitted by a horiizontal asymp ptote
 If the exponent de egree of the numerator iss greater thaan the degreee of the denoominator,
i no horizon
there is ntal asymptotte
x3 + x + 2
 Ex xample: y =
x -1
 The degreee of the numerator is 3
 The degreee of the denoominator is 1
 The degreee of the num merator is grreater than thhe degree off the denomiinator, so
there is no horizontal asymptote
 The range,, therefore, in ncludes all reeal numbers
 If the degree of th he numeratoor is the sam me as the deggree of the d denominator, then an
asymp ptote exists att y =
 c is i the leading coefficientt of the num merator, and b is the lead ding coefficieent of the
3x 4 + 7x 2
 Ex xample: Whaat is the horizzontal asympptote of y = ?
6x 3 - x 4
 Both the numerator
n an
nd the denom minator have a degree of 4
 c = 3 and b = –1
 Remem mber that th he leading cooefficient com mes before the variable with the
highestt power
 In the denominatorr, the term w with the highest power is ––x4
 The horizoontal asymptoote is y = or y = –3
 Note that even though h y = –3 is a horizontal asymptote, it is still in tthe range
because f( - ) = –3
 If the degree of th he numeratorr is less than the degree oof the denom minator, an aasymptote
exists at y = 0 (the x-axis)
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Ass x increases, the numerattor will increease at a slowwer rate than the denomin
nator will
beecause the denominator has h a higher eexponent
 Eventuallyy, the ratio of
o the numerrator to the denominator will approaach - ,

which effecctively equalss 0
 The inversse of a ration
nal function isi not necessaarily a functioon
P( x ) Q (x)
 Given n a rational fu
unction , the inversee is NOT sim
Q(x)) P(x)
 WeW must find d the inversse by intercchanging varriables and solving for the new
deependent variiable (as befoore)
 Exponential
E function

 The indep
pendent variaable in an exp
ponential fun
nction is an exponent
 The general form of o function iss ax
o this type of
 The base ofo an exponeential functioon, a, must bee positive
 The domaain is all real numbers
 The rangee is all positivve numbers
 A horizonntal asymptotte exists at y = 0
 The inversse of an expoonential funcction is a logaarithmic funcction
 Regardlesss of its basee, an exponeential functioon will contain the poiint (0, 1) iff it has a
coefficientt of 1 because a0 = 1
Math Power Guide | 23

 Logarithmic
L functions

 The indep
pendent variaable of a logaarithmic funcction is in thhe argument oof a logarithm
 The general form is i log(x)
 Lo og stands for a logarithm taken on basse 10
 Log(x) is th he same as loog10(x)
 You may
m also see Ln(x)L
 Ln n stands for the
t natural loogarithm, takken on base e
 e is a consttant like pi
 e = 2.7182 28182846…
 e is importtant because lots
l of naturaal phenomen na are based oon e
 Conseq quently, the logarithm
l baased on e is ccalled the nattural logarith
 Ln n(x) is the sam me as loge(x)
 Yo ou will need to know wheere the Log aand Ln functiions are on yyour calculatoor
 Logarithm
ms are used to t find the power
p to whhich a base is taken to p produce the resulting
 Examp ple: log2(8) = x
 Th he argument is 8, and thee base is 2
 So olve for x if 2x = 8
 2 = 8, so the power
p is 3
 x=3
 Logarithm
ms and expon nential expresssions cancel each other oout when thee bases are thee same
 Examp ple: log7(72) = x
W can rewritee this equatioon as 72 = 7x
 We
 Th hus, 2 = x
 Examp ple: ln(e 3 ) = x
 =x
Matth Power Guide | 24

 Special rules exist for operations

o on
n logarithms
 When n the entire argument
a hass an exponennt, we can tuurn the expon nent into a ccoefficient
of the logarithm
 Ex xample 1: logg A2 = 2log A
 Ex xample 2: logg(x3 + 7x2 – 5) 5 2 = 2log(x3 + 7x2 – 5)
 We cannoot move the other exponnents becausse they onlyy apply to individual
terms, not the entire arrgument
 When n two logaritthms of the same base are added, we can com mbine them into one
logaritthm with thee arguments multiplied
m toogether
 Ex xample 1: logg A + log B = log AB
 Ex xample 2: logg5(x + 2) + log5(x – 6) = loog6(x+2)(x – 6) = log5(x2 – 4x – 12)
 By th he same tokeen, when tw wo logarithm ms of the saame base aree subtracted d, we can
combiine them intoo one logarith hm with the first argumeent divided bby the second d
 Ex xample 1: logg A – log B = log A/B
 Ex xample 2: logg6(x + 2) – log5(x – 6) = loog5( )
 The th hree rules aboove can also be used in reeverse
 To fin nd a logarithm m in a base other
o than 100 or e, use thee following fformula
log(arrg ument )
 Lo ogbased(argumeent) =
logg( base )
 Ex xample: Find d log6(43)
 Since mostt calculators don’t have a base-6 loggarithm function, use thee formula
log( 43)
and plug inn
log( 6 )
 The answeer is about 2.0 0992
 If you plug in 6 to the 2.0992 ppower, you gget 43
 The base ofo a logarithmmic function must be possitive
 The domaain is all positive numberss
 The rangee is all real nu
 A vertical asymptote exxists at x = 0
 The inversse of a logarithmic functiion is an expoonential funcction
 Regardlesss of the basee, a logarithm mic functionn will contaiin the pointt (1, 0), provvided the
argument’’s coefficient is 1, becausee log(1) = 0

Compleex Numberrs
 Definitions
 A complex x number is any number in the form a + bi
 a and b are real nu umbers, and i is the imagiinary unit
 i= - 1 or i = -1
 All pure real
r numberss and all pu ure imaginaryy numbers aare technicallly complex numbers,
with b = 0 and a = 0, respectively
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 Operations
O with
w complexx numbers
 We can simplify higheer powers of i
 Examp ple: Find thee value of i75
 WeW need to fin nd the pattern n to the pow
wers of i

i1 = i
i2 = –1
i3 = –i
i4 = 1
i5 = i

 We
W can see thaat the pattern n repeats everry 4 powers
 This observvation gives us easy shorttcut to solve i75
 1. Diviide 75 by 4
 2. Take the remainder, ¾, and iignore the 4 in the denom minator
 3. Raisse i to the powwer that youu found in Steep 2
3 75
 4. i = i = -i
 Let’s try i7113
 1. Diviide 713 by 4
 2. Take the remainder, ¼, and iignore the 4 in the denom minator
 3. Raisse i to the powwer that youu found in Steep 2
1 713
 4. i = i = i
 Notice that the e sum of everry four termss is 0
 With this rule,
r we easily find that i334 + i35 + i36 + i37 = 0
 We can alsso find i + i2 + i3 + … + i553 + i54
 We kn now that i + i2 + i3 + … + i52 = 0
 0 + i53 + i54 = 0 + i + (-1) = i – 1
 Treat i as a variable wh hen adding anda subtractinng (combinee like terms)
 Use the diistributive prroperty when n multiplyingg two compleex numbers
 In the e end, simpliffy i2 = -1
 Complex conjugates are a pairs of coomplex numbbers that com me in the form a + bi and
d a – bi
 The co omplex conju ugate of i is -i
 The co omplex conju ugate of 2 – 3i is 2 + 3i
 The co omplex conju ugate of 4 is 4 because thhere is no imaaginary part
 A fractionn with an imaaginary expreession in the denominatorr needs to bee simplified
 Fix th his by multiplying both th he numeratoor and denom minator by thhe complex cconjugate
of the denominatoor
4 + 3i
 Examp ple:
8 - 2i
 WeW need to get rid of the i in the denom minator
 WeW will multip ply top and bottom
b by thhe conjugate of the denom minator, 8 + 2i
4 + 3i)(8 + 2i) 32 + 8i + 24i2 - 6 26 + 32i 13 + 16 i
 = = =
8 - 2i)(8 + 2i) 64 + 16i - 16i1 +4 668 34
Matth Power Guide | 26

 Complex
C nummbers as roo ots of equatio
 Any polynnomial with degree n will have n (poossibly nonddistinct) rootss among thee complex
 All complex roots (thaat have nonzeero imaginaryy parts) comee in conjugatte pairs
 Examp ple: If a polyynomial has a root of 7 + 22i, it must have another rroot, 7 – 2i
 Since com
mplex roots must
m come in pairs, then a polynomiall with an odd d degree musst have an
odd numb ber of real rooots
 For a quaadratic equatiion, the natu ure of the rooots is determmined by thee discriminaant of the
quadratic formula: b – 4ac
 If the discriminantt is positive, both
b roots arre real
- b ± discrim
 Th
he roots are
 If the discriminantt is 0, the rooots are real annd identical
 Th he root is
 If the discriminantt is negative, the roots aree complex coonjugates
 In n the quadrattic equation, taking a squuare root of a negative diiscriminant ccreates an
maginary unitt

