They Wanted A Nation Should Tolerate All Religions.: Socialism in Russsia

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Socialism in Russsia

French Revolution caused dramatic change. In many parts of Asia and

new ideas about individual rights and who controlled social power began
to discussed.
To do restructure the society Liberals and radials came.

Liberals, Radials and conservatives

Liberals They wanted a nation should tolerate all religions.

At this time at Europe it was said to believe in only one religion.
They also opposed the monarchy system. They argued for a
representative, elected parliamentary government, subjected to
laws interpreted by a well trained judiciary that was independent
of rulers and officials. However they were not 'Democrats. They
did not believe in 'UNIVERSAL ADULT FRANCHISE'. They
believed, only selected person should have right to vote.
Women should not given right to vote

Radicals They believed that government should be elected by the

people Women also struggled for right of vote.

Conservatives They opposed 'Liberals' and 'Radicals'

By the nineteen century they accepted to change some society
structure but they also believed, past should be respected and
change had to be brought through slow process.

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