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Instrumentation, Controls,

and Automation
Winter 2009

Manager’s Message
Asset Fault Signature Database
Welcome to the first newsletter for the Instrumentation, Overview
Controls, and Automation program of EPRI. During the past
Maintaining the high reliability of power-generating plants
year, there have been a number of exciting accomplishments
requires efficient access to unambiguous information on plant
in the program:
asset performance and condition. Processing this information must
• Continued growth of the Fleetwide Monitoring Interest
be efficient and timely in order to make cost-effective decisions
Group (FWMIG), in terms of number of members and
regarding maintenance priorities. Equipment monitoring systems
attendees (85 at the October 13–15, 2009, meeting).
are now commonly used to detect and trend anomalies in process
• Development of prototype software Asset Fault Signature parameters that are often associated with component degradation.
Database (1017523, available December 31, 2009) for
There remains an unmet need for accurate diagnoses of plant asset
storage and retrieval of patterns of fault signatures.
health using all available information, such as plant monitoring
• Completion of site radio frequency testing and wireless data, results of technology examinations, operator rounds, and
mesh networking for condition-based sensing in a large engineering assessments. EPRI’s Asset Fault Signature (AFS)
coal-fired power plant and documentation of results in Database is under development, with its purpose to catalog, store,
two reports, Demonstration of Wireless Motes for Fossil and retrieve asset fault information used to interpret changes
Plant Monitoring (1015714) and Program on Technology in observed plant parameters and to advise users on the likely
Innovation: Wireless Mesh Sensor Networks for Fossil Plant cause of anomalies. These diagnoses will provide a basis for risk-
Monitoring (1016188). informed maintenance decisions.
• Completion of testing of automated tuning techniques
to facilitate improved control loop tuning and General Description

documentation of results in Automated Boiler Control The AFS Database software will be employed to enable case-
System Tuning Demonstration (1020370, available based reasoning by a Diagnostic Advisor software product to be
December 31, 2009). developed concurrently by EPRI. The Diagnostic Advisor can
use a combination of actual fault signature patterns derived from
continued on page 2
experience and others that are theoretical to the design of the
equipment as the basis for its diagnostic reasoning. These two
types of fault signatures can be used interchangeably and in
Asset Fault Signature Database Overview.................................. 1
combination. Based on attributes of a new observed fault pattern,
Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol Benefits the reasoning algorithm determines a best match from the AFS
Assessment............................................................................. 5 Database, which becomes the basis for a diagnosis. Experience-
Survey of Commercial and Near-Commercial High-Temperature and design-derived signatures can be added to the database or
Strain Sensors......................................................................... 7
updated as new information is acquired, giving the AFS Database
Fleetwide Monitoring Interest Group Web Site Instructions.......... 12 a capability to learn new signatures and improve continuously
2010 Program 68 Overview.................................................. 15
with use. When the Diagnostic Advisor and the AFS Database
Summary of the Fall 2009 EPRI Fleetwide Monitoring Interest
Group Meeting..................................................................... 17
become operational across the industry, they will serve an
Upcoming Events.................................................................. 17 increasingly important role in industry knowledge retention by
P68 Product List.................................................................... 18 capturing cause-effect relationships associated with equipment
Contacts.............................................................................. 20 degradation.
continued on page 2

Manager’s Message Asset Fault Signature Database Overview
continued from page 1 continued from page 1

• Completion of a case study for implementing automation
logic on a feedwater system startup for a large combined- The use of all available information relating to plant asset
cycle plant, with recorded web casts, white papers, and condition is considered an important objective for any
presentations available on the program collaborative web proposed diagnostic process. The collaborative development
site. (On, go to “EPRI Collaboration,” and use of experience-derived fault signatures as elements of a
then “Instrumentation and Control.”) comprehensive AFS Database will require a unifying standard
This newsletter summarizes results of past and current format for the collection of industry data for use by the fleet of
projects and provides an overview of projects that will be operating units. EPRI is developing the AFS Database to provide
completed in 2010. The first article describes the recently this unifying standard. The AFS Database software is a stand-
prototyped software Asset Fault Signature Database. The alone knowledge base product suitable for use by diagnostic
second article, “Inter-Control Center Communications monitoring software applications, such as EPRI’s Diagnostic
Protocol Benefits Assessment,” describes a previously Advisor product (in development by Expert Microsystems). In
completed EPRI/Southern Company tailored collaboration the Diagnostic Advisor application, the AFS Database is designed
project. “Survey of Commercial and Near-Commercial High- to be an integral module within EPRI’s PlantView Enterprise
Temperature Strain Sensors” describes results of a literature Asset Management (EAM) product (developed by PowerVision
survey on strain gauges. The fourth article, “Fleetwide in Newark, New Jersey), working in coordination with a risk-
Monitoring Interest Group Web Site Instructions,” contains informed maintenance product (in development by EPRI), as
instructions on how to navigate to the FWMIG web site. well as with existing PlantView modules.
The final article, “2010 Program 68 Overview,” provides An asset is defined as a physical site, unit, system, item of
an overview of the membership-funded Instrumentation, equipment, or component. A fault is defined as a condition or
Controls, and Automation program for 2010. state of an asset that is a precursor to a failure of that asset to
perform its required function. A fault feature is defined as a state
For more information on the Instrumentation, Controls, and of an item of plant information that is an indicator for a specific
Automation program, the FWMIG, or any of the articles in fault. A fault signature is defined as a combination of a specific
this newsletter, contact Aaron Hussey. fault type and a set of associated fault features in the context of a
specific asset type.
Aaron Hussey
The objectives for the AFS Database software are as follows:
Program 68 Technical Lead
• To enable effective collection, organization, and retrieval of
experientially derived fault signatures and design-theoretical
fault signatures for power plant assets that can provide a basis
for diagnostic reasoning. An experience-derived signature
captures the signature of a fault actually experienced in the
operation of an industry-deployed asset. A design-derived
signature captures the signature of a fault defined in the EPRI
Instrumentation, Controls, and preventive maintenance (PM) basis database, in a failure modes
Automation Newsletter and effects analysis, or by design analysis or simulation.
• To capture the fault signatures in such a way that they can be
Is published by the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI's) used and exchanged across the power industry. This role of the
Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation Program. AFS Database has very high value because it is unlikely that a
1300 West W.T. Harris Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28262, single unit, plant, or utility will experience all faults possible
fax: 704.595.2862, Program 68 Technical Lead, Aaron Hussey, during an asset’s lifetime.

