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New-Features - Automic.Automation 12.3.

2 2020-06-13 12:02:24

Automic Automation 12.3.2

Component Description Reference ID
PM - Application Service Orchestration Support Java 11 (OpenJDK) PMASO-857
Support Java 11 (OpenJDK) PMASO-858
Automic Service Connector is now certified for ServiceNow versions Madrid and New York. PMASO-893
PM - Application Workload Automation Enabled Workflow Task Properties in the Automic Web Interface PMAWA-12467
Updated Labels to match Ellucian Banner terminology PMAWA-12709
RA Banner has been redesigned and added support for the Automic Web Interface PMAWA-12710
INI file (ucrsv.ini) change: Port definition for work processes (WPs) PMAWA-13004
INI file (ucrsv.ini) change: Port definition for communication processes (CPs) PMAWA-13005
INI file (ucrsv.ini) change: Port definition for Java work processes (JWPs) PMAWA-13006
INI file (ucrsv.ini) change: Port definition for Java communication processes (JCPs) PMAWA-13007
INI File (ucrsv.ini) Change: Port definition for server processes affects the Zero Downtime Upgrade PMAWA-13008
New/reworked forecast functionality PMAWA-14864
LRT can be used to preview the telemetry usage for one day. PMAWA-15012
External password vault integration for Login objects using CAPAM as a provider. PMAWA-15226
Automic Web Interface Supports Single Sign On Support via SAML 2.0 PMAWA-15227
Service Manager Security Improvements PMAWA-15229
The telemetry view introduced with 12.2 in AWI has been enhanced in 12.3 to provide a better user experience. PMAWA-15230
Centralized Agent Upgrade (CAU) is now available for Java-based agents. PMAWA-15236
Counting of telemetry HA instances has been fixed. PMAWA-15284
Parameter Source set to None by default when saved in an old Job PMAWA-16059
PM - UI Added functionality to Create XML from Schema file PMUI-5116
Added functionality to Create Expression based on Parsing type PMUI-5117
Required columns are now flagged with an asterisk PMUI-7022

New-Features - Automic.Automation 12.3.2 2020-06-13 12:02:24

PM - Application Service Orchestration

Support Java 11 (OpenJDK) PMASO-857

SAPI now supports Java 11 (OpenJDK) Components:


Fixed Versions:

SAPI 2.3.0

Support Java 11 (OpenJDK) PMASO-858

OAuth Server now supports Java 11 (OpenJDK) Components:


Fixed Versions:

Oauth.Server 2.3.0

Automic Service Connector is now certified for ServiceNow versions Madrid and New York. PMASO-893

Automic Service Connector is now certified for ServiceNow versions Madrid and New York. Components:


Fixed Versions:

SNSC 2.3.0

PM - Application Workload Automation

Enabled Workflow Task Properties in the Automic Web Interface PMAWA-12467

In the Automic Web Interface, the Banner Task Properties tab is now enabled when using RA Components:
Banner Job types within a Workflow. This is supported starting with AE v12.2. See the
Compatibility Matrix for more information. RA.Banner

Fixed Versions:

RA.Banner 4.0.0

Updated Labels to match Ellucian Banner terminology PMAWA-12709

In the Automic Web Interface, the field labels have been updated to reference Ellucian Banner Components:
terminology for objects. This is a label change only and does not impact any script variables.
For example, on a Job panel:
"Program" is now "Process" Fixed Versions:
"Printer Form" is now "Special Print"
RA.Banner 4.0.0

New-Features - Automic.Automation 12.3.2 2020-06-13 12:02:24

RA Banner has been redesigned and added support for the Automic Web Interface PMAWA-12710

The RA Banner agent has been redesigned and is now supported with the Automic Web Components:
Interface, which is available for Automation Engine v12.2. See the Compatibility Matrix for more
information. RA.Banner

Fixed Versions:

RA.Banner 4.0.0

INI file (ucrsv.ini) change: Port definition for work processes (WPs) PMAWA-13004

As of version 12.3, the mapping of a server process name to a specific port in the configuration Fixed Versions:
file of the Automation Engine (ucsrv.ini) is not used anymore.
The port assigned to the primary work process (PWP) remains the same and is specified in the Automation.Engine 12.3.0
parameter pwpPort= in the [TCP/IP] section of the configuration file (ucsrv.ini) of the Automation
The rest of the work processes (WPs) connect to the primary work process (PWP) and to the
communication processes (CPs). Therefore, they do not need specific ports assigned.
The previous definition of wp*=Port pairs in the [PORTS] section of the configuration file
(ucsrv.ini) of the Automation Engine is ignored.

