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DR 2

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Bachelor of Elementary

Education – Generalist

Submitted by:
Pinky Mae Dano
BEED 3 – A

Submitted to:
Mrs. Denver Jane D. Dasam

June 11, 2020

Summary, Review, Reflection

Reading is one of the basic skills we must learn. Reading can be taught in school
and even in our home. One of the main reasons why we must learn to read is to allow
ourselves to communicate one another. Being a good a reader is a step by step
process. Process that maybe it will take a long time but a worth taken journey. In other
part, teaching students how to read was also a challenge for those who teach. I read an
article about “Instructional Enhancements to Improve Students’ Reading Abilities” and it
gave an idea how to encourage those students in many ways.

Reading instruction is important material in learning how to read. The article

tackled about the enhancement of instruction. It allows opening an idea of what would
be the changes that the teachers would make to help the readers to be better. We all
know the typical teaching reading is through textbooks. The thought of the traditional
way of learning to read still existed in some area of our country. On the other hand, as
time goes by, there have been some ideas established to enhance the instruction to
have better improvement. In the latter part, it will explain how the curriculum shown
some guides to enhance the instruction that could help the student to read better.

In the modern way of learning, there is a lot of improvement that can be seen in
some schools. Just like what the extensive practice and exposure to print, I have seen
classrooms with such printed materials. It is good to see the advancement of technology
was a great idea to enhance the making of instructional materials to add some
encouragement among students. In making an exposure of printed materials, there
were also consideration and it is the materials that appropriate in the learner. In some
point of this curriculum, it considers the different level of reader. In order to produce
better readers, they assumed to give appropriate materials to let students enjoy while

Commitment to building the student’s motivation for reading was indeed a tough
job for teachers. Building the student’s motivation to read is not easy to handle
especially for those who are not willing. The curriculum suggested some ideas on how
build the motivation the students and it is well explained to reach the goal. The interest
of student must be known in order to apply the proper instruction and the article made it
step by step. The teacher must possess the willingness to insert a lot of effort to commit
the building of students’ motivation.

In attention to reading fluency, some teachers focused to it because in this stage,

they must be an improvement in students’ reading abilities. Every student came from
step by step process of reading and each must contain an improvement. In handling the
fluency of the student, the curriculum suggested other strategies on how to improve it. I
have seen some strategy from a teacher on how they handle the fluency of the
students. There is a particular subject that it requires the students to read and the
strategy used by the teacher was clearly stated in this article and I can see how the
students trying to read the phrase. Though there are some students were not really
good but at least teacher tries to apply all the suggested instruction to reach the target
idea of fluency.

In teaching reading, the main idea of it is to teach students to read but aside from
reading, the students must also know about the simple vocabulary. Knowing what you
read was also necessary in order to know the right delivery of the phrase. Many
students can read but some of them cannot recognize what they read. In order to
achieve the fluency and the better improvement of students’ abilities to read, the
curriculum pointed some strategy on how to build their vocabulary and it is clearly stated
the right way to it. Guiding the students all times is a must. Maybe some other word
might be confusing; you can take part and little by little, explain it in the simplest way
that the students can recognize easily. I have seen also how the teacher trying their
best to let the students understand it easily. They also encourage the students to learn
to words to improve their vocabulary building.

The last one is comprehension. Learning to comprehend was not an easy task.
Learning to read can be a bit challenging but to comprehend was even more. Teaching
students to comprehend takes a lot of consideration. Not all the students are fast
learner. The article suggested some strategies on how to let some students
comprehend what they have read. This is when you have to activate their prior
knowledge to understand the certain idea. As what the article mentioned, some teacher
used it nowadays. They really try to meet the students’ ability to learn and it is good to
know that is effective somehow by seeing the response of the students.

The idea of this existing article was visible nowadays. Applying the strategies of
this curriculum can be seen how the students can read better while they are still at
young age. Making the study on how to enhance the instruction is a big help especially
when you handle different way of learning. Maybe it can cost so much but the result is
very much satisfying. Teachers may not be perfect but they have this mission to fulfill. It
may not be simple but it is a lifetime achievement to you can be proud of. Molding
students’ abilities might be tiring but it is worth trying for. Learning is lifetime process,
learn to enhance strategies to create better outcome.

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