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Trends and Techniques in Teaching Chemistry

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
“You cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.”

I. Introduction

Chemistry is a practical science with many practical applications. Learning

Chemistry is not only an exercise of the mind. Scientific literacy does not mean
knowing terms and their definitions or memorizing facts. More importantly, it is
relating the concepts to one another to form conceptual schemes of knowledge. The
different Chemistry concepts and principles are continuously being applied to
manufacture the great variety of materials that we use in our homes, school, offices,
farms and factories. The Chemistry principles link to its technology the chemical
processes and changes occurring in our environment and the Chemistry that one
might need to make informed decisions about science-related problems in our society
today. The test of real knowledge is when students consciously use what they’ve
learned, to promote better health, community life and society as well as application of
knowledge of chemistry to preserve and protect our environment.

Teaching Philosophy and Interests of William F. Polik

Teaching Philosophy

While a teacher can distribute a syllabus, deliver lectures, grade exams, and assign
grades, all actual learning is done by the student. Thus I view my role in the
teaching/learning process not only as a “communicator,” but also as a “facilitator” and
“motivator” whereby I empower and encourage students to learn. At the outset of every
class, I describe where we are heading and what we can expect to learn. I welcome
learners of all styles into the classroom through the use of different teaching styles and
techniques in my classes (e.g., lecture, real-life applications, demonstrations, discussion,
worksheets, group exercises, student presentations). I attempt to interject some of my
personality into the course through enthusiasm, humor, and personal experiences. I
encourage student questions during and outside of classes, and I incorporate independent
projects into my courses as a means for pursuing individual student interests. My
lectures are designed not only to explain and summarize concepts, but also to provide
context and links to topics beyond what we are immediately learning in the class. My
assignments include exercises at many levels, from opportunities for students to master
basic skills and ideas to applications of these ideas to new situations. I believe it
imperative to offer constructive feedback on all assigned student work so that students
may assess their progress and improve their learning. And I strive to be available as a
resource for questions about course content or concerns on any other issues that may
otherwise affect a student’s learning.
In addition to helping students learn course content, I think it is a teacher’s role to help
students develop broader skills that are important in all fields and future careers. These
skills include oral and written communication, critical thinking, and consideration of
issues from multiple viewpoints. I use discussion sections for student presentations of
homework problems in order to build student confidence, improve oral communication
skills, and instill a “class spirit” toward learning the course material. The laboratory
curriculum I have developed includes a strong emphasis on writing skills and substantive
discussion, along with several opportunities for oral presentations.

I am a strong proponent of a “hands-on” approach in the laboratory, making it an active

learning experience. Laboratory courses should be instrument-rich, and all instruments in
the Department should be available for appropriately trained students. I also feel that
computer technology should be used where it can enhance student understanding beyond
traditional teaching methods, for example in numerical and symbolic evaluation,
visualization, interactive exploration, and quantum chemistry calculations.

Courses Taught

I enjoy teaching both introductory and advanced classes. Introductory courses allow one
to teach to a broad student body with widely ranging interests and skills. Introductory
courses provide important opportunities for encouraging this diverse group of students to
pursue further study in science. And it can be refreshing to teach topics that are not part
of one’s research specialty! Upper-level courses tend to involve students who are already
engaged in the subject matter, wish to increase their expertise in the field, and appreciate
the subtle nuances of the material that experts in the field find so captivating.

I have taught the following courses at Hope College:

• General Chemistry
• General Chemistry Laboratory
• Physical Chemistry (thermodynamics, kinetics, and quantum mechanics)
• Physical Chemistry Laboratory
• Chemical Modeling Laboratory (computational chemistry)
• Advanced Spectroscopy Laboratory (NMR, mass spec, laser)
• Structure Dynamics and Synthesis (group theory, physical organic chemistry,
molecular orbital theory, computational chemistry)

I would also enjoy the opportunity to develop advanced courses in my areas of specialty:
spectroscopy, group theory, quantum mechanics, and computational chemistry.

Curriculum Development

Just as chemistry is a dynamic and evolving field, the teaching of chemistry must evolve
to maintain relevance and stay abreast of new developments. I have been active in the
following areas of curriculum development at Hope College:
• Developed a new Advanced Spectroscopy course, in which students learn the
principles and operating techniques of modern spectroscopic instruments. Nine
weeks of this course address the physical principles of FT-NMR spectroscopy
(net magnetization vector, phase sensitive detection, signal processing, Fourier
transform, 1-D pulse sequences, coupling and decoupling, 2-D correlation
methods), and the remainder addresses mass spectrometry and laser spectroscopy.

• Developed a new Chemical Modeling Laboratory course, in which student use

existing models (quantum chemistry programs) and create their own models
(using Mathcad). Computers are used to solve these models and calculate
chemical properties and reactivity.

• Modernized the Physical Chemistry Laboratory with laser experiments,

atmospheric chemistry, spreadsheet analysis, computer modeling, and
collaborative exercises among student groups.

• Emphasized writing skills in the chemistry curriculum by using a technical report

writing style for physical chemistry laboratory reports, by introducing anonymous
peer-review of student writing through which students share examples of their
writing and learn from each other, and by developing a “Chemistry Writing
Checklist” used in many of Hope College’s chemistry courses to emphasize the
universal importance of writing mechanics, style, and substance.

Computational Resources for Teaching

The World Wide Web (WWW) is transforming the ability of students to access and use
information by computer. I have established two major software projects that use the
WWW to enhance student learning. My collaborators are Hope College undergraduate
science majors, who continue to maintain the code.

• Discus ( is a web-based discussion board that permits

students to conduct online discussions. By posting messages and reading
contributions from others, students create a learning environment that reflects
student-generated questions and ideas. Discus discussion boards have been used
to discuss assigned homework problems, to share lab results for class analysis, to
initiate student discussions about assigned reading, and even to construct course
web pages. To date, there are over 5,000 registered implementations of Discus at
educational websites throughout the world (out of over 60,000 total installations.

• WebMO ( is a web-based computational chemistry interface for

Gaussian, Mopac, and Gamess. Using just an ordinary web browser, students are
able to setup, submit, and view state-of-the-art computational chemistry
calculations. A molecular editor and 3-D visualization tools are built into
WebMO. The ease-of-use and universal accessibility of WebMO make it possible
to use computational chemistry throughout the chemistry curriculum, rather than
only in specialized courses or classrooms. WebMO was enthusiastically reviewed
by Science (August 10, 2001, p. 1019) and C&E News (April 8, 2002, p. 38). To
date, there are over 400 registered implementations of WebMO at educational and
research institutions worldwide.

National Involvement

In addition to my local curriculum reform efforts, I am involved in several efforts to

influence chemical education at the national level.

• I am a member of the American Chemical Society Committee on Professional

Training (ACS CPT). CPT is a 15 member national committee that sets the ACS
chemistry curriculum guidelines. CPT also conducts and publishes surveys to
monitor trends in chemical education, such as the recent survey of graduate
education in chemistry, the survey of library and journal usage, and the Directory
of Graduate Research.

• I am a past member of the ACS Division of Chemical Education physical

chemistry examination committee, which produced the most recent
thermodynamics, quantum, and dynamics ACS examinations.