Readingg Graphs of
o Function
 Linear
L Functions
 Linear fun
nctions (linear equations) are straightt-line graphs
 These functions ha ave x raised to
t the first poower

 By reaading the graph, we can figure

fi out thee equation it represents
 First, we look forf the y-inteercept, the vaalue of y wheere the line crrosses the y-aaxis
 The y-intercept in the graph
g above is -1
 In n slope-interccept form, whhich is y = m
mx + b, the y-iintercept is b
 b = –1
 WeW still need tot find m, thee slope
 We can reaad two pointts from the grraph, (–2,0) and (0, –1)
y -y -1 - 0
 Using the formula
f for slope,
s m = 2 1 , we haave m =
x 2 - x1 0 - ((-2)
 m=–
Math Power Guide | 27

herefore, the above graphh represents y = – x – 1
 Quadratic
Q Fu
 Quadraticc functions (quadratic
q eq
quations) are U-shaped grraphs
 These functions ha ave x raised to
t the secondd power

The abbove graph shows a parab bola that folllows the stanndard form y = a(x – h)2 + k
 Standard form m is also know wn as vertex fform becausee the point (h h, k) is the vvertex, the
turning point ofo the paraboola
 To finnd the equation of the parrabola, we m must find the vertex first
 Sin nce the parab
bola opens upwards, we llook for the llowest point
 Th he lowest poiint is (2, -3)
 Puttinng the vertex into the stan ndard form eqquation, we have y = a(x – 2)2 – 3
 To finnd a, we need d to plug in another
a pointt
 We
W can read frrom the graph the point ((0, -1)
 –1 1 = a(0 – 2)2 – 3
 a=
 The graph above represents y = (x – 2)2 – 3
 Higher
H orderr functions
 Higher orrder function ns (higher order equation ns) fall into tw
wo general tyypes of graph hs
 If the order (degre ee of the high hest exponennt) is even, thhe graph willl start and en nd on the
same side
s of the y--axis
Matth Power Guide | 28

 Thhe above graaph starts an nd ends on tthe same sidee, the positivve side, of th
he y-axis,
whhich means the
t order is evven
 Th he graph shows the function y = x4 + x3 – 2x2
 uestion ever asks you to find the equuation from a graph like this one,
If a test qu
eliminate the
t answer ch hoices whose orders cannot possibly bbe correct
 In this case, we wou uld eliminatee all the choiices with odd
d orders
 Then, grap ph the remaiining choicess on your caalculator to ffind the equaation that
 Alternativeely, you can plug points from the graaph into thee remaining eequations
and see if they
t solve corrrectly
 If the order is odd,, the graph will
w start and end on oppoosite sides off the y-axis
Math Power Guide | 2

The abbove graph starts on the negative

n sidee of the y-axiss and ends on
n the positivee side,
h means the order
o is odd
t function x5 + 2x4
 The graph shows the
 Exponential
E functions
 Exponentiial functions create curves that have a horizontal aasymptote

 bove graph shows y = ex, and the asym

The ab mptote is y = 0
 Logarithmic
L functions
 Logarithmmic functionss create curvees that have a vertical asym
Matth Power Guide | 30

 The ab
bove graph shows y = ln(xx), the naturral logarithm of x, and thee asymptote is x = 0
 Noticee that this grraph is the inverse of the eexponential ggraph
 Flipping the exponential
e graph
g on thee x = y linee will yield tthe above loggarithmic

Sequencces, Series,, and Mean

 Arithmetic
A seequences
 Arithmetiic sequences are patterns of numbers tthat have a ccommon diffe ference d
 Examp ple: 2, 5, 8, 11…
 Here, the differenc ce d betweenn consecutive terms is 3
 8–5=3
 11 1–8=3
 To find the nth term of an arithmetic sequence, use the formula
nth term = first terrm + d(n – 1)
 Th he 8th term in n the examplle sequence aabove would be 2 + 3(8 – 1) = 23
 It makes sense that 7 “gaps” exist betwe een the first aand the eightth terms
 Arithmetic
A seeries
 An arithm metic series iss the sum of ana arithmeticc sequence
n(firrst term + lastt term)
 The fo ormula to fin nd the sum of the first n tterms is
n(firstt term + last term)
 gives the
t average oof all the termms, and multiplying the aaverage by
n will yield the tottal sum
 Examp ple: Find thee sum of the arithmetic
a prrogression: 331, 34, 37…994, 97
 First, we must find n, the numbern of terms in the seeries
lastt term - first tterm
 Th he formula too find the nu umber of term
ms is n = +1
h Power Guide | 31

 If we thinkk of the term ms as fence poosts separatedd by uniform m gaps, then w

we would
know the number
n of poosts by addinng one to thee number of ggaps
 To find the number off gaps then, w we must take the distancee between thee last post
and the firsst post and divide
d that diistance by thee length of a gap
97 - 31
 We W see that the difference d = 3, and ouur set-up is n = + 1 = 23
 Now that we know k n = 23,, we can use the summatiion formula tto find the su um of the
23(31 + 97)
 Sum = = 14472
 Often, summmation prooblems will use u sigma nottation
 The Greek
G letter siigma is ∑
 We caan express thee sum of the numbers 1 tto 10 as ∑k
k =1
 Thhe index k starts at 1, thhe lower bouund, and inccreases by 1 ffor each term
m until it
reaaches 10, thee upper bounnd
 Thhe bounds arre also called limits of sum
 Our expression n is the same as 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10
 Examp
ple: Find ∑3m

Listing the term ms, we find that

t they are 21, 24, 27, 330, 33, 36
Frrom m = 7 too m = 12, we have 6 term ms (12 – 7 + 1 = 6)
66(21 + 36)
 Ag gain, we can use the summ mation formmula, sum = = 171
 Arithmetic
A mean
 An arithm metic mean iss the average of two or moore numberss
 Examp ple: What is the arithmettic mean of 55, 7, 9, 11, an nd 13?
 We W can solve this t problem by adding uup all the term ms and dividding by the n
number of
5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13
 =9
 An n alternative strategy is too recognize thhe terms as aan arithmetic sequence
 The term in i the middlee will equal tthe average
 In this casee, the middlee of the five tterms is 9
 If the prob blem had an even numbeer of terms, w we would onlly need to avverage the
middle twoo terms to fin nd the averagge of the whoole sequence
 Giiven a set off unrelated numbers,
n of ccourse, the aarithmetic seequence apprroach will
noot work
 Geometric
G sequence
 Geometric sequences are patterns of o numbers w with a commmon ratio r
 Examp ple: 1, 2, 4, 8,
8 16…
 Here, the common n ratio r is 2
 =2
Matth Power Guide | 32

 =2
 To finnd the nth terrm of a geom formula nth tterm = (1st teerm)rn–1
metric sequennce, use the fo
 Examp ple: What is the 13th termm in the sequuence that beggins with 10224, 512, 2566, 128…?
 Th he common ratio r is
512 1
 =
1024 2
256 1
 =
512 2
1 1
 Th he 13th term is (1024)( )13–1=
2 4
 Geometric
G series
 A geometric series is th he sum of a geometric
g seqquence
(first term)(11 - r n )
 The formula
fo to fiind the sum of the first n terms is , where r is the
1- r
comm mon ratio
 Examp
ple: Find ∑3(-2) p


 he first term is 3(–2)1 = –6

Th –
 he second terrm is 3(–2)2 = 12
 We
W can find th
he common ratio
r r by divviding: = –2
 WeW know that n = 5 becausse the index p goes from 1 to 5
- 6(1 - (-2)5 - 6(1 + 332)
 Th hus, the sum m is = = –2(33)) = –66
1 - (-2) 3
 In
nfinite seriess
 An infinitte series is the sum of a paattern of num mbers with aan infinite nu
umber of termms
 For an n infinite seriies to be solvaable, |r| < 1
 If |r| ≥ 1, the series will co ontinue to ggrow infiniteely larger and d will not ap
pproach a
 Example: the t series 2, 4, 8, 16… ((r = 2) does not have a ffixed sum beecause the
terms will simply keep getting biggeer

 Examp ple: Find ∑ x
x =0 2
 Be ecause this seeries has a coommon ratioo r = , thee formula wee use to find d the sum
wiill be similar to the formula for findinng the sum oof the first n terms of a ggeometric
first term
 Th he formula iss sum =
1- r
 The numerator differs from f the onee in the geommetric series fformula
 Since n = ∞, ( )∞ ap pproaches zeero, and thee (1 – rn) in n the geomettric series
formula beecomes 1
Math Power Guide | 33

