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University of Hawaii

Discrete Mathematics for
Computer Science I
Dept. Information & Computer Sci., University of Hawaii

Originals slides by Dr. Baek and Dr. Still, adapted by J. Stelovsky

Based on slides Dr. M. P. Frank and Dr. J.L. Gross
Provided by McGraw-Hill

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics I – Fall 2011 3-1

University of Hawaii

Lecture 3
Chapter 1. The Foundations
1.2 Propositional Equivalences
1.3 Predicates and Quantifiers

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics I – Fall 2011 3-2

1.2 Propositional Equivalence
University of Hawaii

 A tautology is a compound proposition that is true

no matter what the truth values of its atomic
propositions are!
 e.g. p  p (“Today the sun will shine or today the

sun will not shine.”) [What is its truth table?]

 A contradiction is a compound proposition that is
false no matter what!
 e.g. p  p (“Today is Wednesday and today is

not Wednesday.”) [Truth table?]

 A contingency is a compound proposition that is
neither a tautology nor a contradiction.
 e.g. (p  q) → r

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-3

Logical Equivalence
University of Hawaii

 Compound proposition p is logically

equivalent to compound proposition q,
written p  q or p  q, iff the compound
proposition p  q is a tautology.

 Compound propositions p and q are logically

equivalent to each other iff p and q contain
the same truth values as each other in all
corresponding rows of their truth tables.

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-4

Proving Equivalence
via Truth Tables
University of Hawaii

 Prove that (p  q)  p  q. (De Morgan’s law)

p q pq p q p  q (p  q)
 Show that Check out the solution in the textbook!
 (p  q)  p  q (De Morgan’s law)

 p → q  p  q

 p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) (distributive law)

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-5

Equivalence Laws
University of Hawaii

 These are similar to the arithmetic identities

you may have learned in algebra, but for
propositional equivalences instead.

 They provide a pattern or template that can

be used to match part of a much more
complicated proposition and to find an
equivalence for it and possibly simplify it.

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-6

Equivalence Laws
University of Hawaii

 Identity: pTp pFp

 Domination: pTT pFF
 Idempotent: ppp ppp
 Double negation: p  p
 Commutative: p  q  q  p pqqp
 Associative: (p  q)  r  p  (q  r)
(p  q)  r  p  (q  r)

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-7

More Equivalence Laws
University of Hawaii

 Distributive: p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r)
p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r)
 De Morgan’s:
(p  q)  p  q
(p  q)  p  q
 Absorption
p  (p  q)  p p  (p  q)  p
 Trivial tautology/contradiction:
p  p  T p  p  F

See Table 6, 7, and 8 of Section 1.2

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-8
Defining Operators via
University of Hawaii

Using equivalences, we can define operators

in terms of other operators.

 Exclusive or: p  q  (p  q)  (p  q)

p  q  (p  q)  (p  q)

 Implies: p  q  p  q

 Biconditional: p  q  (p  q)  (q  p)
p  q  (p  q)

This way we can “normalize” propositions

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-9
An Example Problem
University of Hawaii

 Show that (p  q) and p  q are logically


(p  q) [Expand definition of ]

 (p  q) [DeMorgan’s Law]
 (p)  q [Double Negation]
 p  q

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-10

Another Example Problem
University of Hawaii

 Check using a symbolic derivation whether

(p  q)  (p  r)  p  q  r

(p  q)  (p  r) [Expand definition of ]

 (p  q)  (p  r) [Expand definition of ]
 (p  q)  ( (p  r)  (p  r) )
[DeMorgan’s Law]
 (p  q)  ( (p  r)  (p  r) )
ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-11
Example Continued...
University of Hawaii

(p  q)  (p  r)  p  q  r

(p  q)  ((p  r)  (p  r)) [ Commutative]

 (q  p)  ((p  r)  (p  r)) [ Associative]
 q  ( p  ((p  r)  (p  r)) ) [Distribute  over ]
 q  ( ( (p  (p  r))  (p  (p  r) ) ) [ Assoc.]
 q  ( ( (p  p)  r)  (p  (p  r) ) ) [Trivial taut.]
 q  ( (T  r)  (p  (p  r) ) ) [Domination]
 q  ( T  (p  (p  r)) ) [Identity]
 q  ( p  (p  r) )
ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-12
End of Long Example
University of Hawaii

(p  q)  (p  r)  p  q  r

q  (p  (p  r) ) [DeMorgan’s Law]

 q  ( p  (p  r) ) [ Associative]
 q  ( (p  p)  r ) [Idempotent]
 q  (p  r) [Associative]
 (q  p)  r [ Commutative]
 p  q  r ■

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-13

Topic #1 – Propositional Logic
University of Hawaii

Review: Propositional Logic (1.1-1.2)

 Atomic propositions: p, q, r, …
 Boolean operators:      
 Compound propositions: (p  q)  r
 Equivalences: pq   (p  q)
 Proving equivalences using:
 Truth tables

 Symbolic derivations (series of logical

equivalences) p  q  r  
ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-14
Topic #3 – Predicate Logic

1.3 Predicate Logic

University of Hawaii

 Consider the sentence

“For every x, x  0”
If this were a true statement about the positive
integers, it could not be adequately symbolized
using only statement letters, parentheses and
logical connectives.
The sentence contains two new features: a
predicate and a quantifier

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-15

Topic #3 – Predicate Logic

Subjects and Predicates

University of Hawaii

 In the sentence “The dog is sleeping”:

 The phrase “the dog” denotes the subject –
the object or entity that the sentence is about.
 The phrase “is sleeping” denotes the predicate
– a property that the subject of the statement
can have.
 In predicate logic, a predicate is modeled as a
proposional function P(·) from subjects to
 P(x) = “x is sleeping” (where x is any subject).
 P(The cat) = “The cat is sleeping” (proposition!)
ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-16
Topic #3 – Predicate Logic

More About Predicates

University of Hawaii

 Convention: Lowercase variables x, y, z...

denote subjects; uppercase variables P, Q,
R… denote propositional functions (or
 Keep in mind that the result of applying a
predicate P to a value of subject x is the
proposition. But the predicate P, or the
statement P(x) itself (e.g. P = “is sleeping” or
P(x) = “x is sleeping” ) is not a proposition.
 e.g. if P(x) = “x is a prime number”,
P(3) is the proposition “3 is a prime number.”
ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-17
Topic #3 – Predicate Logic

Propositional Functions
University of Hawaii

 Predicate logic generalizes the grammatical

notion of a predicate to also include
propositional functions of any number of
arguments, each of which may take any
grammatical role that a noun can take.
 e.g.:

let P(x,y,z) = “x gave y the grade z”

then if
x = “Mike”, y = “Mary”, z = “A”,
P(x,y,z) = “Mike gave Mary the grade A.”

ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-18

Topic #3 – Predicate Logic

University of Hawaii

 Let P(x): x > 3. Then

 P(4) is TRUE/FALSE 4>3
 P(2) is TRUE/FALSE 2>3
 Let Q(x, y): x is the capital of y. Then
 Q(Washington D.C., U.S.A.) is TRUE
 Q(Hilo, Hawaii) is FALSE
 Q(Massachusetts, Boston) is FALSE
 Q(Denver, Colorado) is TRUE
 Q(New York, New York) is FALSE
 Read EXAMPLE 6 (pp.33)
 If x > 0 then x:= x + 1 (in a computer program)
ICS 141: Discrete Mathematics – Fall 2011 3-19

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