• I am chairperson of the Beckman Scholar Program Executive Committee, which

awards the nation’s premier undergraduate research scholarships and is sponsored
by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation. This award not only recognizes
the most outstanding institutions carrying out undergraduate research, but it also
highlights the importance of undergraduate research as part of a science

Scholarship of Teaching

Teaching is both an art and a science. Just as laboratory research projects begin with a
clear goal, use established methodologies, uncover new and important knowledge, and
report the results in a peer-reviewed publications, teaching can be subjected to a similar
level of scholarly rigor. I feel that it is important to publish useful and important teaching
innovations. Not only does this serve the chemistry community by disseminating
curricular innovations, but it also adds clarity, rigor, and peer-review to curriculum
development efforts. Some of my teaching scholarship that has been published includes:
• Description of a hands-on helium-neon laser for teaching the principles of laser
operation, which has been adopted by 11 other colleges and universities (in
Physical Chemistry: Developing a Dynamic Curriculum, ACS Books,
Washington DC, 1993, 84)
• Implementation of WWW discussion boards in chemistry education (J. Chem.
Educ. 1999, 76, 704)
• Spreadsheet method for the analysis of the infrared spectra of diatomic molecules
(J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1302)
My goal in teaching is to transmit the excitement I feel about science to our next
generation. I am pursuing this goal by directly interacting with students in the classroom
and laboratory, by making and disseminating innovations in the chemistry curriculum,
and by influencing other teachers from the national level.
... from the Science Page

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Google Search

• The Catalyst - a site developed to allow

the high school chemistry teacher to access information related
to chemistry and chemistry teaching; an amazingly detailed
collection of resources.
• Chem 4 Kids - information about basic chemistry concepts for
younger students and others.
• ChemDex - a super list of thousands of categorized links dealing
with all aspects of chemistry, maintained by Mark Winter.
• ChemEd - links to chemistry education resources.
• ChemFinder WebServer - a chemical database that lets you
search for information and links about chemicals by using the
chemical name, molecular formula, mass or CAS Number.
• Chemical of the Week - the weekly fact sheet distributed by
Prof. Shakhashiri to increase students' knowledge about
chemicals, their properties, uses, cost and production.
• Chemistry Coach - provides links and resources useful to high
school chemistry students.
• Chemistry Homework Problems - problem sets are available
on many common chemistry topics. These problems were
developed for chemistry and environmental science courses at
Widener University.
• Chemistry Teaching Resources on the Internet - one of the
most comprehensive lists of chemistry teaching resources
available on the internet, maintained by Knut Irgum.
• Chemistry Topics: Yahoo - a list of the chemistry links
available through Yahoo.
• Chem Team - an excellent high school chemistry tutorial
covering theory, solved sample problems, and extra questions
for practice.
• CHEMystery - a virtual chemistry textbook, designed for high
school students ... a great resource!
• The Information Retrieval in Chemistry WWW Server - this
site provides a compendium of resources in chemistry and many
related fields of science and technology.
• Interactive Tutorials in Chemistry - a very detailed and
extensive bank of questions and resources covering many
chemistry areas.
• IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry) - the organization which fosterrs worldwide
communication in the chemical sciences, and recognized as the
world authority on such topics as: chemical nomenclature,
terminology, standard measurement methods and atomic
• Lab Technique Sheets - downloadable technique sheets which
describe how to properly and safely perform many laboratory
operations and use common laboratory apparatus.
• Links for Chemists - thousands of sites of interest to chemists,
courtesy of the University of Liverpool Dept. of Chemistry.
• Mathematics and Molecules - information about the field of
molecular modeling.
• MIT Open Courseware: Chemistry - free online college level
chemistry courses.
• Molecule of the Month - each month a new molecule is added
to the list of molecules; follow the links to view and find out
information about the molecule.
• Ralph Logan's Home Page - chemistry resources, notes,
frequently asked questions and more.
• Steve Marsden's Chemistry Home Page - lecture notes,
periodic tables, chemistry labs and WWW links - it's all here!
• Tom's Chem Quiz Page - attempt to answer the current
chemistry quiz or check out the questions and answers to
previous quizzes.
• Wikipedia: Chemistry - article about chemistry at the online
collaborative encyclopedia.
• WWW Virtual Library: Chemistry - links to academic, non-
profit and commercial organizations; also links to other libraries
and chemical resources.

Periodic Tables
• Chemical - an online, interactive periodic table
of the elements, by Yinon Bentor.
• Chemicool Periodic Table - a color coded periodic table allows
you to find out detailed information about the element of your
• Periodic Table from MIT - choose which property you wish to
be displayed in the periodic table; observe trends in periodic
properties by color-coding in the table, and by observing the
graph obtained by plotting that property vs atomic number.
• Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos National
Laboratory - click on an element in the colour coded table to
receive a page of data: history, sources, properties, uses,
compounds, etc..
• Periodic Tables - a listing of 30+ periodic tables available on
the Internet.
• Periodic Tables - the extensive ChemDex list of periodic table
• Periodic Tables - a list of periodic tables from the Kiwi Web.
• Ultimate Periodic Table Site - with links to many periodic
tables and periodic table related topics, this must be the most
comprehensive periodic table site on the Internet.
• Web-Elements - the Periodic Table online by Mark Winter,
University of Sheffield.
• WWWolfe Periodic Tables on the WWW - an anotated listing
of periodic table sites.
• Yahoo Periodic Table Links - the Yahoo page of Periodic Table

Chemical Safety
• Chemical Reference Links by Chemical Name - click on a
chemical and you are linked to sites which give safety and other
infornation about the chemical.
• MSDS Search - an easy to use MSDS index which contains a
large MSDS database.
• MSDS Collection - the Vermont SIRI MSDS collection and links
to other internet MSDS and hazardous chemical archives.
• MSDS Sheets - all about MSDS Sheets plus a comprehensive
listing of internet sources and resources for MSDS, brought to
you by the folks in the Chemistry Department at the University of
• Safety Graphics - lots of safety clipart, covering a wide variety
of situations.

Interested in learning more about online chemistry degrees?

• Online Chemistry Degrees - Some basics about getting your
degree in chemistry online.

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BestChoice, a Model for Interactive Web-Based

Sheila Woodgate and David Titheridge
The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

BestChoice is an open-access interactive web site ( that

was developed initially to support learning in large first year Chemistry classes at The University
of Auckland. More recently BestChoice has been expanded to provide learning opportunities for a
wider ranger of users. The model underpinning BestChoice learning activities is simulation of the
interchange of a student with an experienced teacher. Thus student responses on BestChoice
question pages generate instant assessment and feedback. BestChoice is innovative in its
emphasis on teaching both concepts and problem-solving strategies by guiding students in ways
that promote their understanding.

View a selection of BestChoice Question Pages, by clicking on Live (during 2006).

View screen shots of BestChoice Question Pages by clicking on For Archive (after 2006).

The discussion below considers the

· design of BestChoice
· features of BestChoice
· evaluation of students' perception of BestChoice
· incorporation of BestChoice into first year university and high school courses
· evaluation of student usage of BestChoice

Design considerations

Facilitating both teaching and learning using web-based activities

Teaching Chemistry to large classes at first year university is largely transmission of information
to students who adopt a passive role. However, for quality learning to occur, the student must
assume an active role and engage with the content through problem-solving. Often the subject
expert is not readily accessible to offer guidance to the student during the learning process. This
may cause

• uncertain learners to become discouraged and to conclude that chemistry is "too

• confident learners to solve problems algorithmically without developing full

BestChoice activities have been designed to support the learning process by acting as a bridge
between "hearing about it in lectures" and "doing it yourself". The authors' aim was

• to construct activities that students like to use and which help them to learn
• to develop methods for tracking how students use the activities in order to detect
how better to support learning

The process by which we have achieved these objectives is described below.

Establishing a connection between web-based learning activities and other study


Traditionally, students study using print materials. They solve problems using pen and paper.
Many students prefer to have model answers readily accessible.

If BestChoice activities are to be valued as learning tools, students should be able to relate these
activities to other study tools. The authors have established this connection by
• constructing BestChoice pages that are visually appealing and use conventional
symbolism in display of mathematical and chemical concepts
• developing activities that help students learn how to solve problems that appear
on written assessments
• giving users ready access to correct answers and to background material
Overcoming some of the limitations of teaching over the web

Reading from the screen is more difficult than reading from a printed page.
BestChoice has been designed to present information in a way that prevents cognitive overload.
The emphasis is on requiring users to answer questions. Content is then exposed in small
quantities in the feedback generated by the user's response.

Waiting for downloads or for the computer to respond is frustrating.

BestChoice pages are text-based. Graphics and animations are used only where necessary. This
allows BestChoice to be used on a dial-up connection.

Common web browser answer-input devices (text-boxes, dropdown lists) do not support
subscripts and superscripts.
This limitation has been overcome by developing answer input devices having support for both
images and formatted text.

Constructing BestChoice modules to simulate a one-on-one tutorial

An experienced teacher would, in a one-on-one tutorial, mix discussion of concepts with

questions to probe the student's level of understanding. Concepts are presented as Review
Pages in BestChoice. These are typically brief and highlight only major principles.

Some examples of Review Pages can be viewed by clicking Live (during 2006).
Screen shots of Review Pages are available on clicking For Archive (after 2006).