0 1
 Th he sum is 2 = =2
1- 21 1
 We W were able to t find a nummber for the sum, which m means that the series connverged
c also diverrge
 An inffinite series can
 Divergent serie es do not add d up to a nicee number
 Th he harmonic series7 is a coommon exam mple of a divvergent series

1 1 1 1 1 1
 Itss progression n is + + + + … oor ∑
1 2 3 4 5 x =1 x
 Ev t terms beccome smalle r, they don’tt scale down
ven though the n like the term
ms in the
coonvergent exaample, in wh hich each term
m was half off the previous one
 In n the harmon nic series, the terms keep aadding up too infinity
 Geometric
G mean
 A geometric mean is the product of o n terms raiised to
 Examp ple: What is the geometriic mean of 3 and 27?
 3 × 27 = 81

 11/2 = 81 = 9
 Th metric mean of 3 and 27 is 9
hus, the geom
 Thhe answer maakes sense beecause 3, 9, aand 27 form a geometric series with a common
rattio of 3

The harm monic series getts its name from m the way a strring vibrates. TThe wavelengthhs of the harmoonics (the frequ
uencies that
naturally reesonate) are a half, a third, a foourth, etc. of th
he length of the string.
Matth Power Guide | 34

 Graphing
 The follow
wing are grap
phs of various sequences aand series

Arithmetic S

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

 We
W can tell thee above graph h represents an arithmetiic sequence bbecause the teerms have
qual vertical distances
d betw
ween each otther
 If we connecteed the dots, they
t would fform a straighht line: the yy-values are iincreasing
at a constant (llinear) rate

A Seeries

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

 Th
he above grap
ph models th
he series ∑n
 The dots no
n longer havve equal vertiical distancess between eacch other
Math Power Guide | 35

eometric Sequ

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

n the above geeometric sequence, each tterm is twicee as large as th
he previous oone

G Seeries

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

his graph moodels the geom
metric series ∑ 2n

The series sums to 3.99 we can see thhat the graph approaches 4
96094, and w
Math Power Guide | 35

eometric Sequ

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

n the above geeometric sequence, each tterm is twicee as large as th
he previous oone

G Seeries

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

his graph moodels the geom
metric series ∑ 2n

The series sums to 3.99 we can see thhat the graph approaches 4
96094, and w
Math Power Guide | 37

Geometryy is the studyy of figures (both two- and three-  Accordding to the U USAD outlin ne, 10-11
dimension nal). Of particcular interest are triangles (specifically
( questioons (30% of th
he test) will coome from
right trian
ngles) and qu uadrilaterals. In
I this sectioon, we will this secction
explore hoow to find the area and voolume of such h figures, in  Covers pages 26-322 in the USA
AD math
addition to several other topics. basic guuide

Right Triangles
 The
T Pythagorrean theorem m
 The Pyth hagorean theeorem states a special reelationship tthat applies to all right triangles:
a + b = c2
2 2

 a and b are the tw wo leg lengthss of the rightt triangle; c

is the length of thee hypotenusee c
 We can also a use the Pythagorean n theorem too determine a
whether a non-right trriangle is acutte or obtuse
2 2 2
 If a + b > c , then n the trianglee is acute
 c is i the length of the trianggle’s longest lleg; a and b b
aree the lengthss of the otherr two legs
2 2 2
 If a + b < c , then n the trianglee is obtuse
 A Pythago orean triple isi a set of thrree integers thhat satisfy thhe Pythagoreaan theorem
 Examp ples of comm mon Pythagorean triples:
 3, 4, 5
 5, 12, 13
 7, 24, 25
 9, 40, 41
 8, 15, 17
 Any multiiple of a Pyth hagorean trip ple also satisfifies the Pythaagorean theorrem
 6, 8, 10 1 is a multip ple of 3, 4, 5,, so it is also a Pythagoreaan triple
3 4
 , , 1 is also a multiple
m of 3,
3 4, 5
5 5
 Sp
pecial trianggles: 45-45-9 90 and 30-60-90
 The 45-45 5-90 right trriangle is an isosceles
i righht triangle
 Two angles
a are 45°, and the 3 angle is 90°

 The tw wo legs are eq qual in length 45°°

x 2
 The le ength of thee hypotenusee is always 2 times thhe
length h of each leg x
 Drawiing a diagon nal from coorner to corrner across a
squaree results in a 45-45-90 triiangle

Matth Power Guide | 38

 The 30-60
0-90 right trriangle is the second speciial right trian
 The an ngles in this triangle meaasure 30°, 60° , and 90°
 The shhortest side is opposite thhe 30° angle
 The leength of thee hypotenusee is 2 times tthe length oof the 30°
shorteest side
 The leength of the other leg (th he leg opposiite the 60° an ngle) x 3 2x
is 3 times the len ngth of the shortest
s side
 Drawiing one altittude in an equilateral
e trriangle resullts in
two 30 0-60-90 trianngles 60°

nate Geom
 Lines
 The midp point of a linee segment is the point eq uidistant from both endss
 Given n a line segm ment with tw wo end points (a, b) and (c, d), the m midpoint is found by
a+c b+d 
takingg the average of the two cooordinates:  , 
 2 2 
 Slope is a line’s ratio of
o vertical to horizontal
h chhange
d - b Δy
 Slope can be found t points (aa, b) and (c, dd) on a line: m =
d given any two =
c - a Δx
 If a = c, then th he slope is un
ndefined, andd the two pooints lie on a vertical line
 If b = d, then thet slope is 0, and the twoo points lie oon a horizonttal line
 Remem mber this equ uation as “risse over run”
 We use thhe distance foormula to fin nd the distancce between aany two poinnts
 d= ( x 2 - x 1 )2 + ( y 2 - y 1 )2 betw
ween two poiints (x1, y1) aand (x2, y2)
 d is i the distancce
 This formula
f is derived from th he Pythagoreean theorem
 We caan use a variaation of the distance form mula to findd the distancce between tw
wo points
(x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) in thrree-dimensionnal space
 d = ( x 2 - x 1 )2 + ( y 2 - y 1 )2 + ( z 2 - z1 )2
 Lines can be parallel or o perpendicu ular
 Paralle el lines are lin
nes in the sam me plane thaat never interrsect
 If lines m and n are parallell, it is notate ed as m || n
 Pa arallel lines have the samee slope
 Perpen ndicular liness are lines that intersect too form 90° aangles
 If lines m and n are perpen ndicular, it is notated as m ⊥ n
 Th he slopes of perpendicula
p ar lines are neegative reciprrocals of each
h other
3 5
 Example: If I a line has a slope of , a perpendiccular line has a slope of −
5 3
 Horizontal an nd vertical lines are perppendicular too each otheer, even thou ugh their
sloopes are 0 and undefined,, respectivelyy
Math Power Guide | 339

 A transverrsal is a line that

t intersectts two paralleel lines
Verticcal angles (att right, 1 and
 d 3, 2 and 44, 5 and 7, 6
1 2
and 8)) are congrueent
 Corressponding ang gles (1 and 5,
5 2 and 6, 4 and 8, 3 andd 4 3
7) are congruent
 Altern nate interiorr angles (4 and 6, 3 and 5) arre 5 6
congru uent
 Altern nate exteriorr angles (1 and 7, 2 and 8) arre 8 7
congru uent
 Conse ecutive angles (1 and 4, 2 and 3, 5 aand 8, 6 andd 7) are supplementary (aadd up to
 Same--side interior angles (4 and 5, 3 and 6)) are supplem mentary8
 Properties
P an
nd types of quadrilateral
q ls
 A quadrila ateral is a fouur-sided polyygon
 The measures
m of thhe interior anngles of a quaadrilateral addd up to 360°
 The fo ormula for th he number off angles in a ppolygon is (n n – 2)/180
 A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly one p pair of parallel sides
 The parallel sides are a called basses
 The non-parallel
n siides are called legs h
 An iso osceles trapezzoid has conggruent legs, bbase angles, aand diagonalss
 A righ ht trapezoid has h one right base angle b2
 Area = ( )(b1 + b 2 )( h )
 b1 and b2 are th he lengths off the bases annd h is the heeight
 In a co oordinate sysstem, the twoo bases have tthe same sloppe (since theyy are parallell)
 Th he two legs have
h differentt slopes
 A parallelogram is a qu uadrilateral with
w two pairrs of parallel sides
 Opposite angles an nd sides are congruent
 Conse ecutive angless are supplem mentary
 The diagonals
d biseect each otherr
 To o bisect mean ns to halve an n angle
 Area = bh
 b is i the length of a base and d h is the perrpendicular hheight
 In a co oordinate sysstem, oppositte sides have the same sloope and lengtth
 A rectanglle is a paralleelogram with h four right anngles
 All pro operties of paarallelogramss apply to recctangles
 Its dia agonals are coongruent
 Area = Lw, where L is the lengtth and w is th he width
 In a coordinate system, opposiite sides have e the same sllope and lenggth, and the slopes of
adjaceent sides musst be perpend dicular
 A rhombu us is a paralleelogram with h four congruuent sides
 All pro operties of a parallelogram m apply to a rhombus
 Its dia agonals are peerpendicular to each otheer