INI file (ucrsv.ini) change: Port definition for communication processes (CPs) PMAWA-13005

As of version 12.3, the mapping of a server process name to a specific port in the configuration Components:
file of the Automation Engine (ucsrv.ini) is not used anymore.
It is necessary to assign at least a distinct communication process (CP) port range for each host. Automation.Engine
The port range assigned to the communication processes (CPs) are defined in the parameter
CP.PORTS= in the [PORTS] section of the INI file of the Automation Engine. Fixed Versions:
For compatibility reason, the mapping of a communication server process to a specific port is also
Automation.Engine 12.3.0
supported but not recommended.
The ports for communication processes (CPs) are consumed in the following order:
If a port or port range has been defined in this parameter, the value defined is used.
2. Previous cp*=Port pair definition (normal behavior in 12.2)
If the parameter CP.PORTS has no definition and the previous format cp*=Port is still in place,
these values are used. If both, CP.PORTS and cp*=Port pairs are defined, the cp*=Port pair
definition is ignored
3. If none of these values are defined, the communication processes (CPs) will not start.

INI file (ucrsv.ini) change: Port definition for Java work processes (JWPs) PMAWA-13006

As of version 12.3, the mapping of a server process name to a specific port in the configuration Components:
file of the Automation Engine (ucsrv.ini) is not used anymore.
Work processes (WPs) look up the address of a Java work process (JWP) in the server Automation.Engine
management table (MQSRV) when they have to carry out a sync call. Therefore, the Java work
process (JWP) can connect to any available port. However, you can define specific ports for the Fixed Versions:
Java work processes using the parameter JWP.SYNC.PORTS= in the [PORTS] section of the
Automation.Engine 12.3.0
configuration file (ucsrv.ini) of the Automation Engine.
The ports for Java work processes (JWPs) are consumed in the following order:
If a port or port range has been defined in this parameter, the value defined is used
2. Previous wp*=Port pair definition (normal behavior in 12.2)
If the parameter JWP.SYNC.PORTS has no definition and the previous format wp*=Port is still in
place, these values are used
3. If none of these values are defined, the Java work process (JWP) uses a random available port

New-Features - Automic.Automation 12.3.2 2020-06-13 12:02:24

INI file (ucrsv.ini) change: Port definition for Java communication processes (JCPs) PMAWA-13007

As of version 12.3, the mapping of a server process name to a specific port in the configuration Components:
file of the Automation Engine (ucsrv.ini) is not used anymore.
The port assigned to REST requests has not changed and is defined using the parameter port= in Automation.Engine
the [REST] section of the configuration file (ucsrv.ini) of the Automation Engine.
Defining a port range for the Java communication process (JCP) to communicate with work Fixed Versions:
processes is optional. These can be defined using the parameter JCP.PORTS= in the [PORTS]
Automation.Engine 12.3.0
section of the configuration file (ucsrv.ini) of the Automation Engine.
The ports for Java communication processes (JCPs) are consumed in the following order:
If a port or port range has been defined in this parameter, the value defined is used.
2. Previous cp*=Port pair definition (normal behavior in 12.2)
If the parameter JCP.PORTS has no definition and the previous format cp*=Port is still in place,
these values are used in reverse order.
3. If none of these values are defined, the Java communication process (JCP) uses a random
available port.

INI File (ucrsv.ini) Change: Port definition for server processes affects the Zero Downtime Upgrade PMAWA-13008

As of version 12.3, the mapping of a server process name to a specific port in the configuration Components:
file of the Automation Engine (ucsrv.ini) is not used anymore.
Special care has to be taken if old processes (12.2) are started after new ones (12.3) have Automation.Engine
already been introduced into the system.
It is recommended not to start processes of the previous version (12.2). If you have to start them, Fixed Versions:
you have to check the process numbers listed in the system overview and adapt the configuration
Automation.Engine 12.3.0
file (ucsrv.ini) of the process of the previous version (12.2) to use process numbers that are not
already in use.