Most modules begin with a Review Page. Concepts are then developed systematically through

• questions on Question Pages that follow each Review Page.

• feedback displayed when users answer questions on Question Pages.The
feedback either relates to the previous Review page by reiterating principles or
presages the next Review Page by applying and extending the principles.

Thus, during completion of a BestChoice module, learning is scaffolded by the constant feedback
and guidance provided by the system. Some students struggle to understand what the question
requires or may not be able to enter the correct answer. These BestChoice users have the option
for the system to show them the correct answer so that they can overcome this barrier and move
on to complete the problem.

Connecting the BestChoice activities with the student's course of study

Teachers choose course resources to help students study. In order for BestChoice learning
activities to be accepted as a course resource, we constructed groupings of modules for target
groups both in first year Chemistry courses at The University of Auckland and in Chemistry
classes at New Zealand high schools. We also constructed a General course (aimed at General
Chemistry courses) and an Organic Chemistry course for users outside the target groups.
Implementation of BestChoice

BestChoice for the web 2002

The BestChoice web site went live in 2002, with a total of 1900 pages in 60 modules available.
The content was taken from a DOS version of BestChoice that had been developed by one of us.
90% of the pages were Question Pages; thus the emphasis was, as intended, on users entering
responses that generate feedback.

The use of BestChoice was recommended to students in two first-year courses at The University
of Auckland in Semester 2, 2002. An end-of-semester survey in one of these courses endorsed
the approach taken in BestChoice modules. The survey asked “What feature of BestChoice did
you like best?”. The two most common responses to the question were “combination of questions
and review pages” and “feedback".

While we had put in place the structure described above and had some validation of the
BestChoice approach to supporting learning, BestChoice 2002 was limited to one answer per
question page; thus multistep problems extended over several pages. Furthermore, the lack of
control over the positioning of the answer fields and their associated feedback was a severe
hindrance in authoring.

BestChoice for the web 2003-2006

Both the BestChoice content and the BestChoice system have been upgraded and expanded on
a continual basis during the last three years. BestChoice currently has 2500 different pages in
more than 100 modules with 6000 possibilities for interaction that result in instructive feedback. A
variety of new features have been developed so that the author can

• construct Question Pages having any number of answer fields.

• control the positioning of the answer fields and their associated feedback on
Question Pages.
• use a variety of types of answer fields on the same Question Page.
• use correct answers to one part of a Question Page to trigger the appearance of
a second part.

The BestChoice Question Pages accessed using the links below show that we have made
significant progress toward mimicking stepwise problem-solving for a variety of problem types.

To see actual BestChoice Question pages, click on Live (during 2006)

To access screen shots of BestChoice Question pages, click on For Archive (after 2006).

Evaluation of BestChoice using an on-line survey

Establishing mechanisms for on-line evaluation of BestChoice by students

We wanted our student users to indicate what they liked about BestChoice and how BestChoice
could be improved. Therefore we incorporated on-line evaluation mechanisms into the
BestChoice system, in order to get a continual feedback from our users.
In BestChoice 2002 students could enter feedback using a text form accessed by clicking a
Comments button that appears at the top of every page. Very few comments were received. As a
consequence, for 2003 we added the survey below on the last page of each module. This allows
the user to enter comments and to rate the modules on a six-point scale. Each user could enter
one rating and one comment per module.

The comments entered in the survey indicate the student perception of BestChoice
This on-line survey has been a very rich source of student comment, most of which is pertinent to
teaching and learning. 2100 complimentary comments were entered during 2003-2005. A few
unedited examples are given below.

User 1: Wonderful! Sooooo helpful! Best feature is that you can read the theory, then do the quiz! (3 Nov 03)
User 2:This was fun and helped me understand much easier. I was not placed under pressure at all, because I was
allowed to make mistakes. I really enjoyed this. (22 Mar 04)
User 3: This has made so much that I didnt understand much clearer. The little amounts of information followed by heaps
of questions makes it really easy to absorb!(04 Aug 03)
User 4: Man, you have no idea how helpful Bestchoice is....the questions on them are relavent to what we are learning
and to make it even more helpful....the hint and give up function help alot....thank you so much! (15 Jun 03)
User 5: This site is AWESOME!!! im really glad theres something like this up and running to help students who are willing
to study at home. it gives a break from just reading and doing examples from books and really helps!!! im sure my marks
are going to improve!!!! THANKS!!! (30 Apr 03)
User 6: i learnt alot, & it went smoothly, gradually getting harder & making me learn much more efficiently. it is very
helpful thank you (9 May 03)

The comments entered during 2003-2005 have been assigned to categories. Three of these
categories (complimentary, suggestion and critical) are relevant to teaching and learning. 78% of
comments have been assigned to one of these. 22% of comments either do not pertain to
BestChoice or highlight typographical errors and bugs that have been fixed.

Many of the comments relevant to teaching and learning have multiple threads. Any comment
that includes a compliment is assigned to Compliment. Critical comments that include a
suggestion are assigned to Suggestion. The table shows the distribution of comments in these
three categories. The trend is toward a lower percentage in the Criticism category and higher
percentages in the Compliment and Suggestion categories as a result of enhancement both of
the system and the content.
Comments entered in on-line survey
Year Total Compliment Suggestion Criticism
2005 1173 68% 15% 17%
2004 1134 67% 14% 19%
2003 401 64% 12% 24%

These data show that the learners perceive that BestChoice is beneficial to them and helps them
to learn. Furthermore users suggest ways in which BestChoice can be improved (even through
critical comments). One advantage of a web-based system is that problems identified can be
rectified and the revised version made available within a short time frame.

The module ratings (out of 6) indicate that most students find BestChoice modules helpful
Students indicate how helpful they have found a module by choosing one of the six radio buttons
on the end-of-module survey form. These range from not at all (1) to fantastic (6). The average
response rate to this part of the survey over all modules and all cohorts of users is 30%. As
shown below, the radio buttons corresponding to 4,5 and 6 ratings are much more commonly
chosen than those corresponding to 1,2 and 3 ratings. The most frequent choice in each year is
fantastic (6).

Module ratings using a 6 point scale

Year Total responses Average 1 2 3 4 5 6
2005 6866 4.64 253 275 717 1383 2034 2204
2004 6442 4.71 186 266 570 1309 2019 2092
2003 2010 4.53 83 106 223 437 578 583

Using BestChoice as part of course materials

BestChoice for Chemistry students at The University of Auckland

In 2003, use of BestChoice was compulsory in two first year Chemistry courses at The University
of Auckland. In 2006 use of BestChoice is compulsory in five first year Chemistry courses. In total
this involves approximately 2000 users, some of whom are enrolled in more than one course.

Although one of the authors has had extensive experience teaching first year Chemistry, neither
of us is currently lecturing in any of the first year Chemistry courses. Therefore, support of course
coordinators and teachers is crucial. These academic staff

• introduce their class to BestChoice, providing details of the registration process.

• promote BestChoice activities as learning experiences.
• encourage students to use BestChoice to support their learning during the entire
course. One lecturer has recently referenced relevant BestChoice modules in the
course notes.

What form does the compulsory usage take?

BestChoice modules are currently used as assignments in four courses.
Cohort: Students in one of these courses are science majors. Students in the other three courses
are studying Chemistry at pre-university level.

Contribution to overall assessment: All courses have a maximum of 100 marks. Ten modules at
0.5 marks each are compulsory in the course for science majors and in one of the pre-university
courses. Five modules at 1 mark each are compulsory for the other two pre-university courses.

One of these courses was the first to use BestChoice as an assessment component. Based on
that experience, course coordinators specify the modules to be completed and set completion
deadlines. This ensures that students begin to use BestChoice early in the course.

BestChoice modules are used in one course as both pre-lab activities and assignments
Cohort: In semester 1 these students are intending Health Science students and science majors
(including Chemistry). In Semester 2 they are science majors.

Assessment of prelabs: Evidence for completion of the module is submission of a printout of the
last page of the module with the lab script. For some experiments, the last page is part of the
background information/data required for the experiment.