The Princceton Review sums all of the above stuff really nicely in “F Fred’s Theorem
m”: all the smalll angles are con
ngruent. All
the big anggles are congrueent. A small anggle and a big an
ngle are supplem
mentary. – Dean
Matth Power Guide | 40

 The diagonals
d biseect each otherr
 The diagonals
d biseect the cornerr angles to foorm 4 congruuent right triaangles
 Area = d 1d 2
 d1 and d2 are th he lengths off its two diaggonals
 In a coordinate
c syystem, the sloopes of the ddiagonals aree negative recciprocals
of eachh other (becaause they are perpendicullar)
 A square is
i a paralleloggram that is both
b a rectanngle and a rhhombus
 All pro operties of reectangles and d rhombuses apply to squuares
 The diagonals
d formm 4 congruen nt isosceles riight triangless
 Area = s
 s isi the length of one side
 The diagonals
d are perpendiculaar, bisect eachh other, and have the sam me length

uency and Similarity
 Congruence
 Two figurres are congru
uent if they have
h the sam me shape and area
 In oth
her words, congruent figu ures have sidees and angles of the same measures
 The foollowing figu
ures are all coongruent

 Thhe triangle iss rotated and

d flipped seveeral differentt ways, but tthe figure’s sshape and
areea remain the same
 Similarity
 Two figurres are simila
ar if they havee the same shhape
 The foollowing figuures are all sim
Math Power Guide | 41

 Th
he ellipses aree different sizzes, but theyy all have the same shape

Plane an
nd Solid Figures
 Area
A of trianggles, quadrillaterals, and circles
 There are several form
mulas that alloow us to findd the area of a triangle
 A= bh
 b isi the length of the base and
a h is the hheight; A is aarea
 n’s formula9: A =
Heron s(s - a))(s - b)(s - c)
a +b+c
 a, b, and c are the lengths of
o the three ssides of the trriangle; s =
 A= ab sin C
 a anda b are twoo sides and C is the meas ure of the an ngle between these two sid des
 Formulas for finding the t area of qu uadrilaterals vary dependding on the tyype of quadrrilateral in
 These formulas can c all be found f in thhe previous section (“Coordinate G Geometry:
Properties and types of quadrilaterals”)
 A circle is the two-dimmensional set of all points equidistant from one cen nter point
 A = πr r
 r isi the radius ofo the circle
 A “sec ctor” of a circcle is visually analogous too a slice of piie
arc measuree
 If you have the e arc measureement in deggrees, A = πr2
360 
 “Arc measu ure” is the deegree measurre of the “cruust” of the secctor slice
arc measuree
 If you have the e arc measureement in raddians, A = πr2 radians
 Area
A of regulaar polygons
 Regular po
olygons havee sides of equ
ual length andd angles of eqqual size
 We ca an divide theese polygons into isoscelees triangles, w
with each sid
de of the polyygon as a

This form
mula is notoriou
usly difficult to type into calculators. Be carefu
ful. – Steven
Matth Power Guide | 42

 We caan then find d the area off each isoscelles triangle aand multiplyy it by the number of
trianglles to find th
he area of the whole polyggon
 Examp ple: Find thee area of a regular heptaagon with a side length oof 4 and an apothem
h of 4.153
 A heptagon (so ometimes callled a septagoon) has 7 sidees

Thhe side lengthh is 4, so the base of the iisosceles trianngle is 4

Ann apothem iss the distancce from the ccenter of a reegular polygoon to the miiddle of a
 Apothems are always perpendicularr to the sides
 In the drawwing above, the t apothem is the heightt of the triangle
 Later, you will be able to t use trigonnometry to fin nd the heigh ht of the trian
 For now, the height (ap pothem) is giiven as 4.1533
 Ussing the formulaf forr the area of a triaangle, A = 2 bh , w we have
A = 2 ( 4 )(4.1553 ) = 8.306

 Th he heptagon has 7 sides and, a thereforre, 7 isosceless triangles, soo we need too multiply
the area of the triangle by 7
 The area of the heptagoon is A = 8.3306 × 7 = 58.142
 Area
A and volu ume of prism ms, pyramid ds, cylinders,, spheres, an nd cones
 A prism consists of twwo parallel and d congruent bases and thhe space betw ween the two bases10
 Surfacce area = areaa of the 2 basses + area of lateral faces (for our purp poses, the latteral faces
are recctangles)
 Volum me = (area off a base)(heigh ht)
 A pyramid d is akin to a prism, but it i has one basse instead off two
 This base
b rises up to t a vertex (p point of interrsection of thhe sides)
 SA = area
a of the baase + area of the lateral faaces (for our ppurposes, triaangles)

This is actually
a the deffinition of a reggular prism. Most
M basic mathh (including Deecathlon math), however, focu
uses almost
exclusively on regular prisms, so we will, too.
Math Power Guide | 4

 Volum
me = ( 3 )(areea of the basee)(height)

 A cylinderr is essentially
y a circular prism
 2 2 + 2πrh
SA = 2πr
 r is
i the radius of
o a base, and
d h is the heiight of the cyylinder
 Volum me = πr h
 A sphere is
i the three-d
dimensional set
s of all poinnts equidistan nt from one center point
 SA = 4πr
 r is
i the radius of
o the spheree
 Volum me = 3 πr3

 A cone is a pyramid with

w a circularr base

 π 2 + πr r 2 + h 2
SA = πr
 r is
i the radius of
o the base, and
a h is the hheight
 r 2 + h 2 is thhe lateral heigght, the distaance from thee edge of the base to the ttop point
 Volum me = 3 πr2h
 Properties
P off similar figu ures
 Correspon nding parts of o similar figu ures are proportional
 There are a few ways to test trianglles for similarrity
 SSS siimilarity the eorem: if twoo triangles exxist such thaat all three p pairs of correesponding
side leengths form a constant rattio, then the two trianglees are similar
 SAS similarity the eorem: if twoo triangles exxist such thaat two pairs oof correspon nding side
lengthhs form a con nstant ratio and
a the anglees included bbetween thosse sides are coongruent,
then the two trianggles are simillar
 AA sim milarity theoorem: if two triangles exiist such that two pairs off correspondiing angles
are congruent, then n the trianglees are similarr
 These theo orems can bee extended too other geom metric figures,, too
 If all the correspo onding anglees in two figgures are con ngruent, then n the two fiigures are
 Properties
P off circles
 Angle meaasures are an important part p of circle ggeometry
 A circlle has 360° or o 2π radianss
 π radians = 180°
 Ex xample: How w many degreees is 1 radiann?

 (1)( ) = 57.3 
 The measure
m of a central
c angle is equal to thhe measure oof the interceepted arc
 The measure
m of ann inscribed an ngle is equal tto the half thhe measure oof the interceppted arc
 The measure
m of an angle in the interioor of the cirrcle is half the sum off the two
interceepted arcs (seee circle diaggrams on the last page of tthis section)
 The measure
m of an
a angle in the t exterior oof the circle is half the difference off the two
interceepted arcs
 Tangents, secants, and d chords are the
t main threee types of lin nes associated with circles
Matth Power Guide | 44

 A tanggent is a line that interseccts the circle at only one ppoint

 Ta angent lines “touch”
“ circlles
 Ta angents are perpendicular
p r to the radiuus drawn to tthe point of ttangency
 A secaant is a line thhat intersectss the circle att two points
 Se ecant lines goo through circcles
 A chord is a line seegment whosse two endpooints lie on thhe rim of thee circle
 Th he longest chhord in a circcle is the diammeter
 If two chords are a the same distance from m the center of a circle, th
hey are conggruent
 Their interrsected arcs are
a also congrruent
 If two chords are a congruen nt or if their intersected aarcs are conggruent, the tw
wo chords
aree the same diistance from the center o f the same ciircle
 Chord d-Chord Pow wer Theorem m: two interrsecting chorrds form fou ur line segmeents such
that th he product of o one chord d’s line segmment lengthss equals the product of the other
chord’’s line segment lengths (see circle diaggrams below))
 Secantt-Tangent Power
P Theoorem: the prroduct of thhe lengths oof the secant and its
nal part is equ ual to the squuare of the le ngth of the ttangent
 Secantt-Secant Pow wer Theorem m: the produuct of the lenggths of one ssecant and itts external
part iss equal to thee product of the
t lengths oof the other secant and itss external parrt