continued on page 3

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 2 Winter 2009

Asset Fault Signature Database Overview
continued from page 2

• To enable plant staff and subject matter experts to collect and • The EPRI database administrator is responsible for maintaining
save their diagnostic and operational experience in the AFS the AFS master database. Copies of the AFS master database will
Database while using the Diagnostic Advisor as part of their be provided by EPRI to subscribing user sites and will contain
troubleshooting and equipment assessment processes. the industrywide repository of AFS knowledge. The EPRI
• To enable a learning application that improves over time as database administrator will control the content and distribution
new fault conditions are discovered and cataloged in the AFS of AFS Database copies to user sites. EPRI expects to collect
Database by the Diagnostic Advisor’s users. an expanding database of fault signatures from industry over
• To provide a capability of operating alternatively within the time and distribute these as AFS Database updates on a periodic
architecture of multiple EAM software tools, wherein PlantView subscription basis.
will be the first such application.
The Diagnostic Advisor will use the AFS Database to generate
a specific diagnosis of an equipment malfunction or impending The AFS Database will be implemented as a module within
breakdown, providing an explanation for the fault indications and a subprocess of an enhanced EAM system. The initial
observed. The goal is to detect and identify the fault condition implementation will be performed within the PlantView EAM
before the equipment is disabled or fails to meet its service product developed by PowerVision for EPRI. In this use, the
requirement. The most likely fault condition will be determined Diagnostic Advisor software will perform its diagnosis functions
and reported, along with a prioritized list of alternative using the AFS Database as a case base. The AFS Database is
explanations. This capability will enable an automated expected to evolve with time as new fault signatures are added to
implementation of predictive maintenance in lieu of calendar- the database. This will enable the database to learn these new fault
driven PM. signatures and improve the accuracy of the diagnosis continually
as the AFS Database evolves. The Diagnostic Advisor and the
Users AFS Database fit into the overall architecture of an enhanced
There will be three principal users of the AFS Database. The EAM system as shown in Figure 1 on page 4.
users and their attributes are as follows: The AFS Database will serve the Diagnostic Advisor, which will
• Diagnostic software includes EPRI and vendor-provided be a multiuser web-based application suitable for integration
diagnostic software applications and EAM tools. Diagnostic with industry-leading EAM applications. The AFS Database will
software will query the AFS Database using structured query communicate with the Diagnostic Advisor through a dedicated
language (SQL) to retrieve fault signatures and the related SQL connector. Analytical capability will be provided by a core
metadata. Diagnostic software might also have the ability to Diagnostic Advisor reasoner module that is integrated with
update a local (site) copy of the AFS Database with new or revised PlantView using a general purpose user interface application
fault signatures. This updating capability is a planned feature of programming interface (API). This architecture is diagramed in
the EPRI Diagnostic Advisor software. The diagnostic software Figure 2.
will provide the interface used by subject matter experts or plant
The Diagnostic Advisor reasoner will acquire plant information
staff to access the AFS Database.
from a variety of sources, each of which will likely require a
• The site database administrator is responsible for maintaining a
unique software interface. The Diagnostic Advisor’s data source
subscriber site installation of the AFS Database. A subscriber site
API will provide a unified view of the many possible data sources
is a power plant or a utility company that subscribes to use the
to the Diagnostic Advisor reasoner and will encapsulate and hide
AFS Database and has the option to receive database updates
the unique characteristics of each data source. Data source plug-
from EPRI on a periodic basis. The site database administrator
ins will serve the purpose of adapting each specific user-provided
will control access to the database, including access to update
data source to the Diagnostic Advisor’s data source API. The
or to add new fault signatures. The site database administrator
local database created and used by the Diagnostic Advisor will
will have the ability to export updated or new signatures for
communicate also through a dedicated SQL connector.
transmittal to EPRI, to load database updates received from
EPRI, and to produce management reports describing the use continued on page 4
and performance of the database.

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 3 Winter 2009

Asset Fault Signature Database Overview
continued from page 3

Figure 1. The AFS Database deployed in an EAM system Figure 2. The Diagnostic Advisor interfaces

Database Management Interfaces Schedule

The AFS Database additionally will provide a dedicated graphical The AFS Database will be delivered first as a prototype to
user interface for the purpose of database administration and for members of EPRI’s Program 68, Instrumentation, Controls, and
adding fault signature information to the database. Two levels Automation, and Program 69, Maintenance Management and
of dedicated user interface will be required: the site database Technology. After collecting feedback through mid-2010, a final
administrator and the EPRI database administrator. version will be produced by end-of-year 2010. Figure 3 depicts the
schedule for the AFS Database product delivery.
The site database administrator will be responsible for
maintaining a subscriber site installation of the AFS Database.
A subscriber site is a power plant or a utility company that
subscribes to use the AFS Database and has the option to
receive database updates from EPRI on a periodic basis. The
site database administrator will control access to the database,
including access to update or to add new fault signatures The site
database administrator will have the ability to export updated Figure 3. The AFS Database schedule
or new signatures for transmittal to EPRI, to load database
updates received from EPRI, and to produce management For more information, contact Aaron Hussey, 704.595.2509,
reports describing the use and performance of the database. The
site database administrator will expect a full-function, intuitive,
graphical user interface to enter and manage fault signature
The EPRI database administrator will be responsible for
maintaining the AFS master database. Copies of the AFS master
database will be provided by EPRI to subscribing user sites and
will contain the industrywide repository of AFS knowledge.
The EPRI database administrator will control the content and
distribution of AFS Database copies to user sites. EPRI expects
to collect an expanding database of fault signatures from industry
over time and to distribute these as AFS Database updates on a
periodic subscription basis.
Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 4 Winter 2009
Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol Benefits Assessment
Introduction Objectives of the Test Program

In mid-2006, Southern Company Services (SCS) established The objectives of the test program are as follows:
a tailored collaboration project with EPRI to provide support • To compare the performance of unit dispatch using both the
and testing of a pilot project for unit dispatch. Working with ICCP set-point implementation and the existing RTU/pulse
Foxboro and LiveData, SCS implemented Inter-Control Center implementation. Performance criteria will include maximum
Communications Protocol (ICCP) on its Plant Branch Unit 4 dispatch rate, dispatch tracking accuracy, and steady-state
to test the new technology as compared with the traditional accuracy.
remote terminal unit (RTU) technology. EPRI contracted the • To compare the performance of the two methods using both
Instrumenation and Control Center in Harriman, Tennessee to normal dispatch operation and a specific load ramp test profile.
assist in development of test procedures, testing of load ramps, • To provide analysis of the projected benefits of the set-point
and the analysis of test data. The pilot project objective was control implementation.
to test and compare legacy technology against direct digital
Equipment Configuration
communication between the SCS dispatch facility and the
plant distributed control system (DCS). SCS unit dispatch The SCS EMS was supplied by Harris Controls in 2000 and is
uses pulse-type signal communication over analog telephone installed in Birmingham, Alabama. Systemwide unit dispatch is
lines. The pulse-type control is implemented with a traditional through RTUs located at each plant connected to the EMS over
RTU connected to the energy management system (EMS) and dedicated communication lines that are combinations of fiber-
hardwired inputs and outputs connected to the plant control optic and microwave technologies. Figure 1 shows the ICCP-
system. Set-point control using digital communication uses a based dispatch configuration.
direct network connection between the EMS and Plant Branch
Unit 4 control system’s workstations. The set-point control uses
the ICCP developed by EPRI, which is widely used for dispatch
system communications.
The ICCP is an international standard (IEC6080–6 TASE.2)
to enable exchange of real-time data between the control centers
of different utilities over wide area networks (WANs). ICCP–
TASE.2 is being used worldwide to provide real-time data
exchange among control centers, substations, power plants,
supervisory control and data acquisition, and metering equipment
within the electric and gas utility industries. SCS contracted with Figure 1. SCS ICCP-based dispatch configuration

