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End-of-Year Test 4


A Complete the word groups.

artist branch exhibition mark tram

1 coach, motorbike,
2 chef, inspector,
3 report, exam,
4 flower, leaf,
5 museum, collection, 5

B Complete the sentences with these words.

catch disappear explore fry hide

1 Why don’t we the old part of the town tonight?

2 Here comes your mum! Quick, her birthday present.

3 Do you think cinemas will because DVDs are becoming so popular?

4 Did you the vegetables in oil? They’re very tasty.

5 Do you know where we can the bus into town? 5

C Choose the correct answers.

1 Boil the pasta in a of water.

a litre b sip c drop

2 I’ve been on the beach all day and now I’ve got .
a pain b sunburn c temperature

3 Are you you know where the restaurant is?

a silly b safe c sure
4 Look at that tall skyscraper! It’s .
a useful b important c massive

5 Many beautiful statues are in this city.

a on time b on display c on sale 5

Wonderful World Level 4 End-of-Year Test © 2019 Cengage Learning Inc. 1

D Write the missing letters.

1 You keep your clothes in this. w

2 This is between your leg and your foot. a

3 This gives the times when buses or trains leave. t

4 Drivers must stop when these are red. t l

5 This hurts the environment. p


A Circle the correct words.

1 I’m sure Michael will / is going to like the new yacht.

2 You earn a living as a pilot, didn’t / don’t you?
3 If you like / liked sitcoms, this programme will really entertain you.
4 My grandma could / can fly a plane when she was 19 years old.
5 Helping / Help the environment is something we must all do.

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Thomas (watch) TV when the phone rang.

2 (she/work) at this restaurant since 1992?

3 I can’t meet you at the café. I (study) for exams at the moment.

4 Jane checked her temperature, (take) her medicine and went to bed.
5 He (not visit) New York yet.

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C The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words.

1 This restaurant is the more expensive place in town.

2 Travelling by train is slow than travelling by plane.
3 I think statues are more beautiful as paintings.
4 That was the bad holiday I’ve ever had!
5 This chair isn’t most comfortable as the sofa.

D Choose the correct answers.

1 The employees to drive to their jobs because there’s a special bus for them.
a mustn’t b don’t have c might not
2 The first TV set in 1928.
a is made b has made c was made

3 They go to the park yesterday because it was raining.

a can’t b could c couldn’t
4 That’s the girl had an accident on her motorbike.
a who b where c which

5 The sights in Venice by millions of people every year.

a have visited b are visiting c are visited

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A Read the magazine article about different types of holidays.

We usually
We always fly to Màlaga in Spain for our summer holidays. It’s great there!
a huge swimm ing pool and a playground
stay in a fantastic hotel near the beach. It’s got
this Septem ber, but we
for children. My little sister and I cycle a lot. We’re going again
can use too!
might go to a villa this year. I hope it’ll have a swimming pool which we

George, 10

bought a
Going on holiday can be very expensive these days. That’s why my parents
of us had to sleep in one room.
caravan a few years ago. I hated it at first because all
could travel
But I soon realised that we could visit more places this way and we
anywhere at any time. Now I think our caravan is fantastic. It’s better than
by plane or train. We don’t have to wait for hours at airports and train

Kevin, 12

to 10
We always go on holiday on my grandparents’ yacht. Last year, we sailed
you’re sailing
different islands in the Mediterranean. It does get tiring at times when
in a different
for hours and hours, but I really enjoy the adventure. I love waking up
mornin g is dive into the sea!
place every week. And the first thing I do every

Fraser, 9


B Write G (George), K (Kevin) or F (Fraser).

Who …

1 doesn’t visit lots of different places?

2 travels by road?

3 mentions the month when he will be travelling?

4 mentions becoming tired while travelling?

5 didn’t like something at first? 10

Wonderful World Level 4 End-of-Year Test © 2019 Cengage Learning Inc. 4


Write an article for your school magazine about the best and worst kinds of TV programme. Use the plan to help you.

Paragraph 1
Introduction: write two
sentences to introduce the

Paragraph 2
The best kind of programme.
Explain why this is the best
kind of programme. Say if
there’s anything bad about it.

Paragraph 3
The worst kind of programme.
Explain why this is the worst
kind of programme. Say if
there’s anything good about

Paragraph 4
Conclusion: write one
sentence to conclude your


Total 60

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