The Impact of Theory X and Theory y

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Theory X and theory Y can cause a variety of effects to an organization. The impact of

theory X to the company is the difficulty in achieving organizational objectives. This is

because, the manager assumes that employees are unmotivated and avoid responsibility.

Theory X generally use authoritarian management, where every decision is made by the

employer and does not make any discussion. Where workers can not voice an opinion in

achieving the organization goals and workers be lack of motivation. In addition, managers

assume that employees do not like their jobs and need supervision and controller from

employer. Managers prefer make the punishment to employees who do not follow the

instructions. This creates an stressful environment to the employees. The productivity of

organization also become weak and not going well. The punishment from employer make

unrelaxed environment to employees, where employees be more afraid from doing wrong in

works. Theory X also used one-way communication, where subordinates can not freely meet

those superiors without information or important things. It is make organizational more

difficult to achieve goals because managers do not know anything about their employees.

Managers also have less knowledge and appreciation to employees who demonstrate

outstanding performance within an organization. It is make employees not taking seriously in

doing a job assigned. This leading to underdeveloped and ungrowth of organization


While theory Y using enlightened management, which is easier to achieve

organizational objectives. Discussions with subordinates also can make flow of organization

more fluent and effective. Managers who use theory Y are creating more comfortable

environment for employees. This is because employees can give opinions to superiors about

an increasing productivity or company. Managers also encourage employees to be more

creative in making their work. This resulted, workers more happy in doing their jobs without
stressful. Managers believe that employees have a high self-motivation and are willing to bear

the responsibility that was given. In addition, managers use many communication way, where

subordinates can meet their boss any time without appointment. This will create a friendly

environment within the organization. The problem can also be solved within the organization

with the cooperation of top managers and subordinates.


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