Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

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Linux Installation Guide

Document Version 1.0-

Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

Table of Content

Typographic Convention .............................................................................................................. 3

Preface ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Guide Organization ...................................................................................................................... 5
Cyberoam-iView Configuration .......................................................................................... 6
System Requirements .................................................................................................................... 6
Installation Procedure ..................................................................................................................... 7
Access Web Admin Console ........................................................................................................ 10
Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

Typographic Convention
Material in this manual is presented in text and screen display notation.

Item Convention Example

Cyberoam – Machine where Cyberoam-iView is installed
iView Server
User The Super Administrator
Part titles Bold and

shaded font

Topic titles Shaded font


Subtitles Bold & Black

typefaces Notation conventions
Navigation link Normal System > Configuration > User
typeface it means, to open the required page click on System then on
Configuration and finally click User

Notes & Bold typeface

Recommendati between the Note
ons black borders
Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

Welcome to Cyberoam-iView Installation Guide.

Cyberoam-iView – Open Source Logging and Reporting Solution

Cyberoam-iView is an open source logging and reporting solution that provides organizations with
visibility into their networks across multiple devices for high levels of security, data confidentiality while
meeting the requirements of regulatory compliance.

Enabling centralized reporting from multiple devices across geographical locations, Cyberoam-iView
offers a single view of the entire network activity. This allows organizations not just to view information
across hundreds of users, applications and protocols; it also helps them correlate the information,
giving them a comprehensive view of network activity.
Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

Guide Organization
This guide describes how to install Cyberoam-iView in your network to collect logs and generate
meaningful reports for added network devices. This guide is organized in following sections.
 System Requirements
 Installation Procedure
 Access Web Admin Console
Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

System Requirements
The hardware requirement for installing Cyberoam-iView and its repository is dependent on how much
data is required to be retained in the form of archives. Following table outlines the important hardware
components and their recommended configuration.

Component Recommendation
Processor Core 2 Duo with 4GHz
RAM 4GB (Minimum)
SATA or SCSI hard disk with minimum 30GB
Hard Disk Drive
disk space
Operating System  CentOS Enterprise Linux 6.5 - 64 bit
(Tested)  CentOS Enterprise Linux 6.4 - 32 bit

 Mozilla Firefox 15.0+

Browser  Google Chrome 20.0+
Best view - Mozilla Firefox 15.0+ Resolution
1024 X 768 or more

Cyberoam – iView can be installed on other versions of Linux as well.

Desktop Antivirus / Firewall should bypass following applications running on iView server:
Garner, Postgres. Java.

Configure your firewall (if any) to allow UDP traffic on port 514.
Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

Installation Procedure

Make sure no services are running on port 8000, 8015 and 514. Installation will be cancelled if these ports
are not free.

Cyberoam-iView Installation

1. Download Cyberoam-iView Linux installer

Download iView-Linux-0.126-Setup.bin from

2. Start Installation
Login as a Root user and execute following commands:
# chmod 755 <filename – downloaded in step 1> /*Makes the file executable
#. /<.bin filename> /*Run the file

3. License Agreement
Once you run the binary file, Linux self extracts the binary file and starts installation. It will display the
Cyberoam-iView license.
Enter Y to accept the license agreement to continue the installation process. In case you do not want
to continue with the Installation, enter N to cancel the installation.

Screen – License Agreement

Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

Screen – License Agreement

4. Specify installation locations and Configure Login Information

Specify directory path to

 install Cyberoam-iView
 store archived logs

It is recommended to have minimum 30 GB free space to store Logs else, a warning message will be
Performance might get affected if minimum free space is not available

Specify location of
 PostgreSQL 8.4 data directory
 Java 6 directory

It will display error message if

 Compatible version of Postgre is not found
 Specified destination path is incorrect
Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

Screen – Configure Storage Location and Login Information

Specify Cyberoam-iView administrative password and email address. These credentials will be used
to access Cyberoam-iView Web admin console.

Administrative password should contain minimum six characters.

This finishes Cyberoam-iView installation and registers Cyberoam-iView as a service.

5. Verify Configuration
You can check status of the registered service (iView web application and syslog server) using
following command at command prompt:
/etc/init.d/iviewd status
Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

Access Web Admin Console

Browse to http://<IP address of the machine on which Cyberoam-iView is installed i.e. local
machine>:8000 and log on using default username ‘admin’ and password specified at the time of

Screen–Cyberoam- iView Web Admin Console

Cyberoam-iView Linux Installation Guide

Cyberoam-iView Documentation Copyright

© 2014 Cyberoam – a Sophos Company. All rights reserved worldwide.
Cyberoam – a Sophos Company has supplied this Information believing it to be accurate and reliable
at the time of printing, but is presented without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. Cyberoam
– a Sophos Company assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
Information is subject to change without notice.

In no event shall Cyberoam – a Sophos Company be liable for any direct, indirect, or incidental
damages, including, damage to data arising out of the use or inability to use this manual.

No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means except as
expressly permitted by Cyberoam – a Sophos Company. This does not include those documents and
software developed under the terms of the open source General Public License.

Cyberoam-iView ™ is the trademark of Cyberoam – a Sophos Company.

If you need commercial technical support for this product please visit
You can visit open source Cyberoam-iView forums at to get support
from the project community.

Cyberoam-iView License Policy

Cyberoam-iView is free software, if you are using and/or enhancing / developing open source
applications: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

A copy of the GNU General Public License is available along with this program; see the COPYING file
for the detailed license.

The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of this program must
display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU General Public License
version 3.

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