 ∠ ∠ ∠

  ∠ ∠
Matth Power Guide | 46

Trigonom metry is the study of an ngles and th he angular  Accordding to the USAD ou utline, 7
relationshiips of planar figures. The trigonometricc functions questioons (20% of th
he test) will coome from
are also caalled the circu
ular functionss because theyy can all be this secction
derived froom the unit ciircle.  Covers pages 33-355 in the USA
AD math
basic guuide

Right Triangle
T Reelationship
 In
n a right triaangle ABC where
w C is th
he right anglle
 sine of an angle =
 cosine of an a angle =
opposite 11
 tangent off an angle =
 Examples
 sinA = cossB =
 sinB = cossA =
 tanA = cottB =
 tanB = cottA =
 secA = csccB =
 secB = csccA =
 csc is the reciprocal
r of sin
 sinC = 1  cscC = 1
 sec is the reciprocal
r of cos
 cosC = 0  secC is i undefined
 cot is the reciprocal
r off tan
 cotC = 0  tanC is i undefined

An easy way
w to rememb
ber these three properties
p is witth the mnemonnic “SOH-CAH
Math Power Guide | 4

ometric Fu
 Trig
T function ns and quadrrants
 The sign of o the value of o a function depends on the quadran nt of the angle
 All thr ree main fun nctions (sine,, cosine, tanggent) are
positivve in Quadraant I
 Sine iss positive in Quadrant
 Tange ent is positivee in Quadran nt III
 Cosine is positive in i Quadrant IV12
 Each of th he three recip procal functioons (cosecantt, secant,
and cotan ngent) is posiitive in the same
s quadrannts as its T C
corresponding “main” function
 Trig
T function ns and refereence angles
 We can use the reference angle to o determine tthe value
nometric function
of a trigon
 If the anglle θ is in Qu uadrant I, θ is the referennce angle

 Examp ple: 60 is in n Quadrant I, I so its refereence angle is 60
 If the anglle θ is in Qu uadrant II, 18 80° – θ (or π − θ ) is the reference an ngle
3π 3π π
 Examp ple: is in
n Quadrant II, so its referrence angle iss π - =
4 4 4
 If the anglle θ is in Qu uadrant III, θ – 180° or θ − π is the rreference anggle
 Examp ple: 200  is ini Quadrant III, so its refference anglee is 200  – 180
1  = 20
 If the anglle θ is in Qu 3 ° – θ or 2π – θ is thhe reference aangle
uadrant IV, 360
5π 5π π
 Examp ple: is in
n Quadrant IV V, so its referrence angle iis 2π - =
3 3 3
 When using reference angles, follo ow the ASTC C rule mentiooned above tto put the coorrect sign
on the result

 Examp ple: Find coss( )
4π 4π π
 is in Quad drant III, so its
i reference angle is -π=
3 3 3
π 1
 co os( ) =
3 2
 In n Quadrant IIII, tangent iss positive, andd sine and coosine are neggative
4π 1
 Th hus, cos( ) = -
3 2

Inverse Trigonom
metric Funcctions
 Basic
B informaation
 The inverrse trig functiions include arcsin, arcco
os, arctan, arcccsc, arcsec, aand arccot
 Basically, if sinA = B, then
t arcsinB = A
 Simila ar relationships apply for the other invverse functionns as well
 sin A is th
he same as arrcsinA

My Algebra II teacher taught
t me a tricck to remember this. If you goo in order from
m quadrants I too IV, the orderr of positive
functions iss all functions, sine, tangent, and
a cosine. All students take cclasses. – Dean
Matth Power Guide | 48

 All inv verse trig fun

nctions can be notated eitther way
 Evaluating
E in
nverse trig exxpressions
 Substitution can be a powerful
p tool in evaluatinng inverse triig functions
1 1
 Examp n( )) , let θ ==arcsin
ple: to evaluaate cos(arcsin
2 2
 Now, we’re jusst trying to so olve cosθ
1 π π 3
 arc csin = an nd cos =
2 2 6 2
 Notice thaat we use just the principaal value of arccsin
5π 3
 Otherwwise, cos =- wouldd also be an aanswer
6 2
 The
T domainss and ranges of inverse trrig functionss
 Trig functtions don’t pass
p the horizzontal line tesst, so their innverses are noot functions
 To be ablee to work wiith the inversse functions aas functions,, we must lim mit their dom
mains and
ranges (seee table below
 These limitations ensure
e that th
he inverse fuunctions pass the vertical lline test

Inversse Trig Funcctions

n Domain Range
π π
Arcsin [--- 1, 1] [- , ]
2 2

Arccos [--- 1, 1] [0, π ]

π π
Arctan (−∞, ∞) (- , )
2 2
π π
Arccsc ( - ∞ ,---1]∪[1, ∞ )
(-- [− ,0) ∪ (0, ]
2 2
π π
Arcsec (--- ∞ ,---1]∪[1, ∞ ) [0, ) ∪ ( , π]
2 2

Arccot ( −∞, ∞) (0, π )

 Period
 The perio od of a function is the inteerval over whhich it repeatts
 All trig gonometric functions
f aree periodic
 Sine and cosine
c (and their reciproccal functions)) have periodds of 2π
 Tangent anda cotangen nt have period ds of π
 The perio ods of sine and
a cosine (aand their recciprocal funcctions) can bbe determineed by the
coefficientt of the anglee (here, x)

 Examp ple: the periood of sin(kx) is
Math Power Guide | 4

 The periods of tangen

nt and cotanggent can alsoo be determin
ned by the cooefficient of the angle
(again, x)
 Examp
ple: the periood of tan(kx) is
 Amplitude
 The amp plitude of a cyclical fun nction is haalf the distan nce between n the maxim mum and
minimum m height of a wave
 Since amplitude measures
m distaance, it is alw
ways positive
 Sin and co os have ampllitudes that can c be determ mined by the coefficient oof the functioon
 Examp ple: the ampllitude of kcoosx is |k|
 The otherr functions don’t
d really have an “ampplitude” becauuse their ran nge is unboun nded, but
the coefficcient can streetch the graph h vertically
 Horizontal
H shhifts
 A constan nt term insidee the function n can horizonntally shift a function’s ggraph
 Examp ple: the horizzontal shift of
o sec(x – k) iis k to the rigght
 Note that the shift is positive (to the e right) even
n though thee coefficient ( – k) is
 If the function n were sec(x + k), the shiftt would be negative (to th he left)
 Vertical
V shiftss
 A constan nt term outsid de the functioon can verticcally shift thee function’s ggraph
 Examp ple: the vertical shift of siin(x) + k is k upward
 Note that this shift is a possitive shift
 If the function n were sin(x) – k, the shiftt would be negative (down n)
 Combining
C all
a these prop perties

 Example: f(x) = 3cos(7 7x + ) -1
 The fiirst thing we need to do iss factor out tthe coefficien nt attached too the x
 f(x x) = 3cos[7(xx + )] - 1
 Only when x iss by itself can n we find thee period and horizontal sh hift
2π π
 This function
f has a period of , an ampllitude of 3, a shift of to the left, an
nd a shift
7 2
of 1 down
Matth Power Guide | 50

aph of Bsin(C
Cx + D) + A

amplitude = B

amplitude = B
vertical sh
hift = A

* 2π
period =
*phase dispplacement = −

 Purpose
 Oftentimees, problems with trig fun nctions in theem will not bbe solvable ass presented
 You’ll hav ve to convert functions ussing the iden ntities below to solve the pproblem
 Reciprocal
R iddentities
1 1
 sin x =  csc x =
cscc x sin x
1 1
 cos x =  sec x =
seec x cos x
1 1
 tan x =  cot x =
coot x tan x
 Quotient
Q iden ntities
sin x sec x
 tan x = =
coos x csc x
coos x csc x
 cot x = =
sinnx sec x
 Pythagorean
P identities
 sin2x + coss2x = 1
 tan2x + 1 = sec2x
 1 + cot2x = csc2x
 Sum identitiees
 sin(x + y) = (sinx)(cosy y) + (cosx)(sin
 cos(x + y) = (cosx)(cosy y) + (sinx)(siny)
tan x + tan
t y
 tan(x + y) =
1 - (tan x )(tan y )
 Difference
D id
 sin(x – y) = (sinx)(cosy y) – (cosx)(sin
 cos(x – y) = (cosx)(cosy y) + (sinx)(siny)
tan x - tan y
 tan (x – y)) =
1 + (tan x )(tan y )
h Power Guide | 51