Contribution of assignments to overall assessment: The course maximum is 100 marks. Four
modules at 0.5 marks each are compulsory.
The BestChoice pre-labs replace written pre-labs that were marked by supervisors at the
beginning of the lab session. Because BestChoice pages are marked as they are completed, the
supervisors now have more time to help students with their practical work at the beginning of the
lab. The course coordinator also believes that there is less "blind copying" and more opportunity
for learning when the students complete pre-lab exercises on line

This course coordinator has decided, for both the pre-lab and assignment modules, to disable the
Give Up and Show Next options that allow BestChoice users to view the correct answer. Despite
this, these modules have high student ratings, and students do not comment on the absence of
these features in the on-line survey.

BestChoice sessions in a computer lab were also a feature of our four day catch-up course in
Each day 80 students used BestChoice modules that reinforced lecture material.

BestChoice for New Zealand high school students

New Zealand high school students use BestChoice on a voluntary basis. High schools in New
Zealand have computer labs, and students are often introduced to BestChoice through their
teacher booking a period in the school computer lab. Teachers are made aware of BestChoice
nationally through an electronic newsletter circulated by a high school teacher.

Evaluating BestChoice through usage data

Usage of BestChoice has grown steadily

BestChoice collects a variety of data for each user. This includes demographic details (user-
entered), registration date, number of logins, and a count of pages on which answers have been
entered as well as how many attempts were required to get the correct answer and the time
interval over which the question was answered. The table below shows that there has been a
steady increase in the number of registrations per year over 2003-2005. The increase in 2005 is
largely due to New Zealand high school students.
Year Number of registrations Number of Active Users Logins
2005 7 560 4 000 50 190
2004 5 983 3 200 37 916
2003 3 380 1 400 15 581

There has also been growth in the number of active users. These users have answered questions
on more than 20 pages. In 2003 an active user entered at least 20 answers. In 2004-2005 an
active user will have have entered at least 100 answers. There is a correlation between the
percentage increase in either logins or registrations over an entire year and the percentage
increase in active usage.

Active usage data highlights the importance of the connection to the user's course of
Users are asked on registration to identify themselves with one of the institutions shown in the
table below. The table also shows the number of active users associated with each institution for
Institution Active users in 2005
The University of Auckland 2230
NZ high schools 1670 (from 210 schools)
Other NZ Universities 88
Outside NZ 12

The largest groups of active users are those for whom specific courses have been created. The
difference between the two large cohorts is that while use of BestChoice is compulsory for most
university users, New Zealand high school students use BestChoice on a voluntary basis.

The timing of logins gives evidence for how these two cohorts use BestChoice

The graph below shows the number of logins by students at The University of Auckland for each
month during 2005. This indicates that usage of BestChoice during the semester (March-June
and then July - November) is fairly consistent and that usage drops during the inter-semester
period. Comparison with data from 2003 and 2004 shows that, due to the support of the course
coordinators, students in each subsequent year use BestChoice both earlier in the semester and
more consistently throughout the semester.

The graph above for New Zealand high school students logins shows that their highest usage is
at the end of the year. Thus this cohort regards BestChoice primarily as an exam preparation tool.
This perception may, however, be changing because the percentage of logins to BestChoice
during the period February through September is higher for 2005 (53%) than for 2004 (41%).

In conclusion

What have we found?

The BestChoice project has shown that web-based activities can facilitate learning by requiring
the user to take an active role, with the system then responding to the user's input. The guidance
offered by BestChoice makes successful completion of the problem more accessible for more
learners who, over time, should gain the skills to answer the questions without guidance.
Consider the unedited comments.

User 7: The main thing I liked is that it gave me the opportunity to practice and learn from my mistakes. (31 Mar 06)
User 8: liked this topic. Being able to see and work everything out myself really helped me understand this. Thanks (31
Mar 06)
User 9: It helped very much. It was much easier to understand than my notes, textbook and lecturer! The reviews are so
concise and great. Thanks! (31 Mar 06)

BestChoice activities also provide capable learners with an enhanced learning experience as
insights are revealed during problem-solving and appear in the form of feedback just as the user
has entered the answer that they thought was correct.

User 10: Very good, now I understand alot more little things I wouldve never thought of asking. (19 Mar 06)
User 11: it lead us to think critically and logically, and not just know facts that have already been provided for us in the
course notes. (19 Mar 04)

The BestChoice project has also shown that users can inform the design of systems to support
their learning. The extent and quality of feedback entered by users has been overwhelming.
User 12: BC helps me understand chemistry in a way that is both faster and more convenient than tedious text book
exercises - almost like having a personal tutor watching over my shoulder. Thank you and keep up the good work! (2 Apr
User 13: Bestchoice is simply the best learning technique i ever came across. It walks me through the important steps to
follow inorder to solve a question and makes the theory more simpler. (26 Mar 06)
How does BestChoice compare to other learning tools?

A paper survey asking "What feature of the course most helps you to learn?" has been circulated
in some courses where use of BestChoice is compulsory.

(Science majors) 100 surveys, 62 responses to this question, BestChoice 47; Handouts 37; Labs 21; Lectures 5
(Science majors) 170 surveys, 111 responses, BestChoice 37; Handouts 44; Labs 25; Lecturers 20
(Summer pre-university; no-lab course) 80 surveys, 63 responses, BestChoice 25; Lectures/lecturers 28; Handouts

The student responses indicate that they view BestChoice as an effective learning tool that
complements traditional learning tools. BestChoice is not, and was never intended to be, a
replacement for these.

It is a challenge for lecturers to accommodate the variety of learning styles and academic
backgrounds in the large classes at first year university level. Web-based activities like those in
BestChoice can be an addition to the suite of tools available to help meet this challenge. Unlike
the most other learning tools, use of BestChoice by students generates data that can provide

information on how to support learning more effectively and efficiently .

Where to now?

The most frequent suggestion entered in our survey is "more questions". New Question Pages
are currently being added on a continual basis. An important aspect of the writing of these pages
is that new ways being explored to present content interactively, including working toward
enabling the user to choose the extent of guidance offered on a BestChoice page.

The discussion above is a broad analysis of data pertinent to student perception and usage. It is
now appropriate to extend these investigations by considering student response data relevant to
individual modules and questions to determine whether areas of difficulty for students can be
identified. Once barriers to learning have been identified, the focus would be on improving
support for learning in these areas.

In conclusion, it is evident that a large number of users believe that BestChoice is very effective in
helping them learn Chemistry. Furthermore, once a system like BestChoice is in place, it thrives
on student usage because usage creates data that highlights where the system needs improving.

BestChoice ( is open access. Use Demo mode (no

registration, no marks stored) or register. In either case, we would appreciate your feedback.
Acknowledgement: We acknowledge Drs David Salter and Judy Brittain, and Ian Torrie. David and Judy coordinate
Chemistry courses that use BestChoice. Ian advertises BestChoice to high school teachers. We thank the Chemistry
Department and the Teaching Improvement Grants Committee of The University of Auckland for financial support.

Annex 1
Tuning subject area findings: Chemistry

1. Introduction to the subject area

Chemistry is one of the basic scientific disciplines, along with physics and biology. It is thus a subject
which is understood in the same way in all European countries, and indeed throughout the world. Until
recently there would have been general agreement as to the way that chemical education at universities
should be organised. Physics and mathematics are subjects which the chemist needs to study in the first
year of chemistry education, since some aspects of these form a vital basis for understanding chemistry.
Normally the physics and mathematics departments provide the necessary teaching, but it is sometimes
found advantageous that chemists themselves teach these two subjects to the necessary level.
The relationship between chemistry and biology is more complex. Biology has traditionally been to a
large extent a science of description and classification, but modern biology has moved away from this
picture, and indeed biology education at universities is developing in many important directions.
A chemist will often say that "modern biology is chemistry" because so much of modern biology is studied
and described at the molecular level. Thus the biologist needs to know much more chemistry than before,
and from the point of view of the chemist he or she needs to know much more about biology.
This has been reflected in the growth of biochemistry programmes, which seek to link chemistry and
biology. However, biochemistry is not treated in the same way across Europe: it may or may not be
integrated with chemistry as far as departmental structures are concerned. Thus there are no uniform
platforms for discussion between chemists and biochemists in European universities.
Perhaps as a result of this, there is an emerging trend for chemistry departments to offer new degree
courses referred to as "chemical biology". These build on a considerable chemical basis, but include
various elements of biology. However, even where such courses do not exist it is becoming apparent that
any chemist needs to have certain competences in biology, and to deal with this an additional sub-
discipline is being defined. The traditional basic sub-disciplines of chemistry are organic, inorganic and
physical chemistry (analytical chemistry is considered by many as a separate sub-discipline, but there is
no consensus: teaching of analytical chemistry is often subsumed under inorganic chemistry). The new
sub-discipline is referred to as "biological chemistry", and the chemistry group in Tuning considers that
teaching in this area is vital for a modern chemistry first cycle degree course, as competences in this
area are an absolute must for the chemistry graduate of today.

