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In fact, the driven design of human harmony has to accept a concrete translation language of cycle

based simulation Ohold (ix , vect) ; ix=fptr .tellg () ; which has refer to primordial primitive show of

while(! fptr . eof ()) ;

“count a day away to be aware”. This habitual harmony of cycle based simulation has to translate a
flavor concept logic’s show would detail the principles of Archimedes behavior while join-able context

∏ ( 1−n⋅p) α⋅ ∑ n
n iterator (vl )
along over away , p= proportionality= , n→ fptr . tellg () which has to
1− p⋅(1− p) 1+ β⋅ ∑ n

match principles of linear pointer encoding all about settlement dynamics has to straight { towards,
forwards, backwards, current cursor show, set cursor show, …} which has to tell signal traceability

principles of hanging and dependency std ::ifstream :: postype ix=fptr . tellg( ) while proposal

proportionality has to trust turn for countable alternatives across linear pointer show has to guarantee
controversy towards driven dynamics handle principles of optimization ( enhancement and
improvement, it is not a language belongs to theology but it is appreciate assignment of exerting
education across transition traceability which has to justify the interpretation of associate accumulation
has to co-design symbolic support of valuable processing would obey to principles of usefulness and
justification. The principles of float encoding is a significant show has to completely work for stating
the big challenge of digital driven draw description design has to adopt translation language of
existence to be associate accumulation would comply with principles of resulting relationship has to

assume having power of driven decision it ∃Composite R(relationship)→ Minus(among , basic) can

make advance research show in big statement has to face the secret appointment for learning logic’s
superiority and would experience the big smart certainty show across transition show has to adust
moodiness and motivation. Thereupon when things become proposal subject to challenge motivation
has to step results towards a neat networking which could currently agree with the symbolism show of
Adams behavior. This capacitive behavior was running to involve the objectivity of exerting existence
iterative shielding heart has to fight for mobility of open mind show. Yeah cycle based simulation

through respectability of specification Ohold (ix , vect) ; ix=fptr .tellg () ; hopes to highlight and

while(! fptr . eof ()) ;

recognize the importance of basically unlock the principles of higher hearing show has to drive digital
design into harmony show “ count a day away to be aware” mirrors inertly s symbolization meets the
principles of lonely link into innocent images of human behavior. The great biggest challenge is to
search for a complete analysis description can be increasingly important “something much more
interesting is closer to holiness … something much more closer to rightly apply is often remember of
bright clear race of winning show … something much more transparent super well done is to have
moodiness accomplish thread task job around over away … something much more important than any
joke and human joy is to stream innovative insight of a b c wanna want to be nearest furthest …
something much more extraordinary experienced is to wanna want have … be ready to have higher
visual surround talent and moodiness energize translation of projective processing of innocence insight
moving towards great show assures love, success, hopes, enlightenment, objectivity check ins,
imagination, human credibility and something much more often is looking towards a basic behavior of
bright clear challenge of joy support to allow people jump to appreciate level of ownership and
leadership. Something much more version-al and attainable to change all sort of human affect is to
game on or win or gain basic show concern the discrete hidden show of impact has attract people
1− p
−1+ e
achieving the harmony of hierarchy show:: , n→ fptr . tellg () which has to accept that the
∑ n!

highest support for such proposal show is to accept when the countable accumulation has to guarantee

an excitement entry to extra constraint condition show:: limit (n→∞) ( 1 )=0 works to precise that

innovative insight apart has to share knowledge concern the existence of bright image of innocent
behavior has to work for stronger personality could assure a deep comprehension of commonly sense,
and human required need. Thereupon when scalability check hangs on the actuality image of mobility
−1+ e 1− p
could agree with prediction branch states constructive balance , n→ fptr . tellg () which
∑ n!

would really distinguish between the massive management campaign holds a turn show generate
implementable screening show face principles of proposal proportionality speaks for itself as if the
change makers has to highlight the art advance of greeting show and celebrity show too across over

along away driven decision:: it ∃Composite R(relationship)→ Minus(among , basic) which hopes to

predict how rolling rules has to offer or accent on a lot of opinion face or fight for increasingly
harmony of hierarchy. Yeah since Elizabeth was child did get initiative signal to respect her mother and
to listen to appreciate advice coming from her mother got to continue working on the higher aim object
for compete competence for her daughter Elizabeth. This is scalability show goes around inspired

images of std ::ifstream :: postype ix=fptr . tellg( ) which is originally designated to highlight topics