Invensys and its partner LiveData to implement ICCP on Plant

Branch Unit 4 in Milledgeville, Georgia. This connection is Figure 2 on page 6 shows the existing pulse dispatch structure.
through direct digital connection over the corporate local area The RTU is connected to the plant DCS by hardwired analog
network/WAN to central dispatch in Birmingham, Alabama, and discrete inputs. The RTU outputs two discrete signals to
to test and compare set-point control against the existing pulse- the DCS for raise and lower commands. In addition, there are
type control. Three testing phases were planned, each one week four discrete rate signals, T1 through T4. The T1 through T4
in duration. The first and third weeks would use the pulse-type rates are typically set at 1%/min, 2%/min, 3%/min, and 4%/min,
control, or existing configuration, and the second week would respectively. Only one of the rate signals can be true at a time.
use the new set-point configuration. For the morning and The DCS integrates the raise/lower pulses at the selected rate to
evening load ramps, central dispatch would move the unit in develop an internal load set point. The cycle time of the pulse-
as near identical a fashion as practical during the week for each type control is 6 seconds.
configuration. Plant process and EMS data would be collected continued on page 6
at 5-second or faster intervals for analysis and comparison of the
two methodologies.

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 5 Winter 2009

Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol Benefits Assessment
continued from page 5

SC Gen Conclusion

The decision of which method SCS should use in the future is

EMS Firewall
beyond the scope of this study, but changing to set-point control
Harris could not be justified based on performance differences in this
study. The situation appears very analogous to the situation with
Company network
plant control systems in the mid-1980s. At that time, control
system technology was based on analog electronic hardware, but
digital control systems were becoming commercially viable. The
Firewall analog systems performed well, but they were slowly becoming
obsolete. Most control retrofits were not justified based on
improved control system performance but rather on side benefits
of the new digital technology, such as improved monitoring
Foxboro workstation capabilities and reduced maintenance effort.
In the case of dispatch technology, the pulse methods using
RTUs is equivalent to the analog control systems of the 1980s,
Plant branch 4
and the set-point method using corporate networks is equivalent
Figure 2. SCS four-pulse dispatch configuration to the digital control systems. There may not be much difference
Statistical analysis of the load response for each test and for in performance of the two systems, but one is based on modern
several days of normal operation revealed minor differences in technology and the other is based on soon-to-be-obsolete
performance. However, these differences are not believed to technology. It appears that it is only a matter of time before the
be related to the actual control method in service. Rather, the set-point method over networks is the accepted standard for this
response differences are believed to be caused by minor variations application. The more difficult challenge is to determine the most
in the logic at the plant that interprets the signals from the cost-effective method of implementing such a system.
dispatch system. Implementing the set-point control with the ICCP provides
The testing also identified several areas where further investigation an additional benefit over the RTU-based system. The ICCP
may be warranted. One of these is the load rate of change above enables the communication of many other parameters between
480 megawatts (MW). The set-point and pulse methods did not the dispatch system and the plant DCS. Although this capability
use the same rates in this region with the set point using 1.3 MW/ may not be useful today, it likely will be in the near future as
min and the pulse using 6.0 MW/min. Also, there is consistently dispatch systems become more capable of using additional plant
poor load tracking below 325 MW. Improving the accuracy in information. Near real-time unit heat rate could be used in the
this region would improve the unit’s dispatch quality measure. economic dispatch function within the dispatch system, as an
Although there do not appear to be any significant performance
For more information, contact John Sorge, 205.257.7426,
differences attributable to either control method, it should be, or Aaron Hussey, 704.595.2509,
noted that the pulse-type control method does use considerably
more hardware to implement. There were also problems with
some of that hardware during the test program.

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 6 Winter 2009

Survey of Commercial and Near-Commercial High-Temperature
Strain Sensors
Introduction and Background In order to maintain high reliability in their aging fossil-
fired fleets, many power companies are looking for improved
When solid materials are subjected to stresses, they deform, and
monitoring methods for their major equipment in the plants.
that deformation is called strain. It is generally not possible to
One area of particular interest is monitoring strain in some of
measure stress directly in materials, but it is possible to measure
the high-temperature, heavy metal pieces, such as boiler headers
the strain and infer the stress level. Strain measurement is crucial
and high-pressure piping. Measuring strain at high temperature
to understanding the behavior of materials, and understanding
has always been a challenge, but there have been some technology
the behavior of materials is crucial to designing successful
developments in recent years that may make the process more
products, including power plants.
accurate and easier. This brief report covers the current availability
Power plants contain thousands of engineered products that of high-temperature strain sensors and their applicability to
are subjected to significant stresses under normal and abnormal monitor power plant equipment in operation at a plant site.
operating conditions. The vast majority of these, such as pipes
and fittings, pressure vessels, headers, valves, and pumps, are Strain Gauges
made of metal. Although these products were designed with the A sensor that is designed to measure material deformation is called
best available technology at the time they were manufactured, a strain gauge. There are many different types of strain gauges
some do occasionally fail. These failures can be catastrophic and available commercially, and more types are being developed.
endanger personnel and equipment and cause serious financial Commercially available strain gauges include resistive gauges,
losses. It is important to understand why the failures occurred capacitance gauges, fiber-optic gauges, strain markers, and optical
to prevent them in the future. It is also important to develop image gauges. Some important characteristics of strain gauges are
monitoring methods to detect the problems before they become cost of the gauge, cost of the measuring equipment, usability in
catastrophic failures. the field, maximum operating temperature, long-term stability or
Many of today’s fossil-fired power plants are operating beyond drift, sensitivity, temperature effects, and accuracy.
their original design lifetime. Metal failures mechanisms depend
Resistive Strain Gauges
on many things, and one important contributor for several
common mechanisms is the operating time. As plant equipment Resistive strain gauges are the most common strain measurement
gets older, it is more prone to failure. This is particularly true instrument. They can be made with wire, foils, semiconductors,
for equipment that operates at high temperatures in the 800– or thin films. They work on the principle that the resistance of
1000°F (427–538°C) range. As plant equipment ages, monitoring a material depends on its geometry and that when a strain gauge
becomes more important because failures are more likely. undergoes strain, the geometry of the material changes slightly,
The power generation industry has always monitored the major which causes its resistance to change. The small resistance changes
pieces of equipment in its plants, but generally the monitoring are typically detected by using a Wheatstone bridge circuit.
has not included material strain. Instead of directly monitoring The wire and foil gauges are made by bonding the wire or foil
strain, plant operators generally monitor other operating to a backing material or carrier. The wire or foil conductor is
parameters, such as temperature, pressure, flow, and vibration. arranged in long thin strips parallel to the expected direction
The assumption is that if operating conditions are maintained of the strain. This design increases the sensitivity of the gauge
within proper bounds, the stress on the equipment will also be in the parallel direction and decreases the sensitivity in the
within design limits. Although this is a reasonable approach, perpendicular direction. The backing makes it easier to handle
its usefulness decreases when equipment is operated beyond its the delicate gauge and provides electrical isolation from the part
designed lifetime. This approach also tends to overlook transient being tested. To ensure that the strain gauge experiences the
events during which operating conditions may temporarily exceed
limits and cause considerable damage to equipment. continued on page 8

