Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

B. SC in EEE /Spring 2020 /Intake 19 (Evening)/ Section 1
EEE 355: Optical Fiber Communication. Full Marks: 60
Online Question Upload (Google Classroom): 07:00 pm, 13th June, 2020
Online Submission Deadline (Google Classroom): 6:59 pm, 14th June, 2020

Instructions and Information:

a. All submissions Through Google Classroom. Those who have BW problems may
submit through e-mails.
b. Late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances, as such do not
risk yourself helping others. It is always better to refine and improve your answer
using the available time. Do not wait for the last hours to submit/turn in. Better
to complete and submit/turn in early rather than to relax and wait. Submit as final
answer; do not keep as ‘Draft’.
c. There are Six questions for you. Answer all the Questions.
d. All questions carry equal marks. Internal division of marks is at the discretion of
the examiner.
e. Answer all parts of each question consecutively.
f. Your answer must be in paper and in handwriting, use A-4 size white offset paper,
take high resolution good quality pictures of pages in portrait layout in good light.
You must be very neat and clean. Insert page number for each page.
g. Make a cover page with your Name, Id, Mobile no. email, Intake, Section etc. as
per sample provided.
h. Create one full document with all pages preferably in pdf format and then upload
as one File/Folder. You cannot type and answer in MS word format.
i. If any two or more answer scripts are of same write-up (full or partial) and the
examiner believes that these are copied from each other, then all such papers will
earn ZERO in total and will be reported to the authority as per BUBT rules.
j. It is an open-book exam but copying exactly from books will not be accepted at
all. Answering theoretical questions must be in your own language.

Answer all questions
1 i) For the fused silica, find the group index if the wavelength is 1.3 μm and the refractive [1]
index is 1.447.
ii) Determine the incident rate of photon of the photo detector if the generated electron rate [1]
is the last two digits of your ID and efficiency 80%.
iii) If the velocity in a substance is 2.1x108 m/s and considering velocity of light, determine [1]
the refractive index.
iv) Find the wavelength of the glass fiber if the attenuation due to the impurity absorption is 10 [1]
v) If the modulation frequency is 60MHz and fiber coupled power is 0.15mW then [1]
determine the type of LED?
vi) If the acceptance angle in the air for an optical fiber is 25.4° then find the numerical [1]
aperture of the fiber.
vii) Determine the attenuation due to OH for the conventional glass fiber if the wavelength [1]
is 1.44 μm.
viii) If the refractive index of a fiber core is 1.3 and numerical aperture is 0.4 then find the [1]
refractive index of cladding.
ix) If the emission wavelength at 300K is 1660nm and bandgap 0.8eV determine the [1]
semiconductor material used in optical communication.
x) Suppose, if the diameter of the core of a fiber is 50 μm, cladding120 μm and the buffer [1]
jacket 700 μm respectively and the NA is 0.25 then determine the type of the fiber.

2 The velocity of light in the core of a fiber is 1.01 × 108 m s−1, and the critical angle at the [10]
core–cladding interface is the last two digits if your ID (°). Determine the numerical
aperture and the acceptance angle for the fiber in air, assuming it has a core diameter
suitable for consideration by ray analysis. The velocity of light in a vacuum is 2.998 ×
108 m s−1. Also, find the relative refractive index difference. What type of fiber would
this be? Is it suitable for long distance transmission? Justify your answer.
3 Suppose an input pulse of 1101101 has been propagated through the optical fiber with [10]
the core and cladding diameters of 100m and 300m correspondingly. Now if
dispersion occurs what would be the output pulse at the receiving end? Also, determine
the type of dispersion by considering the propagation of the input pulse over short
distance transmission and validate your answer.
4 Suppose in a double heterostructure semiconductor light source (P-n-N) with P and N-
type material AlGaAs with the bandgap of 1.8eV each and n-type material GaAs having [10]
bandgap of 1.42 eV. Analyze the emission of light under zero bias and forward bias.
Justify your answers with figures.
5 A last two digits of your ID (Km) optical fiber link uses fiber with a loss of 1.5 dB/Km. [10]
The fiber is jointed every kilometer with connectors which give an attenuation of 0.5 dB
each. Find the minimum mean optical power which must be launched into the fiber to

maintain a mean optical power level of 0.3 μW at the detector. Now assume no
connectors attached but if fiber splicing at 1Km interval each giving loss 0.9dB then find
the minimum mean optical input power and determine the percentage change in the input
6 In a 4 Km long optical fiber, the far end of the fiber is attached with a connector, [10]
attenuation of 0.5 dB with the photo detector of the optical receiver. The mean optical
power level is 0.2 μW at the detector. Analyze how the electrical signal is received in the
optical receiver and what type of noise can be generated in the photodetector of the


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