concern backward thoughts about what it would be accomplish in a secret show has to experience the
existence of holly imagination show locates valuable behavior rightly rounds across objectivity. Thus
scalability show would allow much more of commonly sense for existence than any fragmental closure
joint or toggle has to switch between running reality (genuine = something, unjust = something or
( yeah surely or ) anything else) mapping pair which has to put out appreciate selectivity for mostly
likely objectivity around human happiness and the encouraged witness bearing principles of quietness
and worthy wellness speak for themselves to activate the reality of straight forwards transparent
translation show feeling free to make critics around over away while the judgment of situation has to
support hidden soul insight has to time to make pressure on an operative opportunity called “does
someone have right to involve or include legibility of being aside apart? Does someone have right to
link love to someone else there over where can live or survive advantages of feeling show” The human
impact has to empower and enforce a virtual image of absolute expectation keeping making pressure of
human behavior to reach or meet the holiness joy. It looks like a struggling show would celebrate the
importance of human transparency and corresponding witness of hopefulness. The principles of linear
pointer encoding has to grow rounding around straight spins refer or returning or mirroring eventual
evidence of cheerful joyfulness ( do not worry be happy across any distance has to measure the
principles of gracefulness)

Furthermore, scalability show can assure a discrete principles of “soul talk” games on enjoyable
excitement of transparency joy when the platform of unified approach has to confront principles of
human commodity finds itself involved within argumentative fantasy of innocence going to accept the
principles of logic’s pressure around over away. The human respectability has to sustain a great job

∂ 2 progress
shall reserve all sort kind stuffs of challenge= ∂time 2
clear (bottom→up)⋅behavior (differential )

which seeming having great pressure on making things much more running to be involved within the
principles standing across weighing measurable approach can interact the situation of bright clear
context shall adopt principles of transparency and diversity. Yeah it is all about scaling policy has to
admit the importance of diversity where thirty sort kind stuffs of learning concerns or engagement has
to respond to a “lonely vital issue” of answering responsibility raising to shift traveling trips of
corresponding hidden souls to grow with signalization of synaptic show knows pressure of support.
Theological aspects has to enforce the believing in respect of highest holly image of Creator Lord God
would try talking to people at any time only to impose principles of forgiveness and aids help in middle
central image in the heart part of imagination show when the principles of logic’s aspiration has to
unify the mostly like join-able standing around adjustment ( yeah in all sort kind stuff it is all about
doing better and achieving things differently as better as it could be. Knowing proposal subject of
political kindness { free believing, acknowledgment of existence, apology, improvement, enhancement,
reparation, engagement, encouragement, representatives, statements ….} which would bring upon
importance respect for exponential diversity in the heart of surviving happiness within any obstacle
opportunity hoping to join human unit with systematic language of “offering forgiveness any way “
which has to encourage people matching pr charging around transparency along over away while the
principles of dreams has to grow looking for innocent images of trustfulness has to step around about

new look of diversity and kindness of composite. e x = , n=0 , 1 ,2 , ... , N which has to
max( )
−y+ n

offer great opportunity for special access reading the importance of existence. Not only it is about
existence but also it is about diversity when the mount management has great authority to be a central
heart looking for dynamics moodiness staff doing better to support the language of exponential
procedural diversity having to push personality of human commonly projective sense or affect to
decode the loyalty show. Hearing that each object inside settlement set = { five element composing of
triplet, each triplet has to spread in a range space where the meaningfulness of generic existence has to
process in a free dialog of trustfulness :: yeah economy has to believe in the importance dragging co-
design of agricultural industry would offer much more confidence in interference insight show. What a
valid level y( p ) would be looking like? It is a streaming show of “ image that only 20% percent or less
is a hideously experience of loosing hopefulness which is the first holding hierarch of pushing people
thinking to regain a valuable level of owner confidence puts pressure on the pleasure of feeling show.
Hence human attainable adjustment has to round around lonely learning targets manage the qualitative
behavior facing certainty measurement through straight look into innocent images of objectivity and
hopefulness. Let consider p⋅(1− p)
∫ log2(1+ )∂ p show has to grow over around logic’s aspiration

has to make pressure on principles of moodiness and hopefulness. The great job of digital driven draw
description is to allow hidden asset show taking over valid context of modeling necessity can guarantee
the processing show of logic’s standing as if people has to contribute within any intentional image of
hierarchy. Let assume that the diversity of human personality looks like offering range space involves
critics round over away. But the primordial primitive here is to associate cheerful principles for

log 2 (1+iterator (event ))

composite show has to provide principle of itemizing show revels to
1+ log 2 (1+ iterator(event))

