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REG: A24/86235/2017

Date:April 17,2020.

Maize flour is popularfood in Kenya. It is made by milling corn kernels. In Kenya, a grade one flour type
monopolizes the market. This type of flour is one where almost all of the pericarp and germ is removed.
Consequently, this promises a decrease in the concentration of essential nutrients and and an increase
in the products shelf life.Ths concept research background aims to validate the stated in support of
whole grain corn flour.


The maize kernel is composed of four primary structures. They are endosperm, germ, pericarp, and tip
cap, making up 83%, 11%, 5%, and 1% of the maize kernel, respectively.

The endosperm is primarily starch surrounded by a protein matrix. It makes up 83% of the maize kernel.

The germ or embryo of the maize kernel is the living part of the maze fruit and is high in fat (33.3%) in
addition to enzymes and nutrients for new maize plant growth and development. The germ constitutes
5-14% of the weight of kernel and is a good source of key nutrients especially 18-41% of oil (Johnston et
al.,2005;MPOC, 2008). Edible oils are vital, serving as important ingredient of many foods by imparting
characteristic flavor and texture to finished food products (Rudan-Tasic & Klofutar, 1999).The germ also
contains vitamins from B complex and antioxidants such as vitamin E. The argument suporting its
removal during miliing is as stated: Maize germ oil is particularly high in polyunsaturated fatty acids
(54.7%), which are subject to oxidative and other forms of rancidity resulting in off or objectionable
flavors from full-fat maize products. Flour containing the germ need to be stored in refrigerators to
avoid rancidification.

Pericarp is a high-fiber (8.8% crude) semipermeable barrier surrounding the endosperm and germ,
covering all but the tip cap. Also called the bran, this part holds a high percentage of fibre, minerals and

The tip cap is the structure through which all moisture and nutrients pass through during development
and kernel drydown. The black or hilar layer on the tip cap acts as a seal.


Maize milling can be done in two ways;

1. Whole grain maize is converted into flour without removing any part of the maize retaining the
nutritional content of the flour.

2. Differential milling during which the grain is separated into different parts. Usually the germ and
pericarp are removed.Consumption of the latter is more common in Kenya.
A comparison between degermeed and whole grain corn flour is best represented in a table. This table
will aid show significant reduction of fundamental nutrients including Zinc, selenium, potassium and
phosphorus. Evidently, consumption of whole grain flour is opposed due to its short shelf life and the
degermed corn flour is hence preferred. This clearly shows a shocking gap in our modern society
consciousness. This situation is analogous to preference of dried fruits over fresh ones on basis of shelf
life, quite shocking!

I hereby see an open market niche involving milling and packaging of wholegrain maize
flour.Consumption of this grade of flour is already predominant in majority of areas in Kenya.This paper
neglects the shelf life arguments basing that wholegrain corn flour is similar to fresh fruits or cassava
and arguably foresee the degerming agenda as a motive of profits.


Ugali made from highly refined flour is digested faster, raises the blood sugar equally fast and has a
shorter satiety. A person who eats the refined ugali often suffers sudden rise and drops in blood sugar,
gets hungry more often and consumes fewer nutrients which increases his risk of dietary related
conditions. For proper digestion and utilisation of the grain, the body requires the nutrients found in the
pericarp and the germ. When these nutrients are removed, we must supply them from our own body
reserves which deplete our stores. Genius food scientists often assume that secondary enrichment(bio-
fortication) beats all of the negative critics.

On the other hand, ugali made from whole grain maize flour is more nutritious, is digested slowly and
raises the blood sugar gradually reducing the risk of health complications. Due to its high fibre content,
it is also more filling and gives a longer satiety.

Poor diet is responsible for more deaths than any other risk factor, accounting for 1 in every 5 deaths
globally. Low consumption of whole grain like maize has been identified as one of the leading
contributors of rising cases of non-communicable diseases and dietary related deaths. Globally,
consumption of whole grains is at 23 per cent of recommended level. This is according to the Lancet
report on health effects of dietary risks for the global burden of diseases Study released early this

With more than 50 per cent of all hospitals admissions and more than 55 per cent of all hospital deaths
due non-communicable diseases (NCDs), Kenyans should start eating more whole grains in a bid to
lower their risk of NCDs. Consumption of whole grain cereals can protect against Type II diabetes,
obesity, constipation, cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer.


Clearly, our market shows inadequate exploit of whole grain corn flour liking. This concept paper hints
the availability of the gap and hopes to expound on it in a full project proposal.

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