Sublime Stitching - Hundreds of - Jenny Hart-66

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This is an extremely versatile and commonly used stitch that can be

executed in numerous ways once you learn the basic version. It can
outline a shape or create the petals of a flower. You can work this
stitch in any direction, but it will be explained here as moving from
top to bottom. Ready? Here we go. Pull your floss up through the
fabric (1) and reinsert the needle right next to where you just came
up (2). But wait! Before you pull your floss completely down against
the fabric and make a stitch, leave a little extra loop of floss. Now
come up with your needle through that loop (3). You’ll want your
needle to be brought up slightly below the loop you just made so the
loop will be pulled down with the next stitch. Reinsert your needle
(4), leave a loop, come up through the loop, and just keep going like
that along your pattern line. See? No big whoop. All you’re doing is
pulling down your last stitch with the next one you make. Practice
making a continuous line with this stitch, and finish by securing the
last chain. If using the stitch lesson, the guideline for the chain stitch
is along the left-hand side.
Now here are a couple other ways you can use the chain stitch.

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