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Section 5-2: Biot-Savart Law Problem 5.7. An 8 cm x 12 em rectangular loop of wire is situated in the x-y plane with the center of the loop at the origin and its long sides parallel to the x-axis, The loop has a current of 50 A flowing with clockwise direction (when viewed from above). Determine the magnetic fleld at the center of the loop. Solution: The toral magnetic field is the vector sum of the individual fields of each of the four wire segments: B = B; + By +B; + By. An expression for the magnetic field from a wire segment is given by Eq. (5.29). Problem 5.7. For all segments shown in Fig. P5.7, the combination of the direction of the current and the right-hand rule gives the direction of the magnetic field as — direction at the origin, With r = 6 cm and /= 8 em, = 29.2410 (1). 2n x 0.06 x V4 x 0.067 + 0.08" For segment 2,» =4emand = 12 em, all 2rVaHE rex 10-7 x $0 x 0.12 = 3 = 2m x 0.04 x 4x 0.04 + 0.122 Similarly, 220.80 10° (T). Bs =—29.24x10 (1), Br = ~220.80 107° (T), The total field is then B = By +B) +B + By = —20.60 (mT). Problem 5.11 An infinitely long wire camying a 25-A current in the positive x-direction is placed along the x-axis in the vicinity of a 20-turn circular loop located in the xy plane as shown in Fig. 5-37 (P5.11(a)). If the magnetic field at the center of the loop is zero. what is the direction and magnitude of the current flowing in the loop? q Figure P5.11: (a) Circular loop next to a linear current (Problem 5.11). Solution: From Eq. (5.30). the magnetic fix density at the center of the loop due to O,. Figure P5.11: (b) Direction of . the wire is where 2 is out of the page. Since the net field is zero at the center of the loop. 2 must be clockwise, as seen from above, in order to oppose fy. The field due to J is. from Eq. (5.35), , HN B= wH= 7, 2a Equating the magnitudes of the two fields. we obtain the result Nb oh 2a 2nd” or 2ahy 1x28 h 024 ~ OnNd ~ ex20x2— Problem 5.12 Two infinitely long. parallel wires carry 6-A currents in opposite directions. Determine the magnetic flux density at point P in Fig. 5-38 (PS.12). Figure PS. Arrangement for Problem 5.12. Solution: (642-652 gto 9 sob = O05) oo) Problem 5.13 A long, East-West oriented power cable carrying an unknown current Z is at a height of 8 m above the Earth’s surface. If the magnetic flux density recorded by a magnetic-field meter placed at the surface is 15 /T when the current is flowing through the cable and 20 y/T when the current is zero. what is the magnimde of? Solution: The power cable is producing a magnetic flux density that opposes Earth's. own magnetic field. An East-West cable would produce a field whose direction at the surface is along North-South. The flux density due to the cable is B= (20-15) pT = 5,77. As a magnet, the Earth’s field lines are directed from the South Pole to the North Pole inside the Earth and the opposite on the surface. Thus the lines at the surface are from North to South, which means that the field created by the cable is from South to North. Hence, by the right-hand mule, the current direction is toward the East. Its magnitude is obtained from syr=sxio-s= Mt which gives J= 200 A. Problem 5.14 Two parallel. circular loops carrying a current of 40 A each are arranged as shown in Fig. 5-39 (PS.14). The first loop is situated in the xy plane with its center at the origin and the second loop’s center is at = = 2 m. Tf the two loops have the same radius a = 3 m, determine the magnetic field at: The magnetic field due to a circular loop is given by (5.34) for a loop in the xy plane carrying a current 7 in the +$-direction. Considering that the bottom, loop in Fig. PS.14 is in the x-y plane, but the current direction is along —6. Ta m= — a7 e+ where = is the observation point along the =-axis. For the second loop, which is at a height of 2 m, we can use the same expression but = should be replaced with (=— 2). Hence. Figue 5.1: Parle dicular ops of Probe 3.14 ‘The total field is H=H; +H) = oe Tatar + ae ae (a) Atz = 0. and with a = 3 mand J = 40 A. aon a, 4 , wa 22822 [hp ot) = —t10s aim (oy Ket eaceorany atoms ac aap a 2822 [ et gales] =-2038 am (©) Atz= 2m. H should be the same as at = = 0. Thus. a 210.5 Am.

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