2. Degree profiles and Occupations

Typical degrees offered in the subject area

First cycle BSc in Chemistry (see Eurobachelor for planned structures:

Second cycle MSc in Chemistry(Masters degrees may be purely by research or, more typically,
by a mixture of course work and a substantial thesis component, usually involving one of the sub-
disciplines listed in the Eurobachelor proposal.)

Third cycle PhD in Chemistry (Doctorate by research, usually requiring examination and defence
of a substantial and original piece of research described in a comprehensive thesis)

Typical occupations of the graduates in the subject area (map of professions)

First cycle: apart from the UK and Ireland, no valid information on first cycle graduate
employment is available, because there are virtually no graduates so far.

Second cycle: here there is not even information from the UK and Ireland, as Master
programmes there exist almost only as professional one-year Masters run for people working in
chemical/pharmaceutical/life science areas.

Third cycle: here a majority will probably be employed in chemical/pharmaceutical/life science
companies. Various other types of non-chemical employment are however known, particularly in
those countries which do not have a manufacturing base in these areas.
Role of chemistry in other degree programmes
Chemistry teaching is important in the following first cycle degree programmes: biochemistry, chemical
biology, chemical engineering, physics, mechanical/electrical engineering.

3. Learning outcomes & competences - level cycle descriptors

The "Dublin descriptors" have been adapted so that they can be applied directly to chemistry degrees.
The result is the "Budapest chemistry descriptors", which are given below for the first and second cycle.

First cycle degrees in chemistry

are awarded to students who have shown themselves by
appropriate assessment to:

have a good grounding in the core areas of chemistry: inorganic, organic, physical, biological and
analytical chemistry; and in addition the necessary background in mathematics and physics;
have basic knowledge in several other more specialised areas of chemistry
- have built up practical skills in chemistry during laboratory courses, at least in inorganic, organic and
physical chemistry, in which they have worked individually or in groups as appropriate to the area;
- have developed generic skills in the context of chemistry which are applicable in many other
have attained a standard of knowledge and competence which will give them access to second cycle
course units or degree programmes.

Such graduates will:

have the ability to gather and interpret relevant scientific data and make judgements that include
reflection on relevant scientific and ethical issues;
have the ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to informed audiences;
have competences to fit them for entry-level graduate employment in the general workplace,
including the chemical industry;
have developed those learning skills that are necessary for them to undertake further study with a
sufficient degree of autonomy.
Second cycle degrees in chemistry are awarded to students who have shown themselves by
appropriate assessment to:

have knowledge and understanding that is founded upon and extends that of the Bachelor’s level
in chemistry, and that provides a basis for originality in developing and applying ideas within a
research context;
have competences to fit them for employment as professional chemists in chemical and related
have attained a standard of knowledge and competence which will give them access to third cycle
course units or degree programmes.
Such graduates will:

have the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding, and problem solving abilities, in new
or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to chemical
have the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgements with
incomplete or limited information, but that include reflecting on ethical responsibilities linked to the
application of their knowledge and judgements;
have the ability to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning
these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously;
have developed those learning skills that will allow them to continue to study in a manner that may
be largely self-directed or autonomous, and take responsibility for their own professional
A Eurobachelor qualification
Such as computational chemistry, materials chemistry, macromolecular chemistry, radiochemistry

The chemistry subject area group has devised the Eurobachelor framework for a first cycle degree. This
framework refers directly to the Tuning list of generic competences and defines subject-based
The generic competences to be developed during the first cycle (not in order of importance) are:

capacity for applying knowledge in practice

planning and time management

oral and written communication in the native language

knowledge of a second major European language

capacity for analysis and synthesis (in a general, not a chemical sense)

capacity to learn

information management skills (ability to retrieve and analyse information from different sources)

capacity to adapt to new situations




ability to work autonomously

In our discussion of subject-specific competences, which in the Eurobachelor framework we refer to as
abilities and skills, we identified the following as relevant to the first cycle:
1. Chemistry-related cognitive abilities and skills
1.1 Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and
theories relating to the subject areas identified above.
1.2 Ability to apply such knowledge and understanding to the solution of qualitative and quantitative
problems of a familiar nature.
1.3 Skills in the evaluation, interpretation and synthesis of chemical information and data.
1.4 Ability to recognise and implement good measurement science and practice.
1.5 Skills in presenting scientific material and arguments in writing and orally, to an informed
1.6 Computational and data-processing skills, relating to chemical information and data.

2. Chemistry-related practical skills

2.1 Skills in the safe handling of chemical materials, taking into account their physical and chemical
properties, including any specific hazards associated with their use.
2.2 Skills required for the conduct of standard laboratory procedures involved and use of
instrumentation in synthetic and analytical work, in relation to both organic and inorganic
2.3 Skills in the monitoring, by observation and measurement, of chemical properties, events or
changes, and the systematic and reliable recording and documentation thereof.
2.4 Ability to interpret data derived from laboratory observations and measurements in terms of their
significance and relate them to appropriate theory.

In Phase III of Tuning the chemistry group intends to continue its work to produce subject-based cycle
descriptors. It appeared to us that the state of the discussion in our subject area across the Bologna area
was not sufficiently advanced to allow us to do this in Phase II, particularly with respect to the third cycle,
the Dublin descriptors for which were only formulated (with the help of the chemistry subject area
coordinator) in March 2004.

Consultation process with stakeholders

The chemistry group in Tuning is comprised of members of the European Chemistry Thematic Network
(ECTN), which has been running successfully since 1996. This network is financed by the EU
Commission. The network comprises mainly academic institutions. It is difficult to involve people from
industry as the employer has to provide the time to allow its employees to participate. However, a
number of national chemical societies are members of ECTN, and these societies have a large
membership from the industrial chemistry community. The ECTN is trying to get more industrial
involvement by getting in contact with industrial organisations, such as the European Chemical Industry
Council (CEFIC). However, the distance from bodies such as CEFIC from the industrial floor is great.
Thus so far we have not found the correct mechanisms on a European basis for involving chemical
industry in our deliberations.
The situation at national level is however different. Thus for example in November 2004 a one-day
meeting involving academics and people from industry was held in Germany. Naturally one important
topic was the employment potential for graduates from the various cycles, while another was the
description for industry representatives of how the Bologna reforms will be carried out in chemistry in
Germany. Other such meetings are taking place in other countries.
Another potential opportunity for dialogue, this time between academics and students, was the Bologna
Seminar "Chemistry Studies in the European Higher Education Area" held in Dresden, Germany in June
2004. There were almost 200 participants from 25 countries, but despite the efforts of the organizers to
involve students, their participation was unfortunately close to zero. One reason for this is that, although
there is a European students union, ESIB, there is no corresponding organization for chemistry students.

4. Workload and ECTS

Workload of the typical degree programmes expressed in ECTS credits:

First cycle 180


not expressed in ECTS credits (average 3-4 years)
Trends and differences within the European higher education area in this subject area.