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 7 Winter 2009

Survey of Commercial and Near-Commercial High-Temperature Strain Sensors
continued from page 7

same strain as the part being tested, the gauge assembly is firmly side of the bridge circuit, it will cancel the thermal output of the
bonded to the test part using adhesives or, for high-temperature real gauge. This method works well but does require two strain
applications, spot welding. Normal adhesives cannot be used for gauges to make one reading. It is also important that the two
extended periods above 450°F (232°C), but, for short-term use gauges be identical so that the cancellation is nearly perfect.
(<10 hours), temperatures can go as high as 700°F (371°C). For Another method of dealing with the thermal output is to use
higher temperatures, the gauge can be attached to a metallic shim self-compensating strain gauges. These are made of special alloys
with a special ceramic adhesive before the shim is welded to the in which the thermal expansion coefficient can be controlled
test part. during the manufacturing process. The idea is to make the
Temperature Compensation thermal expansion coefficient so that the thermal output of the
gauge is zero when it is mounted on a specified material. Self-
One problem with resistive strain gauges occurs when the gauge compensating gauges are made for thermal expansion rates for
is used at a different temperature from when it was attached to different materials. If the specimen is steel, a gauge designed for
the specimen. For instance, if a strain gauge were mounted on steel must be used. Although the compensation with this method
the specimen at room temperature, about 80°F (27°C), but the is not quite as good as with the dummy gauge method, it is easier
strain measurement were needed when the part was operating to use and less expensive.
at 350°F (177°C), the specimen would have significant thermal
In summary, resistive gauges are subject to significant thermal
expansion when its temperature increased from 80°F to 350°F
effects, which must be dealt with effectively in order to achieve a
(27°C to 177°C). The strain gauge would also undergo thermal
meaningful strain measurement.
expansion but probably not at the same rate as the specimen. The
difference in the expansion rates causes strain in the strain gauge, Thin-Film Resistive Gauges
which shows up as a reading on the strain instrument. This strain
reading is not a result of any stress on the specimen but is solely a The need to measure strain at high temperatures on gas turbine
result of the thermal expansion. This false strain reading is called engine blades has led to the development of thin-film gauges.
thermal output. Thin-film gauges are made by sputter depositing very thin
layers of material directly on the surface of the test specimen.
For most uncompensated strain gauges, the thermal output will Because the thin films are only tens of mm, they do not cause any
be much larger than the strain of interest; therefore, it must be aerodynamic interference to the turbine blade while it is operating.
compensated for in order to have a useful strain measurement. National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) Lewis
Another component of thermal strain is caused by the change Research Center has developed resistive strain gauges based on a
in resistivity of the strain-gauge material with temperature. This new alloy, palladium (13% chromium [PdCr]). The PdCr alloy
generally has a much smaller effect than the output caused by was selected as the best material for high-temperature strain
the different expansion rates, but it still needs to be compensated gauges by United Technologies Research Center under a NASA
for. contract. PdCr is oxidation resistant and stable structurally up
There are two methods of compensating for these unwanted to 2000°F (1093°C). It also has a linear and repeatable change
thermal effects. One is to use an identical dummy strain gauge in resistance with temperature. Wire strain gauges were made
connected to the opposite side of the Wheatstone bridge. The first and tested up to 1472°F (800°C). Later, NASA developed
dummy gauge is mounted next to the real gauge so that it is at a thin-film gauge especially for use on turbine blades. The
the same temperature as the real gauge. It must also be mounted thin-film gauge is made by sputter depositing very thin layers
on the same type of material as the real gauge, but the material of material directly on the test specimen. The first layer is an
must be unstressed. Usually, this would dictate a small separate insulating material to electrically isolate the PdCr gauge from the
piece of material. In this way, the output from the dummy gauge
will be entirely thermal output, and, because it is on the other continued on page 9

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 8 Winter 2009

Survey of Commercial and Near-Commercial High-Temperature Strain Sensors
continued from page 8

base material. The PdCr gauge is then deposited on top of the be useful for high-temperature applications, but there is little
insulating material. The total thickness of the gauge is around information available on such applications. EPRI funded the
10 µm, which is thin enough to not cause aerodynamic problems development of such a strain gauge in the mid-1990s. It was tested
during operation of the turbine blades. In addition, weldable at the Instrumentation and Control Center, but it never made it
gauges have been fabricated by making a thin-film gauge on a as a commercial product.
weldable shim, which is then bonded to the test specimen by spot In a Fabry-Perot strain gauge, a cavity is formed between the
welding. ends of two fibers. The width of the cavity is measured using
Thin-film gauges have been made using other materials besides Fabry-Perot interferometry. The two fiber ends are mounted so
PdCr, such as aluminum-nitride and other semiconductor that the cavity width changes as the specimen is deformed. Light
materials. The advantage of these semiconductor materials is that travels down the fiber until it reaches the end of the fiber. At the
the properties of the material, such as the gauge factor, can be interface between the fiber and the air in the gap, part of the light
modified by altering the doping concentrations. is reflected back up the fiber, and part is transmitted into the air
gap. On the far side of the air gap is another fiber end, which
Capacitive Strain Gauges serves as a mirror and reflects the light back across the gap and
Another method for measuring strain is to convert the into the fiber. This light then combines with the light reflected
displacement of the specimen into a change in capacitance. The by the first fiber-gap interface and travels back up the fiber to the
change in capacitance can then be detected electronically. One sensing system. The characteristics of the reflected light depend
big advantage for capacitance strain gauges over resistive gauges on the cavity width, and, using white light cross-correlation
is that the capacitance gauge is not affected by temperature as techniques, it is possible to determine cavity width.
the resistive gauge is. However, the specimen is still affected by A Bragg grating is a small section of optical fiber in which the
thermal growth, so temperature compensation for that effect is refractive index is altered periodically to selectively filter the light
still required whenever the strain measurement is being made at a passing through the fiber. The frequency of the filtered light
temperature different from that at which the gauge was mounted. depends on the spacing of the grating. To make a strain gauge,
This can be done by making the strain-gauge rod from the same the fiber is attached to the specimen so that as the specimen
material as the specimen. undergoes strain, the Bragg grating does, too. The strain in the
Capacitance strain gauges are more complex and difficult to grating changes the spacing of the grating as well as the frequency
manufacture than resistive gauges and as a result are considerably of the light passing through the grating.
more expensive, typically about $1000 each. If only a few gauges
Grid Methods
are needed, the cost may not be a major issue, but, if many gauges
are needed, it will probably be a factor. Whereas most strain sensors measure strain indirectly using
Capacitive strain gauges that operate at temperatures up to resistance or capacitance changes, grid-type sensors measure
strain directly. The basic concept is to use an identifiable grid on
1500°F (816°C) are commercially available. In addition to being
the surface of the specimen, which may be naturally occurring
unaffected by temperature, they are also very stable over time,
or artificially applied. As the part is tested, the grid is deformed
which allows static strain measurements to be made over long
and the relative positions of the marks in the grid are measured,
periods of time. For high-temperature applications, the gauges
which is the challenging part. For most applications, the amount
are mounted on a metal shim, which is then spot welded to the
of movement is very small and optical techniques are required to
specimen being tested.
obtain the necessary accuracy. In some cases, a direct measurement
Optical Fiber Strain Gauges may be made using an optical comparator. Several techniques
have recently been developed using lasers and the principles of
Two types of optical fiber strain gauges using Bragg grating
technology and Fabry-Perot interferometry have been developed.
It would seem logical that optical fiber strain gauges would continued on page 10

