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NPM : 1718210011

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh …

Hello everyone! How are you? Ok, now let me introduce myself, my name is Dina Alfiana, I’m
from 4th semester in English Education Program. Now, I’ll tell about my childhood. Ok, please
read carefully. Let’s start.
I was born from an area called, Sukamandijaya village, Ciasem District, Subang District, West
Java Province. I was born normally, Alhamdulillah. I was the first child of two siblings, even
though in fact three brothers should be. But it turned out that God was more fond of my second
brother, he died when he was only two months old. And even though I was born in Sukamandi,
but my childhood was in Cikarang. And, when I was child, I used to play with my friends around
my house. At the time, we just play enjoy without cellphone, and then we talk and laugh. We
play the race bike, we buy an egg roll, and a various snack at the time. And I still remember, one
day I was in kindergarten, at the time so many people came to my house and there was the
yellow flag, but I did not know what happened. I still play bike with my friends around my
house. And I was saw my parents cried. But, I did not know what happened in my house. I still
enjoy play my bike. And then after I grew up, I just realized that at the time, my second brother
died. But, at the time, I still enjoy play bike with my friends because I was a child. Now that is a
bit of a story when my second brother died, and even his tomb is still in Cikarang. And, now, go
on to the next story, after I went to kindergarten or Kindergarten there, and I tried elementary
school for the first grade, but it didn't finish until I and my family had to move from Cikarang to
Sukamandi. And in the end I went to school, at elementary school in Sukamandi. And there is a
unique story when I study at the elementary school level, which is from grade one to grade 5 I go
to elementary school called SDN MEKARSARI, and when I was in 6th grade I moved to a
school called SDN IV SUKAMANDIJAYA. And some of the children who were transferred
were divided into two from the fifth grade of SDN MEKARSARI, and I was one of those who
was transferred to SDN IV SUKAMANDIJAYA. I don't know what caused me and some of my
friends to be moved to school. And that's a little story about me at the elementary school level.
And after I moved from Cikarang to Sukamandi, Ciasem, Subang. My family and I have moved
home several times or you could say I moved because my family and I don't have a permanent
home. And the first rent that we occupied after moving from Cikarang was at grandma's house
from my mother, more precisely in the Rawasari area, Sukamandijaya. Well, here is the longest
place my family and I have ever lived in. And after that my family and I moved to a rented house
right behind my grandmother's stall. And there because it was too narrow and sometimes leaked
and flooded when it rained, so my family and I decided to move again to the Margamulya area.
Well, when my family and I lived in Margamulya I was at the junior high school level. And after
from Margamulya, I moved again to the BTN area not too far from my house at Margamulya
before. And after from BTN, finally my family and I moved to the grandparents' house again, by
making a new house next to my aunt's house. And I live here until now. And indeed many
memories are also at home that is located at Rawasari. I still remember when I was little, when
all the big families from my mother's family gathered in this house, me, my brother and my
cousins played together, starting from playing marbles together, playing hide and seek, playing
bon-bonan while raining, do you know what it is? Bon-bonan is a game where one person must
throw a baseball at the other by chasing them, and those who are chased try also to arrange
several pieces of tile or stone from the bottom to the top, and arrange some of their own sandals
and when after all arranged tiles or stones and sandals are arranged so they win. Well, like that
more or less how to play it. And when it rains with friends and my brother is one of the most
beautiful memories of my childhood. And as long as I'm at the elementary school level I also
learn to recite in one of the madrassas or recitation places, named Jami'atul Khoir. The place is
quite far from my house, so I have to use a bicycle to get to the madrasa. I left for the madrasa at
01 p.m. and I came home from the madrasa at 04 p.m. And like the other children, I always
snack before entering the recitation class, and while taking a break, I take my snacks, and when I
want to go home, I take a snack before going home. And I have one close friend when I was in
elementary school. I and she were friends from the 4th grade of elementary school. She is a
transfer student from Jakarta to Sukamandijaya. And she was named Audra Dwi Cecilia Putri,
but she was often called Rere. He became the only long-lasting friend from elementary school
until now. And coincidentally her house was faced directly with the madrasa, so I often visited
her house before and after studying Al-qur’an from the madrasa and incidentally I also left my
bicycle at his house, so yes before and after learning to recite I had to go to her house first.
Because, me and Rere from elementary school were close to now, so indirectly my family and
Rere became close too. Rere and I have one more friend named Yolanda Helmi Siregar, she is of
Medan descent. But she is often called or called "Butet", I also do not know why she was called
"Butet". But she said but it was a call for girls in Medan. Even though she is Christian, Rere and
I are of the same religion, and different from Butet religion, but we do not differentiate from one
another. We remain good friends and even like friends. And maybe that's how a little story about
my childhood.
Maybe I just need to make it first, because if it's continued the story will be longer and longer.
And maybe that's a little story about the childhood of a Dina Alfiana. Sorry if there are errors in
writing or grammar structure. Thank you for your attention.

Wassalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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