Chemistry is the only subject area to have produced a European framework for the first cycle (the
Chemistry Eurobachelor). A Eurobachelor Label is available to interested institutions, and the introduction
of the Label is presently supported by the EU Commission under the Socrates Programme.
Chemistry is also the only subject area to have had its own Bologna Seminar, "Chemistry Studies in the
European Higher Education Area", held in June at the TU Dresden (Germany). The conclusions and
recommendations of the seminar, which cover all three cycles, can be found on the official Bergen 2005
website (
) under "Bologna Seminars".
The chemical industry is still one of the most important in Europe, with about 3 million employees. Many
of these are chemistry graduates, and the industry is starting to get to grips with the new degrees which
are being introduced in Europe.
Traditionally, chemistry has been divided into three major sub-disciplines: organic, inorganic and
physical. In some institutions a fourth, analytical chemistry, is present as a separate sub-discipline, but is
often subsumed under inorganic chemistry. However, chemistry is moving towards biology, so that some
countries are introducing new programmes in "chemical biology" (there is also a separate, but related,
discipline of biochemistry). It thus seems clear that a new sub-discipline, which we can call biological
chemistry, will soon join the three major sub-disciplines.
Chemistry is a well-defined discipline, so that no fundamental differences between degree programmes
in European countries are present. One important difference between programmes lies in the amount of
time which is devoted to laboratory courses. Laboratories are expensive and require considerable
amounts of manpower, so that there is a tendency to cut them back when (as always at universities!)
money is scarce.

5. Learning, Teaching and Assessment

5.1 Methods and techniques of instruction and learning, taking into account the differences in
cultures both in institutions and countries

In chemistry the differences in culture between countries and between institutions are not that great.
Thus methods and techniques for instruction and learning will not differ in principle but more in the extent
to which they are used. As has been detailed above, practical courses play a very important role in the
education of a chemist. At the same time, these are the most expensive aspect of the training, as they
require large amounts of laboratory space, very close supervision, expensive apparatus and chemicals
etc. This, together with the fact that in some countries the student intake is very high, means that it is not
always possible to provide the student with as much practical training as is really required during the first
cycle. The deficits can be made up in the second and third cycles, of course, but here the student
numbers are smaller.

5.2 Competence development

There is much discussion as to whether it is possible to separate generic and subject-specific

competences. In some subject areas there are proposals to allocate a certain proportion of credits to
courses on generic skills given by persons outside the subject area. It is our opinion that in chemistry
courses this is not necessary and may even be counter-productive. These two types of competence are
often inseparable, as will be shown below.
Our work on genetic competences has shown clearly that the competences referred to above can be and
indeed are developed within the normal teaching process (although teachers and students alike have in
the past not given though to this). The one key competence where work needs to be done in some
departments is teamwork, something which has not been emphasised in course design in the past. The
other key competences are developed during normal teaching and thus cannot and should not be
divorced from subject area teaching.
In some countries the subject of employability is discussed at some length, since the expression
"relevance to the labour market" in the Bologna declaration has been misunderstood in translation. We,
as chemists, often have the idea that a BSc in chemistry will not be employable in chemical industry, for
example, simply because traditionally there were no bachelors on the market in our particular countries.
It is slowly becoming clear that this situation will change, as industry will certainly modify its attitude when
universities offer the "product" bachelor and explain its profile with the ehlp of the Diploma Supplement.
How counter-productive an employability discussion can be in our subject becomes more clear when we
consider, say, a history graduate. History graduates are certainly employable, but not in a history
industry! They are employable because of the generic skills which they have developed, and in some
cases they will be employed in "history-related" positions.
The same is true of the chemistry graduate, as a look at the situation in the UK and Ireland will show.
Here the chemistry graduate who takes up a job after graduating with a first degree (and this is the
majority) may go into a "chemistry-related" job, but in many cases will not.
Europe needs first cycle degree graduates with a knowledge of chemistry, whatever these graduates do
after leaving university!

5.3 Implementation of subject-specific competences: Three Examples

Three aspects of implementation will be covered, i.e. teaching, learning and assessment. In order to
gather material on which to base some useful conclusions, a series of questions was posed to members
of the chemistry group. Three of these will be considered here:

How do you help students to achieve this competence in your teaching methods?
What learning activities do your students engage with in order to develop this competence?
How do you assess whether, or to what degree, they have achieved this competence?

Ten subject-based competences were selected and members of the group were asked to answer these
questions for the competences which were assigned to them. The selected competences had already
been assigned by the group as being particularly relevant to the first cycle and thus could be considered
as genuine "key competences" in the education of a chemist. Three examples are presented here. In
each case corresponding generic competences are given.

5.3.1 Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts,

principles and theories (Country: France, Grande École). Corresponding generic
skills: capacity for applying knowledge in practice, oral and written communication in
the native language, capacity for analysis and synthesis, information management
skills, capacity to adapt to new situations, problem-solving, ability to work

How do you help students to achieve this competence in your teaching methods?
Lectures, problem classes, practical classes, and an undergraduate research project. The knowledge
and understanding is communicated by means of written answers to questions (problem classes or
examinations) or by an oral presentation of the project work, or presentation of answers to problems in
front of the tutorial group.

What learning activities do your students engage with in order to develop this competence?
Lectures, problem classes, practical classes, industrial placements and a research project.
How do you assess whether, or to what degree, they have achieved this competence?
By means of written (and sometimes oral) examinations, continuous assessment of practical work and
problem classes. Assessment of the research project includes an oral presentation in which
communication skills are assessed as well as scientific understanding.

All assessed work is returned to the student. They are given marks for each examination/assessment,
and they are given their class ranking at the end of each semester. Students with difficulties are
interviewed by the person responsible for the appropriate year of study, and, if necessary, by the head of

There is a meeting each semester attended by all teachers and by elected representatives of the class.
At this meeting, the performance of all students who have not achieved the standard required is
discussed so that the reasons for non-achievement can be determined, and communicated to the student
if necessary.

5.3.2 Ability to recognise and analyse novel problems and plan strategies for their solution
(Norway). Corresponding generic competences: capacity for applying knowledge in
practice, written communication in the native language, capacity for analysis and
synthesis, information management skills, problem-solving, decision-making, ability
to work autonomously.

How do you help students to achieve this competence in your teaching methods?
Students are supervised throughout all laboratory exercises, and skills in observation trained by question
and answers sessions, tutorials etc. The significance of the results obtained forms a part of all laboratory
reports as does relation to the appropriate theory.

What learning activities do your students engage with in order to develop this competence?
Laboratory work and writing of laboratory reports is the most important method of achieving these skills.

How do you assess whether, or to what degree, they have achieved this competence?
Student laboratory performance is assessed on a continuous basis by staff present in the laboratory, and
laboratory reports carefully checked. Examinations in connection to laboratory courses are also of some

5.3.3 Planning, design and execution of practical investigations (Spain). Corresponding

generic skills: capacity for applying knowledge in practice, planning and time
management, oral and written communication in the native language, capacity for
analysis and synthesis, information management skills, capacity to adapt to new
situations, decision-making, ability to work autonomously, ethical commitment.

How do you help students to achieve this competence in your teaching methods?
Through exercises and practical examples: setting the scene, clarifying issues, and helping students to
recognise and become familiar with the scheme for developing a correct strategy.
Homework tasks with selected topics which teams of students could make exercise.
Discuss their work in class in order to optimise their results.

What learning activities do your students engage with in order to develop this competence?
Attend seminars and tutorials. Participate in discussions after different working groups presentations
analysing procedures.

How do you assess whether, or to what degree, they have achieved this competence?
Following up on their homework during tutorials.
6. Quality enhancement

Tuning has identified a series of steps in designing new degree programmes:

1. Definition of academic and professional profiles: translation into learning outcomes and generic
and subject specific competences
2. Translation into curricula
3. Translation into modules and approaches towards teaching, learning and assessment
4. Programme quality assurance: built in monitoring, evaluation and updating procedures

As far as chemistry is concerned, these cannot be applied in the same manner to first, second and third
cycle programmes. The following discussion will be structured according to points 1 to 4 and not
according to cycles, however.

6.1 Definition of academic and professional profiles: translation into learning outcomes and
generic and subject specific competences
First cycle

Academic and applied Bachelor programmes are available in Europe, but there appears to be only a
small number of applied degree courses available or in planning in pure chemistry. Applied chemistry-
related degrees are more likely to be in chemical engineering. A recent survey shows that more 180-
credit programmes are likely to be offered, though there appears to be a trend towards 240 as one
moves East in Europe. Spain, unfortunately, has not made a final decision, though Catalunya has a pilot
project for 180-credit degrees.
The question of defining a difference in profile between 180- and 240-credit programmes does not
appear to have been addressed at all. There are merely political, not subject-based, reasons for going in
one direction or the other.