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 9 Winter 2009

Survey of Commercial and Near-Commercial High-Temperature Strain Sensors
continued from page 9

Several type of grids or markers are used with this method. The by the lasers. A 1-D photodiode array is used to detect the
grid may be small for point-type measurements or large for full- reflected light intensity. Cross correlation of the undeformed and
field measurements. It may also be 1-D or 2-D, depending on deformed intensity patterns gives the displacement of the speckles.
whether the principal strain direction is known a priori. Some The displacement measured by a single laser includes the strain
of these methods that use lasers to interrogate the grid can be on the surface and any translation of the surface. By taking the
used at high temperatures; however, their use in the field rather difference between the displacements from each laser, the strain is
than the laboratory may present problems. One issue is that the obtained and the translation of the surface is eliminated.
measurements tend to be quite slow compared with a resistive Many improvements and extensions to this method have been
strain gauge, so their use for quasi-real-time monitoring might developed by taking advantage of better imaging techniques
be marginal. and faster computation capabilities. As a result, the method has
One type of grid marking system is a grating of fine parallel lines been used for 2-D and real-time measurements. This technique
or a cross grating of orthogonal lines. A typical line spacing is appears at this time to be limited to laboratory-type measurement
0.1 mm (0.003 in.), and a typical size might be 5.0 mm (0.196 but may in the future be applicable in the field.
in.) square. Such a grid could provide strain information on a The grid methods have made many improvements in recent years
micro scale if one examined only a few lines at a time or could as a result of the use of low-cost lasers, improved image processing
provide macro-scale data if the whole grating was examined at methods, and faster computing systems. However, they still do
one time. If thousands of micro-scale readings could be made not appear to fit the needs of a continuous strain monitoring
over the entire grating, the full-field strain information could be system for use in the field. They are more useful for laboratory-
obtained. Automated optical measuring techniques are needed to type applications.
make the full-field type of measurement practical.
Commercial Availability
Another variation of this technique has been developed by Direct
Measurements, Inc. (DMI). Its method affixes an image to A list of some key strain-gauge suppliers follows, along with a
the specimen in a similar way that the resistive strain gauge is brief description of what they provide.
attached. The image is designed to be read by an image sensor and
Vishay Intertechnologies, Inc.,
computer to determine the strain. The image can be large or small,
Vishay provides strain-gauge products under the Micro-
depending on the needs of the application. The image can also be
Measurements brand. The company has an extensive array
laser-etched onto the part for high-temperature applications, and
of resistive strain gauges, including weldable gauges rated for
work is underway to develop laser-etched weldable shims that can
1200°F (649°C) operation.
be applied to a specimen in the field in the same way weldable
strain gauges are applied. The DMI gauges seem to be directed See It also supplies
to measuring permanent strain in materials over long periods of strain measurement systems.
time. They can also be used to measure quasi-real-time strain if Hitec Products, Inc.,
the reader can be placed over the specimen while the specimen is Hitec manufactures many types of strain gauges and appears
in operation on a plant. to specialize in high-temperature applications. It sells weldable
resistive and capacitance gauges rated up to 1500°F (816°C). It
Laser Speckle Methods
also sells a PdCr weldable strain gauge, although it is not a thin-
A variety of strain measuring systems have been developed since film type. See:
1980 using a technique called laser speckle interferometry (LSI). •
The first strain gauge based on LSI was reported by Yamaguchi •
in 1981. In this gauge, the surface of the specimen is illuminated •
by two laser beams incident from 45° angles to the surface. The •
surface of the specimen has inherent roughness, which acts as a
natural grating and reflects a speckle pattern when illuminated continued on page 11

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 10 Winter 2009

Survey of Commercial and Near-Commercial High-Temperature Strain Sensors
continued from page 10

S. C. Schneider, Y. Gautam, and B. G., Zagar, “Application
HBM is a large European manufacturer of strain gauges and sells
of a Locally Operating Laser-Speckle Strain Sensor,” IEEE
a fiber-optic strain gauge using the Bragg grating principle, but it
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 52,
is not rated for high-temperature use.
No. 4, August 2003.
“Strain-Gauge Selection: Criteria, Procedures,
Geokon sells a fiber-optic strain gauge using the Fabry-Perot
Recommendations,” Tech Note TN–505–4, Vishay Micro-
interferometer method, but it is not rated for high-temperature
Measurements, available from
use. It appears to be primarily intended for monitoring bridges,
tunnels, dams, and other civil engineering structures.
“Strain-Gauge Thermal Output and Gauge Factor Variation
Kyowa Electronic Instruments Co., Ltd.,
with Temperature,” Tech Note TN–504–1, Vishay Micro-
Measurements, available from
Kyowa is a Japanese manufacturer of strain gauges. It appears to
have a large product line but does not have any rated for high-
temperature applications. There is a helpful introduction to strain I. Yamaguchi, “A Laser Speckle Strain Gauge,” Journal of Physics
gauges on the company’s web site. E: Scientific Instrumentation, Vol. 14, 1981.
For more information, contact Cyrus Taft, 865.850.4460,


J. F. Cardenas-Garcia, M. M. Wu, and J. Hashemi, “A Review

of Strain Measurement Techniques Using the Grid Method,”
Nontraditional Methods of Sensing Stress, Strain, and Damage in
Materials and Structures, ASTM STP 1318, George F. Lucas and
David A. Stubbs, eds. ASTM, Philadelphia, 1997.
J. G. da Silva, A. A. Carvalho, and R. O. Rodriges, “High
Sensitivity Low Cost Capacitive Strain Gauge,” IMTC 2004,
Como, Italy.
J. L. Green, J. F. Emslie, and S. C. Chou, “The Application
of Laser Speckle Interferometry to Measure Strain at Elevated
Temperatures and Various Loading Rates,” MTL TR 90–23,
U.S. Army Materials Technology Laboratory, 1990.
J.-F. Lei and H. A. Will, “Thin-film thermocouples and
strain-gauge technologies for engine applications,” Sensors and
Actuators A, 65 (1998) pp. 187–193.
C. S. Lynch, “Strain Measurement,” The Measurement,
Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, J. Webster, ed.,
CRC Press, 1999.
W. F. Ranson, R. Vachon, G. Hovis, “Crack Initiation
Detection and Crack Growth Monitoring with DMI
Technology,” available from

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 11 Winter 2009

Fleetwide Monitoring Interest Group Web Site Instructions
Step 1: Log in to
Step 2: Select EPRI Collaboration from the navigation pane.