“actually, currently, as it was it was about learning childhood again and again, as it has to show features
rounding around over away awhile for innocent images of basic stay :. having greeting hopefulness,
having greatness for forgiveness, having to support original works of hidden souls and much more, in
the future is all about respect of parenthood, grandparent hood, inheritance culture, heritage hierarchy

and much more, --- iterator( event)=assumption(unique (occurrence )) than human person is one

entity composite could obey to principles of existence when economy has to speak about industrial
agriculture looks very useful for healthy stay and much more. Although the principles of this unique
occurrence has to offer principles for cooperative concept has to obey to buy-sell principles guess
whether driven designation of human commonly sense and assets have to respect associate alternative
of initiative show could make pressure on driven decision along over around trustful hopefulness while
basic principles of bright clear human comportment has to support modeling of existence… yeah it is
possible that an innocent image of owner person yeah “owner person” has to put out all sort kind stuffs
of driven description “ owner person → being free to run away inheritance and heritage show, owner
person → it is sensitive enough if there is support for joys, owner person → is recognition of selfish
thoughts and much more, owner person → is lonely learning of real world of dreams and much more,
owner person → has to accept diversity and much more, owner person→ offer sort kindness around
over away .. owner person → principle model awhile over away – owner person → has to adopt
generic show for trustfulness and aspiration across over away … owner person → would recognize the
structural show of hidden souls and much more descriptive balancing benefits around logic effects of
valuable compilation and computation when the intuition has to make diversity show. The ultimate to
consider the great job of (economy, industry, agriculture) → (culture, research, employment) but also
is involvement of (commerce, foreign, finance ) if ( family, health, social) still remembers the hidden
consciously concept of (tourism, youth, environment) sets looking for digital handler to proceed along
over away awhile and for the whole systematic synthesis tools belong to scalability show and much
more offering hopefulness and trustful reign of owner person has to adopt principles of innocence, of
moodiness, principles of safety, principles of commodity sense, principles of heritage, principles of
survival adventuresses and similar show.

In fact, liable linguistic logic’s show has to provide an entirely exploitation system with an appreciate

A=(( measurable:: amount , utility ::tools),(instill ::node ,infuse ::edge))

approach across away
( A ,(custom( event),trust (time)))

where valid transformation of reign statement

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

#define pi 22/7

#define Min(x, y) ( x <= y ) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) ( x >= y ) ? x : y

#define eval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? 1 - p * (1 - p) : 1

#define Heval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2f(2 - eval(p)) / (2 - log2f(2 -
eval(p))) : 1
#define Leval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2f(1 + eval(p)) / (2 - log2f(1 +
eval(p))) : 0

#define Veval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? power( Heval(p) + Leval(p), 3) : 0

#define Wavy(p) ((p >= 0) && ( p <= 1)) ? Heval(p)*Leval(p)*( Heval(p) -

Leval(p)) / Veval(p) : 0

using namespace std;

using std::cout;

using std::ifstream;

using std::cin;

using std::vector;

using std::map;

using std::pair;

using std::ofstream;

float T0 = 1 / 4;

float f0 = 0.0000;

ifstream fptr;

ifstream::pos_type iy = std::ios::end;

template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==( T& ch, hold& obj){

return( ch == obj.key);


hold() : ptr() { }

hold<T, V>(T& x, V& y) : key( x ), appear( y ) {



if( ptr ) delete ptr; else { }

if( pObj ) delete pObj; else { }


inline virtual void SetKey(T& x ) { key = x ; }

inline virtual bool operator==(T& ch){

return( ch == key );

inline virtual float SetFloat( ifstream::pos_type& ix){

long n = (long)ix;

long N = (long)iy;

int m = (int)key;

float a = log2f( 1 + ( N - n) / ( N + m * n));

return a;

inline virtual void CycleBased(ifstream::pos_type& ix, char* ch){

fptr.seekg(ix, std::ios::beg); ch, sizeof(T));


inline virtual bool SeQ( vector<hold<T, V>>& vect, T& ch ){

bool ae = false;

if( vect.size() ){

for(auto& z : vect ){

if( z.operator==( ch ) ){

ae = true;


if( ae == false ){

SetKey( ch );

ae = true;

SetKey( ch );

ae = true;

return ae;

inline virtual void SetAppear(ifstream::pos_type& ix, vector<hold<T,

V>>& vect){
char* ch = new char[sizeof(T)];

