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 Environmental and behavioural traits

 Society / community , state

Drug addiction is caused by various factors few of them which can be
termed as mainstream are society , culture , common belief which decides the mental
traits of an individual to opt for these drugs insofar its mostly unemployment , poverty
rate , education ( how much of a state population is exposed to basic education)
.Substance abuse is common among teenagers as well as adults hence leads to drug
addiction , which is a very problematic state for someone to be in as it focuses on
psychology of the substance abuser . Considering the fact in this case the population
reported to be victim of such problem is 70% of the youth therefore it becomes
problem of the state/nation . As a nation future relies upon its youth so handing it over
to the generation who’s mentally not stable is probably not a good idea moreover its an
inner system problem as rehabs are operating as revenue generating organizations so
the first step would be to inspect and irradicate this inner parasite as long as something
like this is not fixed from inside it will not cure the people suffering nor it will contribute
to nations future due to the fact that there are not enough counselling at this issue so
its also left unchecked but the government which has taken control is working towards
leaving no factors unturned which might be contributing to this problem so far many
drug labs have been shut down in various cities yet the issue is still far from being
considered as not a threat .

Main idea:
Drug addiction is destructive for a nations development

Minor details:

 Factors which can be termed as mainstream are society , culture , common belief
 Substance abuse is common among teenagers as well as adults hence leads to drug
 case the population reported to be victim of such problem is 70% of the youth

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