Cenidoza-Dennyvie Cytogenetics

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1. Nucleus - it is considered to be the command center of the cell since it regulates several cell activities
and processes, including transcription for the creation of protein synthesis. It also houses the blueprint
of our life coild into chromosomes which is the DNA.

2. Mitochondria - powerhouse of the cell, its main function is to provide energy in the form of ATP for
the cell to carry out its needed processes. This served as a site for oxidative phases of cell respiration
happen. It is considered to be one of the largest organelles within the cell. And since it has its own DNA,
in some books it is considered to be semiautonomous.

3. Golgi Apparatus - it generate, make, process and packages protein. Their form takes on a distinctive
fold due to the intricate folding of cisternae.

4. Ribosomes - sites of protein synthesis or is directly involved in the manufacture of it. Its process
involves decoding the needed information carried out by the mRNA, and using amino acids with the aid
of tRNA to make proteins happen.

5. Vacuole - it is considered to be a storage area inside the cell where waste products are eventually
kept. Thus, they are the exportation mechanism revolving in the cell in order to regulate toxicity. As for
some, it contributes also in maintaining hydrostatic pressure of the cell.

6. Plasma Membrane - it is the organelle that serves as coating on the exterior portion of the cell. It
encapsulates other organelles found inside it. Plus it also assist in the regulation of movement of
subtances in and out of the cell. Mainly it is made up of 2 layers of phospholipids otherwise known as
phospholipids bilayer.

7. Cytoskeleton - is roughly made up of microtubules and microfilaments that served as an enclosure for
cell, maintaining the cell rigidity and shape. It anchors the organelles and nucleus in place.

8. Endoplasmic Reticulum - it has two variants, the rough E.R and the smooth E.R. Rough E.R is mainly
where you will find the ribosomes embedded, that's why in return it is considered to be rough due to
the ribosomes attached to it. And as we know, ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis therefore it is
somehow also involved in the manufacture of it. The second type is the smooth E.R, characterize by its
appearance 'smooth' thus it garnered its name.

9. Cytoplasm - while some books does not consider the cytoplasm as an organelle, it still plays a major
role in keeping the cell together. It is where the organelles are kept suspended and every cell processes
takes place in the cytoplasm.

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