 Double
D anglee identities
 sin(2x) = 2(sinx)(cosx)
 cos(2x) = cos2x – sin2x = 1 – 2sin2x = 2cos2x – 1
2 tan x
 tan(2x) =
1 - tan 2 x
 Half
H angle id dentities
x 1 - cos x
 sin( ) = ±
2 2
x 1 + cos x
 cos( ) = ±
2 2
x 1 - cos x
 tan( ) = ±
2 1 + cos x
 Phase
P identitties
 sinx = coss( - x )
 cosx = sinn( - x )
 Odd/even
O pro operties
 sin(–x) = –sinx

 csc(–x) = –cscx

 tan(–x) = –tanx
 cot(–x) = –cotx

 cos(–x) = cosx
 sec(–x) = secx
 Sum-to-prod duct identitiees
x+y x-y
 sin x + sin
n y = 2 sin( ) cos( )
2 2
x+y x- y
 sin x - sin y = 2 cos( ) sin( )
2 2
x+y x- y
 sin x - sin y = 2 cos( ) cos( )
2 2
x+y x- y
 cos x - coss y = - 2 sin( ) sin( )
2 2
 Product-to-su
P um identitiees
sin( x + y ) + sin( x - y )
 sin x cos y =
sin( x + y ) + sin( x - y )
 sin x cos y =
cos( x - y ) - cos( x + y )
 sin x sin y =

ometric Eq
 Law
L of Sines
 The law ofo sines statess that in a triiangle, the raatio of the sin
ne of an anglle to the lenggth of the
opposite side
s is the sam me for all thrree angles
Matth Power Guide | 52


a B
sin A sin B sin s C
 = =
a b c
 As lon ng as we havee one angle-siide pair (A annd a, B and bb, or C and cc) and another side or
angle, we can find the rest of th he variables
 Law
L of Cosin nes
 The law of o cosines is a general form m of the Pythhagorean theeorem
 Where eas the Pyth hagorean theeorem only w works for riight triangles, the law oof cosines
works for any trian ngle
 Given n two sides and a the anglee between thhem, we can n find the len ngth of the tthird side
(refer to the above triangle for the followingg formula)
2 2 2
 c = a + b – 2ab(c cosC)
 In n a right trianngle, c is the hypotenuse,
h which mean ns C is the rigght angle
 The cosinee of ninety degrees is 0 , which is w why the last term in thee formula
disappears in the Pythaagorean theorrem
 Algebraic
A equ uations involving trig fu unctions
 Unless theere are restrictions on do omain and raange, an infiinite numberr of possible solutions
exist to a trigonometri
t c equation
 To sollve for all solutions, reme ember that thhe functions aare periodic
 If x is a solutio on, then 360° + nx, wheree n is an inteeger, is also a solution
 Fo or tangent an nd cotangent,, 180° + nx iis also a soluttion
 The period d of these funnctions is onlly 180°
 Check k for other soolutions
 Ex xample: if a solution
s to a sine equatioon is found in Quadrantt I, then there should
alsso be a solutiion in Quadrrant II, since sine is positiive in Quadrrants I and III
 To solve trigt equationss, isolate the trigonometrric expression n
 Chang ge all trigonoometric expreessions to thee same functiion
 Ex xample: cos2x + sinx + 1 = 0
 First use a Pythagorean n identity to cconvert all thhe expression
ns to sine
 Thus, (1 – sin x) + sinxx + 1 = 0
 Use su ubstitution iff necessary
 Ex xample: 2sin2x + sinx – 1 = 0
 Let u = sin
 Substitutioon and factorring give us ( 2u – 1)(u + 1) = 0
 The solutioons can be foound by solviing u = sinx = and u = sinx = –1
Math Power Guide | 53

 Then solvee for x

 x = 30°° and x = 270

Matth Power Guide | 54

 Arran
ngement principle To find the total num mber of arranggements of n objects wherre r objects
are indisstinguishable,, divide the ttotal number of arrangem
ments by r!:
 Combination An arran
ngement of a collection oof objects in which orderr does not
matter; n C r =
(r! )(n - r )!
 Factoorial The prooduct of a nnon-negative integer n w with all of th
he positive
integers less
l than n; thhis is expresseed as n!
 Multtiplication priinciple To find the total nuumber of posssibilities wheen picking on ne each of
several different
d objeccts (each withh several choiices), multiplly the total
number of choices forr each object
 Perceentage n
Represen of thee whole
 Perm
mutation An arran ngement of a collection of objects in
n which ordeer matters;
n Pr =
(n - r)!
 Probaability The chance that a giiven event w
will happen; eequal to the n number of
outcomees in which tthe event occcurs divided bby the total n
number of
possible outcomes

 Absolute value n-negative vaalue of a nuumber; in otther words, how far a
The non
number is from 0 on the number lline
 Arith
hmetic sequen
nce A pattern
n of numberss that have a ccommon diffe
 Arith
hmetic series The sum
m of an arithm
metic sequencee
 Arith
hmetic mean The averrage of two orr more numbbers
 Asym
mptote A line th
hat a functionn approaches bbut never reacches
 Complex conjugatte A pair off complex num
mbers in the form a + bi aand a – bi
 Complex number Any nummber in the foorm a ± bi whhere a and b aare real numbbers and i is
the imagginary unit
 Composite functioon A functioon resulting ffrom using on
ne function ass the input off another
 Convvergent Applies to
t an infinite series which approaches a fixed sum (|rr| < 1)
 Degree hest exponentt power of a ppolynomial; aalso known ass order
The high
 Discrriminant In the qu
uadratic form uare root; b2 = 4ac
mula, the part under the squ
Math Power Guide | 55

 Diverrgent Applies to an infinitte series whicch does not approach a fixed sum
(|r| ≥ 1)
 Dom
main All possib
ble values forr the independdent variable (often x) in a function
 Equaation A mathematical statem
ment that twoo expressions are equal
 Expoonential functtion A functioon in which tthe independeent variable iss an exponent
 Funcction An equation in whichh each possibble value of thhe independeent variable
corresponds to one annd only one vvalue of the deependent variiable
 Geom
metric sequen
nce A pattern
n of numberss that have a ccommon ratioo
 Geom
metric series The sum
m of a geometrric sequence
 Geom
metric mean duct of n num
The prod mbers to the ppower of (1/nn)
 High
her order equaation An equattion in whichh the highest ppower of the variables is grreater than
 Horizzontal line tesst An equaation passes thhis test if a hhorizontal line intersects itts graph at
no more than one poiint; if a functtion passes th his test, its invverse is also
a functioon
 Inequ
uality A mathematical statem
ment that twoo expressions are unequal
 Inverrse The “unndo” of a funcction; takes tthe output off a function aand returns
the input
 Infinite series m of a pattern of numbers w
The sum with an infiniite number off terms
 Lineaar equation An equattion in whichh the highest ppower of the variables is 1
 Logarrithmic functtion A functioon in which the independdent variable is in the argu
ument of a
 Parab
bola The U-sh
haped graph of a quadraticc equation
 Perpeendicular linee A line with
w a slope that is the opposite reciiprocal of th
he slope of
another line
 One--to-one functiion A functioon in which nnone of the vvalues of its rrange repeats more than
 Ordeer See degreee
 Quad
dratic equatioon An equattion in whichh the highest ppower of the variables is 2
 Rangge All possib
ble values forr the dependeent variable (ooften y) in a ffunction
 Root A numbber that yieldds zero when n plugged in nto an expression; also
a an x-intercep
known as ept and as a zeero of an equaation
 Verteex The turn
ning point of a parabola
 Vertical line test An equation passes thhis test if a vvertical line in
ntersects its ggraph at no
more thaan one point; if an equatioon passes this test, it is a fuunction
 X-inttercept See root
 Y-inttercept The poin nt where an equation inteercepts the yy-axis; equal tto b in the
slope-inttercept form oof a line (y = mx + b)
 Zeross (of an equattion) See root
Matth Power Guide | 56