Second cycle

In chemistry it appears at present that "academic" Masters will become the norm in post-Bologna Europe.
The Dresden Bologna Seminar made the following recommendations:

120 ECTS credits should be the reference point for Master programmes.

The Master thesis should carry at least 30 ECTS credits and the research work should be
organized over a defined period of time in order not to hamper student mobility.

At the second-cycle stage institutions will in future have to compete on both a national and
international basis for the best students. Thus they will need to design attractive study
programmes which reflect their individual structures.

The definition of a "Euromaster profile" analogous to the Eurobachelor will not be possible,
because of the greater degree of specialisation of the former. However, the joint degree
framework envisaged by the ERASMUS MUNDUS programme can act as a model for the
development of genuinely "European" qualifications in chemistry.

Access criteria for second-cycle programmes must be flexible and carefully-devised in order to
make the programmes attractive. The right of access envisaged by the Lisbon Recognition
Convention must be respected. No quota systems should be imposed, as these affect the rights
of the individual as well as of the institution.

Flexibility based on the bachelor diploma supplement should be introduced to handle specific
situations (change of orientation, non-European students, excellent students)

High-quality students must be afforded the possibility of transferring to a doctoral programme
without formal completion of the Master degree, as stated in the recommendations of the Helsinki
"Bologna series" Master conference.

It is broadly accepted that a second cycle qualification will take a total of around five years of
study to obtain, although the precise duration will depend on the learning outcomes to be
achieved. Where the study pattern is, for example, 4+1 as opposed to 3+2 years, admission to a
one-year second cycle course could at present involve a requirement for extra study or
experience from a 3-year first cycle graduate, e.g. industrial experience.

Master courses should be taught in English on request wherever possible.
The UK has second-cycle one-year Masters which can be referred to as more "professional" in nature,
but there does not yet seem to be a tendency in continental Europe to go down that road. Instead, it
appears likely that master programmes will carry 90-120 credits according to the Helsinki
recommendations. The question of organising the transition of suitably qualified candidates from master
to PhD programmes without formal award of a master qualification is still under discussion on a national
basis, but mechanisms will become established in the next few years.

Third cycle

In chemistry, the third cycle has a purely academic profile. Traditionally, it consisted only of research
(generally basic but also applied) supervised by a single academic supervisor and leading after an
undefined period to the award of a PhD (or corresponding national qualification) on the basis of the thesis
submitted and an examination carried out according to national or local regulations.
However, the picture across Europe is presently not uniform. More and more there is movement away
from the "research only" PhD to structured PhD programmes, and quality enhancement will have as its
major task the development of such programmes and their adaptation to the changing needs of our
According to an ECTN survey carried out in 2002, the "average" PhD in Europe will have:

taken 3-4 years for his/her thesis

done some work as a teaching assistant

been supervised by one supervisor

written intermediate reports before writing the thesis

been the author of at least one publication in an internationally refereed journal

written his/her thesis in English or the national language

passed the examination without grading

done some coursework (up to 60 ECTS credits)

taken a public oral exam with at least one external examiner

done his/her PhD in the home country
The recommendations of the Dresden Bologna Seminar for the third cycle were as follows:

Structured degree programmes which include coursework (in the widest sense of the term)
should become a common feature of European PhD studies; however, research must still be the
major element of such programmes. Part-time PhD studies should remain possible in institutions
where it has been a normal feature.

The average European PhD should spend 3 to 4 years on his or her studies. The research
element of the PhD study programme should not be awarded ECTS credits.

ECTS credits should be used to quantify the coursework component. These credits can however
be ungraded, as the correct use of the (relative) ECTS grading scale will not be possible. A wide
range of ECTS credits (anywhere between 20 and 60) can be envisaged. Use of the national
grading scale is of course possible.

Apart from research and coursework, further important elements of the PhD programme are
teaching (as teaching assistants) and the training of key generic skills, such as those listed in the
Appendix of the Chemistry Eurobachelor document.

Institutions should issue transcripts containing information on all the coursework carried out, and
on work done as a teaching assistant. Such transcripts will probably not use the standard
European Diploma Supplement format.

Institutions are encouraged to develop "Graduate School" structures at departmental,
interdepartmental or regional level in order to increase their national and international visibility, to
increase their research potential and to foster cooperation both between

staff and between students.

National structures for setting up research networks should be extended in order to
internationalise such networks. PhD students should spend part of their research time at other
institutions, preferably in foreign countries.
6.2 Translation into curricula

First cycle

The design of curricula is the province of the academic staff. It is important to try not to restrict their
freedom unneccesarily, while at the same time defining standards.
The chemistry Eurobachelor does not attempt to define curricula in any detail. It suggests the following

a) a "core" of at least 90 credits of compulsory modules/courses, taken from the following areas:







b) semi-optional courses covering at least three further sub-disciplines (at least 5 credits each)
c) optional
d) a Bachelor thesis with 15 credits.

Within these limits the institution is free to structure its degree.

Second cycle

The major element of Master programmes will be the research component, which will probably carry
between 30 and 60 credits (30 may become the norm, but this is not yet clear).
There will be a certain compulsory element in Master programmes, but these will generally be very
flexible as there will be a connection between coursework and the direction of the research area chosen.
The Master programme in chemistry will not be simply a continuation of the Bachelor programme.
While it appears advisable to define a framework for a Bachelor programme (the Eurobachelor), no such
framework is necessary for a Master programme.

Third cycle

There will be no defined curricula. Instead, the ideal situation is that each PhD student is counselled on
the courses he/she should take as part of the defined amount of coursework.

6.3 Translation into modules and approaches towards teaching, learning and assessment

First cycle

The translation into modules is left entirely to the department or faculty concerned. However, as far as
teaching, learning and assessment is concerned, the Eurobachelor framework does make some
important statements. Masters degrees may be purely by research or, more typically, by a mixture of
course work and a substantial thesis component, usually involving one of the sub-disciplines listed
above. A significant number of such courses have strong connection with industry.

Second cycle

The same applies as for the first cycle, as there is no fundamental change on going from one to the
other. Naturally the competences will change.

Third cycle

The important aspect here is assessment. Two points are involved, both of which are concerned with the
thesis. Firstly, the reviewing and (if required) grading of the thesis needs to be put on an open footing,
with the involvement of external examiners. Secondly the extremely disparate procedures for the final
examinations of PhD students need to undergo a certain amount of harmonisation.

6.4 Programme quality assurance: built in monitoring, evaluation and updating procedures

First cycle

Monitoring will consist mainly of following the progress of the students (in terms of assessment results)
through the individual modules/course units. At the same time a database on where graduates go after
graduation will be necessary. Monitoring will naturally include feedback from the students (evaluation) on
the individual modules/course units; this will include feedback on actual workload. Correlations between
workload and assessment results can be derived.
Updating must be carried out continually.

Second cycle
The same applies as for the first cycle.

Third cycle

Monitoring will be a difficult process. Firstly institutions need to build up a database on where their
graduates go after leaving the university. One element here can be the establishment of a functioning
alumni programme. With the help of the database it will then be possible to carry out evaluation of the
success of the graduates in their chosen professions.

Unearthing the practical end of knowledge

Relating science to everyday life also means anchoring teaching more firmly in the local
context. Using problems that affect the community, teachers endeavour to show the practical
value of scientific knowledge in determining the causes of specific phenomena. They
encourage students to come up with ways of possibly preventing environmental catastrophes.
Teachers are making “huge efforts in their classes to treat problems which are relevant to the
students instead of using abstract examples from textbooks,” says Bettina Walther, the co-
ordinator of a

In other words, the goal is to provide basic scientific literacy so that citizens can take an
active part in crucial debates on issues ranging from environmental protection, to the use of
genetically modified organisms, to the new ethical dilemmas posed by modern biological
Through activities like sorting garbage, protecting certain endangered animal and plant
species and conserving water resources, science education can help train citizens to be
aware of their social responsibilities. One example is the Globo project in Costa Rica, whose
goal is to make students aware of environmental protection by studying the El Niño climatic
phenomenon. Young Costa Ricans measure temperatures and record rainfall levels in their
communities. This data, gathered by relatively complex instruments, is then used in maths
courses to draw graphs, in the social sciences to study the impact of floods on communities
and in biology classes to explain life cycles.