Step 3: Select Fleetwide Monitoring Interest Group (FWMIG) from the Community Projects list.

Step 4: Read through the Terms of Use, and click Accept to access the web site.

Step 5: Adjust your pop-up blockers for the site.

continued on page 13

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 12 Winter 2009

Fleetwide Monitoring Interest Group Web Site Instructions
continued from page 12

Contents of the Web Site

Content 1: Overview
The opening page of the web site contains an overview including recent announcements, updated documents (a compressed list), and
recent messages posted on the Discussions tab.

Content 2: Calendar
The calendar is not used for registering for EPRI events, because has full capability to handle that function. However,
major events will be listed.

continued on page 14

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 13 Winter 2009

Fleetwide Monitoring Interest Group Web Site Instructions
continued from page 13

Content 3: Documents
The Documents tab contains folders with all previous meeting materials and documents created by the group.

To access documents, simply open the folder by either expanding in the navigation pane (left) or clicking the blue text in the right
pane. To download all files in the simplest manner, select all files in a folder, click Download, and select the Zip Download option.

Content 4: Discussions
Discussions on subjects of interest to the FWMIG are encouraged and will be monitored for content by the EPRI project manager.

For more information, contact Aaron Hussey, 704.595.2509,

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 14 Winter 2009

2010 Program 68 Overview
Utilities need to improve the capability to detect damage to plant Technology Solutions
equipment while preserving the focus of skilled instrumentation
Instrumentation, controls, and automation technology solutions
and controls staff on plant operations and system performance.
can improve plant staff knowledge and provide cost-effective
Additional sensors are needed to improve equipment condition
evaluation of state-of-the-art technology prior to full-scale
monitoring, enabling optimization of maintenance tasks. Control
implementation. Some examples of technology developments and
systems have evolved from analog to digital, with new technology
demonstrations include the following:
available to improve plant performance and operational
• Automation of equipment and processes improves the consistency
effectiveness. EPRI’s Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation
of startups/shutdowns, helps capture expert knowledge, and
program (Program 68) identifies, develops, and demonstrates
reduces unnecessary equipment damage.
state-of-the-art sensing, monitoring, diagnostics, and control
• Improved control system performance leads to more responsive
system technologies that improve equipment condition assessment
plant operation, better efficiency, reduced emissions, and
and plant performance and help to accurately measure critical
reduced likelihood of damaging temperature transients.
plant variables.
• Multi-loop tuning methods result in significantly better
Product Types performance for control systems and lead to better, more robust
tuning of boiler control systems.
Products developed by this program provide guidance through • Automation of control system tuning methods improves
technical reports, guidelines, process specifications, web casts, consistency and enables the expertise of control engineers to be
and seminars and workshops on high-priority research projects. applied on a broad scale.
Program activities address the identification and transfer of new • Wireless sensor networking will reduce the cost of installation of
technology and help optimize the use of existing instrumentation additional sensors, enabling more effective detection of critical
and control equipment, which can cost-effectively improve plant equipment failure modes.
Experience gained through this research will be directly applicable
Technology development and demonstration projects address to existing plants and new plant designs, enabling more effective
critical aspects of fossil plant instrumentation and control systems, application of online monitoring technology to create smarter
including advanced controls, automation, improved loop tuning, components. A list of 2010 technologies to be developed is shown
and equipment diagnostics. Applied research is conducted in in Table 1 on page 16.
collaboration with universities, laboratories, equipment vendors,
and host utility sites. The focus includes automation of key Transfer of Technology Solutions to the Industry
plant system operations to improve consistency of the startup/
Held twice a year, FWMIG meetings offer open peer-to-peer
shutdown process while minimizing wear and tear, increasing
information exchanges and formal presentations by vendors
plant operational efficiency through the development and
on member-selected subjects. Meeting materials, including
demonstration of control system improvements, and improved
presentations, minutes, and other related files, are distributed to
tuning processes that save time and improve consistency and staff
all meeting participants. The FWMIG will guide EPRI projects
knowledge capture.
on centralized on-line monitoring and diagnostics technology.
Technology transfer projects provide Fleetwide Monitoring
A technical update, Instrumentation and Control Guideline, will
Interest Group (FWMIG) meetings twice a year, which
be issued annually on member-selected topics. These topics
offer open peer-to-peer information exchanges and formal
may include instrumentation, calibration, controls, automation,
presentations by vendors on member-selected subjects. Meeting
sensors, online monitoring, and wireless technology. The focus
materials, including presentations, minutes, and other related
of these reports will be on best practices in the electric utility and
files, are distributed to all meeting participants. The FWMIG
other industries. As funding permits, assessments of emerging
guides EPRI research in online monitoring, wireless, and sensor
technologies and their early adoption in power-producing facilities
will be conducted through web casts and documented in the form
of technical updates. A list of 2010 technology transfer activities
is provided in Table 2 on page 16.
continued on page 16

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 15 Winter 2009

2010 Program 68 Overview
continued from page 15

Table 1. Technologies to be developed in 2010

Planned Product
Product Title and Description
Completion Date Type

Multi-Loop Tuning Implementation Results: Multi-loop tuning technology has been developed and
refined within this program for two years. This product will document the results from implementing the December 31, 2010
method on a complex, multivariable control system, such as that found in a typical coal-fired boiler.

Barriers to Implementing Advanced Controls: Modern control systems include technology for advancing

control system capabilities, including automated tuning parameter derivation and multivariable control.  Technical
December 31, 2010
Although the technology is ready, some key barriers exist to cost-beneficial implementation. This product resource
will identify and document key barriers and the path to overcome them.

Asset Fault Signature (AFS) Database: During 2009, a working prototype of EPRI’s AFS Database has
been released with a limited content of fault signatures sufficient to demonstrate and test functionality. In
2010, EPRI will support the prototype evaluation of the AFS Database through web training. Functional-
ity enhancements suggested by end users will be identified and implemented. Significant effort will be
applied in 2010 toward populating the AFS Database with additional design cases using available EPRI December 31, 2010 Software
sources on fossil plant component failure modes and effects. The final result, following the 2010 work,
will be a production version of the AFS Database ready for use by the industry. This product will be a
supporting database to EPRI’s Diagnostic Advisor tool that employs a case-based reasoning process for
equipment fault diagnostics.

Using Control Systems for Operational Flexibility: With a changing electricity production and
demand landscape, some baseloaded plants today might become load-following plants tomorrow. 
Many challenges exist, some of which will require the use of digital control system technology for different December 31, 2010
operational profiles. This study will document the current state-of-the-art applications of controls for this
purpose as well as the barriers that exist.