 Diffeerence of cubees formula (x3 – y3) = (x – y)(x2 + xy + y2)
 Factoor theorem If f(x) is a polynomiall and f(c) = 0,, then (x – c) is a factor off f(x); is the
special caase of the rem
mainder theorrem
L Stands for
f “first, ouuter, inner, llast”; a quicck way to coonvert the
factored out form of a quadratic baack to ax2 + bbx + c form
 Pointt-slope formu
ula y – y1 = m(x
m – x1)
 Quad
dratic formulaa -b ± b2 -(4ac)
 Ratioonal roots theorem Given a polynomial oof the form aaxn + … + c,, all of the raational real
roots willl come in forrms like ± , where p represents all thee factors of
a and q represents
r all the factors off c
 Remaainder theorem If f(x) is a polynomiaal, then f(c) iss the remaind
der of f(x) divvided by (x
– c)
 Slopee-intercept forrmula y = mx + b
 Stand
dard form ax + by = c
 Sum of cubes form
mula (x3 + y3) = (x + y)(x2 – xy + y2)

 30-60
0-90 triangle A right triangle
t with oone 30° anglee and one 60°° angle; sides measure x,
x 3 , annd 2x
 45-45
5-90 triangle An isosceeles right trianngle; sides meeasure x and x 2
 Apoth
hem The distance from thhe center of a regular polyygon to the m
middle of a
 Chorrd A line segment whosee two endpoin
nts lie on the circle
 Circle nter point (in
All pointts equidistantt from one cen n two dimenssions)
 Conee A pyram
mid with a circcular base
 Conggruent Having the
t same size and shape
 Cylin
nder A circulaar prism
 Midp
point The poin
nt on a line seegment that iis equidistant from both en
 Parallel lines Lines in the same planne that never intersect
 Parallelogram A quadriilateral with tw
two pairs of pparallel sides
 Perpeendicular linees Lines thaat intersect att right angles
 Prism
m pace between these two
Two parrallel and conngruent basees and the sp
 Pyram
mid Has one base; its sidess rise up from
m the base and
d meet at a veertex
 Pythaagorean triplee Any threee natural num
mbers that sattisfy the Pyth
hagorean theoorem
Math Power Guide | 57

 Quad
drilateral A four-siided polygon
 Rectaangle A paralleelogram with four right an
 Rhom
mbus A paralleelogram with four congrueent sides
 Secan
nt A line th
hat intersects a circle in twoo points
 Slopee A line’s ratio
r of verticcal to horizontal change
 Spherre All pointts equidistantt from one cen n three dimen
nter point (in nsions)
 Squarre A quadriilateral with eequal sides an
nd all right an
ngles; is both a rectangle
and a rhoombus
 Tanggent A line th
hat intersects a circle at onlly one point
 Transsversal A line th
hat intersects ttwo parallel liines
 Trapeezoid A quadriilateral with oone pair of paarallel sides
 Trian
ngle A three-ssided polygonn
 Verteex Point of intersection oof the sides of a pyramid oor cone

 AA siimilarity theoorem If two trriangles exist such that twwo pairs of coorresponding angles are
congruennt, then the trriangles are siimilar
 Chorrd-Chord Pow
wer Theorem Two inttersecting chhords form ffour line segments such h that the
product of one chordd’s line segmeents equals th
he product off the other
chord’s line segments
 Distaance formula In wo
tw dimennsions: d = ( x 2 - x 1 )2 + ( y 2 - y 1 )2 ;
in three dimensions:
d d= ( x 2 - x 1 )2 + ( y 2 - y 1 ) 2 + ( z 2 - z 1 )2
 Heroo(n)’s formulaa a+b+c
A= s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c) ; s =
 Pythaagorean theorrem a2 + b2 = c2, where a annd b are lenggths of the twoo legs of a rigght triangle
and c is the
t length of the hypotenuuse
 SAS similarity
s theorem If two triangles exist ssuch that twoo pairs of corresponding siide lengths
form a constant
c ratioo and the anggles included between thosse sides are
congruennt, then the tw wo triangles aare similar
 Secan
nt-Secant Pow
wer Theorem The prod duct of the leengths of onee secant and iits external paart is equal
to the prroduct of the lengths of thee other secant and its exterrnal part
 Secan
nt-Tangent Poower Theorem
m The prod duct of the leengths of the secant and its external paart is equal
to the sq
quare of the leength of the ttangent
 SSS similarity
s theoorem If two trriangles existt such that alll three pairss of correspon nding side
lengths form
f a constaant ratio, then
n the two trian ngles are simiilar
Matth Power Guide | 58

 Ampllitude Half thee distance bettween the m
maximum and
d minimum vvalues of a
cyclical wave
w functionn
 Coseccant (csc) In a righ
ht triangle, thhe ratio of thee length of th
he hypotenusee to that of
the side opposite
o to thhe angle in quuestion; recip
procal of sine
 Cosin
ne (cos) In a righ
ht triangle, thee ratio of the length of thee adjacent sidee to that of
the hypootenuse
 Cotan
ngent (cot) In a righ
ht triangle, thee ratio of the length of thee adjacent sidee to that of
the side opposite
o to thhe angle in quuestion; recip
procal of tangeent
 Horizzontal shift Sliding a graph along the x-axis
 Inverrse trigonomeetric function A functioon that “undooes” a trigonoometric functtion
 Law of
o cosines In a triiangle, a waay to find the length of an unkn
nown side;
2 2 2
c = a + b – 2ab(cosCC)
 Law of
o sines In a trian
ngle, the ratioo of the sine of each anglle to its oppoosite side is
sin A sin B sin C
the samee for all 3 anggles; = =
a b c
 Periood The inteerval over whiich a function
n repeats; all ttrigonometricc functions
are perioodic
 Referrence angle The meaasure of the aangle to the n
nearest x-axis; always betw
ween 0 and
90 degreees
 Secan
nt (sec) In a righ
ht triangle, thhe ratio of thee length of th
he hypotenusee to that of
the adjaccent side; reciiprocal of cosiine
 Sine (sin) In a righ
ht triangle, thhe ratio of thee length of th
he opposite side to that
of the hyypotenuse
 Tanggent (tan) In a righ he opposite side to that
ht triangle, thhe ratio of thee length of th
of the len
ngth of the addjacent side
 Trigoonometric ideentities Formulaas that transfoorm certain ttrigonometricc expressions into other
metric expresssions
 Vertical shift Sliding a graph along the y-axis
Math Power Guide | 559

y: Shapes And Figurres
Shape 2-D or 3-D? Arrea Formulaa Volum
me Formula Othe r Notes
2-D set of all points a
Cirrcle 2-D πr2 N/A certain distaance (r) from a
centrral point
one 3-D πr2 + πr r 2 + h 2 3 πr2h Pyramid with circular base

Cylinder 3-D 2πr2 + 2πrh ππr2h Prism with circular base

Has two seets of parallel

elogram 2-D bh N/A
Figure witth one base;
(aarea of base) + 3 (aarea of the
Pyraamid 3-D
( of sides))
sides rise from base and
basee)(height) meet at a vertex
Parallelogrram with four
Rectangle 2-D Lw N/A
rightt angles

1 Parallelogrram with four

mbus 2-D dd N/A
2 1 2 congru uent sides

4 3-D set of all points a

here 3-D 4πr2 certain distaance (r) from a
3 πr3
centrral point
Parallelogrram with four
uare 2-D s2 N/A right angles and four
congruuent sides
1 Has one set of parallel
pezoid 2-D ( )(b 1 + b 2 )(h) N/A

Area form
mulas given for 3-D shapes aree surface area foormulas.
Matth Power Guide | 60

Beatingg the USAD
D Math Teest
 Time
T manageement
 Use a silen nt timer duriing practice anda competittion
 Divide thee problems in nto sets of fivve
 For ea ach set of fivee, find one qu uestion that yyou’re fairly certain you ccan get right
 Attem mpt another question
q in thhe set that dooesn’t seem tooo hard or loong
 Unlesss you see ano other problem m that you deefinitely knoow how to doo, move on
 Co onsider savin ng all time-coonsuming trigg identity quuestions to th he end
 After youy have reacched the end d, go back annd try the othher questions
 This method
m allowws you to find d all the easyy questions on n the first paass
 Do not sp pend too mucch time on an ny one questtion
 On av verage, each question
q shou uld take less than a minuute
 If you’ve spent mo ore than two minutes on a question an nd are not cloose to havingg the
answer, move on
 At five miinutes remain ning, stop woorking on yo ur current prroblem and gguess on all oof the
ones you have
h left blan nk
 This way,
w you at leeast have a ch hance of gettting a few moore points
 If you still have tim me left over after
a guessingg, work on thhe one you ju ust stopped
 Learning
L the content
 Math is un nique: it requ uires repetitioon of problem m-solving skkills, not mem morization
 Take practice
p tests often
 Then, ask a math h teacher, cooach, or felloow decathlette to teach yyou how to solve the
probleems that you don’t underrstand
 Calculator
C usse
 Be familiaar with all of the function ns on your callculator
 Know wing where too find the moost useful keyys will save yoou time
 Practice go ood calculatoor syntax
 Calcullators interpr ret your inpuut very strictlly
 Usse parenthese es to avoid miscalculation
m ns with fractiions or expon nents
 When using trig functtions, make sure s your callculator is in degree mod de when workking with
degrees annd in radian mode
m when working
w withh radians
 USAD’s calculator
c pollicy stipulatess that all Deccathletes musst clear their calculators’ mmemory
before thee start of the math
m test
 Havin ng programs on o your calcu ulator, thereffore, won’t bbe of much help
 What
W to do when
w you do on’t know th he content
 Often, you u may be ablle to plug thee answer cho ices into the problem
 Examp ple: On trigoonometric ideentities, you can choose rrandom angles to substitu ute and
check which answeer choice matches the queestion
 Before you u begin a testt, pick your favorite
f guesssing letter
 Use th he same letterr every time you y guess wiithout elimin nating choicees first14