New/reworked forecast functionality PMAWA-14864

The forecast functionality has been reworked in 12.3.0, please mind the following: Fixed Versions:

Automation.Engine 12.3.0
All existing/obsolete forecast data is deleted when performing a version upgrade. Do not run any forecast
calculations during a version upgrade (manual/ZDU). Rerun all needed forecast calculations after a
successful version upgrade

All forecast related functions in JavaAPI have been obsoleted and replaced by equivalent endpoints in the

Additionally we provide a new function to identify low/idle time slots on agents (e.g. for agent
maintenance activities)

LRT can be used to preview the telemetry usage for one day. PMAWA-15012

A new command line parameter was introduced (telemetry-usage), which is used to create a csv Fixed Versions:
file containing a "snapshot" of the telemetry usage within one day.
Automation.Engine 12.4.0
License.Reporting.Tool 5.0.0

New-Features - Automic.Automation 12.3.2 2020-06-13 12:02:24

External password vault integration for Login objects using CAPAM as a provider. PMAWA-15226

Starting with version 12.3, it is possible to store agent credentials that are defined in the Login Components:
objects also in external password vaults. The supported integration with this version of the
Automatic Automation is the solution from CAPAM. Automation.Engine

Fixed Versions:

Automic.Web.Interface 12.3.0
Automation.Engine 12.3.0

Automic Web Interface Supports Single Sign On Support via SAML 2.0 PMAWA-15227

Beside Kerberos, the Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0) is an additional Components:
protocol that is supported by the Automation Engine for single sign-on. As of version 12.3.0, the
the Automic Web Interface can be configured for Single Sign On via SAML 2.0. Automation.Engine

Fixed Versions:

Automic.Web.Interface 12.3.0
Automation.Engine 12.3.0

Service Manager Security Improvements PMAWA-15229

Service Manager Access Levels & Password Security
The Service Manager now supports three levels of authorizations with different passwords. Automation.Engine
The levels are: 1 - Read, 2 - Read and execute, 3 - Read, execute and administrate
For security reasons, these passwords are not transferred or saved encrypted, but as hashes only.
Client Certification for Authentication Security Fixed Versions:
Additionally to password authentication, the Service Manager can be configured, to request a certificate from
the Service Manager Dialog and the Command Line program. Automation.Engine 12.3.0
Separation of Privileges in the Unix Service Manager
The Unix Service Manager now runs with two processes. The listener process runs as 'nobody' user and
communicates via IPC with the parent process, which executes the commands requested by the clients.

The telemetry view introduced with 12.2 in AWI has been enhanced in 12.3 to provide a better user experience. PMAWA-15230

In 12.3, the Telemetry view in Administration has been improved and the initial notification for the Fixed Versions:
user to configure this option is no longer blocking AWI.
Additionally, the RA-FTP metrics use the number of technology nodes instead of connections. Automic.Web.Interface 12.3.0
Automation.Engine 12.3.0

Centralized Agent Upgrade (CAU) is now available for Java-based agents. PMAWA-15236

You can now upgrade the following Java-based agents using CAU: Components:
SAP agents, SQL agents, PeopleSoft agents, IA agents, Rapid Automation (RA) agents.
The CAU procedure and behavior is the same as for Unix and Windows agents. CAU packages Automation.Engine
are available via the Package Manager.
Fixed Versions:

Automation.Engine 12.3.0

New-Features - Automic.Automation 12.3.2 2020-06-13 12:02:24

Counting of telemetry HA instances has been fixed. PMAWA-15284

Counting of telemetry HAs instances has been fixed, so that a HA instance is counted as an Fixed Versions:
additional system to the base one.
Automation.Engine 12.4.0
License.Reporting.Tool 5.0.0

Parameter Source set to None by default when saved in an old Job PMAWA-16059

The Parameter Source value is set to None by default in the Automic Web Interface, both when Components:
creating new Jobs or editing existing Jobs. If the corresponding option is not selected by the user
(leaving None), upon save, this could cause the Job to fail. A new feature has been added which RA.Informatica
determines the appropriate Parameter Source for the Job and fills in the field. A pop up is
displayed one time upon initial Job save to give the user an option to modify this if needed. Fixed Versions:

RA.Informatica 5.2.0
Sample pop up text:
Parameter Source value was not set. Based on job data, Parameter File will now be set.
Save or Cancel to review.

Added functionality to Create XML from Schema file PMUI-5116

Functionality has been added in the Automic Web Interface to create XML from a schema file. Components:


Fixed Versions:

RA.JMS 2.1.0

Added functionality to Create Expression based on Parsing type PMUI-5117

Functionality has been added to Create Expressions from JSON and XML parse types. This can Components:
be seen when defining Message Parsings for RA JMS Sender and Receiver Jobs. The Create
Expression button is active in the Automic Web Interface. RA.JMS

Fixed Versions:

RA.JMS 2.1.0

Required columns are now flagged with an asterisk PMUI-7022

In the Automic Web Interface, required fields and table columns are flagged with an asterisk. Components:
Warning triangles are displayed only after save is clicked.

Fixed Versions:

RA.JMS 2.1.0


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