Table 2. Technology transfer activities for 2010

Planned Product
Product Title and Description
Completion Date Type

FWMIG Meetings: The FWMIG meets twice annually (typically in May and October) to discuss chal- Workshop,
lenges and solutions related to the implementation of on-line monitoring technology. Topics include thermal December 31, 1010 training, or
performance monitoring, equipment condition assessment, data integration, and technology gaps. conference

Instrumentation and Control Guideline 2010 Topical Update: Instrumentation and Control Guideline
will be updated annually with at least one new topic as voted on by the program advisory committee. Technical
December, 31, 2010
The topic will be reviewed, and potential and proven industrial applications will be identified and docu- update

For more information, contact Aaron Hussey, 704.595.2509,

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 16 Winter 2009

Summary of the Fall 2009 EPRI Fleetwide Monitoring Interest Group
EPRI’s Fleetwide Monitoring Interest Group (FWMIG) Meeting • Scientech
was held from Tuesday, October 13, through Thursday, October • Wi-Fi Sensors
15, 2009, in The Woodlands, Texas. The meeting was structured • Instep
with the following main features: • ESRG
• Tuesday: steering committee meeting, new member session, • General Physics Corp.
plenary session with keynotes, industry project updates, and
The tour by Entergy was a success, with discussions held on plant-
panel discussion on wireless
center communications, startup monitoring, operations support,
• Tuesday evening: reception and vendor fair
and many other topics.
• Wednesday morning: presentation sessions—advanced
modeling techniques, nuclear monitoring, diagnostics and On Thursday morning, an open round table discussion produced
prognostics, and sensors and wireless technology the following ranked topics that were discussed in order of
• Wednesday afternoon: a tour of the Entergy’s Performance ranking:
Monitoring and Diagnostics Center hosted by Gary Barnes 1. Communication with plants
• Thursday morning: open discussion in a round table format 2. How to get started
3. Modeling practices: general
The October 2009 EPRI FWMIG meeting featured two keynote
4. Modeling practices: startup/shutdown
speeches: “What has Fleetwide Monitoring Done for Entergy
5. Other types of data/information
Fossil?” by Etienne Senac, vice president of Fossil Operations for
6. Thinking outside the box
Entergy Corp., and “Innovation” by Clinton Carter, manager of
7. What’s next
the Power Optimization Center for Luminant.
For more information, contact Aaron Hussey, 704.595.2509,
A range of technologies was displayed on Tuesday evening, with
the following vendors represented:
• Black & Veatch Corp.
• SmartSignal Corp.
• PAS, Inc.

Upcoming Events
Event Name Location Date(s)

Winter Program 68 Advisory Meeting Orlando, Florida March 9, 2010

Spring Fleetwide Monitoring Interest Group (FWMIG) Meeting Charlotte, North Carolina May 4–6, 2010

20th Joint International Society of Automation Power Industry Division/EPRI Summerlin, Nevada June 7–11, 2010
Instrumentation and Controls Conference

Fall FWMIG Meeting Raleigh, North Carolina, or October 12–14, 2010

Dallas, Texas

For more EPRI Events, visit the Events Calendar at

For more information on any of these events, contact Judy Brown, 704.595.2694,

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 17 Winter 2009

P68 Product List
A recently published report, Descriptions of Past Research (1020371), describes past EPRI reports, training materials, and software
associated with Program 68, Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation. It is intended to be used as a reference guide to allow
members to easily search for existing products relevant to specific topics of interest. This report contains product summaries for
more than 100 past products, arranged in seven technical categories. The products summarized in this report were released from
1987 through deliverable year 2009. All products listed in this document are available for download or ordering from the EPRI web
site, EPRI members are encouraged to refer to the document frequently to assess what reports and software tools are
already available to assist in addressing their organization’s instrumentation, controls, and automation needs.
Report Title Date Report #
Model Predictive Control Demonstration Model Indentification Testing and Simulation Results 03/31/2009 1015711
Advanced Control Technology Update 03/30/2008 1014925
Instrumentation and Control Technology Assessment 02/21/2007 1014237
Investigation of Adaptive Control Techniques for Improved Fuel Flexibility 03/21/2007 1012260
Power Plant Control System Troubleshooting Short Course Notes 03/31/2006 1010262
Advanced Control Demonstration on a Combined Cycle Plant 03/31/2006 1010261
Control System Retrofit Guidelines Update Review of Original Report and Recommendations for Updating 12/23/2005 1010263
Power Plant Control System Troubleshooting Course: Progress Report and Outline 03/30/2005 1004817
Quantifying the Value of Control System Performance Improvements 12/22/2004 1009844
Boiler/Turbine Model Identification Procedure 12/20/2004 1010545
Advanced Control Demonstration on Combined Cycle Plant: Progress Report 12/20/2004 1010543
Advanced Control Demonstration Throttle Pressure and Megawatt Control Studies 03/25/2004 1003738
Advanced Pulverizer Control: Design and Testbed Implementation 03/22/2004 1004423
Advanced Pulverizer Control: 2002 Progress Report 05/19/2003 1008161
Advanced Control Demonstrations 2002 Progress Report 03/28/2003 1004424
Active Burner Balancing Control Guidelines 02/05/2001 1004012
Guidelines for Intelligent Sootblowing Control 12/15/2000 1000410
Active Burner Balancing Technology Review: Interim Progress Report 11/16/2000 1000342
Demonstration of Advanced Control Techniques on Fossil Power Plants 12/05/2000 1001069
Robust Controller Design for Simultaneous Control of Throttle Pressure and Megawatt Output in a Power Plant Unit 12/15/1999 TR-111629
Application Guidelines for Advanced Control in Fossil Plants 12/15/1999 TR-114339
Demonstration of an Advanced Sootblowing Control System Case Study: Application of Intelligent Sootblowing
at PowerGen’s Kingsnorth Power Station 11/15/1999 TR-114420
Proceedings Workshop on Intelligent Sootblowing Applications 12/31/1998 TR-111631
Low Load Low Air Flow Optimum Control Applications 11/30/1998 TR-111541
Survey of Instrumentation and Control Practices in the Process Industries for Application to the Power Utilities 11/30/1998 TR-112230
Advanced Control for Fossil Power Plants 10/15/1998 TR-111674
Guidelines for Inter Control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) Implementation Plant Controls to Dispatch Computer 08/31/1999 TR-113652
Guidelines for the Selection and Application of Power Plant Control Valves: Revision 1 08/01/1997 TR-102051-R1

Online Monitoring
Experience-Derived Fault Signature Database Functional Specification 12/23/2008 1015713
Program on Technology Innovation: On-Line Monitoring Data Classification for Improved Modeling Effectiveness 12/23/2008 1016189
Program on Technology Innovation: Improved Probability of Failure Analysis Using On-Line Equipment Condition Monitoring Data 01/31/2008 1016173
Fleetwide Monitoring for Equipment Condition Assessment 03/30/2006 1010266
Equipment Condition Assessment Modeling Guidelines 12/23/2005 1010038
On-Line Monitoring for Equipment Condition Assessment Model Evaluations and Alarm Settings 12/21/2005 1010466
Application of On-Line Monitoring Techniques to Equipment Condition Assessment 12/20/2005 1010034
Equipment Condition Assessment: Volume 2 Technology Evaluation and Integration 12/22/2004 1009601
On-Line Monitoring for Equipment Condition Assessment: Application at Progress Energy 12/20/2004 1008416
Equipment Condition Assessment: Application of On-Line Monitoring Technology 12/22/2004 1003695
On-Line Monitoring of Instrument Channel Performance: Volume 1: Guidelines for Model Development and Implementation 12/21/2004 1003361