T vl = T(*ch);

if((typeid( T ) == typeid( int )) || (typeid( T ) ==

typeid( short))) vl = atoi( ch );

if((typeid( T ) == typeid( long )) || (typeid( T ) ==

typeid( double ))) vl = atol( ch );

if(typeid( T ) == typeid( float)) vl = atof( ch );

bool ae = SeQ(vect, vl);

if( ae ){

float dx = SetFloat( ix );

appear.push_back( dx );

occur.push_back( ix );


fputs(" no object has been found \n", stderr);


inline virtual void RefObj(ifstream::pos_type& ix){

float d = SetFloat( ix );

appear.push_back( d );

occur.push_back( ix );

inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual V GetAppear() const { return( appear ); }

inline virtual hold* GetPtr() const { return( ptr ); }

inline virtual hold<T, V>* GetpObj() const { return( pObj ); }

inline virtual void MakeClean(){

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else{ }

T key;

V appear;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;


vector<ifstream::pos_type> occur;

template<class T, class V> void Ohold( ifstream::pos_type& ix, vector<hold<T, V>>&


T ch;

V w;

hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>(ch, w);

obj->SetAppear(ix, vect);

if( vect.size() ){

bool ae = false;

ch = obj->GetKey();

for( auto& z : vect ){

if( z.operator==( ch )){

z.RefObj( ix );

if( ae == false ) ae = true;


if( ae == false ) vect.push_back( *obj );

}else vect.push_back( *obj );

delete obj;

int main( int argc, char** argv){

if( argc != 3 ){

fputs( "not enough parameters (usage eval in out) \n", stderr);


vector<hold<short, vector<float>>> vect; argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

if(fptr && fptr.good()){

ifstream::pos_type ix = std::ios::beg;

fptr.seekg( std::ios::beg, std::ios::end);

iy = fptr.tellg();


Ohold( ix, vect);

ix = fptr.tellg();

}while( !fptr.eof());


fputs(" not possible to open input \n", stderr);



ofstream gptr; argv[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );

for( auto& k : vect ){

gptr << k.GetKey();

for( auto& j : k.GetAppear() ) gptr << j;



return 0;

sin2⋅cos 2
∫ log2( 2+ 1−sin2⋅cos 2 )∂ θ , θ =2⋅π⋅f n⋅n⋅T 0 instilling insight has to support scheduling threads

around over away:: inculcate, introduce; insinuate; infuse slowly into the mind or feelings: instill a
sense of fairness in a child

instill - impart gradually; "Her presence instilled faith into the children"; "transfuse love of music into
the students"

teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions; "inculcate values into the young generation"
1. To put forth effort so that someone learns or remembers something.
She really needs to instill a sense of respect for others into her kids,

To fix (an idea, for example) in someone's mind by reemphasis and repetition:






And I have instilled principles into him too According to him, it is necessary for a child to instill from
childhood that violence against any person is wrong According to him, it is necessary for a child to
instill from childhood that violence against any person is wrong

2. By extension, to add or introduce something into a particular situation.

You can always count on Leah to instill some humor into a grim conversation.






to add something to a situation. The presence of the mayor instilled a legitimacy into the proceedings.
Sharon sought to instill a little levity in the meeting.

to impress something into someone's mind. You need to remember your manners. I want to instill that
into you. Good manners were instilled in me at home.

Jenna's job performance so far doesn't exactly instill me with confidence.

to imbue or impress someone with something. Her story instilled us all with courage. She instilled us
with courage.

1. To put forth effort so that someone learns or remembers something.

She really needs to instill a sense of respect for others into her kids, sheer.





2. By extension, to add or introduce something into a particular situation.

You can always count on Leah to instill some humor into a grim conversation.

to impress something into someone's mind. You need to remember your manners. I want to instill that
into you. Good manners were instilled in me at home.

to add something to a situation. The presence of the mayor instilled a legitimacy into the proceedings.
Sharon sought to instill a little levity in the meeting.





Having instilled these fears into the wild, she went and pretended to hide herself in the hollow of the
As she ceased talking a new element was instilled into the conflict.

Not to be confused with: install – invest, instate, place in position; connect for use: install an air
conditioner; induct into office with ceremonies: install a new president






1. To introduce by gradual, persistent efforts; implant: "Morality ... may be instilled into their minds"
(Thomas Jefferson).
2. To pour in (medicine, for example) drop by drop.

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