Through activities like sorting garbage, protecting certain endangered

animal and plant species and conserving water resources, science
education can help train citizens to be aware of their social

Teachers must prepare not only future scientists, but also citizens who
will confront unprecedented technological and ethical challenges in
their lifetime

‘Science Culture’ Needed in Philippine

Science Education
By Rexcel John

In 2003, senior high school students Dyann Dolour Libo-on

and Jillian Marie Ong Oh came up with a calculator
specifically for calculations and equations related to
chemistry. Two other classmates made a miniature house
whose burglar alarm system can send alerts through short
messaging system (sms) and appliances inside the house
can also be turned on and off through sms.
Proud of these exceptional achievements, Dr. Josette Biyo,

Dr. Josette Biyo had a small planet

named after her
the teenagers’ Science Research teacher at the Philippine Science High School (PSHS) Western
Visayas, laments that Libo-on, Oh, and their classmates were an exception rather than the
Science culture is all too important in science education, Biyo said, because “science
education is not education at all unless we develop among our students the basic skills and
attitudes such as observing, gathering correct information, interpreting data, curiosity,
open-mindedness, and resourcefulness among others.”
Biyo believes “no country will move forward until it develops a scientific culture”, she argued
that basic information is needed in planning, developing, and managing resources, and that
“only through accurate research we can generate accurate data.”
The Philippines: Where to?
Biyo’s diagnosis of science education in the Philippines is unenthusiastic. “The Philippines
does not have a research culture,” Biyo, the first Asian awarded with the Intel Excellence in
Teaching Award in 2002, was blunt in telling “Thus, it does not have a
scientific culture.”
“Very little quality research outputs” are churned out by Philippine universities compared
with that of other Southeast Asian learning institutions. Research is not a prerequisite for
many undergraduate degrees; even undergraduate and graduate teachers are “not actively
doing research themselves, making them give importance to form instead of substance,”
topped the list of factors Biyo said to be behind the problem.
The lack of connection between industries and universities in terms of the use of research
outputs for product development, and very few centers for research in this developing
country are also to blame, she added.
She further said, “At the basic education level, science is taught in a passive or inactive
manner inhibiting creativity, active participation, and decision making in students. Inquiry-
approach or project-based learning is seldom used. These approaches require mastery of
skills and concepts on the part of the teacher.”
Biyo is not alone in saying so. Dr. Ester Ogena, the current head of the Science Education
Institute, and Dr. Milagros Ibe, both in the University of the Philippines, concluded in their
1998 pioneering study of Philippine science education in the same light blaming “the
absence of a science culture” for its state.
“A number of our cultural characteristics as a people are inconsistent with the nurturing of a
science culture. Curiosity and observation, which are important precursors of scientific
discovery, are not encouraged in homes and schools. In general, children are not
encouraged to ask about or pose non-traditional ideas. Teachers prefer ‘well-behaved’
pupils, not nonconformists who seek out things for
themselves,” the duo said in a paper published in the “UP-
CIDS Chronicle.”
They further tracked down the problem in the poor quality
and lack of science and technology teachers. Ibe and
Ogena observed that one out of every three college
students in the Philippines is studying to be a teacher, but
less than one in a hundred has opted to go into science
teaching, given the low pay associated with science careers
in the Philippines.
Brain Drain
Dr. Jurgenne Primavera, a world renowned marine scientist,
offers another reason, the flight of gifted Filipino teachers to
foreign shores. “Many Filipino professionals and workers go
to the Middle East, North America, and almost every corner
of the globe” but “this outflow constitutes a brain drain,”
Dr. Jurgenne Primavera believes that
she tells brain drain may be part of the problem
“For how much does it cost to produce a teacher, a doctor,
and a nurse and yet it is the developed countries in the United States and Europe that
benefit from the educational investment made by our poor country to produce these highly
trained professionals,” she quipped in an interview with
If the ‘Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study’ (TIMSS) is any reliable
indication, then the Philippines indeed needs some improvement. While neighboring
Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan were topping the list in 1995 and 2003 TIMSS surveys,
the Philippines is near bottom, although thankfully increasing the average science scale
scores of eighth-grade students by 32 points in 2003 over 1995.
Despite this, Biyo, in whose honor a minor planet was named, after she won the Intel
Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award in 2002, believes it is not a hopeless situation.
“While our society may not have a scientific culture at present, we can start to develop this
culture among our young people by integrating research in our basic education curriculum.”
Teaching science research for almost 10 years now at the Philippine Science High School she
said, “is quite difficult because it requires a lot of dedication, commitment, perseverance,
and open-mindedness on the part of the teacher.”
On top of that, the teacher “should also know a little about everything—biology, chemistry,
physics, medicine, computer science, math, etc.” and that she or he “should also be a
mentor, a friend, and a confidante.”
Biyo is ever optimistic. When she started teaching science research in 1995, no colleague
wanted to partner with her to handle the subject offered to junior and senior high school
students. “The primary reason is that they have not done research themselves,” she said.
Today, Philippine Science High School (PSHS) in Western Visayas has a pool of teachers who
could effectively and efficiently handle science research. “We continue to learn and share our
knowledge, expertise, and skills with our students, and with one another. We meet every
week to discuss how we can further improve our methods and techniques.”
Science research is introduced to PSHS students in their junior year, where they are
exposed to the different types of researches and taught the research process, tools,
identifying research topics, proposal writing, and research design testing. In their senior
year, the students do the experimentation, data analysis, research paper writing, oral
defense, and submission of final paper.
The students further learn from science forums where researchers, scientists, and experts
speak about research trends and more, helping the students generate more ideas for their
researches. Workshops are also held along with one-on-one or per group consultation with
To further strengthen the science research curriculum, PSHS established linkages with
research and academic institutions around the Philippines, allowing their students to spend
summer internships with these private and public institutions.
Biyo said through science research, PSHS hopes to develop its students’ research skills,
team work, social and communication skills, along with character traits of diligence,
resourcefulness, intellectual honesty, personal integrity, initiative, independence, humility
and teachability.
Biyo is positive that their students, like what was shown by Libo-on and Oh, would produce
more relevant studies and that students of other schools would be able to follow suit, as she
leads the training of more science teachers, in churning out outputs in computer science,
robotics, microbiology, medicine, physics and more.
Biyo’s antidote seems not only to be working well but is also in line with what was suggested
by Ogena and Ibe in their 1998 study. Ogena and Ibe have a long list of prescriptions for the
government, which come down to “cohesive action and shared goals.”
This means more and better faculty development programs, science labs, and curriculum
and instruction materials development; apart from the awareness of the importance of
science and technology to our future, and the will to implement the reforms and to spend
the money needed for us to catch up with our neighbors.
Primavera, world renowned marine scientist, is not cynical either. “In the end, this Diaspora
or immigration or outflowing, shows that Filipinos have what it takes to build a scientific
culture. We have the mental capacity, also seen in our resourcefulness—many of our
backyard shops are excellent in repairing Japanese-designed appliances.”
“So the bottom line,” Primavera remarked, “is that we can have a scientific culture, but we
need support systems such as libraries and supply houses. Libraries must be user-friendly
retrieval systems for published information so researchers do not re-invent the wheel, so to
speak. Unfortunately, most Philippine libraries are like museums—you can see but you
cannot touch. Education administrators also need to purchase a minimum of equipment and
install infrastructure or scientific supply houses to provide test tubes, air and seawater
supply, and so on.”
She tells the teachers that “as mentors, in your hands lie the future of the hope of our
country. Teachers must teach all subjects, including mathematics, well. With a minimum of
equipment, a few test tubes and microscopes—you can go a long way in imparting basic
concepts and principles to the youth.”
“As a biologist, I can only draw from my own experiences at Mindanao State University and
more recently with students from University of the Philippines in the Visayas and Philippine
Science High School. It is always a joy to have young people join me on field trips and
marvel at the diversity of creatures they see in the mangroves and among sea grasses, and
at the beauty of our tropical ecosystems. In the end, for students to love learning, teachers
must love teaching.”
Rexcel John B. Sorza is a journalist from the Philippines and a Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast
Communication and Management. He was recently the runner up in the Water Media Network
Journalists’ Competition and received his award at the Third World Water Forum in Kyoto,
Japan. Your emails will be forwarded to him by contacting the editor at:

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