Automation of Fossil Plant Startup Shutdown Instrumentation Controls Technology Assessment 03/29/2007 1015710
Demonstration of Automation on a Combined-Cycle Plant 03/29/2007 1013344
Automation in Power Plants and Wireless Technology Assessments 12/21/2005 1010468
Combind-Cycle Automation Demonstration Progress Report 12/21/2005 1011959
Roxboro Integrated Automation Project 12/31/1996 TR-106803

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 18 Winter 2009

P68 Product List
continued from page 18

Report Title Date Report #
Program on Technology Innovation Nanotechnology Enabled Ultrasensitive Gas Sensors Prototype Development 12/23/2008 1016174
Slag Deposition Monitoring Using Strain Gage Technology 12/14/2006 1012261
Demonstration of Wear and Tear Sensors for Measurement of Damage 03/30/2006 1010462
Temperature Sensor Evaluation 06/01/1996 TR-106453
In-Situ Combustion NOx Analyzer Sensor 12/21/2005 1010465
Demonstration of Advanced Boiler Instrumentation Technologies 03/31/2005 1008144
Demonstration of Wear and Tear Sensors 2004 Progress Report 03/31/2005 1009845
Application of Strain Gage Technology for Slag Deposition Monitoring 03/29/2005 1004821
Measurement of Slag Deposition Using Strain Gage Technology Evaluation of TVA Cumberland Plant 08/18/2004 1003742
Feasibility of Wear and Tear Sensors for Flexible Plant Operations 12/09/2003 1003732
Evaluation of Advanced Combustion Monitoring Sensors 11/25/2002 1004427
Sensors for Furnace Ash Deposition Measurement on Boiler Tubes Technology Review 12/01/2000 1000409
CO Monitoring Instrumentation and Applications Technology Assessment 11/15/2000 1000343
At the Burner Combustion Measurement Case Study Report: Demonstrations of Forney’s OptiFlame and
MK Engineering’s MPV 1 Combustion Sensors 12/15/1999 TR-114719
NIST’s Ultrasonic Technology Assessment Program to Improve Flow Measurement 03/31/1998 TR-111311
Enhancement of the Accuracy of Steam Temperature Measurement by Eskom 03/31/1998 TR-110712
Fiber-Optic Fabry Perot High Temperature Strain Measurement System Feasibility Study 08/01/1997 TR-107212
Power Plant Performance Monitoring and Improvement, Volume 4: Boiler Optimization 12/23/1987 CS-EL-4415-V4

Multi-Loop Tuning 12/23/2008 1015712
Automated Control System Tuning Demonstration 03/30/2007 1012254
Automated Tuning Software Evaluation Technical Approach 12/20/2004 1010544
Power Plant Control System Tuning Short Course Notes 03/29/2004 1003740
Review of State of the Art PID Controller Tuning Software 08/26/2004 1008040
Control System Tuning Assessment Guidelines 12/18/2002 1004425
Automated Control System Tuning Issues, Available Solutions and Potential for Improvement 12/21/2001 1004067
Power Plant Control System Tuning 09/01/1999 TE-113653
Tuning Guidelines for Utility Fossil Plant Process Control Volume 2 01/18/1995 TR-102052-V2
Tuning Guidelines for Utility Fossil Plant Process Control Volume 1 12/27/1992 TR-102052-V1
Tuning Guidelines for Utility Fossil Plant Process Control Volume 3 12/27/1992 TR-102052-V3
Tuning Guidelines for Utility Fossil Plant Process Control Volume 4 12/27/1992 TR-102052-V4

Operational Flexibility
Demonstration of Wear and Tear Sensors 2004 Progress Report 03/31/2005 1009845
Case Studies of Enhanced I&C Systems for Improved Operational Flexibility: 2004 Progress Report 03/31/2005 1009907
Proceedings EPRI Workshop on Improved Operational Flexibility: Making the Most of Generating Assets 07/27/2004 1008142
Development of I&C Stategies for Plant Flexible Operations 03/12/2004 1008046
Feasibility of Wear and Tear Sensors for Flexible Plant Operations 12/09/2003 1003732
Revenues from Ancilliary Services and the Value of Operational Flexibility 12/02/2002 1004413
Enhanced I&C for Improved Plant Operational Flexibility: Progress Report 12/18/2001 1004068
Enhanced I&C Meeting Proceedings 12/18/2001 1006647

Wireless Technology
Demonstration of Wireless Motes for Fossil Plant Monitoring 03/31/2009 1015714
Program on Technology Innovation: Wireless Mesh Sensor Networks for Fossil Plant Monitoring 03/31/2009 1016188
Automation in Power Plants and Wireless Technology Assessments 12/21/2005 1010468
Demonstartion of Wireless Technology for Equipment Condition Assessment: Application at TXU Comanche Peak
Steam Electric Station 11/29/2005 1011826
Requirements for Application of Wireless Technology in the Power Industry 05/17/2005 1011960
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology Trends and Power Plant Applications 12/30/2004 1003733
Wireless Technology Power Plant Applications 12/18/2003 1004905
On Line Predictive Condition Monitoring System for Coal Pulverizers Application of Wireless Technology 11/14/2003 1004902
Wireless Sensor Application Survey in Power Plants 03/13/2003 1004428

For more information, contact Yolimar McCombs, 704.595.2671,

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation 19 Winter 2009

The Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
Contacts (EPRI, conducts research and development
relating to the generation, delivery and use of electricity
John Sorge
for the benefit of the public. An independent, nonprofit
Research Engineer, Program 68 Chair
organization, EPRI brings together its scientists and
Southern Company Services, Inc.
engineers as well as experts from academia and industry
to help address challenges in electricity, including
reliability, efficiency, health, safety and the environment.
Aaron Hussey EPRI also provides technology, policy and economic
Project Manager analyses to drive long-range research and development
Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation planning, and supports research in emerging technologies.
704.595.2509 EPRI’s members represent more than 90 percent of the electricity generated and delivered in the United States,

Yolimar McCombs and international participation extends to 40 countries.

Student EPRI’s principal offices and laboratories are located in

Instrumentation, Controls, and Automation Palo Alto, Calif.; Charlotte, N.C.; Knoxville, Tenn.; and

704.595.2671 Lenox, Mass. Together...Shaping the Future of Electricity

Judy Brown
Senior Administrative Assistant
Fossil Operations and Maintenance
Steve Hesler
Program Manager
Fossil Operations and Maintenance

1020373 Winter 2009

Electric Power Research Institute

3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 USA
800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • •
© 2009 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Inc. All rights reserved. Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI, and Together . . . Shaping the Future of Electricity are
registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.

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