My team
m always chose D.
D – Dean
Math Power Guide | 61

Julia Maa grew up in Utah, wheree the snow is great and thhe mountainss
are mysteerious. Afterr being an alternate
a meember on heer first highh
school’s AD
A team, she loved AD so much thaat she startedd a new team m
when shee transferred high schoolss. She recruiited her friennds onto thee
team, andd they renam
med the comp petition to “A

Julia attended Caltech h and recenttly graduatedd with a BS in Electricall

Engineeriing. While ata Caltech, sh he did research in variouss areas, suchh
as compu uter graphics,, robotics, in
nsect vision, Albert
A Einsteein’s history,,
and videoo-conferencin ng technologgy. She is alw ways pleasan tly surprisedd
when shee meets another Techer who used DemiDec D m
materials andd
gloats thaat they probaably took the math tests shhe wrote.

In her spare time, Jullia likes to crreate music and

a art, colleect computerrs (she now h
has three, each with a
different operating sysstem), and make
m homemade strawberrry limeade.

Vital Statts:
 Comp peted with Alta
A High Sch
hool as an hoonors decathllete in 2001--2002
 Joined DemiDec in May 2002

Steven Zhu
Z joined th he Frisco Hiigh School AcDec
A team in
2003. In his freshmaan year, he missed
m havinng a competiing
spot on the
t team by 0.3%. Und deterred, he eventually
e w
the Texass individual state
s champioonship his seenior year.

Steven waas recruited to

t write the Math
M Power Guide in 20007
after bein
ng the only decathlete in n the nation
n to break 9900
points ono the statte math test. He currrently studdies
economiccs, computeer science, and Chinesse at Harvaard
Universitty, where heh serves on n the board of a studeent
investmen nt club, proggrams for th
he daily studeent newspapper,
grades ecconomics testts, and comppetes in ballrroom dance. While writiing this Powwer Guide, Stteven was
working his
h second su ummer as an intern at thee Federal Resserve Bank off Dallas.

Vital Statts:
 Comp peted with Frisco
F High School as an n honors deccathlete at reegionals and at the Texass medium
schoool state comp
 In 20006, team placed
p 2nd at
a regionals and 5th at state; indivvidual scores of 8355 an nd 8010,
 In 20
007, team plaaced 1st at reggionals; indivvidual score oof 8509
 In 20
007, team plaaced 2nd at state; individu ually had thee highest scorre in all divisions with 88823
 Decatthlon philosoophy in a phrase: “Eat du uplicate flashccards; make tthe knowledge yours”
 Joined DemiDec in March 20 007
Matth Power Guide | 62

Uh-oh, Sophy
S Lee haas had her staandard poweer guide photto
hijacked by alpaca-in-chief Daaniel Berdicchevsky, witth
whom sh he is pictureed here drin nking tea. Unlike
U Danieel,
Sophy dooes not requirre tea to survvive.

Sophy qu uit her way into

i some off the best deecisions of heer
life. In heer senior yearr of high schoool, she gave up leadershiip
of her hiigh school Debate
D team to captain herh Academiic
Decathlon team.

She likess to think th

hat it turned d out well! In that yeaar,
Pearland High Schoo mpionship andd 3rd place att Nationals.
ol won its firsst state cham

In her soophomore yeear of collegee, Sophy gavve up her poosition as caaptain of thee Harvard U University
Mock Trrial team—tthe top-rankked program in the couuntry—to serve as President of the Harvard
Cycling team.
t The 2011
2 collegiaate race seasoon won't beegin until M
March 2011 bbut who knoows what
might hap ppen... feel free
f to check on her and her h team's prrogress at theefullmontee.w

As differeent as Academmic Decathloon and cyclin

ng might seem
m, Sophy swwears that thee two discipliines share
the same lessons and principles. Specificity. Teeamwork. Puushing person
nal limits. C
Competition. And love
for what you're
y doingg!

As alwayss, she welcom

mes your thou
ughts and qu
uestions at so

Vital Statts:

 Comp peted with Pearland

P Highh School at the
t Texas Reegion V and T Texas State ccompetitionss in 2007;
comppeted at Regioon, State, and Nationals in 2008
 Teamm placed 13th at State in 2007; individual scores off 7,741 and 77,542
 Teamm placed 1st att State and 3rd at Nationaals in 2008; iindividual scoores of 9041, 9007, and 99304
 Decatthlon philosoophy in a phrase: “No reggrets”
 Joined DemiDec in June 2007 7

The Worrld Scholar’s Cu
up wasn’t an op
ption yet.
Math Power Guide | 63

Adriana Zamora
Z ( is i a senior at Earl Warreen High Sch hool
and will be
b in Academ mic Decathloon for her thiird year. Whhen Adriana ddoesn’t have her
nose stucck in her study binder, sh he is with heer twin sisterr, enjoying tthe quality tiime
they havve left beforre they posssibly split up u for colleege. She haas a bittersw weet
hip with procrastination and public speaking,
s whhich tends too be more biitter
than sweeet. She enjoyys playing sooccer, singingg along to evvery song on n the radio, aand
sleeping because
b she iss usually dep
prived duringg the school yyear.

Quinn Campbell
C (qu
uinnquest@sb spends mosst of his timee trying to crram
(seeminglly) millions of
o facts into hish head. Qu uinn then speends what litttle free timee he
has left leearning abou
ut all sorts off other subjeccts that will nnever be testted by an AP
P or
AcDec teest. Quinn paarticularly enjoys econom mics, psycholoogy, and spacce.

Erika Tiinley ( is enteringg her secondd year at Soonoran Scien nce
Academyy and will be a senior. Shee hopes to win more shinny medals duuring her secoond
year in Decathlon.
D Sh
he spends moost of her timme discreetly ttelling peoplee that her coach
was on "Jeopardy!"
" When
W she dooes have tim me, she uses it studying Decathlon aand
trying to graduate witth credits galore. She alsoo reads, shootts archery, haas a motorcyycle,
and hopees to own a Harley.

Jane Huang (janehu uang212@gm is entering herr fourth yeaar of Academ
Decathlon at Walter Payton Colllege Prep in n Chicago. W When not m memorizing the
names off terribly obsscure musicaal instrumentts and other such minuttiae for Acaddec,
she swim
ms, plays the piano and the viola, com mpetes on mmath team, aand searches for
random other
o details to insert in her
h unabashedly short-ishh bio.

Anthony Sam Wu, also known n by various monikers tto different people (Tony,
Panda-ch han, "Anthanny,” et al.), is
i a scholastiic competingg for Mark K Keppel Highh, a
school off sorts based in
i Californiaa. The photo shown explaains a lot as too why Anthoony
nge (playing "Duke Nukeem II" at age three? Reallyy now).
is so stran

Lawrencee Lan doesn’t usually wriite about him mself in the tthird person.. What he dooes
do on a usual
u basis iss sleep—anyttime, anyplacce. When hee is not sleepping irregularrly,
Lawrencee finds satisfaaction in goood music, freeeze-dried maango pieces, aand The Offi
A graduaate and ex-Deecathlete from m Palos Verdes Peninsulla High Schoool in southeern
California, Lawrencee currently attends Corrnell Univerrsity in Snoowyville, New
York—kn nown by the locals as Ithaaca.

Fermi MaM (fermima1 m; not pictu

ured) will be starting hiss senior yearr at
Northside College PrepP when September rolls
r aroundd. He has bbeen an acttive
nt in his higgh school's Academic
A Deecathlon Teaam and Mathh Team for the
past two years. In hish spare tim me, Fermi ennjoys playingg basketball, running, aand
solving math
m problem ms.

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