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Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras

Lic. Mayra Guadalupe Jacome.

English III

Conversation using modifiers.

Presented by:

Lidis Daniela Madrigales 201610040023.

April 15, 2020

"To live is to be born every moment"


Andrés: Hi Karla, how are you?

Karla: Very well Andrés and you?

Andrés: Well thank you, I would like to ask you for a favor.

Karla: Tell me Andrés if I can help you with pleasure

Andrés: In my Spanish class I am looking at the topic of sentence modifiers, but

you know Karla, I find it hard to tell them apart, I know that you are very good in

this class. Could you help me?

Karla: Of course you can, come to my house.

Andrés: Thank you very much Karla.

Karla: Let's get started, look, modifiers are words or phrases that act by modifying

the subject's core in a sentence, complementing the meaning of the sentence.

Andrés: then it is as if they gave characteristics.

Karla: Something like that, but its function in itself is to give another aspect to the

subject and allow a better understanding.

Andrés: I understand Karla.

Karla: I will give you an example: In the sentence: "Your friends were late to the

party", the modifier is "your" since this word allows us to give a better

understanding of the context of the sentence.

Andrés: Karla would you give me another example.

Karla: If you look in this sentence:

"No explorer has survived this jungle"

The direct modifier is “None” and this at the same time denotes quantity.

Andrés: I understand Karla, if you like we can have a break.

Karla: Yes Andrés, I would love to.

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